HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 3758 Create SID 677, 19th & Valley Center signal COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 3758 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, RELATING TO SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 677; CREATING THE DISTRICT FOR THE PURPOSE OF UNDERTAKING CERTAIN LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS AND FINANCING THE COSTS THEREOF AND INCIDENTAL THERETO THROUGH THE ISSUANCE OF SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT BONDS SECURED BY THE CITY'S SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT REVOLVING FUND AND ESTABLISHING COMPLIANCE WITH REIMBURSEMENT BOND REGULATIONS UNDER THE INTERNAL REVENUE CODE. WHEREAS, on the 19th day of April 2004, the Commission adopted Commission Resolution No. 3676, stating its intent to create Special Improvement District No. 677 in the amount of $231,000; and WHEREAS, this special improvement district is one of four inter-connected districts for improvements to the North 19th AvenueNalley Center Road corridor; and WHEREAS, on the 10th day of May 2004, the Commission conducted its public hearing on its intent to create the special improvement district; and WHEREAS, on the 21 st day of June 2004, the Commission chose not to adopt Commission Resolution No. 3696, creating Special Improvement District No. 677, based on its decision to not create Special Improvement District No. 676 due to concerns about the amount ofthe assessments to be levied against the properties within the district; and WHEREAS, the City has met with several large property owners in District Nos. 675, 676, 677 and 678 who are willing to make certain cash contributions toward the costs of the improvements in each of the Districts so that the Improvements can be constructed at lower assessments to all of the properties in the Districts; and WHEREAS, at its meeting held on the 4th day of October, the Commission approved "An Agreement Regarding Development of and Construction Along East Valley Center Road and North 19th Avenue" wherein the developers identified therein have agreed to make specified cash contributions to each of the Districts. follows: BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman (the "City"), Montana, as Section 1. Passage of Resolution of Intention. This Commission, on April 19, 2004, adopted Commission Resolution No. 3676 (the "Resolution of Intention"), pursuant to which this Commission declared its intention to create a special improvement district, designated as Special Improvement District No. 677 of the City, under Montana Code Annotated, Title 7, Chapter 12, Parts 41 and 42, as amended, for the purpose of financing costs of certain local improvements described generally therein (the "Improvements") and paying costs incidental thereto, including costs associated with the sale and the security of special improvement district bonds drawn on the District (the "Bonds"), the creation and administration of the District, the funding of a deposit to the City's Special Improvement District Revolving Fund (the "Revolving Fund"). Section 2. Notice and Public Hearing. Notice of passage of the Resolution of Intention was duly published and mailed in all respects in accordance with law, and on May 10, 2004, this Commission conducted a public hearing on the creation or extension of the District and the making of the Improvements. The meeting of this Commission at which this resolution was heard is the first regular meeting of the Commission following the expiration of the period ended 15 days after the first date of publication of the notice of passage of the Resolution of Intention (the "Protest Period"). __u_.... ..._. .._ _... _..._.