HomeMy WebLinkAbout21- Findings of Fact - Bridger Meadows Major Subdivision, App 20351Page 1 of 33 20351, Findings of Fact for the Bridger Meadows Major Subdivision Public Hearing Date: Planning Board June 21, 2021 at 6:00 via WebEx. City Commission, July 20, 2021 at 6:00 pm via WebEx. Project Description: Preliminary plat to create a major subdivision that includes 16 residential lots and 5 common open space lots. The development also includes a 7.15 acre wildlife refuge and wetland preservation site and 1.72 acres of open space. The property is zoned R-1. This project is associated with and dependent on Planned Unit Development (PUD) application number 20350. Six relaxations are requested with the PUD application. Project Location: S31, T01S, R05E, C.O.S. 885 TRACT NW4SE4, 12 acres, Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana City Commission Decision: The application does not conform to standards and is not sufficient for approval. Planning Board Motion: Having reviewed and considered the application materials, public comment, and all the information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application 20351 and move to recommend approval of the Bridger Meadows subdivision with conditions and subject to all applicable code provisions. Commission Motion: “Having reviewed and considered the application materials, public comment, and all the information presented, I find that the findings in the staff report for application 20351 are not met as a result of the Commission’s actions on the PUD because the proposal no longer meets the zoning requirements.” Report Date: August 9, 2021 Staff Contact: Sarah Rosenberg, Associate Planner Lance Lehigh, Project Engineer Agenda Item Type: Action (Quasi-judicial) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Project Summary The property owner and applicant submitted a preliminary plat application to create 16 residential lots and five common open space lots on 11.87 acres. The development also DocuSign Envelope ID: A85CC33F-BD9E-4BFC-9C48-4EEFDF7D45B7 20351, Findings of Fact for the Bridger Meadows Major Subdivision Page 2 of 33 includes a 7.15 acre wildlife refuge and wetland preservation site, and 1.72 acres of open space. The site is presently vacant and surrounded by residential subdivisions to the north and east, a commercial development to the south and Glen Rotary Park to the west. The site is accessed from Birdie Drive to the east and emergency vehicle access from Commercial Drive to the south. The property is zoned R-1. This preliminary plat application is affiliated with a Preliminary PUD, application 20350. The Design Review Board (DRB) reviewed the PUD on Wednesday, June 9 and recommended approval of the PUD 5-0. Video of the meeting can be found here: https://bozeman.granicus.com/player/clip/99?view_id=1&redirect=true Six relaxations to the Bozeman Municipal Code (BMC) zoning regulations were proposed with the PUD application: 1. 38.400.010.A.8. A relaxation from the requirement for a second means of public access to the site. 2. 38.400.010.A.9. A relaxation to allow for a cul-de-sac. 3. 38.400.020.A.2. A relaxation from the 60’ width right of way requirement, instead providing a 50’ width. 4. 38.400.080. A relaxation from the requirement to provide a sidewalk along both sides of the street with only one side of the street having a sidewalk. 5. 38.410.040.B. A relaxation from the block length requirements. 6. 38.410.100.A.2. A relaxation from the requirements to reduce the watercourse setback for lots 4 through 14, which is 50 feet. The final decision for a Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat with less than 50 lots must be made within 60 working days of the date it was deemed adequate. The Development Review Committee (DRC) deemed the application adequate for continued review on May 19, 2021. Pursuant to BMC 38.240.130 the city commission must approve, conditionally approve or deny the subdivision application by August 11, 2021, unless there is a written extension from the developer, not to exceed one year. The Planning Board reviewed this application on Monday, June 21. Public comment was taken at the meeting and many in opposition to the project cited concerns with impacts to the wetlands, access to the property, and how the development impacts the properties that abut the development. The Planning Board found that the application does satisfy the goals of the Growth Policy and although there are some serious site constraints, it is an infill project that meets subdivision standards. They recommended approval of the preliminary plat 5-1. Video of the meeting can be found here: https://bozeman.granicus.com/player/clip/104?view_id=1&redirect=true DocuSign Envelope ID: A85CC33F-BD9E-4BFC-9C48-4EEFDF7D45B7 20351, Findings of Fact for the Bridger Meadows Major Subdivision Page 3 of 33 Public comment was received in both support and opposition of the project. The public comment can be found at this link: https://weblink.bozeman.net/WebLink/Browse.aspx?id=237629&dbid=0&repo=BOZEMA N&cr=1 The City Commission held a public hearing on the application on July 20, 2021. Based on the vote to deny the Planned Unit Development as outlined in application 20350 Findings of Fact for the Bridger Meadows PUD, a new motion was made by the City Commission: “Having reviewed and considered the application materials, public comment, and all the information presented, I find that the findings in the staff report for application 20351 are not met as a result of the Commission’s actions on the PUD because the proposal no longer meets the zoning requirements.” Upon further discussion of the amended motion, the City Commission made individual findings that the application does not meet the zoning criteria due to the denial of the PUD application. The findings of fact for PUD application 20350 form the basis for denial of preliminary plat application 20351 and are incorporated by reference and attached to these findings of fact. The Commission unanimously voted in favor of the motion, therefore denying the preliminary plat application. A summary of the Commission’s findings can be found below in Section 7 – Findings of Fact, Order of Appeal and Provisions. Analysis of the Commission’s alternative findings can be found in Section 6 – Staff Analysis and Findings, subsection 4. Video of the City Commission hearing can be found at this link: https://bozeman.granicus.com/player/clip/117?view_id=1&redirect=true DocuSign Envelope ID: A85CC33F-BD9E-4BFC-9C48-4EEFDF7D45B7 20351, Findings of Fact for the Bridger Meadows Major Subdivision Page 4 of 33 TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ....................................................................................................................................... 1 Project Summary..................................................................................................................................... 1 SECTION 1 - MAP SERIES ................................................................................................................................... 5 SECTION 2 – REQUESTED RELAXATIONS................................................................................................... 9 SECTION 3 – STAFF RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL ................................................ 9 SECTION 4 - CODE REQUIREMENTS REQUIRING PLAT CORRECTIONS ...................................... 14 SECTION 5 - RECOMMENDATIONS AND ACTIONS .............................................................................. 18 SECTION 6 - STAFF ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS ...................................................................................... 18 Applicable Subdivision Review Criteria, Section 38.240.130.A.5.b, BMC. ..................... 18 Primary Subdivision Review Criteria, Section 76-3-608 ...................................................... 21 Preliminary Plat Supplements ........................................................................................................ 25 SECTION 7 - FINDINGS OF FACT, ORDER AND APPEAL PROVISIONS .......................................... 30 APPENDIX A –PROJECT SITE ZONING AND GROWTH POLICY ........................................................ 32 APPENDIX B – NOTICING AND PUBLIC COMMENT ............................................................................. 32 APPENDIX C – PROJECT BACKGROUND ................................................................................................... 32 APPENDIX D - OWNER INFORMATION and Reviewing Staff ............................................................ 33 ATTACHMENTS .................................................................................................................................................. 33 DocuSign Envelope ID: A85CC33F-BD9E-4BFC-9C48-4EEFDF7D45B7 20351, Findings of Fact for the Bridger Meadows Major Subdivision Page 5 of 33 SECTION 1 - MAP SERIES Figure 1. Zoning classification DocuSign Envelope ID: A85CC33F-BD9E-4BFC-9C48-4EEFDF7D45B7 Page 6 of 33 Figure 2. Preliminary Plat DocuSign Envelope ID: A85CC33F-BD9E-4BFC-9C48-4EEFDF7D45B7 20351, Findings of Fact for the Bridger Meadows Major Subdivision Page 7 of 33 Figure 3. Application Illustrative Plan DocuSign Envelope ID: A85CC33F-BD9E-4BFC-9C48-4EEFDF7D45B7 20351, Findings of Fact for the Bridger Meadows Major Subdivision Page 8 of 33 Figure 4. Application Watercourse Exhibit DocuSign Envelope ID: A85CC33F-BD9E-4BFC-9C48-4EEFDF7D45B7 Page 9 of 33 SECTION 2 – REQUESTED RELAXATIONS There are no variances requested with this subdivision application. The associated PUD requested six relaxations. Analysis of the requested relaxations is provided under the PUD staff report. To enable understanding of why the proposed plat does not comply with typical standards, the relaxations are listed here: 1. 