HomeMy WebLinkAbout19021 - Engineering Comments 2021-02-12 February 12, 2021 Danielle Garber, Associate Planner City of Bozeman Department of Planning and Community Development P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771-1230 Re: Boulder Creek Apartments Site Plan Review COB#: 19021 MMI#: 4192.025 Dear Sarah: This letter is to provide written responses to the comments stated in the engineering review memo dated November 9, 2020. Below are our responses associated with each comment. ENGINEERING COMMENTS: 1. Bozeman Municipal Code (BMC) Section 38.230.100.A.6 - All phases of the project must meet site requirements. Site elements must be completed prior to the occupancy of any building. In addition the construction management plan must include details of how construction activity will be separated from occupants. a. There is a discrepancy in phasing boundaries on sheet EX4 – Master Plan between the color coded phase 2 boundary vs the phase 3 callout on the building within the phase. The Legend has been revised to illustrate the correct colors with the correct phases. 2. BMC Section 38.270.030 – The project is eligible for concurrent construction of the public infrastructure and proposed structures. If the applicant wishes to request concurrent construction for the public infrastructure associated with the project (water and sewer mains)the following items are required: a. Formal memo requesting concurrent construction b. Plan and specification approval from the City and State prior to issuance of building permit(s). c. Submittal of an executed original conditional irrevocable offer of dedication, please contact the Engineering Department to receive a copy of this document. d. Written approval from the fire department for concurrent construction. If concurrent construction is requested after the site plan has been approved a modification application will be required. Concurrent construction is not being requested at this time. 3. BMC Section 38.400.070 - A City standard street light is required at the proposed midblock crossing. The street light must be adopted into and SILD prior to occupancy. a. The street light shall be provided on the site plan and completed prior to occupancy of any building. A street light has been added at the mid block crossing – if this location is acceptable we will proceed. 4. BMC Section 38.410.060 - City standard easements must be provided prior to site plan approval. The applicant should contact the City’s engineering department to receive a copy of the City standard easement forms for: a. Sewer and Water Pipeline Access Easement A draft of the sewer and water pipeline access easement have been included in this resubmittal. 5. BMC Section 38.410.060 - No building shall be constructed that encroaches on a private utility easement unless written approval from all utility companies is provided to the community development department. a. Patio walls are encroaching on private utility easement. Written approval must be provided from all impacted utilities. The 18-plex patios have been revised so that they are outside of the utility easement. 6. BMC Section 38.410.070 – The applicant has indicated an all-weather access road to proposed sanitary manholes and water valves will be constructed. Please show this on the site plan. The all-weather access road has been added to the site plan in this resubmittal on the utility sheet. 7. Design Standard and Specification Policy (DSSP) Section II Drainage Policy – Describe how storm water runoff from the southeast corner of section area 2 will reach retention pond #2. Contours show this area draining east to the open space 1 lot. The flows from the south-east corner drain offsite as direct runoff, similar to existing pre- development conditions 8. BMC Section 38.410.080 – Call out retention pond outfall on utility plan. The retention pond outfall is labeled in the utility plan resubmittal. 9. DSSP Utility Design Criteria – Section D.5.b: At no time will the utility line in question be less than nine (9) feet from the edge of the easement or less than ten (10) feet from a parallel utility line. Utility easements will also be required for all fire hydrants maintained by the City of Bozeman. a. 10 foot separation is required between water and sewer mains ‘ The water and sewer mains have been adjusted to maintain the 10-foot separation b. Sewer main is less than 9 feet from eastern edge of utility easement line. The easement has been revised to maintain the 9-foot separation 10. BMC Section 38.410.070.A.1 - The proposed development is within the drainage basin feeding into the Laurel Glen lift station, capacity for the lift station had been fully allocated. An updated lift station report has been approved which indicates the allocated discharge for the parcels under review. The applicant must provide the relevant sections of the lift station design report which demonstrates the allocated capacity for the property. With the current site plan application, we are proposing 54 dwelling units for Lots 1 & 2 with 42 future dwelling units as a part of Lots 3 & 4. The reports provided by the city indicate that the Laurel Glen lift station has capacity for 118 dwelling units and therefore adequate capacity for the proposed development. Attached is the Laurel Glen Lift Station Report by C&H with the relevant sections highlighted. If you should have any questions regarding these comments, revisions and corrections for the Boulders Apartment Site Plan Application Resubmittal don’t hesitate to contact me, Celine Saucier, PE Project Engineer