HomeMy WebLinkAboutDTN_BZN_PART 1_121820 MEMORANDUM To: Mr. Chris Naumann, Executive Director From: Joey Staszcuk, PE, PTOE Date: 12/18/2020 Reference: Downtown Bozeman Transportation Study – Part 1: Concept Design and Preliminary Findings Sanderson Stewart is currently contracted with the Downtown Bozeman Partnership to complete Part 1 of the Downtown Bozeman Transportation Study consisting of design concepts for the recommended improvements in the 2019 Downtown Bozeman Improvement Plan (DBIP) for the following downtown streets: Babcock Street, Main Street and Mendenhall Street. Part 2 of the study will be completed under a separate authorization to proceed, pending review of Part 1, and will consist of data collection and analysis of the affected intersections and corridors for the extent of the improvements. The purpose of this memo is to provide a summary of the concept design effort and present preliminary findings for Part 1 of the study. The concept designs are based on existing street widths provided by the 2013 Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) road log. A parking summary is paired with the plan set highlighting the gain and loss of parking spaces for each of the three proposed concepts. Additionally, Black Avenue, currently a main bike route through Bozeman, is mentioned in the DBIP as a central location that should be the key focus of multiple projects to promote multimodal transportation in a safe fashion. Suggestions to improve bike and pedestrian safety include additional traffic signals to promote lower speeds and crosswalks at the intersections of Black Avenue/Babcock Street, Black Avenue/Mendenhall Street, and a pedestrian scramble phase at the intersection of Black Avenue and Main Street as shown in Figures 1 and 2 below. A pedestrian scramble is a separate signal phase that allows all pedestrian movements (including diagonal Figure 1: Pedestrian Scramble Schematic (Source: NACTO) Figure 2: Scramble Example (Location: Chicago, IL) December 18, 2020 2 crossing) while all vehicle traffic is stopped. Additional pedestrian crossing enhancements are also recommended at Babcock Street/Wallace Avenue, Babcock Street/Grand Avenue, and Mendenhall Street/Grand Avenue. Although Part 1 of the study is primarily focused on concept designs for Babcock Street, Main Street and Mendenhall Street, the additional improvements from the DBIP listed above will be addressed further in the analysis phase under Part 2 of the study. Babcock Street (U-1208): Babcock Street is a minor arterial located directly south of Main Street and is part of the downtown one-way couplet on either side of Main Street. Within the extents of South 8th Avenue and South Wallace Avenue, Babcock Street is a two-lane, one-way eastbound street. According to MDT’s short-term count sites, Babcock Street has a 2019 AADT ranging from 3,389 to 6,656 vehicles per day. The MDT Road Log shows that Babcock Street has a surface width ranging from 36 to 38 feet. Both eastbound lanes are 12 feet wide and the parking lane widths range from 6-7 feet. Currently, Babcock Street has faded bike sharrows in both lanes from 8th Avenue to Grand Avenue and no bike specific signing or striping from Grand Avenue to Wallace Avenue. With on-street parking on both sides of the street, bike travel on Babcock Street either takes place in the vehicle travel lane or Figure 3: Babcock Street Existing Conditions (Source: 2019 DBIP) December 18, 2020 3 on the sidewalks. The DBIP illustrates the existing conditions, as shown below in Figure 3 that describes the existing lane widths slightly wider than MDT Road Log. The DBIP recommends improvements for Babcock Street that consist of reallocating the existing street width to better accommodate bike travel in both directions while improving vehicle, bike, and pedestrian safety. The proposed concept for Babcock Street in the DBIP, as shown below in Figure 4, consists of removing parking on the north side of Babcock Street and replacing it with a two-lane, two-way cycle track, as well as reducing drive lane widths on both eastbound lanes. The National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) provides both required and recommended design guidance for two-way cycle tracks that was closely followed with the Babcock Street design concept. Required features include bike lane symbol pavement markings placed at the beginning and throughout the facility. Additional