___........__u.. Section 3. Protests. Within the Protest Period, protests were filed with the Clerk of the Commission by 19 property owners and two business owners. Two of the property owners, representing 1.27% of the total assessable area, filing protests had signed waivers of their right to protest and were not included in the final protest. Valid protests were received from the owners of 18.25% of the assessable area in the District. Section 4. Creation of the District: Insufficiencvof Protests. The District is hereby created on the terms and conditions set forth in, and otherwise in accordance with, the Resolution of Intention except as follows: The amount for which the District shall be created is reduced from $231,000 to $114,000; the assessable area of the property in the district is reduced from 14,963,902 square feet to 14,800,944 square feet, as a result of easements for $UbIiC right of way; the estimated cost to be assessed is reduced from $0.015437 per square foot to 0.007702 per square foot, as shown on the revised Exhibit C. The protests against the creation or extension of the District or the making of the Improvements filed during the Protest Period, if any, are hereby found to be insufficient. The findings and determinations made in the Resolution of Intention are hereby ratified and confirmed. Section 5. Reimbursement Expenditures. 5.01. Requlations. The United States Department of Treasury has promulgated final regulations governing the use of proceeds of tax-exempt bonds, all or a portion of which are to be used to reimburse the City for project expenditures paid by the City prior to the date of issuance of such bonds. Those regulations (Treasury Regulations, Section 1.150-2) (the "Regulations") require that the City adopt a statement of official intent to reimburse an original expenditure not later than 60 days after payment of the original expenditure. The Regulations also generally require that the bonds be issued and the reimbursement allocation made from the proceeds of the bonds within 18 months (or three years, if the reimbursement bond issue qualifies for the "small issuer" exception from the arbitrage rebate requirement) after the later of (i) the date the expenditure is paid or (ii) the date the project is placed in service or abandoned, but (unless the issue qualifies for the "small issuer" exception from the arbitrage rebate requirement) in no event more than three years after the date the expenditure is paid. The Regulations generally permit reimbursement of capital expenditures and costs of issuance of the bonds. 