HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-24-21 Public Comment - R. Zimmer - MPO & Transportation Super BoardFrom:Ralph Zimmer To:Cyndy Andrus; Terry Cunningham; I-Ho Pomeroy; Jennifer Madgic Cc:Jeff Mihelich; Greg Sullivan; Brit Fontenot; Michael Veselik; Scott Shirley; Taylor Lonsdale; John Vandelinder; Mike Maas; Jesse DiTommaso; Jim Ness; delmue; Marilee Brown Subject:becoming an MPO changes the ball game Date:Tuesday, August 24, 2021 11:48:12 AM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Tuesday, August 23, 2021 Mayor Andrus, Deputy Mayor Cunningham, and Commissioners Pomeroy, Madgic, andCoburn, When you provisionally approved board consolidation two weeks ago, there was no certainty the Bozeman/Belgrade area would become an MPO. Now we know the area willalmost certainly become an MPO. That is a game changer. Back when you passed the board consolidation enabling documents provisionally, you voted to terminate the City's participation in the Bozeman (Area) Pedestrian and Traffic SafetyCommittee and move its responsibilities and activities into the new Transportation (Super) Board. The City Manager told you that IF we became an MPO, some mechanism forincorporating citizen input from throughout the MPO would have to be created. That's kicking the can down the road. We need to get ahead of the curve, not behind the can. That can be done at today'sCommission meeting. Citizen input to the MPO will have to come from at least three groups: Bozeman, Belgrade, and the County. Two of those groups are already fully represented on PTS(Bozeman and the County). It makes a lot more sense to retain the existing PTS and then add Belgrade to it than it does to decimate the existing PTS and then either (1) have each of thosethree governments create its own independent citizens' group (it MAY turn out this isn't even an allowable option) or (2) assemble a new MPO-wide group similar to the existing PTS butwith official inclusion of Belgrade. At this point in time, it would seem to be a lot more helpful for the City to spend time and effort into adding Belgrade representation onto PTS than to eliminate PTS as an organization. (See the postscript at the end of this email for ways in which the existing PTS has already been serving as in MPO-wide citizens advisory board) If the Commission wishes to retain the existing PTS as an organization (which I sincerelythink would be a very wise decision), it seems to me that could be accomplished in either of two ways: (1) delay creatin of the new Transportation (Super) Board or (2) go ahead andcreate the Transportation (Super) Board but exclude PTS from it in the same manner as the existing Transportation Coordinating Committee) is excluded from it. Reasons to Possibly Consider DElaying Crieation of New Transportation (Super) Board The City Manager frequentlycites the proposed Comunity Developpment (Super) Boardas an example of how board consolidation will truly serve the needs of the public by creating a one-stop shopping location for them. That is totally different than the Transportation (Super)Board. In my long history on PTS, I have no recollection of ANY citizen having come to both the Parking Commission and PTS with the same issue. I am slightly less positive aboutBABAB and PTS, but I am certain it would be accurate to say that over a perion of time extending back MANY years at most one or maybe two citizens have brought the sameconcern to both groups. No efficiency for dealing with the public will result from combining the Parking Commission, BABAB, and PTS. The documents you will be considering this evening call for the City separating from thePTS organization on November 30. I am told that the only interlocal agreement all three of PTS's governing boards signed restricts the date on which any of those bodies can withdraw tothe end of the body's fiscal year (i.e., June 30). Therefore it would be "illegal" for the City to terminate on November 30. Therefore compliance would be secured by postponingimplementation of the Transportation Super Board (and hence termination of the City's connection to the PTS organization) to some June 30. Given the above andgiven the disdimilarity of the activities and cncerns of the ParkingCommission and those of PTS and BABAB, perhaps some other model for constructing the Transportation (Super) Board should be considered. One alternative model would be to retainthe Parking Commission, BABAB, and PTS as separate groups but bring them (or their officers) together say quarterly to explore topics of mutual interest. Delaying tonight'sapproval of the Transportation (Super) Board would allow time for consideration of alternative models. What You Need to Do Tonight To avoid kicking the can down the road AND to avoid decimating an organization that serves not just the City but also the County and the School District, you first must remove theboard consolidation from the consent calendar for discussion and amendment. When you then do discuss board consolidation, you need to decide which way you wish to move. You could either "simply" remove PTS from the organizations to be absorbed intothe Transportation (Super) Board or you could delay the implementation of the Transportation (Super) Board until some later date (I would recommend June 30). If you "simply" want to remove the absorption of PTS into the TB, you need to pass amotion removing all references to PTS in the board consolidation enabling documents. If instead you wish to delay the impletation of the Transportation (Super) Board, you need topass a motion removing all references to the TB in the enabling documents. Don't eliminate the PTS organization thereby kicking the can down the road. Befarsighted , stay ahead of the curve, retain the PTS organization and expand it byworking with Belgrade to add Belgrade participation in the organization. (I firmlybelieve this is best for the City of Bozeman and for the citizens of Bozeman. I say that knowing that whatever the outcome my days on PTS are numbered.) Ralph Ralph W. Zimmer cc: Jeff Mihelic Greg Sullivan \ Brit Fontenot Mike Veselik Scott Shirley Taylor Lonsdale John Van Delinder Mike Maas Jesse DiTommaso Jim Ness Jason Delmue Marilee Brown P.S. Here are a few quick examples of the role PTS hasalready played in providing publiccomment on projects and activities in the MPO-area: the design of the roads at the airport, design standards on Tackrabbit Lane, speed limits on I-90, speed limits on the MonforttonSchool Road, the County's Transportation Design and Construction Standards, etc. I also need to emphasize PTS's commitment to promoting safety (including advocating for transportation safety legislation in Helena and DC and responding to citizen 's safetyconcerns. (I know the City Manager said he and his staff can do this, but we can cite many examples where citizens found success and satisfaction through PTS that they had failed toget from staff.)