signage is also required to denote that bicycles are traveling in the opposite direction as vehicles (MUTCD R6-1 – ONE WAY EXCEPT BIKES) and that vehicles are still only allowed to travel eastbound (MUTCD R5-1 DO NOT ENTER EXCEPT BIKES). Intersection controls will also be installed oriented in a direction for bicyclists traveling in the contra-flow direction with additional pavement markings (See Figure 5). Bike specific intersection striping is outlined in NACTO to maximize visibly of bicyclists and increase driver awareness. Figure 4: Babcock Street Proposed Concept (Source: 2019 DBIP) December 18, 2020 4 Additional signage is also proposed on all cross streets to illustrate that Babcock Street is a bike route and to warn drivers to look both directions before crossing or turning onto Babcock Street. Figure 6, below, is an example of a two-way cycle track on a one-way street. In this case they use green paint to make the bike route more visible to approaching vehicles who may be unfamiliar with two-way traffic on the previously one-way street. NACTO design guidance for a two-way cycle track is shown on the next page in Figure 7. Figure 5: NACTO Intersection Bike Options Figure 6: One-way Street & Two-way Cycle Track Example (Location: Eugene, OR) December 18, 2020 5 Implementing a cycle track on Babcock Street presents challenges due to the width constraints and the fact that Babcock Street is a one-way street. NACTO recommends the width of a two-way cycle track be 12 feet with a minimum of 8 feet in constrained areas; the proposed cycle track on Babcock Street measures between 8-10 feet from inside edge of buffer to face of curb. The proposed concept for Babcock Street also includes a 2-foot wide buffer, while NACTO recommends a minimum of 3 feet. Utilization challenges include lack of contra-flow signage, current intersection traffic controls are only for eastbound traffic, and that westbound bike traffic will present an unfamiliar condition for most drivers and cyclists. If the proposed cycle track is implemented there will be a net loss of 81 parking spaced on Babcock. Of the 81 spaces lost, 33 spaces will be between 8th Avenue and Grand Avenue, 30 spaces will be between Grand Avenue and Rouse Avenue, and 18 spaces will be between Rouse Avenue and Wallace Avenue. A proposed secondary option for Babcock Street is a super- sharrow design (no lost parking spaces) like the proposed Mendenhall Street concept mentioned in the latter portion of this memo. Detail corridor plans (C1.1-C1.3) for the proposed Babcock Street corridor are included as an attachment to this document. Figure 7: NACTO Cycle Track Approach Options (Source: NACTO Urban Bikeway Design Guide) December 18, 2020 6 Main Street (N-50): Main Street is a principal arterial located between the downtown couplet pair of eastbound Babcock Street and westbound Mendenhall Street. Main Street is the heart of Bozeman’s downtown and provides primary access for vehicles traveling to the downtown area as well as a through street used for a connection to I-90. Between 7th Avenue and Buttonwood Avenue (Lindley Park Access), Main Street is a four-lane, bi-directional street that, according to MDT short-term count sites, has a 2019 AADT ranging from 11,203 to 15,741 vehicles per day. Based on the 2013 MDT Road Log, Main Street has a surface width of 62-feet from 7th Avenue to Rouse Avenue and a surface width of 60-feet from Rouse Avenue to Buttonwood Avenue. Both eastbound and westbound lanes are 12- feet wide and the parking lanes range from 6-7 feet. Travel lanes in both directions are shared through/turn lanes with parallel parking permitted on both sides of the street. Excess snow is often stockpiled midblock along the center line, which reduces the capacity and safety of users during the winter months. The DBIP illustrates the existing conditions as shown in Figure 8 below. The DBIP provides concepts for Main Street that reallocate the existing surface width to make Main Street more efficient and encourage users to park and visit the downtown amenities. The DBIP recommends shifting from a four-lane section to a three-lane section and replacing parallel parking with angled parking. Shifting to three lanes will allow for a left-turn lane which will help reduce the current left-turn queueing issues on Main Street that restrict through movement flow. This will also provide a better location for snow to be