HomeMy WebLinkAboutConcept Review Narrative 01-14-19 Boulder Creek Apartments - 18420 Concept Plan Review Narrative 1. The four primary lots included in this 5-lot development were intended to be developed individually; however, the joint use of parking facilities and circulation bays is acceptable. Shared access, maintenance, parking, stormwater (etc.) agreements will be required prior to final site plan approval. When submitting a formal application, include a draft of these documents for staff to review. Response: The two lots in this project will be aggregated. A shared access, maintenance, parking, stormwater (etc.) agreements will be provided for city review 2. Critical path forward is to submit a Master Site Plan or Site Plan application (see comment 5 for details) to the City of Bozeman. A "completeness review" is required and may be signed up for by using the Bozeman Planning Division's Schedulicity portal. Response: The applicant has decided to only do 2 of the four lots as a phased site plan application. 3. During Site Plan review, this project will be required to be reviewed by the Design Review Board,per Section DRB review thresholds. This is an advisory note only. Response: The applicant acknowledges this condition. 4. The entitlement for a Site Plan is one year, and a maximum of a one-year extension may be requested by the owner. A Master Site Plan has an entitlement period of three years, with a possible extension of two years. Staff advises the application to consider these entitlement periods and the anticipated construction date of each phase when determining which application type to pursue. If a building permit is not drawn within the entitlement period, the entitlement is considered null and void and a new, complete site plan application review process will be required. Response: The applicant acknowledges this condition. 5. Staff recommends aggregating Lots 1 and 2 together, and Lots 3 and 4 together; this would occur prior to receiving a final determination on the site plan application. Response: The two lots in this project will be aggregated. 6. Providing the minimum bicycle parking spaces that are required by Section 38.540.050 will not be sufficient for this development proposal. A greater number of bicycle parking stalls and/or storage is required. Response: Two 8 bike racks are shown on the site plan. Boulder Creek Apts Concept Review Narrative Pagel of 9 7. The 50' watercourse setback to the east must be shown on the plans. Response: The water course setback is shown on the site plan. 8. An access easement/approval for access and use of Open Space Lot is required by the property owner (i.e. all HOA members). The City advises the applicant to seek approval from the owners of this subdivision open space lot prior to proceeding further with this project consideration. All owners of the open space lot (members of the subdivision) are required to sign the development application form. Permission for the drive aisle must be supported in the existing easement or otherwise granted. Response: The open space lot is not being utilized for this project. 9. Lot 3 parking locations for landscaped block frontage standards have not been met. A departure must be requested and meet all departure criteria if the design does not comply with standard block frontage design. Response: Lot 3 is no longer part of this project 10. Building entrance requirements to satisfy landscaped block frontage standards have not been met. Entrances to all buildings must be visible and directly accessible from the street. The proposed design does not meet this standard on any of the buildings proposed. Response: The building design has been revised to comply with the building entrance requirements. 11. Include percentages of how the minimum of 15% transparency requirement of the block frontage standards has been met. Response: The building design has been revised to comply with the City's development standards. 12. Floor area ratio (FAR) calculations must be provided. Maximum FAR permitted is available in Section 38.320.030. Response: Floor area ratio (FAR) calculations are shown on the cover sheet of the design drawings. 13. Patio walls must be between 2-4 feet in height to comply with 38.510.030.J requirements for public/private separation standards. Response: The building design has been revised to comply with the City's development standards. Boulder Creek Apts Concept Review Narrative Page 2 of 9 14. Demonstration of compliance with Section 38.530.040.E must be provided. If the applicant is choosing to comply with criterion number 2 or 3 of that section, a color rendering must be provided. Response: Material and colors are included in the Architectural sheets. 15. Any building lighting and site lighting detail must be provided with the formal application. Building elevations must show building lighting. All outdoor lighting fixtures shall be shielded in such a manner that no light is emitted above a horizontal plane passing through the lowest point of the light emitting element, so that direct light emitted above the horizontal plane is eliminated. If no lighting is proposed, a statement to that effect must be included in the project narrative. Response: A building lighting, photomterics and cut sheets are provided on sheet A1L. 16. Per Section 38.520.040.C, direct pedestrian access to all common outdoor areas is required. Response: Direct pedestrian access is provided to all common outdoor areas. 17. Per Section 38.520.040.C, a crosswalk containing contrasting material (such as concrete) and/or patterns (such as stamped asphalt), excluding painted surfaces, is required when a walkway crosses an on-site paved area accessible to vehicles. Crosswalks to access the common open space that straddles Lot 1 and 2, and Lot 3 and 4 is required. Response: All crosswalks are proposed as concrete and are shown on the site plan. 18. Buildings fronting on to the trail network must comply with 38.510.030.1 Response: No buildings front the trail on this phase. 19. 6' concrete sidewalk width required for the Open Space lot connector path, rather than the proposed Class II trail. Response: A 6' wide concrete sidewalk is proposed and shown on the site plan. 20. All 29 on-street parking spaces that were specified in the parking summary table on the Civil plans could not all be clearly accounted for by looking at the plans. The on-street parking spaces should be clearly identifiable on the final plan sets. Response: The on street parking spaces have been delineated for clarity. 