5.02. Prior Expenditures. Other than (i) expenditures to be paid or reimbursed from sources other than the Bonds, (ii) expenditures permitted to be reimbursed under the transitional provision contained in Section 1.150-2U)(2) of the Regulations, (iii) expenditures constituting preliminary expenditures within the meaning of Section 1.150-2(f)(2) of the Regulations, or (iv) expenditures in a "de minimus" amount (as defined in Section 1.150-2(f)(1) of the Regulations), no expenditures for the Improvements have been paid by the City before the date 60 days before the date of adoption of this resolution. 5.03. Declaration of Intent. The City reasonably expects to reimburse the expenditures made for costs of the Improvements out of the proceeds of Bonds in an estimated maximum aggregate principal amount of $114,000 after the date of payment of all or a portion of the costs of the Improvements. All reimbursed expenditures shall be capital expenditures, a cost of issuance of the Bonds or other expenditures eligible for reimbursement under Section 1.150-2(d)(3) of the Regulations. 5.04. Budgetary Matters. As of the date hereof, there are no City funds reserved, allocated on a long-term basis or otherwise set aside (or reasonably expected to be reserved, allocated on a long-term basis or otherwise set aside) to provide permanent financing for the expenditures related to the Improvements. other than pursuant to the issuance of the Bonds. The statement of intent contained in this resolution, therefore, is determined to be consistent with the City's budgetary and financial circumstances as they exist or are reasonably foreseeable on the date hereof. - 2 - - - .-.-.----.----.-- ..------..---..-- ------..-. 5.05. Reimbursement Allocations. The City's financial officer shall be responsible for making the "reimbursement allocations" described in the Regulations, being generally the transfer of the appropriate amount of proceeds of the Bonds to reimburse the source of temporary financing used by the City to make prior payment of the costs of the Improvements. Each allocation shall be evidenced by an entry on the official books and records of the City maintained for the Bonds or the Improvements and shall specifically identify the actual original expenditure being reimbursed. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of . e City of Bozeman, Montana. this 20th day of December 2004. I ATTEST: ~/~ R IN L. SULLIVAN Clerk of the Commission APPROVED AS TO FORM: '6;'~~R TIM THY A. ER "- Acting City Attorney - 3 - VALLEY CENTER ROAD AND NORTH 19TH AVENUE SIGNAL SID 677 SID Amount $114,000 12115/04 Assessment Rate = 0.007702 $JSQ.FT. ------~ ------ ----~---- CDS 1827 TrA2 -- -Boze~ma;; Co"ntry Holel2102 Oregon Pike 10.640 ---- 463.478 ---$J.569.81-~-- 35.542 o. ... 590,080 - - -931.925--- 'Unclevel. Group,I.LC - u,,'-oaster,Pb J76{)1:4!5Q~ _.______ ~::.=__:___==_:_-------- .- --- -.------ __ ___ _.. --------- -------------- 0904-35 __ ________ _CDS 1_827 TrB-1 - ~owstone 4324 University Ave. .- --4.240---- 184,69.4._---_$J,.422.!!6_. ..._ 14.659 0 -424.521- n' 561,246 -- -Undeve~ 1-45-10-0000 Management Inc. Grand FOrt<SLr>I~L5_~2Q}_ _ _._ __.___ _.__. .+__~ CDS 1827 TrD-2 PD8_GaliatinLX___ __~s;I(} RandvIv.1S.L_____ii6.0=___-=-~..Jj~090 $724.70 16.405 0-+ 34,523 Borderslbks 5550 L8J F reewa~te. 380 Dailas..T)L7_g4Q:2~L__ - ___n_____=-_____________. _~----.-Decterslcrfts -- CDS 1827 Tr E-1 Accola Ranch ---ncentenlliali'rail -- 4.680 203.861 $1,570,18 ----- 15,327--~--- 77.876 ' 227,930 - -nJ,'-d.;v.C ~___ Bozeman,MT59715-----==-:::.-::______---- _==--=-==~.:--=-=--n--__-n------- -- .