stockpiled in winter months that will have little to no effect on the capacity or flow of traffic. The DBIP provided a concept for three-lane section with back-in angled parking (Figure 9). However, this concept required narrower than minimum MDT lane widths. Figure 8: Main Street Existing Conditions (Source: 2019 DBIP) December 18, 2020 7 Figure 9: Main Street 3-Lane Option (Source: 2019 DBIP) The reduction of a travel lane width allows for 45-degree back-in-angle parking to be implemented one side of the road while parallel parking remains on the opposite side. Back-in-angle and parallel parking can be alternated between the north and south side of the road every block, if desirable. Alignment shifts for lanes will be required in final design to ensure lane tapers do not exceed 20:1 across the intersections. If the proposed three-lane design with alternating back-in-angle parking is implemented there will be net gain of 76 parking spaces on main street. Of the 76 spaces, 18 spaces are between 7th Avenue and Grand Avenue, 38 spaces are between Grand Avenue and Rouse Avenue, and 20 spaces are between Rouse Avenue and Cypress Avenue. If back-in-angle parking on Main Street is implemented in conjunction with the Babcock Street cycle track, there would be a total net loss of five parking spaces. Parking summary tables are shown block-by-block on the detail corridor plans (C2.1-C2.5) for Main Street, which are included as an attachment to this document. An example of 45-degree angle parking paired with parallel parking on Central Avenue (MDT route L-7-2518A) in Great Falls, Montana is shown in Figure 10. Figure 10: Angled & Parallel Parking Example (Location: Great Falls, MT) December 18, 2020 8 Mendenhall Street (U-1206): Mendenhall Street is a minor arterial located directly north of Main Street. Within the extents of North 11th Avenue and North Rouse Avenue, Mendenhall Street is a two-lane, one-way westbound street. According to MDT’s short-term count sites, Mendenhall Street has a 2019 AADT ranging from 2,764 to 6,117 vehicles per day. The MDT Road Log shows that Mendenhall Street has a surface width ranging from 39-44 feet in a standard section blocks. Typically, both westbound lanes are 12-feet wide and the parking lanes are 8-feet wide. Mendenhall Street is currently a shared-use facility with sharrows in the center of both travel lanes. Parallel parking is available on both sides of Mendenhall Street. The DBIP illustrates existing conditions as shown below in Figure 11. The DBIP recommends reducing the drive lane width from 12 to 11 feet to create a traffic calming effect. The bike sharrows will also be removed from the northern lane and used solely on the southern lane. The southern six-foot bike lane will be striped in the center of the travel lane with green paint to clearly illustrate the shared use lane and a bike lane extension paired with sharrows will continue through the intersections to increase bike visibility. Figure 12 describes the NACTO recommended design guidelines and Figure 13 provides NACTO intersection design guidelines. DBIP recommendations are shown in Figure 14. Shared lane markings help to alert drivers of the potential presence of bicyclists. Use of sharrows on two-lane, one-way streets are advantageous because vehicles can safely pass cyclists without driving against opposing traffic. The parallel parking on either side of the street will be expanded from 8 to 9 feet to increase safety when entering and exiting a parked vehicle. The Mendenhall recommendations would have no impact on Figure 11: Mendenhall Street Existing Conditions (Source: 2019 DBIP) December 18, 2020 9 parking. Detailed concept design plans (C3.1-C3.4) for the proposed Mendenhall Street corridor are included as an attachment to this document. Figure 12: NACTO Sharrow Options (Source: NACTO Urban Bikeway Design Guide) Figure 13: NACTO Sharrow Intersection Options (Source: NACTO Urban Bikeway Design Guide) December 18, 2020 10 Conclusions and Next Steps As noted previously, this memo presents the findings of Part 1 of the Downtown Bozeman Transportation Study. The concept designs show that the recommended improvements from the DBIP for Babcock Street, Main Street and Mendenhall Street could be implemented within the existing street widths with some minor variations. The combination of recommended improvements would also result in an overall decrease of five (5) parking