21. The applicant is advised to consider Sec. 38.540.020.M when preparing the landscaping plan. Snow storage areas may not be located or placed in a manner that will damage landscaping. In coordination with this review, ensure that all parking spaces are in compliance with Sec. 38.550.050.C. Boulder Creek Apts Concept Review Narrative Page 3 of 9 Response: Snow storage areas are shown on the site and landscape plan. 22. The proposed use of these two specific building designs is monotonous and the lack of diversity is uncharacteristic for the neighborhood where this is being proposed which is contradictory to Bozeman's growth policy. An entire city block requires a larger diversity of building design. Additionally, these buildings are a replica of the Rosa Apartments project, application 18275 — variety and diversity of building design/form must be exercised. The design of these buildings must be compatible with the existing homes adjacent to the proposed development site. The design and scale of the proposed design must respond to the buildings adjacent to the site that are a lower density residential development. If the applicant wishes to consider a local example, Golden Gate (Loyal Gardens) was a successful adaptation/response to the neighborhood context. Response: The Architect has revised the building design to provide a variety of design. 23. Section 38.510.030.0 requires primary building entrances to have weather protection at least 3' deep. The design should be revised so as to not repeat the same issue that arose with the Rosa Apartments design during building permit review that resulted in not having a covered entry. Response: The building design has been revised to comply with the City's development standards. 24. Parking lot landscaping is required to comply with Section 38.550.050. A minimum of 20 square feet of landscape area within the parking lot for each off-street parking space in the lot must be provided in addition to the required number of landscaping points per Sec. 38.550.060. Response: The landscape design has been completed per City requirements. 25. Mailbox locations must be identified on the plans. Cluster mailboxes are required. Response: The mailbox location is shown on the site plan. 26. All easements from the recorded plat must be shown on the project plans. Response: The proposed water and sewer easements are shown on the site plan. 27. The Declaration of Protective Covenants and Restrictions for Boulder Creek Subdivision does not permit the use of metal as a building material. The applicant is advised to change the proposed exterior material to comply with the private subdivision covenants. Response: The applicant acknowledges this condition. Boulder Creek Apts Concept Review Narrative Page 4 of 9 Engineering Division 1. A stormwater drainage/treatment grading plan and maintenance plan for a system designed to remove solids, silt, oils, grease, and other pollutants must be provided to and approved with the site plan application. The plan must demonstrate adequate site drainage (including sufficient spot elevations), storm water detention/retention basin details (including basin sizing and discharge calculations, and discharge structure details), storm water discharge destination, and a storm water maintenance plan. The approved stormwater maintenance plan must be incorporated into the Owners Association Documents and submit a copy prior to site plan approval. If the applicant proposes to utilize stormwater infrastructure and capacity that was created with the subdivision, the applicant must submit the supporting sections of the subdivision stormwater report with a site plan application. If the site will utilized allocated capacity within the stormwater pond applicant must survey the pond to verify the volume and the outlet elevation. If the capacity of the pond has been reduced the pond has been reduced the applicant must expand the pond to support this project. The applicant encouraged to reference the Montana Post Construction Stormwater BMP Design Guidance Manual and the City's Stormwater Division for acceptable designs. Response: A stormwatwer Management Design Report has been completed for this development and is included in this site plan application. 2. Changes to the existing subdivision stormwater system will be required to meet the City's stormwater design requirements and received approval from the property owners association responsible for maintaining the system. Response: No change to the subdivision stormwater system is proposed 3. The applicant must provide an estimate for peak-hour trip generation for the full build out of the proposed development to determine is a traffic impact study is required. The applicant should submit the estimate to the engineering department (Griffin Nielsen) prior to site plan submittal. Response: A traffic study was completed for the Boulder Creek Subdivision. 4. A cash-in-lieu of water rights credit exists for 52 units in order for the full 114 units to be approved a payment for the remaining 62 units ($46,128) must be made prior to site plan approval. Response: This application is for 42 units which falls under the 52 units of credit. 5. The proposed development is within the drainage basin feeding into the Laurel Glen lift station, capacity for the lift station had been fully allocated. An updated lift station report has been approved which indicates the allocated discharge for the parcels under review. The applicant must provide an estimate of the peak-hour sewer demand and verify that the Boulder Creek Apts Concept Review Narrative Page 5 of 9 proposed development doesn't exceed the allocated capacity defined with the lift station report. The applicant must demonstrate this to the City's engineering department. Response: Per the applicant this issue has been resolved. 6. The proposed development must meet the City's water course setback requirement, as per section 38.410.100 of the Unified Development Code. Classification of a water course must be confirmed by the City's engineering department (Brian Heaston). Response: The water course setback is shown on the site plan and is based n the subdivision plat information. 7. Access required for internal vehicle circulation and emergency response will require mutual access easements to be reviewed, approved, and executed and filed with the county clerk and recorded prior to site plan approval. Response: The 2 lots will be aggregated. 