- -- '-T --- ; MinofSub~i21 1 -Jerold Swenson 6071 Jackrabbit Lane ---6277----273,405-- $2,105.82 . --'. .--------0- 1,338 187,477 i Undevel. -OOO4'.2:~},OI,~7 ' -Eierilrade.ML59714 -=--=-redu""'L=-=-=____----------:=__-=-~--------- --. ----... ! County parc.. ; Gallati" Center 1 Costco 999 Lake Drive 13.731 598,122 $4,806.86 47.469 0 10,099.477 10,553,907 i Whole..'" Minor Sub 210 Pha-s;'-'--- Issaqu ah. W A 98027 - _n__ . .. I Club 0904.35-1~5-30 ___ _ _ --- _n_________. ...__ ____~- -----.- --- _____.__n -----~ .~;..l.i.ati~,c;enter 2 ValleyCenler E~I~rp"ris~ . __ 2305 Catron Road 3.578 155.858 $1.200.45; 12,377 0 5.278,508 5,396,930 Molel Minor Sub 210 Wingate Inn Motel . Bozeman, MT 59718 _ ; .____ I . I : Gallatin Cenler ! 1 GallaM Cenler 220 W. Lamme St., Ste. 1 F 3.046 132,704 $1,022.11 I 9,612 0 415,991 513,304 I Unclevet PUD i Phase 1: Um ited Partnership Bozeman, MT 59115 i ~I __~_ i . , .' .~a"n C,,-"l~r ~ _ _ ~2_-+- __ Gallabn Cenle< 220 W. Lam me St., St,;'-lF --'2:'777--- 120.960 $931.66; 10,545 0 385,412 475,897 Unclevel. PUD 'Phase 1 Umiled Partnership Bozeman, MT 59715 ___~.__ ~__~. ______. ; I Gallatin Center. 3. 1stlnterstate Bank AD"!. Corporate Facilities 1.652 71,944 $554.13 6,564 0 1.0.59,632 1,o.8o.,o.49! Bank - PUD --- T PhaSe 1- -.- -- - - ------- ---- P.O. Box 30918 I ______ Billings, MT 5911~918 --~-.--- Gallatin Cente, 4 Gallati" Carin os 74 E. Fieldview Circle 2.193 95.507 $735.62 8,714 966,53 1,295.290 1,368,987 : Restaurant PUD Phase 1 Boze man, MT 59715 .0004.-35:-1-40:10' .... ... . . - --------- -- -- .-,,--- -- __M___ ------~-- Gaiia~.nj:'~nter---~-s::--u __Galla.tinCenter .2?o.\'\',,I,amme~, Ste,.1f... ._Li~!F__._,-_ 85~-':=.~___. $6~!.3._-=---:---.-L!3.16 0. 293,674 359,778 'Unclev... PUD Phase 1 Limited Partnersh ip Bozeman, MT 59715 . 1-40.25 ____~____ ______..____~____.________ Gallai.;n Ceoter 6 Gallatin Center 220 W. Lamme St, SIe. 1 F 0..758 33,0.36 $254.45 3.014 0. 156.636 166,011 Undevel. - -- PUD Ph_()_s~_ 1 _li~ited__~ji_r1Jl'L~IJJe_~___~g~.~~IJ!._~~j)l.1_~__..J~.~------~-_L~.w___ ___._. 1-40-05 I Gallatin Cenler 7 Gallatin Cenler 220. W. Lamme St. Ste. 1 F 2.257 98,322 -- --$757.30 --a:97i.---..--. .-0" ----. 326,520'--- 354.424 Petsmart PU D Ph ase 1 Li mijed Par1r1 ersl>ip 8ozeman, MT 59715 1-40-D1 Gallaji<1_,c;enter 8 Dayton H"d~onfl.argetP .Q,.Bg~_i!-1~__ _____19 .~4~. ___41~,~!;1_.___ __.}3,6.3!..9.? __~~ Q 7, 56~~1!_ _ _ 7,697,669 Discount MAnor Sub 21 0 p~__ Oi scau nt Store Mi" neapalis I MN 55440-9456 Srore ~OL __ ___________________ ____ ____________ -""lIa_bn_Center Lot 9 BobWar<i.& Sonslnc._~1~P~o.~.?t 3}o.O ._.1-,!324~_ ___j1.10L1_8 u __.l2.,3_7L-~__ ___:\..()15)5Q5 3,055,557 . Retail Sport _"-!iD9r~uQ2JQ___ _Eh_ase_L___ ________~f>1L.."uJ<l,_MT5i!!!.01_.____.____. __.___ .__ Gallatin Ceoter 3 Gallatin Center 220 W. Lamme St., Ste. 1 F 94. 04B 4,096,748 $31.554.02 327,959 -0--- 4,584 1,151,198; Undevel. ~ _ __~nor fuJ_b ~ t Q _Lirn it~ P_Ci! l1~ers;hip_ ~ !3_o~~~~!I-'--MT__.PJ!I1~_____ _Qi!()4:15-1-:9~3 :Q3g>lit_ _________~.____ Page 1 . .. -" G.~llati~_Ce~tef Lot 10 POBGallatinLX tlo AD Randy Twisl 9.620 419.047 $3,227.59 2,304,222 4,136,813 Phase 3 -------- 5550 LBJ Fr~~~h?TE.3~. . -~-~------ Dall"s,J:.XL51.40~~3R.._~_~__ a~___ -~-- ______ __ ____G_C!!J~tln_J:.