38.400.010.A.8. A relaxation from the requirement for a second means of public access to the site. 2. 38.400.010.A.9. A relaxation to allow for a cul-de-sac. 3. 38.400.020.A.2. A relaxation from the 60’ width right of way requirement, instead providing a 50’ width. 4. 38.400.080. A relaxation from the requirement to provide a sidewalk along both sides of the street with only one side of the street having a sidewalk. 5. 38.410.040.B. A relaxation from the block length requirements to allow for a longer block length. 6. 38.410.100.A.2. A relaxation from the requirements to reduce the watercourse setback for lots 4 through 14, which is 50 feet. The City Commission did not approve the PUD and therefore, the subdivision must comply with all standards as presented in the municipal code. SECTION 3 – STAFF RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Please note that these conditions were proposed in addition to any required code provisions identified in this report for the application to be able to satisfy the requirements of the municipal code. These conditions are specific to the preliminary plat application. Staff has considered the impacts as identified in the staff analysis and application materials and these conditions of approval are reasonably related and roughly proportionate to the development. 1. BMC 38.220.070. The applicant shall submit with the application for final plat review and approval, a written narrative stating how each of the conditions of preliminary plat approval and noted code provisions have been satisfactorily addressed. This narrative shall be in sufficient detail to direct the reviewer to the appropriate plat, plan, sheet, note, covenant, etc. in the submittal. 2. BMC 38.220.070.A.7. Simultaneously with filing of the final plat, in conjunction with required or offered dedications, the subdivider (or owner of the property being subdivided if the owner is not the subdivider) shall transfer ownership to the property owners’ association (POA) of any open space proposed to be conveyed to the POA and DocuSign Envelope ID: A85CC33F-BD9E-4BFC-9C48-4EEFDF7D45B7 20351, Findings of Fact for the Bridger Meadows Major Subdivision Page 10 of 33 all its right, title, and interest in any improvements made to such parkland or open space. For the transfer of real property, the subdivider or owner of the property shall submit with the application for final plat a warranty deed or other instrument acceptable to the City Attorney transferring fee simple ownership to the POA and associated realty transfer certificate. The subdivider or owner of the property must record the deed or instrument at the time of recording of the final plat. For personal property installed upon open space owned by the property owners association, the subdivider shall provide an instrument acceptable to the City Attorney transferring all its rights, title and interest in such improvements including all applicable warranties to such improvements. 3. BMC 38.240.150.A.3. Deeds and Realty transfer certificates must be provided for transfer of any platted tract to the City or other entity in association with filing of the final plat. 4. BMC 38.410.060.A. The final plat must provide and depict all necessary utility easements and they must be described, dimensioned and shown on each subdivision block of the final plat in their true and correct location. 5. BMC 38.220.320. In order to disclose to future purchasers their obligations regarding open space established in the municipal code the following language shall be included on the Conditions of Approval Sheet of the final plat: “As established by 38.220.320.A, 38.340.150.A.3.d, and other applicable elements of the municipal code, ownership of all common open space areas and trails, and responsibility of maintenance thereof and for city assessments levied on the common open space lands shall be that of the property owners’ association. Maintenance responsibility shall include, in addition to the common open space and trails, all vegetative ground cover, and irrigation systems in the public right-of-way boulevard strips along all external perimeter development streets and as adjacent to public parks or other common open space areas. All areas within the subdivision that are designated herein as common open space including trails are for the use and enjoyment by residents of the development and the general public. The property owners’ association shall be responsible for levying annual assessments to provide for the maintenance, repair, and upkeep of all common open space areas and trails. At the same time of recording the final plat of the subdivision the subdivider shall transfer ownership of all common open space areas within each phase to the property owners’ association created by the subdivider to maintain all common open space areas within Bridger Meadows subdivision. The City may release the Bridger Meadows Property Owners’ Association from the obligation to maintain parks dedicated to the City at the City’s discretion.” DocuSign Envelope ID: A85CC33F-BD9E-4BFC-9C48-4EEFDF7D45B7 20351, Findings of Fact for the Bridger Meadows Major Subdivision Page 11 of 33 6. Codes, Covenants & Restrictions must be updated and submitted with final plat to be recorded after approval. 7. BMC 38.220.070. The final plat must contain the following notation on the Conditions of Approval sheet: a. The responsibility of maintenance for the stormwater facilities, stormwater open space lots, pedestrian open space lots and street frontage landscaping for the perimeter streets must be that of the property owners’ association. Maintenance responsibility must include, all vegetative ground cover, boulevard trees and irrigation systems in the public right-of-way boulevard strips along all external perimeter development streets. The property owners’ association must be responsible for levying annual assessments to provide for the maintenance, repair, and upkeep of all perimeter street frontage landscaping and stormwater facilities and all open space landscaping. b. All stormwater facilities not on property dedicated to the City of Bozeman require public utility easement for storm water facility maintenance. c. Due to known high groundwater conditions in the area no basements will be permitted with future development of the site. No crawl spaces will be permitted with future development of the site, unless a professional engineer registered in the State of Montana certifies that the lowest point of any proposed structure is located above the seasonal high groundwater level and provide supporting groundwater data prior to the release of building permit. In addition, sump pumps are not allowed to be connected to the sanitary sewer system. Sump pumps are also not allowed to be connected to the drainage system unless capacity is designed into the drainage system to accept the pumped water. Water from sump pumps may not be discharged onto streets, such as into the curb and gutter. d. All downstream water user facilities will not be impacted by this Subdivision. e. All lots are subject to a ten foot wide front yard utility easement. f. All Open Space and Public Access areas are to be owned and maintained by the property owners association. 8. BMC 38.410.130.C. If water rights or cash-in-lieu of water rights, have not been provided with final plat, then water rights or cash-in-lieu must be provided with any future site plan development or applicable development application. 9. A one foot no access strip shall be placed along all lots directly adjacent to the emergency access to prevent direct lot access onto the emergency access pathway. DocuSign Envelope ID: A85CC33F-BD9E-4BFC-9C48-4EEFDF7D45B7 20351, Findings of Fact for the Bridger Meadows Major Subdivision Page 12 of 33 10. BMC 38.410.060. As presented, common open space lots 02 and 04 as well as the small section that runs through Lot 7 allows for conveyance and detention for stormwater runoff from public rights of way and Emergency Access. Public drainage easements must be provided for the conveyance and detention of stormwater on these lots. The applicant may contact the Engineering Department to receive a copy of the drainage easement template. The easement must be filed prior to final plat approval and the easement document number must be referenced on the Final Plat. 11. The applicant must provide and file with the County Clerk and Recorder's office executed Waivers of Right to Protest Creation of Special Improvement Districts (SID’s) or special districts for the following, if not already filed: a. Intersection improvements at Story Mill Road and Rouse Avenue including lighting, signalization, paving, curb/gutter, sidewalk, and storm drainage. b. Intersection improvements at East Griffin Drive and Rouse Avenue including lighting, signalization, paving, curb/gutter, sidewalk, and storm drainage. The document filed must specify that in the event an SID is not utilized for the completion of these improvements, the developer agrees to participate in an alternate financing method for the completion of the improvements on a fair share, proportionate basis as determined by square footage of property, taxable valuation of the property, traffic contribution from the development, or a combination thereof. The applicant must provide a copy of the filed SID waiver prior to final plat approval. 