HomeMy WebLinkAbout19021 Boulder Creek Apartments SP - DRC Comments August 10, 2020 Brian Krueger, Development Review Manager City of Bozeman Department of Planning and Community Development P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771-1230 Re: Boulder Creek Apartments Site Plan Review COB#: 19021 MMI#: 4192.025 Dear Brian: This letter is to provide written responses to the comments stated in the engineering review memo dated June 12, 2019. Below are our responses associated with each comment. Section 3 – REQUIRED CODE CORRECTIONS All citations are to the Bozeman Municipal Code (BMC). Planning Division, Brian Krueger, bkrueger@bozeman.net, 582-2259 1. BMC 38.220.010 Submittal materials and requirements. The application proposes offsite improvements in the open space lot for the subdivision for the installation of the retention pond and drive access and pedestrian pathway improvements. The legal description for that lot and the property owner must be added to the A1 form. The property owner of that lot must sign the application. The legal description for the adjacent lot has been added to the A1 form, the property owner for that lot is the same as for Lots 1 & 2 therefore the property owner has signed the application. 2. BMC 38.220.010 Submittal materials and requirements. The A1 form is not complete. The applicant and property owner signatures are signing on behalf of a corporation. Provide name a title to signatures per requirements. The A1 form states an incorrect number of parking spaces proposed. The A1 form has been revsed to include the name and title of the signer on behalf of a corporation. The parking count has been corrected. 3. BMC 38.220.010 Submittal materials and requirements. The application does not meet the PLS form requirements. Many plan sheets submitted are too congested for review. Sheet C1.0, provide separate sheets to separate information to lessen sheet and information confusion. Utilities, setbacks, on street parking, encroachments and utility service entrances are confusing and/or unreadable. The sheets have been separated to provide better readability. 4. BMC 38.220.010 Submittal materials and requirements. The digital file of all subsequent project revisions must include the most up-to-date copy of all project documents and plans. A complete application must exist on the digital file. The digital files contain the required updated documents. 5. BMC 38.220.010 Submittal materials and requirements. All plans must be saved to the digital file with a landscape orientation, rather than portrait. Plans must be saved so that there is no need to ‘rotate’ the view of all plans for it to appear as it was meant to be read. The pdfs have been rotated to the correct orientation. 6. BMC 38.220.080 Site plan submittal requirements. The application does not meet the PLS and SP1 form requirements. Block frontages are not shown as required. Designate block frontages for all buildings and facades. Designate for each building and parking area on site plan and annotate. JDS – The architectural and site plan have been revised to include the “Block Frontage” designation. 7. BMC 38.220.080 Site plan submittal requirements. The application does not meet the PLS and SP1 form requirements. All open space areas not dimensioned and annotated with areas. Floor plans for ground floor patio and upper story decks for buildings not provided with area of each open space annotated on plans. AC units encroach into usable area of deck space and that area must be deducted from usable open space. Both proposed common open space areas are dimensioned and annotated with areas. The dimensions and areas have been added to the Architectural Floor Plans and the AC units have been removed from the ground floor unit so the encroachment does not exist. 8. BMC 38.220.080 Site plan submittal requirements. The parking plans on the Civil sheet and the Landscape sheet do not match. Locations of ADA parking vary. The landscape plan has been updated to match the site plan ada spaces. 9. BMC 38.220.080 Site plan submittal requirements. The bicycle parking is not shown on the Landscape Plan. Add and adjust the planting material values as necessary. The landscape plan has been updated to include the proposed bicycle parking spaces. 10. BMC 38.220.080 Site plan submittal requirements. Provide a roof plan. A roof plan has been added to the submittal set. 11. BMC 38.220.080 Site plan submittal requirements. Clarify planter detail on first floor plan of buildings. Provide irrigation and planting materials. If proposed as a raised planter provide construction details. The planters have been removed. 12. BMC 38.220.080 Site plan submittal requirements. Lot 3 (open space) and Lot 4 are included in this application due to the required sewer line and maintenance access road traversing both lots. Please add these to the site description on the plan sets. The Lot 3 & 4 site description information has been added to the plan set. 13. BMC 38.220.080 Site plan submittal requirements. The 20’ stormwater conveyance easement depicted on the plat is shown incorrectly on the site plan (in the southeast corner of the site). The 20’ stormwater easement is now shown correctly on the site plan sheets. 14. BMC 38.220.080.A.1.q Phased site plans. Sheet C0.2 does not provide all applicable information as required for a phased site plan. Provide additional information required by this section including the addition of all landscaping in right of way into applicable phases, proposed dead end barriers, revegetation/weed control plan etc. Provide landscaping and irrigation or the entire are for future building site. May not be excluded from the site plan. The phasing plan, landscape plan and phasing narrative have been modified with the required information 15. BMC 38.270.030.C Concurrent construction. Clarify if concurrent construction is proposed. If so, provide a formal response and provide materials and response as required to this code section. Concurrent construction is not proposed with this Site Plan Application. 