8. The applicant must demonstrate that the phasing is consistent with the stormwater design and all storage and conveyance infrastructure is built with the corresponding phase. Response: A stormwatwer Management Design Report has been completed for this development and is included in this site plan application and adheres to the basins defined in the subdivision report. 9. Phase lines which fall within the parking lot must end with curb and gutter Response: A stormwatwer Management Design Report has been completed for this development and is included in this site plan application and adheres to the basins defined in the subdivision report. 10. The drive accesses should be aligned with the intersections of the surrounding street network. The north access should align with Saxon Way and the south access with Isabell Lane. The location of the drive access must meet the City's spacing requirements as described in Section 38.400.090 of the Unified Development Code. Response: A note is included on the site plan addressing this issue. 11. The applicant must prepare plans and specifications for any fire service line in accordance with the City's Fire Service Line Policy. The plans must be prepared by a Professional Engineer and be provided to and approved by the City Engineer prior to initiation of construction of the fire service or fire protection system. The applicant must also provide Professional Engineering services for construction inspection, post-construction certification and preparation of mylar record drawings. Fire service plans, and domestic services 4" or Boulder Creek Apts Concept Review Narrative Page 6 of 9 larger, must be a standalone submittal, separate from the site plan submittal. City of Bozeman applications for service must be completed by the applicant. Response: The applicant acknowledges this condition. 12. If not already filed for the subject site, the applicant must provide and file with the County Clerk and Recorder's office executed Waivers of Right to Protest Creation of Special Improvement Districts (SID's) for the following: a. Street improvements to West Oak Street including paving, curb/gutter, sidewalk, and storm drainage b. Street improvements to Annie Street including paving, curb/gutter, sidewalk, and storm drainage c. Street improvements to North Cottonwood Road including paving, curb/gutter, sidewalk, and storm drainage d. Street improvements to North Laurel Parkway including paving, curb/gutter, sidewalk, and storm drainage e. Intersection improvements for West Oak Street and North Laurel Parkway f. Intersection improvements for West Oak Street and North Cottonwood Road g. Intersection improvements for Durston Road and North Cottonwood Road h. Intersection improvements for Annie Street and North Laurel Parkway The document filed must specify that in the event an SID is not utilized for the completion of these improvements, the developer agrees to participate in an alternate financing method for the completion of said improvements on a fair share, proportionate basis as determined by square footage of property, taxable valuation of the property, traffic contribution from the development, or a combination thereof. The applicant must provide a copy of the filed SID waiver prior to site plan approval. Response: A draft Waiver is included in this applicant for City Review. 13. The applicant must submit plans and specifications for water and sewer main extensions, streets, and storm water improvements, prepared and signed by a professional engineer (PE) registered in the State of Montana, which must be provided to and approved by the City Engineer. Water and sewer plans must also be approved by the Montana Department of Environmental Quality. The applicant must also provide professional engineering services for construction inspection, post-construction certification, and preparation of mylar record drawings. Construction shall not be initiated on the public infrastructure improvements until the plans and specifications have been approved and a preconstruction conference has been conducted. Building permits will not be issued prior to City acceptance of the site infrastructure improvements unless all provisions set forth in Section of the Bozeman Municipal Code are met to allow for concurrent construction. Boulder Creek Apts Concept Review Narrative Page 7 of 9 Response: The applicant acknowledges this condition. Solid Waste Division 1. A detailed and dimensioned plan of the refuse enclosure is required with the formal submittal. Response: A dimensioned detail is included in this submittal. 2. Must have 50 feet of straight approach for vehicles to access refuse enclosure. Response: A 50 feet of straight approach for vehicles to access refuse enclosure is provided. 3. The refuse enclosure will need to be covered to satisfy the requirements of BMC Section 38.520.070. The enclosure will require an opaque or semi-opaque horizontal cover or screen to prevent views into the top of the enclosure. Response: The proposed enclosure is covered. NorthWestern Energy 1. The Phase 3, 18-unit building is situated on a 10' utility easement. NorthWestern Energy does not support the construction of a building on a utility easement and requires the building to be resituated. Response: This unit is no longer included in the application. Water and Sewer Division 1. Size of water lines must be provided in order for staff to adequately review service. Response: Water service sizes will be provided when the mechanical engineer provides them. Fire Department 1. A fire hydrant will likely be required. Response: A fire hydrant will likely be provided. Boulder Creek Apts Concept Review Narrative Page 8 of 9 Building Division 1. The structure will require fire alarms and sprinklers. Response: The applicant acknowledges this condition. These Divisions did not provide comment. Please contact reviewers directly with specific questions. 1. Sustainability Division,Natalie Meyer,nme er@bozeman.net, 406-582-2317 2. Water Conservation,Jessica Ahlstrom,jahlstrom@a bozeman.net, 406-582-2265 3. Stormwater Division, Kyle Mehrens,jkmehrens@bozeman.net, 406-582-2270 4. Forestry Division,Alex Nordquest, anordquest@bozeman.net, 406-582-3225 5. Parks and Recreation, Carolyn Poissant, ccpoissant e,bozeman.net, 406-582-2908 END OF NARRATIVE Boulder Creek Apts Concept Review Narrative Page 9 of 9