12. The applicant did not provide any information on how the adjacent emergency access and public access off Commercial Drive will be maintained both on and off-site. The applicant is advised that the City will not maintain the emergency access and public access to the Bridger Meadows Development. The applicant must provide the following prior to final plat approval: a. The applicant must submit a draft maintenance agreement between the City and associated parties’ that agrees to indemnify and hold the City harmless for any damages and clearly delineates maintenance and replacement responsibilities associated with the emergency access and public access easement, which includes snow removal, pavement maintenance, painting, striping, traffic marking, and all other maintenance responsibilities. b. The draft agreement must be accompanied by an exhibit stamped by a licensed professional surveyor. c. The draft agreement must be submitted for approval from the Public Works Director with subsequent approval from the City's Legal Department. DocuSign Envelope ID: A85CC33F-BD9E-4BFC-9C48-4EEFDF7D45B7 20351, Findings of Fact for the Bridger Meadows Major Subdivision Page 13 of 33 d. Upon City review and approval, the applicant must provide an owner executed original agreement to the City prior to final plat approval. e. The agreement must be incorporated into the POA documents. f. A Condition of approval must be added to the plat that clearly identifies the maintenance agreement and the responsible parties. 13. BMC 38.400.010. The proposed emergency access will also be used for public access to the proposed development. The applicant must provide an emergency and public access agreement that clearly defines the intended use given the unique nature of how the access will be utilized by both the City and the public. The easement must be recorded and provided to engineering prior to final plat approval. The recorded easement number must be written in on the final plat. 14. BMC 38.400.010. Because the applicant has requested a relaxation from the requirement to have a second means of public access to the site leaving only one means of public access to the site, the sole means of public access, which may be the subject of pending litigation, is critically necessary. A public utility easement and a valid public access easement must be recorded and provided to engineering prior to final plat approval. The recorded easement number(s) must be written in on the final plat. 15. BMC 38.600.210. A floodplain permit must be submitted and approved prior to final plat approval. 16. BMC 38.220.020 & 38.610.050. Prior to final plat approval, the applicant must provide the Community Development Department with a written statement of a wetland boundary determination from the U.S. Army Corps of the wetland status. If the wetlands are determined to be jurisdictional, an approved 404 permit for any changes to the wetland must be submitted to the Community Development office prior to final plat approval. The applicant must contact the Gallatin County Conservation District, Montana Department of Environmental Quality, and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers regarding the proposed project and any required permits (i.e., 310, 404, Turbidity exemption, etc.) must be obtained by the applicant. Approved stream and wetland permits shall be provide prior to public infrastructure approval for public infrastructure impacts to jurisdictional wetland and streams. Permits and a FEMA approved LOMR-F must be provided prior to final plat approval. 17. BMC 38.410.100. No accessory structures, patios, or recreational equipment (i.e. swingset, trampoline. etc.) can be located within the watercourse setback. This language must be included in the POA documents and covenants. 18. BMC 38.420.030. Final payment for cash-in-lieu of parkland will be determined and paid at the time of final plat approval. A parkland table and cash in lieu amount must be printed on the final plat. DocuSign Envelope ID: A85CC33F-BD9E-4BFC-9C48-4EEFDF7D45B7 20351, Findings of Fact for the Bridger Meadows Major Subdivision Page 14 of 33 19. BMC 38.430.040. The Planned Unit Development Final Plan shall be completed and approved by the City of Bozeman before the approval of the final plat. SECTION 4 - CODE REQUIREMENTS REQUIRING PLAT CORRECTIONS The following are procedural requirements not yet demonstrated by the plat and must be satisfied at the final plat. Without these corrections the application does not meet required standards. 1. The final plat must conform to all requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code and the Uniform Standards for Subdivision Plats (Uniform Standards for Certificates of Survey and Subdivision Plats (24.183.1104 ARM) and shall be accompanied by all required documents, including certification from the City Engineer that as-built drawings for public improvements were received, a platting certificate, and all required and corrected certificates. The Final Plat application shall include three (3) signed reproducible copies on a 3 mil or heavier stable base polyester film (or equivalent). The Gallatin County Clerk & Recorder’s office has elected to continue the existing medium requirements of 2 mylars with a 1½” binding margin on one side for both plats and COS’s. The Clerk and Recorder will file the new Conditions of Approval sheet as the last same sized mylar sheet in the plat set. 2. BMC 38.100.080.A. The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed as conditions of approval, does not, in any way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or state law. 3. BMC 38.220.300 & 310. The POA documents must be finalized and recorded with the final plat. The POA documents must include the requirements of Section 38.220.300 and 310. 4. BMC 38.270.030. The applicant must submit plans and specifications for water and sewer main extensions, streets, and storm water improvements, prepared and signed by a professional engineer (PE) registered in the State of Montana, which must be provided to and approved by the City Engineer. Water and sewer plans must also be approved by the Montana Department of Environmental Quality. The applicant must also provide professional engineering services for construction inspection, post- construction certification, and preparation of mylar record drawings. Construction shall not be initiated on the public infrastructure improvements until the plans and specifications have been approved and a preconstruction conference has been conducted. Building permits will not be issued prior to City acceptance of the site infrastructure improvements unless all provisions set forth in Section 38.270.030.C of the Bozeman Municipal Code are met to allow for concurrent construction. DocuSign Envelope ID: A85CC33F-BD9E-4BFC-9C48-4EEFDF7D45B7 20351, Findings of Fact for the Bridger Meadows Major Subdivision Page 15 of 33 5. BMC 38.410.060.A. The final plat must provide all necessary utility easements and they must be described, dimensioned and shown on each subdivision block of the final plat in their true and correct location. The recorded easement number must be documented on the final plat. a. The applicant is advised that all dedicated public easements must be recorded using the City’s standard template easement documents separate from the plat and the recorded document number must be listed on the final plat. Easements will be deemed inadequate if they are not in a final draft format (signatures are not required for the draft review). Easements must be stamped by a licensed professional surveyor. In preparing signature blocks on any upcoming documents, please make the following changes: Jeff Mihelich, City Manager; Mike Maas, City Clerk. If a new member is established, the easement documents must be updated. 6. BMC 38.410.060. The applicant must provide a ten foot private utility easement (power, gas, communication, etc.) along the development’s property frontage. The applicant may contact the Engineering Department to receive a copy of a utility easement template. The easement must be recorded and provided to engineering prior to final plat approval. The recorded easement number must be written in on the final plat. 7. BMC 38.410.060. The proposed water and sewer lines extending from Shady Glen Lane to Boylan Road reside in a public access and utility easement. The final plat must reference the recorded easement number. 8. BMC 38.240.150.A.3.d Transfer of ownership of public land, off-site land, private land, personal property, improvements and water rights; documents required. a. For the transfer of real property in satisfaction of required or offered dedications to the city, and required or offered donations or grants to the POA, the subdivider or owner of the property must submit with the application for final plat a warranty deed or other instrument acceptable to the city attorney transferring fee simple ownership to the City or the POA. b. For the transfer of personal property installed upon POA-owned open space, the subdivider must provide the city an instrument acceptable to the city attorney transferring all its rights, title and interest in such improvements including all applicable warranties to such improvements to the City or the POA. c. The subdivider or owner of the property must record the deed or instrument transferring ownership or interest at the time of recording of the final plat with the original of such deed or instrument returned to the City or POA as applicable. DocuSign Envelope ID: A85CC33F-BD9E-4BFC-9C48-4EEFDF7D45B7 20351, Findings of Fact for the Bridger Meadows Major Subdivision Page 16 of 33 d. For the transfer of ownership interest in water, the subdivider or owner of the property must submit with the application for final plat a deed or other instrument acceptable to the city attorney transferring ownership to the City or POA, along with all required state department of natural resources and conservation documentation, certification and authorization. 