~nt~~_~:p. 220-"Y,Lalllrne~SU~t~ ,JEc~___ Bozeman, MT 5971 5 ----~------------ -----~~--~--~- -~----------~ -------------- --- --- -~-~--------------- 70,288 0 175,904 432,755 Agric/Resid . __..c;9~3}1___ . ~ 1.9t!1. A_v~!1_~e _PJg~_r!~~1~~I~o Timothy C. Louis .. _nOOO__958,~~_~L.J81.20 0904-35-4-01 -30 4343 E. CamelbackJ'3L.J!?10 -----~----- ---- ------------- -- ---.. ~ Xh""nixcAZ 6gQl!L -------------. - - ------~-~-------- --~._--_._---~. ._------~-- ------ ------------- - - - -- ---------- _g010,37 _ - (J___ __~_._..Q.._____ . _ _______ 50,260 posta I __ _~Q~19}9_____C~1~_ ___ j,!,::;cE.o_~tQffic,,_ __~"- Qi!y.QtB<>z~~Q__ 5,992 261,012 ------ B Dzeman, MT 5971 5 service ~--_._-~-- --. - ~..._~---_.~ _._-~-------- .---~-~-~ Gardil1ier Tr..h__ Department of P.O. Box 201001 3.208 1 39,733 $1.076.25 0 0 24,179 rest area S im mental Plaza 1 Tral1~portation Helena,MT, 59620 Gardi ner T'1 Department of P.O. Box 201001 1.466 63,675 $491.98 0 0 11,053 . restare~_ _ _S._i_~_~ental Plaza 2 . Tr~-"-sQ.or\il1LQ.Q _ ____l1e1ena MT 59620 $1 ,354.86 0 0 ----~~~ ___~~rdin~__ Tr1 Gepartment of P.O. Box 201 001 4.038 175,906 30.436 ; rest area Simmental Plaza : 3 Transportation Helena. MT 59620 ---- I --Gardiner ----. ~I!:~~--~ _ _A_~_~_~_Sim~_rTI~!._ .... ...l~rJllT1e_ntal W-"-\'_____-j, ._.7,4:Q&...___ 322.600____ $2,~4.73 24.267 0 ~EMPT 1,566,519 ' CatOe Simmental Plaza i 1 Association Bozeman, MT 5971 5 1 ,482,133 ~6_ ------C;ardjner TrX_ AVATAR, LLC 2057 Tople Tree Rd. 11.340 493,970 53,804.66 37,097 0 3,900,682 4,066,096 I Auto Dealer Si mmenta1piaza i 2A .!?Q~~.rJ_EQ"_rg_~__ Bozeman, MT 5971 5 I I -~~ 1-09-02 ------------ ----. --------~----- n' 1 925 Dead Man's Gulcl1 _ 180,26,iL __ .....J,~II..B~4r. 14.313 0 1 ,392,105 1,441,131 ;Container , Gardiner Tr3 Boie & Kindt Partnersh ip 4.138 Slmmerlt-ai Plaza- : 1 DBA~MT~Dnjain_ergQr!>. Bozeman, MT 5971 6 ,___~L_ 1-09-01 MCC --- ' . ---- -~--~----~- 51 ,365.30 14.106 0 1 ,065,997 1,114,236 I Retail Rental ; Gard iner ~ Tr3 Mach inerv Power & EQu ip. P.O. Box 3562 ' 4.069 , 177,261 ISimmental Plaza' 2 CAT Rental .S,~~!tIe, WA 96124-3562 Store 4-30-09 0904-35 --_._~ I ! ---. 87,43!____~~_~~~~___--+-----L-368 7,401 274,287 298,481 MI .&Disl Gardiner ____Tr 4 Gi boon Gu itar MCPA, Mass {TN) Assoc. 2.007 Simmental Plaza 1 Gibson Guitar Corp. I ~9__97 309 Plus Pari< Bfvd. Nashville, TN 37217-1005 I Gardiner Tr4 _ (3tb_s:()~_ G~i~~___ ... 2.167 94 ,384 5726.97 7.905 --,~_~&.32__ !_1.?Q!>.667 1 ,232,766 Mlg, &Dist ---- I .. S immental Plaza 2 J 4-:!0:08 i --------_._---------_.~- --j . . _--====:2.ooL-=--~!!..7,~31'~:.._,__~-J~7}.42_- . 7,401 296.461 Undev. i _~~ln_er _ ______~__~son Guitar 7,356 274,287 ; Simmentat Plaza _ __ ___~__ Gardiner Tr4 ______limothv Horto~_ P.Q, ~Qx20)5______~_ 2.167 94,384 5726.97 7,107 0 1,145,832 1,171,113 Produce Dist S_imm~ntal_~_______.1___1otermountain Produce BDzemal1"MI'@'77.1,~35__ ___ ------~- & Warehouse_" --------~- --~-_._. $520.93 5,463 0 691 ,202 709,6&3 Restaurant Gard iner ..:rrJj- . . DD.u_b."U>_t!QI<1i~ 145 Rawhide Rjd~e Rd. 1.553 67,634 l ~tmmental Plaza ! 1 Mackenzie River Pizza Bozeman, MT 59718 _-i-_~a___._+_ ----- .. .. -. --- ---- ---~ __ Gardiner ______ Ir6 David M. Mac Don a~d ,20~5 N_22_n.d_~~~SlIit..i..__ $)tII~_~_l!t~LPJaza 1 Boze mao. MI~718-~796 __' -~---~ _ ___ 4-iJ~12 ----------- --------- --------- _ ____________ _______ _ __ Rt~~_anj N. Stefa_nj __ _1 ~ _t-!