16. BMC 38.320.030 Form and Intensity Standards Residential. Due to the current lot configuration the project as proposed does not meet setback standards. The project must complete the applicable subdivision review process to relocate common lot boundaries in order to accommodate the project. This must be completed prior to site plan approval. The alternate is listed under other easement correction below. A common boundary relocation application for Lots 1 & 2 has been submitted to the county and is currently being reviewed. For reference, an exhibit Ex 1 of the realignment has been included with this resubmittal. 17. BMC 38.410.060.C Public utility easements. The city utility public utility easements must be provided. Public utility easement documents must be executed, notarized and submitted for review. The easements must be recorded prior to site plan approval. A public utility easement will be prepared, signed and submitted to the City once the alignment has been approved by the City. The easements exhibits (Ex 2 and Ex 3) have been included in this resubmittal. 18. BMC 38.410.060 Easements. The property owner must either aggregate the Lots 1 and 2 with a Subdivision Exemption application, or have the following documents written and recorded at the Gallatin County clerk and recorder’s office: a. Deed restriction (cannot be sold individually) Understand, will be written and recorded b. Reciprocal access Understand, will be written and recorded c. Reciprocal parking Understand, will be written and recorded d. Reciprocal access and use of common open space Understand, will be written and recorded e. Storm water easement Understand, will be written and recorded f. Drainage easement Understand, will be written and recorded 19. BMC 38.410.060 Easements. A stormwater easement must be granted for the stormwater facility in the open space lot. Easement documents must be executed, notarized and submitted for review. The easements must be recorded prior to site plan approval. Understood. A stormwater easement will be provided for the stormwater facility in the open space lot. The stormwater easement exhibit Ex 3 has been included in this resubmittal for approval from the city. 20. BMC 38.410.080.H. Stormwater retention facilities in landscaped areas. Stormwater facility must include groupings of boulders. The landscape plan has been updated to include boulders. 21. BMC 38.420.030 and 38.420.080 Cash donation in lieu of land dedication and Park Development. The Cover Sheet specifies that improvements in lieu of parkland will be provided. Please provide a specific proposed plan of improvements so that it can be reviewed and considered by the Recreation & Parks Advisory Board (RPAB). A proposed plan of improvements has been provided in this resubmittal. 22. BMC 38.450.050.A.4 Bicycle parking. Bicycle parking not calculated on cover sheet for bicycle parking in parking calculation. Update all parking calculations to include bicycle parking. Distribute bicycle parking per building. Building in Phase III must have bicycle parking adjacent to it. Bicycle parking calculations have been updated on the cover sheet. Bicycle parking has been added adjacent to the building in Phase III. 23. BMC 38.510.030.C Façade transparency. The building façade transparency calculations must be for the entire façade facing the street, not limited to the areas between 2’4” and 7’. The building façade transparency calculations have been updated. 24. BMC 38.510.030.J Special Residential block frontage standards along sidewalks and internal pathways. For residences with ground floor living spaces facing a sidewalk or pedestrian path, the building must feature at least one of the public/private space transition elements described in the referenced section. All ground-level units facing internal to the site must also follow this code section since they face a pedestrian pathway. Annotate block frontage on site plan in all areas where a block frontage exists. See landscape plan for block frontage. 25. BMC 38.520.060.B Residential Open space. a. The open space on the east side of the development site has a 6.7% slope on. This is not a usable space that is accessible to everyone and does not provide a space for people to recreate. It is not a courtyard, front porch, patio, pay area garden, or other type of active use area. It includes area within the rear setback, which does not count as open space unless the spaces meets design standards. This space does not meet design standards. See Shared open space descriptions and requirements in 38.520.060.B.2 for the requirements for shared open space which must feature paths or walkable lawns, landscaping, seating, lightings and pay structures, sports courts or other pedestrian amenities to make the area more functional and enjoyable for a range of users. The open space area has been readjusted to meet design standards. The slope of the open space has been reduced and has been adjusted to be outside of the rear setback. See landscape plan for open space features. b. The central open space area in the parking lot has many trees and 2 benches. It does not appear to meet the standards of the referenced code section. It does not provide space to recreate. The amount of seating is disproportionate to the number of residents it is meant to serve. This space does not meet design standards. See Shared open space descriptions and requirements in 38.520.060.B.2 for the requirements for shared open space which must feature paths or walkable lawns, landscaping, seating, lightings and pay structures, sports courts or other pedestrian amenities to make the area more functional and enjoyable for a range of users. See landscape plan for revised open space design. A sports court and seating area has been added to meet open space requirements. 