9. BMC 38.270.030, Completion of Improvements. If it is the developer’s intent to file the plat prior to the completion of all required improvements, the developer shall enter an Improvements Agreement with the City of Bozeman guaranteeing the completion of all improvements in accordance with the preliminary plat submittal information and conditions of approval. If the final plat is filed prior to the installation of all improvements, the developer shall supply the City of Bozeman with an acceptable method of security equal to 150 percent of the cost of the remaining improvements. 10. BMC 38.240.450 requires a certificate of completion of improvements. The certificate must specifically list all installed improvements and financially guaranteed improvements. 11. BMC 38.240.520 requires a certificate of completion of non-public improvements. Certificate must specifically list all installed improvements and financially guaranteed improvements. 12. BMC 38.240.530. When irrigation of public facilities are to be installed prior to final plat approval, the final plat of subdivision must contain a certificate of completion of water-related improvements. The certificate must list all completed and accepted improvements, including but not limited to all irrigation system record drawings. The subdivision proposes irrigation of public street frontage. This certificate must be provided on the final plat. 13. BMC 38.220.020 & 38.610.050. Approved stream and wetland permits shall be provided prior to public infrastructure approval for public infrastructure impacts to jurisdictional wetland and streams. Permits shall be provided prior to final plat approval. 14. BMC 38.410.100. With the final plat, a watercourse planting plan must be prepared that identifies the maintenance of the watercourse setback landscaping. The landscaping identified in the watercourse planting plan must be installed or financially guaranteed prior to final plat approval. 15. BMC 38.220.020. The developer must provide the City’s Community Development department with a copy of all required streambed, streambank or wetlands permits, or written notification from the appropriate agency that a permit is not required, prior to the commencement of any work on the site or final plat approval, whichever is sooner. DocuSign Envelope ID: A85CC33F-BD9E-4BFC-9C48-4EEFDF7D45B7 20351, Findings of Fact for the Bridger Meadows Major Subdivision Page 17 of 33 16. BMC 38.240.050. Water rights, or cash-in-lieu thereof, as calculated by the Director of Public Works, is due with the filing of each subdivision final plat. 17. BMC 38.240.420. If there are liens or mortgages against the property, the appropriate Mortgagee certificate must be included with the final plat. 18. BMC 38.410.120. If mail delivery will not be to each individual lot within the development, the developer shall provide an off-street area for mail delivery within the development in cooperation with the USPS. It shall not be the responsibility of the City to maintain or plow any mail delivery area constructed within a City right-of-way. If cluster boxes are used, a dedicated area to pull up and access the boxes must be provided. 19. BMC 38.420.030.D. Where a cash (or improvement) donation has been accepted in- lieu of land dedication, the amount must be stated on the final plat. 20. BMC 38.410.100. With the final plat, a watercourse planting plan must be prepared that identifies the maintenance of the watercourse setback landscaping. The landscaping identified in the watercourse planting plan must be installed or financially guaranteed prior to final plat approval. 21. BMC 38.400.010. No parking is allowed along the cul-de-sac. No parking signs must be installed prior to final plat approval. 22. BMC 38.410.060. Utility easements shall be provided in accordance with the Bozeman Municipal Code. The required ten foot front yard easement is required for all lots unless written confirmation is submitted with the preliminary plat from ALL utility companies providing service indicating that front yard easements are not needed. 23. BMC 38.220.320. Covenants. Covenants, restrictions, and articles of incorporation for the creation of a POA (Documents)shall be submitted at least 30 working days prior to submitting the final plat application for review by the Department of Community Development and shall contain, but not be limited to the following items: 1) the orientation and setbacks for corner lots, 2) all additional setbacks required when lots are adjacent to pathway corridors and minor arterial roads, 3) provisions for fences, 4) provisions for snow removal, maintenance and upkeep of all common areas, public and private parks, trails, storm water runoff facilities, 5) guidelines that outline architectural and landscape requirements for each individual lot and/or phase of the subdivision, including placement of boulevard trees at a regular spacing for each residential lot, 6) provisions that outline the renewal of an annual contract with a certified landscape nursery person for the upkeep and maintenance of all parklands, common open space, trails, etc., 7) landscape details for detention ponds, outlet structures, boulevard trees, parkland, irrigation, etc., 8) mitigation of groundwater with established floor elevations, 9) noxious weed control, and 10) assessment of existing and future Special Improvement Districts.. These documents shall be executed and DocuSign Envelope ID: A85CC33F-BD9E-4BFC-9C48-4EEFDF7D45B7 20351, Findings of Fact for the Bridger Meadows Major Subdivision Page 18 of 33 submitted with the initial final plat to be filed with the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder at the time of recording of the final plat. SECTION 5 - RECOMMENDATIONS AND ACTIONS The DRC determined the application adequate for continued review and found that application conforms to standards and is sufficient for approval only with conditions and code provisions on May 19, 2021. Public hearing date for the Planning Board was on June 21, 2021. The hearing was held via WebEx. The Planning Board recommended approval 5-1 of the subdivision. Public hearing date for the City Commission is July 20, 2021 at 6:00 PM. The hearing was held via WebEx. The City Commission voted unanimously to deny the preliminary plat application. SECTION 6 - STAFF ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS Analysis and resulting recommendations are based on the entirety of the application materials, municipal codes, standards, and plans, public comment, and all other materials available during the review period. Collectively this information is the record of the review. The analysis is a summary of the completed review. Applicable Subdivision Review Criteria, Section 38.240.130.A.5.b, BMC. In considering applications for subdivision approval under this title, the advisory boards and City Commission shall consider the following: 1. Compliance with the survey requirements of Part 4 of the Montana Subdivision and Platting Act The preliminary plat has been prepared in accordance with the survey requirements of the Montana Subdivision and Platting Act by a Professional Engineer registered in the State of Montana. As outlined in code provision number 1, the final plat must comply with State statute, Administrative Rules of Montana, and the Bozeman Municipal Code. A conditions of approval sheet must be included and updated with the required notations and can be added as required by conditions or code. 2. Compliance with the local subdivision regulations provided for in Part 5 of the Montana Subdivision and Platting Act The final plat must comply with the standards identified and referenced in the BMC. The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed as a condition of approval, does not, in any way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or Montana law. Sections 3 and 4 of this report identify conditions and code corrections necessary to meet all regulatory DocuSign Envelope ID: A85CC33F-BD9E-4BFC-9C48-4EEFDF7D45B7 20351, Findings of Fact for the Bridger Meadows Major Subdivision Page 19 of 33 standards. Therefore, upon satisfaction of all conditions and code corrections the subdivision will comply with the local subdivision regulations. City Commission Findings: The Bridger Meadow plat application does not comply with requirements of Montana Code Annotated section 76-3-501 or local subdivision regulations found in Chapter 38, Articles 3, 4, and 6 of the Bozeman Municipal Code. Specifically, the application does not comply with zoning regulations regarding: the coordination of roads and provision of adequate transportation, including street configuration and connectivity; public access; unnecessary environmental degradation, including development within watercourse setbacks; the danger of injury to public health, safety and welfare