{)_r1~ .s ierra i;)~~~ - -- - -------- ----- u__~E'1, MT 59118-72QL_ ------.~. .- _~~Ln_~__.. ----------- -- $725.18----- Ir6 David M. MacDon aid 2055 N 22 nd Ave, Suite 4 _~JjU._ 94,153 0 0 __339.205 357,335 Untlev. _ _ ~jm men tal P1aza 2__ B oz~ma"'--l>fL 59718-2796 ~-11_ ---- -- --p--- ..~--- --------- R.ich C!-:d: ~._ .$t~i~n i 48 North Sierra Drive --~---~ Bozeman, MT 59718-7202 ; ----------. ------------------ --- --------- --7,434-------0- - . ___ GardineF _ Tr 6 fra l1_k_ ~_ ~ _Q~ Armknecht 9748 CouQ ar Dr. 2.140 93,220 m,~-"-OQ __ 987,709 1,013,093 Wholesale S.mmental P~a~_ __~_ \,iall'1Y _GI?.>s & WIndow Bozem.'!'1!,tL59718. : Glass SUpj)1v _ _4-08,10 ~nef _ _ J::~__ _ _ TI1_ o-fD~s & Sharon Re~ner 1711 WillowWay 2.187 95 ,262 $733.73 ' .-7.848---.0'.-----611;523 786,815 Shipj)ing __~~_~~f!1a1 pjaza 4 luxT~~~J ,Bo~"",-a.n ~ MT 59718 --_._-~-_.+-- __4.-08-09 -~--~------ - ------~_.._~----~ - ------------>--------- ___~~inef Ir7 IFP Enterplises L LC 1891 Boot Hi II CI. 1.980 . 86,244 $&64.27 0 2.485 296,393 311,317 :Untlev. Simmetltal p@.~_._ 1 Bozeman ~.g:r~________ _.4:<18_-07 .._~_.~-- -----~-- Gard in er Th a mas Reiner ------+----. --. $726.97 ----- 7.503 0 690.41B 714,253 Shjppincg ----~~! m 1711 Wil",~ 2.167 94,384 Sim mental Plaza 2 lux T ral1srer Bozeman, MT 59718 -- 4-08-08 - -----~-~ -~~----~--~-~-- Gardin er 7r7 Montt>iil Co P.O. Box 28606 1.980 86 50 $664.32 0 0 298,393 311,316 Patking Sjmmerttal P1aza 3 UPS A Uanta GA 30358-0606 4-08-06 ~----- $726.97 0 51B 649,984 738,716 . Parcel Ship. Gardiner Ir7 Montt>ill Corp. P.O. Box 28606 2.167 94',384 S im mernal Plaza 4 UPS A tlanta.GA 30358-0606 -------~~~ ' Service 4-08-05 ---------..-.--~-~r-----.------- ----------r--- .- .------~-~~--- . , O~- Gardiner T r 8 SKA. I ncJ 5851 E. Ba,d'"rLn: -----'1:301---r--56~OO9 .__.m_ - $436.47 .-- 5,601 1,070,863 1,086,270 ; Mfg .&Disl. . _Si!!lf!1_e_~LP!~ ___ _1_____ _. __ ____1~:ng~~_9_n Prf!cast Bozem~!l.L..r,.fL~~_~_~__ . _______--+~_________~~__~~_ I I 4-08-01 __ q~!~iner Ir8 SI(A. IncJ_ __ __5.~1XB_"~.hr!._. . JJ}.1. __ mL__.9.?&n___ , 5714.1!Lmm~6_ 0 346.787 371 ,283 ' SIof0ge S immental Plaza 2 Anderson- Precast Bozeman, MT 59715 . 'Yard ! --~-- ------~~------.------ 2132-- 92.857 5715.21 ----- ~---- _.~-----~- -~~-----~--~-~-- --- ilJndev Gardi ner Tr8 SKA, Inc. 5851 E. Baxter Ln. 8.4 36 0 346.898 371.402 Simmental Plaza 3 ___ m__ , ___.B.Q.z.e"'a,n~~~?j~_____. ______________ ------~--------- ---~~~. I 4-08-03 ; ; . , _ 2?~19.~i!~,;I.'.Iiew Dr. S. _~-n-2"1:!;\.- _.,--.---.-J!~__5715.58....__....Q. -.--->----~__J ~g!!!er_______. Tr8 __ Q_~ _fj~}:~~r Co:_ 0 312.388 328.444 ! Undev. I ! Si mrTH::!ntal Plaza 4 Des Moines, WA 98198 4_-06-04 -- ---~-----_.----~---------.- -----~------------+--------..:.-~--~ --~~ -------~------------- 111,036,21___nJQ~B4_L___1.___0 _J?~2()L_--,_~JI,~7 n, ,LUD(j~._ LewLs&, <;;Iark __ ----- ---------- _,MLF\'>'P_________.EJJ.,E3ox 200701 ~2._B_~ __ _ _.h4.3?,~~3_ State La n ds Helena, MT 59620-0701 ; i n _~9ci'2..R~____ --~---------- ----~-------~- ------~-. ~._------+-~---_._--~~ -----~---_._-- ..-----~-__1 , _ __ ~ . __ ._~___ .-i~_ ____~___..___ ! ~~----~ - - ~- ~ - -~1 TOTALS 339.7.~.___ _14.800,~ ,~,21",!81..__ 61,673, 399 ----- ---- Page 3