26. BMC 38.520.060.B Residential Open space. The open space calculations on the Cover Page require revisions. Of the 1,596-sf of balcony space only 50% of it may be counted towards the required open space calculations; therefore 3402-sf of additional open space is required. The residential open space calculations have been revised. 27. BMC 38.520.060.B.2 Shared open space must be separated from parking lots with landscaping, fencing and/or other acceptable treatments that enhance safety and privacy for the shared open space and dwelling units. Provide a landscape buffer from parking areas and dwelling units that is not included in the shared open space calculation and that provides separation per requirement. A landscape buffer from parking areas and dwelling units has been provided 28. BMC 38.520.070.C.2 Service areas, screening of ground related service areas. Trash enclosure must be landscape with five feet wide landscaping where visible from the street, parking lots and pathways. Provide five feet of landscaping around the perimeters of all trash enclosures other than the doorways. A 5’ wide landscape area has been added to the plan adjacent to the trash enclosures. 29. BMC 38.520.070.B and D Service areas. Location of power and gas entrances into building not shown on landscaping plan sheets. The entrance must be shown on all plans and must meet standards. Power and gas entrances into building are not integrated into the building architecture nor is there adequate landscape screening area proposed. Per BMC 38.520.070.B.3 service areas must be screened structurally with the building and/or landscaping to screen must be provided. Clarify locations on all plans and provide compliance with this section. The location of private underground utilities as well as landscape screening has been added to the landscape plan. 30. BMC 520.070.E. Location and screening of roof mounted mechanical equipment. Provide clarification of how rooftop equipment is well integrated into the architectural design and fully screened from public view both at grade and from higher buildings. Provide details and cross sections to demonstrate compliance. Proposed approach to screening does not comply with code requirements. The design has been changed to eliminate rooftop mechanical equipment. 31. BMC 38.550.050.C requires that 20-sf of landscaping internal to the parking lot be provided for every off-street parking space. Provide the total calculation on the landscape plan. 20-sf of internal landscaping has been provided for every off street parking space. Calculations have also been added to the landscape plan. 32. BMC 38.570.040.G.5. Miscellaneous lighting specifications. Lighting exceeds standards at property lines at north property line adjacent to open space lot. Open space lot is a public right of way. The lighting has been revised to meet the miscellaneous lighting specifications. 33. General Comment. Installation of concrete walkway in the open space lot is required. a. The Boulder Creek Subdivision financially guaranteed the installation of sidewalks, including the sidewalk through the Open Space lots. Per the agreement, the work is required to be completed within 12 months of the filing of the final plat on August 23, 2018. The improvements for the subdivision are required to be completed by August 23, 2019. If an extension is required, the applicant is advised to submit an extension application for review. Understood. b. The subdivider is the same as this project applicant at this time, this narrative uses applicant interchangeably. Please revise to clarify the distinct differences between entities throughout application and A1 form. Only the term ‘applicant’ will be used throughout this resubmtittal. 34. General comment. Use form RC for resubmittal. While the next submittal is the second revision to this project a fee is required for a third and any subsequent resubmittals in the amount of one quarter of the original application fee. The RC form has been included in this resubmittal. 35. General comment. New regulations that will affect this site plan take effect on July 3, 2019. Review new regulations carefully and revise application accordingly. The regulations in effect at the time that application receives adequacy are those that apply during the review. This project will not have an adequacy determination by July 3, 2019. The resubmittal will meet the site plan application standards from June 2020. Engineering Division, Griffin Nielsen, gnielsen@bozeman.net, 406-582-2279 1. See attached memorandum dated May 22, 2019. Responses to the engineering comments have been included in the resubmittal. Solid Waste Division; Russ Ward, rward@bozeman.net 406-582-3235 1. Must have 50 feet of straight approach to front of enclosure. The enclosure has 50 feet of straight approach which is shown on the site plan. 2. With the 3 foot single person entrance into the enclosure in the front and the one foot roof overhang this will force the dumpster placement to encroach into the 3 foot walk space intended for access to front of dumpster. We recommend moving the 3 foot access to enclosure to the rear of the enclosure. The entrance into the enclosure has been moved to the rear of the enclosure. Fire Department; Scott Mueller, smueller@bozeman.net , 406-582-2382 1. Internal fire hydrant will be required near the confluence of ‘phase 2’ and ‘phase 3’. The fire hydrant may not be located in a landscape island of the parking lot. The internal fire hydrant has been relocated. Other Reviewers: Building Division; Bob Risk, brisk@bozeman.net, 406-582-2377 Water and Sewer Division; John Alston, jalston@bozeman.net, 406-582-3200 Forestry Division; Alex Nordquest, anordquest@bozeman.net, 406-582-3205 NorthWestern Energy; Cammy Dooley, cammy.dooley@northwestern.com If you should have any questions regarding these comments, revisions and corrections for the Boulder Creek Apartments Site Plan Application don’t hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, _____________________________ Celine Saucier, PE Project Engineer