in diminished ability to provide public services in the event of fire and flood hazards because only one means of vehicular public access is provided in the application. For specific findings see the attached findings of fact for the associated PUD. The criterion is not met. 3. Compliance with the local subdivision review procedures provided for in Part 6 of the Montana Subdivision and Platting Act The application was received on November 11, 2020 and was deemed inadequate for further review on December 22, 2020. Revised application materials were received on March 10, 2021 and May 14, 2021. The City deemed the application adequate for review on May 19, 2021. Public hearings are scheduled for June 21 and July 20, 2021. The hearings before the Planning Board and City Commission were properly noticed as required by the Bozeman Municipal Code. Based on the recommendation of the DRC and other applicable review agencies, as well as public testimony received on the matter, the Planning Board forwarded a recommendation of approval to the City Commission who made the final decision on the applicant’s request. The final decision for a Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat with less than 50 lots must be made within 60 working days of the date it was deemed adequate. Pursuant to BMC 38.240.130 the City Commission must approve, conditionally approve or deny the subdivision application by August 11, 2021, unless there is a written extension from the developer, not to exceed one year. Public notice for this application was given as described in Appendix C and public comment has been received and is outlined below. On June 16, 2021 this major subdivision staff report was completed and forwarded with a recommendation of conditional approval for consideration to the Planning Board. On July 8, 2021, the staff report incorporating the Planning Board’s recommendation was completed and forwarded with a recommendation of conditional approval for consideration to the City Commission. DocuSign Envelope ID: A85CC33F-BD9E-4BFC-9C48-4EEFDF7D45B7 20351, Findings of Fact for the Bridger Meadows Major Subdivision Page 20 of 33 4. Compliance with Chapter 38, BMC and other relevant regulations Based on review of the Development Review Committee and the Department of Community Development all applicable regulations are met if all code requirements are satisfied. Pertinent code provisions and site specific requirements are included in this report for City Commission consideration in Sections 3 and 4. City Commission findings: The City Commission found that because the preliminary planned unit development application and its necessary requested relaxations was denied, the preliminary plat does not comply with multiple zoning standards as detailed in PUD Application 20350 findings of fact, including: BMC sections regarding PUDs 38.430.010 and 38.430.030.A.4.c; plan review criteria found in section 38.230.100; and specific community design provisions, including 38.400.010.A.2, 5, 8 and 9, 38.400.010.B and C, 38.410.040, 38.410.090, 38.410.100; and several of the PUD review criteria in section 38.430.090. Because the preliminary plat does not comply with several provisions of the BMC, this criterion and the primary review criteria as discussed below are not met; nor can the deficiencies be reasonably mitigated with the application as submitted as required in 76-3- 608(4) and (5) MCA. 5. The provision of easements to and within the subdivision for the location and installation of any necessary utilities The final plat will provide and depict all necessary utilities and required utility easements. Condition of approval 4 requires that all easements, existing and proposed, must be accurately depicted and addressed on the final plat and in the final plat application. Public utilities will be located within dedicated street rights of way. Code provision 5, 6, 7, and 22 state that utility easements need to be provided along front yards and are to be granted with the final plat in accordance with standards. Access must be provided to all sanitary sewer lines and manholes. 6. The provision of legal and physical access to each parcel within the subdivision and the notation of that access on the applicable plat and any instrument transferring the parcel The final plat will provide legal and physical access to each parcel within the developable area. The subject property is accessed from an internal drive through the Links Condominium development off Birdie Lane to the east. A Public Access and Utility Easement between Golf Course Partners and Bridger Center, LLC grants access to the property through the Links Condominium Development. This is the only public legal and physical access to the site for vehicles and all lots are accessed from this internal drive. Condition of approval 14 recognizes the legal challenge to this public access easement and requires a valid, recorded public access easement prior to final plat approval. If the easement cannot be provided the project fails this requirement from 76-3-608(3)(d) and the subdivision cannot be platted. A DocuSign Envelope ID: A85CC33F-BD9E-4BFC-9C48-4EEFDF7D45B7 20351, Findings of Fact for the Bridger Meadows Major Subdivision Page 21 of 33 relaxation with the PUD is requested for only one access to the site when two are required as outlined in the PUD staff report. The DRC is in support of this request. A secondary emergency access is provided at the south of the development between lots 15 and 16 for emergency vehicles. Condition of approval number 12 requires a maintenance agreement to be provided with the final plat. City Commission Findings: The Commission found that the proposed physical access to each parcel violated sections 38.400.010.A.2, 5, 8, and 9, BMC, and that the proposed mitigation measures, including a secondary emergency access in close proximity to the only means of public access, the use of an unusually long dead end street that terminates in a cul-de-sac, and the lack of through streets, were unacceptable to ensure public health, safety, and welfare, the convenient movement of traffic, and the provision of emergency services. Consequently, this criterion is not met. Primary Subdivision Review Criteria, Section 76-3-608 1. The effect on agriculture This subdivision will not impact agriculture. There is no agricultural production on the property. The subject property is designated as Urban Neighborhood according to the City of Bozeman Community Plan. 2. The effect on Agricultural water user facilities This subdivision will not impact agricultural water user facilities. A domestic well exists on the property that will be abandoned in accordance with the Montana Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ). 3. The effect on Local services Water/Sewer – Water and sewer systems exist to serve the subdivision. The subdivider proposes to extend water and sewer mains to the subdivision. Code provision 7 requires a city standard sewer easement where the sewer system is located. Code provision 3 requires the applicant to submit plans for water and sewer main extensions, approved by the Montana Department of Environmental Quality, to be reviewed by the City. Building permits will not be issued prior to City acceptance of site infrastructure improvements, unless concurrent construction is requested and conditions allow. Water rights exist for the subject property, the applicant proposes to transfer to the City ownership existing water rights as outlined in code provision 8. Streets – The Growth Policy and subdivision standards require adequate connectivity of a development to the street grid. Access is taken from Birdie Drive to the east via a drive aisle that goes through the Links Condominium to the site. This drive aisle will be privately maintained by the POA. A secondary access is an emergency vehicle access from the south off Commercial Drive. As outlined in condition of approval number 12, a maintenance DocuSign Envelope ID: A85CC33F-BD9E-4BFC-9C48-4EEFDF7D45B7 20351, Findings of Fact for the Bridger Meadows Major Subdivision Page 22 of 33 agreement between the City and associated parties must be provided with the final plat for this secondary access. The City has the right to enforce clear access since there will be a public road easement. The POA will maintain the access. Condition number 13 outlines that this access can also be utilized by the public and the City. A preliminary public access easement between Golf Course Partners and Bridger Meadows Development has been provided to the City. Golf Course Partners owns the land in which the Links Condominium development is located. As outlined in condition of approval number 14, the valid, recorded easement must be documented on the final plat in order for the project to have legal access. A relaxation with the PUD to allow for a narrower street of 50 feet wide rather than the 60 feet wide local street width lot is requested. The drive itself meets City local street standards including curb-to-curb width, slopes, and horizontal alignment. The drive ends at a cul-de-sac, which are typically prohibited unless they are deemed necessary due to site constraints and lack of options for legal access. A relaxation with the PUD requests the use of a cul-de-sac which has been found to be necessary for providing adequate access to the lots. A sidewalk is provided on the west side of Shady Glen Lane rather than on both sides of the street. A relaxation with the PUD requests that there only be a sidewalk on one side of the street since the East Gallatin trail system is on the north side of the street. City Commission Findings: Because the relaxation requests of the PUD application were denied, the preliminary plat application does not comply with zoning code requirements and has a negative impact on the local street network. As detailed in the findings of fact for PUD application 20350, there are no through streets provide connectivity to other neighborhoods and the proposed cul-de-sac does not comply with the City’s “complete streets” policy. This criterion is not met. Police/Fire – The area of the subdivision is within the service area of both these departments. No concerns on service availability have been identified. City Commission Findings: The PUD relaxation requests to provide only one means of public vehicular access along with a secondary means of emergency access located in close proximity, terminate the only access road in a cul-de-sac, and provide only one very long block were denied because, taken as a whole, the limited ingress and egress to the development would hinder the provision of emergency services to residents and unacceptably jeopardize public health and safety. Therefore, the preliminary plat application negatively impacts the ability to ensure adequate police, fire and emergency access to the subdivision and this criterion is not met. Stormwater - The subdivision will construct storm water control facilities to conform to municipal code. Each individual lot will have roof drainage routed to rain barrels or on site DocuSign Envelope ID: A85CC33F-BD9E-4BFC-9C48-4EEFDF7D45B7 20351, Findings of Fact for the Bridger Meadows Major Subdivision Page 23 of 33 infiltration facilities or to surface drain the runoff to the street to drain into stormwater storage, infiltration and treatment facilities. The maintenance of the stormwater facilities is the responsibility of the POA as outlined in condition of approval 7. Inspection of installed facilities prior to final plat will verify that standards have been met. Parklands – Parkland will be provided through cash-in-lieu of a land dedication equating to .54 acres. As the subject property is adjacent to Glen Lake Rotary Park to the west and Story Mill Community Park to the south, the Parks Division determined that physical land was not necessary. Cash-in-lieu of parkland is required with the final plat as outlined in condition 17. 4. The effect on the Natural environment No significant negative impacts to the natural environment have been identified. Where intact wetlands and watercourses are present, setbacks have been delineated and identified pursuant to BMC 38.410.100. A 50 foot watercourse setback impacts lots 4-15. A relaxation to reduce the watercourse setback along these lots is requested with the PUD. Condition number 17 outlines that no structures can be built within the watercourse setback. Fill will be placed within the wetlands in order to mitigate for the proposed watercourse buffer width reductions. In order to mitigate for the proposed watercourse buffer, native grasses will be planted within and along the buffer. Code provision 14 states that a watercourse planting plan must be prepared that identifies the maintenance of the watercourse setback landscaping and that must be installed or financially guaranteed prior to final plat approval. Condition 16 requires appropriate permitting from the Gallatin County Conservation District, Montana Department of Environmental Quality, and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers when there is any disturbance of wetlands on site. There is a 100-year floodway on the west side of the property. There is a proposed fill that is localized to lots 3-6 and 9-12. The excavation area is a historic artificial fill from an old road or railroad bed that is taking up space within the existing floodplain. This fill was placed prior to the current FEMA floodplain mapping and report. This project proposes to restore elevations to resemble the elevations prior to fill placement which will increase the flood storage volume. Condition 15 requires a floodplain permit to be approved prior to final plat approval. In total, there will be .09 acres of impacts on the wetlands and .41 acres of impacts to the floodplain area. No additional mitigation to the floodplains and wetlands are required beyond general permits as the impacts are under 1/10th of an acre. The site is in an area of high groundwater which may negatively impact future structures or cause illicit discharges into the sanitary sewer and over burden the surface drainage system. Condition 7c prohibits use of basements or crawl spaces unless a professional engineer certifies that the structure has been designed in such a way to accommodate seasonal high groundwater and requires addition of a notation of this restriction on the DocuSign Envelope ID: A85CC33F-BD9E-4BFC-9C48-4EEFDF7D45B7 20351, Findings of Fact for the Bridger Meadows Major Subdivision Page 24 of 33 conditions of approval sheet. This requirement will protect both future structure owners from future hazards of flooding and lessen burden on the public from illicit discharges. BMC 38.550.070 requires use of wells or surface water rights to irrigate parks and open spaces rather than municipal water supply. The application will irrigate open space and boulevard strips landscaping with wells. City Commission Findings: As explained in the PUD application 20350 findings of fact, the Commission found that the impact of allowing development in the watercourse setback was unacceptable and denied the requested relaxation to the setback included in the PUD. Much of the land in this subdivision is within the flood plain or a watercourse setback and there are extensive wetlands on the property. Although the developer proposed to protect wetlands by maintaining them as open space, the vast majority of the developable lots proposed (lots 6 through 15) encroach into the 50 foot connected wetland buffer established to protect wetlands and many of the lots are within the perimeter of the existing 100 year floodplain. The municipal code prohibits most residential development within the 100 year floodplain (lots 3 through 6 and lots 9 through 12). Impacts of allowing development in these areas include disturbance of natural vegetation, filling of wetlands and floodplain, decrease of habitat, and endangering structures in the event of a flood. Therefore, the Commission found that the proposed development created significant negative impacts to the natural environment and this criterion is not met. 5. The effect on Wildlife and wildlife habitat Wildlife habitat exists on the subject property. In a statement from the Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (MFWP) states that wildlife conflicts have happened in the area with black bears, moose, and mountain lions. The MFWP gave recommendations to assist in mitigating the conflicts during construction, landscaping, and post construction. They also stated that the development alone is not likely to negatively impact big game at a population level as the area is a small parcel and most will be preserved in open space. The open space will contain a 7.15 acre wildlife refuge which is contiguous to the 47 acre Glen Lake Rotary Park. This connection between the open spaces amplifies benefits to the wildlife in the area. Protective covenants for the property place restrictions, limitations, and regulations on all activities that may have any adverse effect on wildlife, native plants, and fisheries. The critical areas will be preserved by avoidance and any areas disturbed during construction will be reclaimed through plantings of diverse riparian vegetation. City Commission Findings: As noted above, the impacts to wildlife are included in the impacts to the natural environment. Adverse impacts to wildlife and habitat include diminishing the amount of habitat available due to the encroachment of development into the connected wetland setback and filling of wetlands. The criterion is not met. DocuSign Envelope ID: A85CC33F-BD9E-4BFC-9C48-4EEFDF7D45B7 20351, Findings of Fact for the Bridger Meadows Major Subdivision Page 25 of 33 6. The effect on Public health and safety With the recommended conditions of approval and required plat corrections, the subdivision will not significantly impact public health and safety. The intent of the regulations in Chapter 38 of the Bozeman Municipal Code is to protect the public health, safety and general welfare. The subdivision has been reviewed by the DRC which has determined that it is in general compliance with the title with conditions and code provisions. Any other conditions deemed necessary to ensure compliance have been noted throughout this staff report. Condition of approval 1 requires full compliance with all applicable code requirements. All subdivisions must be reviewed against the criteria listed in 76-3-608.3.b-d, Mont Code Ann. and as a result, the Department of Community Development has reviewed this application against the listed criteria and further provides the following summary for submittal materials and requirements. All infrastructure will meet City standards and the improvements to the watercourses will not impact the current floodplains on the project site nor will they increase flood risk on the property or surrounding properties. City Commission Findings: As detailed in the PUD Application 20350 findings of fact, the Commission found that several of the deviations requested from code standards combined to create significant adverse impacts to public health, safety and welfare. Specifically the proposed means of ingress and egress to the subdivision, including the lack of a second public access point to the subdivision, the proximity of the emergency access to the sole vehicular public access point, the cul-de-sac layout, and block length would hinder the evacuation of residents and the provision of emergency services in the event of an emergency or natural disaster. Commissioners expressed concern about the negative impacts to future public health and safety due to the precedent that would be set if the several deviations from code requirements were allowed in this instance. The criterion is not met. Preliminary Plat Supplements A subdivision pre-application plan review was completed by the DRC on September 25, 2019. The DRC found that more information was needed prior to the application going forward to preliminary plat so revisions were submitted on February 5, 2020. Staff offers the following summary comments on the supplemental information required with Article 38.220.060, BMC. 1. 38.220.060.A.1 Surface Water The property contains natural and artificial surface water systems as identified in the C-1 Site Grading Plan and Drainage Plan. The East Gallatin River has a FEMA defined and regulated 100-year floodplain and floodway. Artificial surface waters on-site include an artificial lined pond in the southwestern quadrant of the site, a detention pond north of the DocuSign Envelope ID: A85CC33F-BD9E-4BFC-9C48-4EEFDF7D45B7 20351, Findings of Fact for the Bridger Meadows Major Subdivision Page 26 of 33 site, an on-site detention pond in the southwest corner of the site, and an existing drainage ditch along Boylan Road at the northeastern corner of the site. The drainage ditch runs continuously due to ground water discharge from a French drain groundwater collection system. The lined pond fills with groundwater and overflows west to the East Gallatin River. 2. 38.220.060.A.2 Floodplains The East Gallatin River floodplain is located within the project area. There is a 100-year floodway that is unaffected by the project on the west side of the development. Any fill within the floodplain fringe will require a floodplain permit from the City of Bozeman. A minor amount of fill on the edge of the floodplain fringe and outside of the floodway is expected. None of this fill will be placed until the CLOMR-F and City floodplain permit are approved. 3. 38.220.060.A.3 Groundwater Data collected from monitoring wells registered a minimum depth to groundwater of 3.6 feet and a maximum depth of 4.4 feet in 2015 and a minimum depth of 5.7 feet and a maximum depth of 7.1 feet in 2020. No special steps or procedures are needed to protect the groundwater from degradation. Much of the development will require soil fill to bring finished grade to an elevation suitable for cover soil above proposed gravity sewer mains. The additional fill material will further protect the groundwater. Condition of approval 7 restricts the use of basements and crawl spaces due to high groundwater. The geotechnical report is included in the application materials. 4. 38.220.060.A.4 Geology, Soils and Slopes This subdivision will not significantly impact the geology, soils or slopes. The sediment in the area consists of various homogenous mixtures of boulders, cobbles, gravel, sand, clay and volcanic ash. There are no geological hazards located on the property. Two unusual or manmade features that exist onsite are the mitigated constructed pond and a remnant Union Pacific railroad bed. Neither feature has any geological significant or presents any geological hazard that would prevent development of the property. The building sites’ parent soils provide suitable bearing support for foundations or concrete slab construction. The top soil and subsurface soil are unsuitable for support of foundations. 5. 38.220.060.A.5 Vegetation The main vegetative communities found on the property consists of Paulstrine shrub broadleaf deciduous forest, wetlands, and a fallowed hay pasture grassland. The forested areas were dominated by sandbar willow, red-osier dogwood, woods rose, quaking aspen and Bebb’s willow, alder, and canary reed grass. Wetland areas of the subject site were DocuSign Envelope ID: A85CC33F-BD9E-4BFC-9C48-4EEFDF7D45B7 20351, Findings of Fact for the Bridger Meadows Major Subdivision Page 27 of 33 characterized by plant communities. A large percentage of vegetated wetlands and riparian areas onsite are supported by saturated groundwater conditions rather than inundation of floodwaters. Noxious weeds exist onsite. A weed management plan was provided and a final noxious weed control is required with the final plat as outlined in code provision number 23. Best management practices will be installed prior to project initiation to ensure that stormwater runoff from the areas of ground disturbance will be contained and treated onsite during construction. Low impact development designs such as infiltration galleries and bioswales will be incorporated into the project’s final landscape design. These design features will help with water conservation and serve as a supplementary water source for newly planted and established vegetation. 6. 38.220.060.A.6 Wildlife Wildlife habitat exists on the property. The applicant is proposing 7.15 acres of wetland refuge. The development has been designed to limit pet and human activity within the wildlife refuge. Protective covenants will place restrictions, limitation, and regulations on all activities that may have any adverse effect on wildlife. See discussion above under primary review criteria. 7. 38.220.060.A.7 Historical Features There are no known historical features located within the property. If any historic items are discovered during construction, the State Historic Preservation Office will be contacted. 8. 38.220.060.A.8 Agriculture This subdivision will not significantly impact agriculture. See discussion above under primary review criteria. 9. 38.220.060.A.9 Agricultural Water User Facilities This subdivision will not significantly impact agricultural water user facilities. See discussion above under primary review criteria. 10. 38.220.060.A.10 Water and Sewer The subdivision will not significantly burden City water and sewer infrastructure with the recommended conditions of approval and code provisions. The water system will be a new looped connection from Boylan Road to the north through Shady Glen Lane and connect to the existing water main in the Links Condominiums. See discussion above under primary review criteria. 11. 38.220.060.A.11 Stormwater Management The subdivision will not significantly impact stormwater infrastructure. The stormwater systems will be maintained by the Bridger Meadows POA. See discussion above under primary review criteria. DocuSign Envelope ID: A85CC33F-BD9E-4BFC-9C48-4EEFDF7D45B7 20351, Findings of Fact for the Bridger Meadows Major Subdivision Page 28 of 33 12. 38.220.060.A.12 Streets, Roads and Alleys The subdivision will not significantly impact the City’s street infrastructure. As stated above under primary review criteria, public access to the site will come from Birdie Drive through the Links Condominium development and a secondary emergency access easement from the south off Commercial Drive. A traffic impact study was not required by the City Engineering Division. See primary review criteria above for further information. 13. 38.220.060.A.13 Utilities This subdivision will not significantly impact utilities. A standard ten foot front utility easement will be provided across all lots. See discussion above under primary review criteria regarding extension of water and sewer. All private utilities are available in the area. 14. 38.220.060.A.14 Educational Facilities A letter was sent to Todd Swinehart, P.E., Director of Facilities, Bozeman Public Schools. The proposed development will be in the Hawthorne Elementary School, Chief Joseph Middle School and Bozeman High School attendance areas. At this time, the schools can accommodate the proposed development, however, the elementary schools are nearing capacity. The bus systems can accommodate the estimated number of additional students. 15. 38.220.060.A.15 Land Use There are 16 residential lots proposed on the subject property and 3 areas of open space totaling 7.68 acres. 16. 38.220.060.A.16 Parks and Recreation Facilities See discussion above under primary review criteria. 17. 38.220.060.A.17 Neighborhood Center Plan Glen Lake Rotary Park and Story Mill Community Park serve as the Bridger Meadows neighborhood center as it is exempt from the requirement to create a new one since it is within one-half mile of an existing neighborhood center. In addition, the Bridger Meadows site is located 1.1 miles from the Rouse and Tamarack streamline bus route, within 100 yards of the businesses located within Commercial Drive and Bridger Center Drive, and within one mile of services located in the Cannery District. 18. 38.220.060.A.18 Lighting Plan The project proposes residential night sky compliant lamp posts as part of each lot’s development. 19. 38.220.060.A.19 Miscellaneous Public Lands: The proposed development is directly adjacent to Glen Lake Rotary Park and is approximately .16 miles from Story Mill Park, which also serves as the Bridger Meadows DocuSign Envelope ID: A85CC33F-BD9E-4BFC-9C48-4EEFDF7D45B7 20351, Findings of Fact for the Bridger Meadows Major Subdivision Page 29 of 33 Neighborhood Center. The project will create a 7.15 acre (60.2% of the total site area) wildlife refuge. Hazards: No known health or safety hazards are on or near the proposed subdivisions Wildlands-Urban Interface: Not applicable 20. 38.220.060.A.20 Affordable Housing The City’s Legal Division has advised that due to the state’s adoption of HB 259 related to inclusionary zoning, the City will not enforce the requirements for affordable housing cash in lieu as originally required during the preliminary plat and as reflected in the findings of fact. The affordable housing plan and plat notes related to affordable housing and cash in lieu have been removed from this application or will be eliminated prior to final plat. DocuSign Envelope ID: A85CC33F-BD9E-4BFC-9C48-4EEFDF7D45B7 20351, Findings of Fact for the Bridger Meadows Major Subdivision Page 30 of 33 SECTION 7 - FINDINGS OF FACT, ORDER AND APPEAL PROVISIONS A. Pursuant to Chapter 38, Article 3, BMC, and other applicable sections of Chapter 38, BMC, public notice was given, opportunity to submit comment was provided to affected parties, and a review of the preliminary plat described in these findings of fact was conducted. The applicant presented to the City a proposed preliminary plat application to allow for a residential development affiliated with a preliminary planned unit development that requested six relaxations to zoning regulations. Approval of the planned unit development with the six relaxations to standards is necessary prior to approval of the subdivision. B. The purposes of the preliminary plat review were to consider all relevant evidence relating to public health, safety, welfare, and the other purposes of Chapter 38, BMC; to evaluate the proposal against the criteria and standards of Chapter 38 BMC, BMC; and to determine whether the plat should be approved, conditionally approved, or denied. C. The matter of the preliminary plat application was considered by the City Commission at a public hearing on July 20, 2021 at which time the Department of Community Development Staff reviewed the project, submitted and summarized the conditions of approval, and summarized the public comment submitted to the City prior to the public hearing. D. The applicant acknowledged understanding and agreement with the recommended conditions of approval and code provisions. E. The City Commission requested public comment at the public hearing on July 20, 2021 and 14 members of the public offered testimony on the application as submitted. F. It appeared to the City Commission that all parties and the public wishing to examine the proposed preliminary plat and offer comment were given the opportunity to do so. After receiving the recommendation of the relevant advisory bodies established by Article 38.210, BMC, and considering all matters of record presented with the application and during the public comment period defined by Chapter 38, BMC, the City Commission amended the proposed motion based on the denial of the planned unit development which resulted in a subdivision application that did not comply with zoning standards. Therefore, being fully advised of all matters having come before it regarding this application, the City Commission makes the following decision: G. For the reasons stated above and in the PUD application 20350 findings of fact, the preliminary plat does not meet the requirements of Chapter 76 of the Montana Code Annotated, nor does it meet the applicable subdivision review criteria, found in Chapter 38 of the Bozeman Municipal Code. As detailed in the analysis section above, the preliminary plat application relied on approval of several relaxations found in its accompanying planned unit development application. The Commission denied the PUD DocuSign Envelope ID: A85CC33F-BD9E-4BFC-9C48-4EEFDF7D45B7 20351, Findings of Fact for the Bridger Meadows Major Subdivision Page 31 of 33 application citing unacceptable impacts to the environment and to public health, safety, and welfare. Without approval of the PUD relaxations, the preliminary plat does not comply with applicable zoning standards, such as street length, general prohibitions on cul-de-sacs, providing at least two means of public access, and watercourse setbacks. The offered mitigation for these impacts was insufficient to adequately protect public health and safety and unacceptably degraded wetlands by allowing development in the watercourse setback. Therefore, pursuant to the City Commission’s review authority and the authority found in 38.200.010.H, preliminary plat application 20351 is denied. H. The basis of the Commission’s decision includes the entire record of this matter, including the applicant’s materials and presentation, public comment, advisory board opinions, the staff report and presentation, Commission discussion and questions, and observations made by Commission members who visited the site. I. These findings of fact satisfy the requirements in 38.240.130.A.5.e, BMC and Montana Code Annotated section 76-3-620. J. This City Commission decision may be appealed by bringing an action in the Eighteenth District Court of Gallatin County. As outlined in 76-3-625, the petition must be presented to the court within 30 days after the filing decision of the City Commission. DATED this ________ day of _____________________, 2021 BOZEMAN CITY COMMISSION _________________________________ CYNTHIA L. ANDRUS Mayor ATTEST: _______________________________ MIKE MAAS City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: _________________________________ GREG SULLIVAN City Attorney DocuSign Envelope ID: A85CC33F-BD9E-4BFC-9C48-4EEFDF7D45B7 17th August 20351, Findings of Fact for the Bridger Meadows Major Subdivision Page 32 of 33 APPENDIX A –PROJECT SITE ZONING AND GROWTH POLICY Zoning Designation and Land Uses: The intent of the R-1 residential low density district is to provide for primarily single-household residential development and related uses within the city at urban densities. These purposes are accomplished by: 1. Providing for a minimum lot size in developed areas consistent with the established development patterns while providing greater flexibility for clustering lots and housing types in newly developed areas. 2. Providing for such community facilities and services as will serve the area's residents while respecting the residential character and quality of the area. Adopted Growth Policy Designation: The Future Land Use Map of the Bozeman Community Plan designates the subject property to develop as “Urban Neighborhood.” This category primarily includes urban density homes in a variety of types, shapes, sizes, and intensities. Large areas of any single type of housing are discouraged. In limited instances, an area may develop at a lower gross density due to site constraints and/or natural features such as floodplains or steep slopes. Complementary uses such as parks, home-based occupations, fire stations, churches, schools, and some neighborhood-serving commerce provide activity centers for community gathering and services. The Urban Neighborhood designation indicates that development is expected to occur within municipal boundaries. This may require annexation prior to development. Applying a zoning district to specific parcels sets the required and allowed density. Higher density residential areas are encouraged to be, but are not required or restricted to, proximity to commercial mixed use areas to facilitate the provision of services and employment opportunities without requiring the use of a car. APPENDIX B – NOTICING AND PUBLIC COMMENT Notice was provided at least 15 and not more than 45 days prior to the Planning Board and City Commission public hearings. BMC 38.220.420, Notice was provided by posting the site, mailing by certified mail to adjacent property owners and by first class mail to all other owners within 200 feet on June 6, 2021. The site was posted with a notice on June 6, 2021 and a legal advertisement was published in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle on June 6, June 20, and July 18, 2021. Content of the notice contained all elements required by Article 38.220., BMC. Public comment has been received in opposition of the project and can be found at the following link: https://weblink.bozeman.net/WebLink/Browse.aspx?id=237629&dbid=0&repo=BOZEMA N&cr=1 APPENDIX C – PROJECT BACKGROUND The subject property was annexed into the city in May 2018 with R-1 zoning. DocuSign Envelope ID: A85CC33F-BD9E-4BFC-9C48-4EEFDF7D45B7 20351, Findings of Fact for the Bridger Meadows Major Subdivision Page 33 of 33 APPENDIX D - OWNER INFORMATION AND REVIEWING STAFF Owner/Applicant/Representative: Bridger Center LLC, 3701 Tracker Trail, Suite 1B #20, Bozeman, MT, 59718 Findings of Fact Prepared By: Sarah Rosenberg, AICP, Associate Planner ATTACHMENTS The full application and file of record can be viewed digitally at https://www.bozeman.net/government/planning/using-the-planning-map, select the “Project Documents Folder” link and navigate to application #20351, as well as digitally at the Community Development Department at 20 E. Olive Street, Bozeman, MT 59715. Application materials – Available through the Laserfiche archive linked agenda materials and the full file is linked below. https://weblink.bozeman.net/WebLink/Browse.aspx?startid=228055&cr=1 This project can be viewed on the Community Development Viewer interactive map directly with this link: https://gisweb.bozeman.net/Html5Viewer/?viewer=planning&FILE_NUMBER=20-351 DocuSign Envelope ID: A85CC33F-BD9E-4BFC-9C48-4EEFDF7D45B7