spaces across the three corridors. If the super-sharrow concept is implemented on Babcock Street instead of the cycle track concept, the overall increase in parking spaces across the three corridors would be 76. Comments received from the City of Bozeman and MDT will determine the feasibility of proceeding with Part 2 of the study, which will provide the necessary data collection and analysis of the recommended improvements. Figure 14: Mendenhall Street Proposed Concept (Source: 2019 DBIP) PRELIMINARY - FOR REVIEW FILE: PROJECT NO: CAD: QUALITY ASSURANCE: DRAWING HISTORY DATE DESCRIPTION C1.1BOZEMAN, MONTANA DOWNTOWN URBAN RENEWAL DISTRICT DOWNTOWN TRANSPORTATION STUDY PROPOSED BABCOCK STREET - TYPICAL SECTION & PARKING SUMMARY 18098.13 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- GHC 18098_13_PRO_BAB_PROD.DWG JHS/DRS BABCOCK PARKING ESTIMATEROUSE AVENUE TO WALLACE AVENUEBEFOREAFTERCHANGENORTH180- 18SOUTH18180TOTAL3618- 18BABCOCK PARKING ESTIMATEGRAND AVENUE TO ROUSE AVENUEBEFOREAFTERCHANGENORTH300- 30SOUTH47470TOTAL7747- 30BABCOCK PARKING ESTIMATE8TH AVENUE TO GRAND AVENUEBEFOREAFTERCHANGENORTH330- 33SOUTH57570TOTAL9057- 33P:\18098_13_Bozeman_URD_TO_DTN20-002_DT_Transportation_Study\CADD_C3D\PRODUCTION_DWG\18098_13_PRO_BAB_PROD.dwg, C1.1, 12/18/2020 9:38:58 AM, gchamberlain, 1:1 NORTHPRELIMINARY - FOR REVIEW FILE: PROJECT NO: CAD: QUALITY ASSURANCE: DRAWING HISTORY DATE DESCRIPTION C1.2BOZEMAN, MONTANA DOWNTOWN URBAN RENEWAL DISTRICT DOWNTOWN TRANSPORTATION STUDY PROPOSED BABCOCK STREET 8TH-3RD 18098.13 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- GHC 18098_13_PRO_BAB_PROD.DWG JHS/DRS3003060SCALE: 1" = 60'BABCOCK PARKING ESTIMATE8TH AVENUE TO GRAND AVENUEBEFOREAFTERCHANGE8TH-7TH1611-57TH-6TH2011-96TH-5TH179-85TH-4TH179-84TH-3RD85-33RD-GRAND12120P:\18098_13_Bozeman_URD_TO_DTN20-002_DT_Transportation_Study\CADD_C3D\PRODUCTION_DWG\18098_13_PRO_BAB_PROD.dwg, C1.2, 12/18/2020 9:42:21 AM, gchamberlain, 1:1 NORTHPRELIMINARY - FOR REVIEW FILE: PROJECT NO: CAD: QUALITY ASSURANCE: DRAWING HISTORY DATE DESCRIPTION C1.3BOZEMAN, MONTANA DOWNTOWN URBAN RENEWAL DISTRICT DOWNTOWN TRANSPORTATION STUDY PROPOSED BABCOCK STREET GRAND - BLACK 18098.13 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- GHC 18098_13_PRO_BAB_PROD.DWG JHS/DRS3003060SCALE: 1" = 60'BABCOCK PARKING ESTIMATE3RD AVENUE TO BOZEMAN AVENUEBEFOREAFTERCHANGE3RD-GRAND12120GRAND-WILSON148-6WILSON-TRACY148-6TRACY-BLACK1711-6BLACK-BOZEMAN880P:\18098_13_Bozeman_URD_TO_DTN20-002_DT_Transportation_Study\CADD_C3D\PRODUCTION_DWG\18098_13_PRO_BAB_PROD.dwg, C1.3, 12/18/2020 9:43:21 AM, gchamberlain, 1:1 NORTHPRELIMINARY - FOR REVIEW FILE: PROJECT NO: CAD: QUALITY ASSURANCE: DRAWING HISTORY DATE DESCRIPTION C1.4BOZEMAN, MONTANA DOWNTOWN URBAN RENEWAL DISTRICT DOWNTOWN TRANSPORTATION STUDY PROPOSED BABCOCK STREET BOZEMAN - WALLACE 18098.13 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- GHC 18098_13_PRO_BAB_PROD.DWG JHS/DRS3003060SCALE: 1" = 60'BABCOCK PARKING ESTIMATEBLACK AVENUE TO WALLACE AVENUEBEFOREAFTERCHANGEBLACK-BOZEMAN880BOZEMAN-ROUSE2412-12ROUSE-CHURCH2211-11CHURCH-WALLACE147-7P:\18098_13_Bozeman_URD_TO_DTN20-002_DT_Transportation_Study\CADD_C3D\PRODUCTION_DWG\18098_13_PRO_BAB_PROD.dwg, C1.4, 12/18/2020 9:44:29 AM, gchamberlain, 1:1 PRELIMINARY - FOR REVIEW FILE: PROJECT NO: CAD: QUALITY ASSURANCE: DRAWING HISTORY DATE DESCRIPTION C2.1BOZEMAN, MONTANA DOWNTOWN URBAN RENEWAL DISTRICT DOWNTOWN TRANSPORTATION STUDY PROPOSED MAIN STREET - TYPICAL SECTION & PARKING SUMMARY 18098.13 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- GHC 18098_13_PRO_MAIN_PROD.DWG JHS/DRS MAIN STREET PARKING ESTIMATE7TH AVENUE TO GRAND AVENUEBEFOREAFTERCHANGENORTH2424 0SOUTH3553 + 18TOTAL5977 + 18MAIN STREET PARKING ESTIMATEGRAND AVENUE TO ROUSE AVENUEBEFOREAFTERCHANGENORTH5580 + 25SOUTH5164 + 13TOTAL106144 + 38MAIN STREET PARKING ESTIMATEROUSE AVENUE TO CYPRESS AVENUEBEFOREAFTERCHANGENORTH4447 + 3SOUTH4663 + 17TOTAL90110 + 20P:\18098_13_Bozeman_URD_TO_DTN20-002_DT_Transportation_Study\CADD_C3D\PRODUCTION_DWG\18098_13_PRO_MAIN_PROD.dwg, C2.1, 12/18/2020 9:45:34 AM, gchamberlain, 1:1 NORTHPRELIMINARY - FOR REVIEW FILE: PROJECT NO: CAD: QUALITY ASSURANCE: DRAWING HISTORY DATE DESCRIPTION C2.2BOZEMAN, MONTANA DOWNTOWN URBAN RENEWAL DISTRICT DOWNTOWN TRANSPORTATION STUDY PROPOSED MAIN STREET 7TH-3RD 18098.13 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- GHC 18098_13_PRO_MAIN_PROD.DWG JHS/DRS3003060SCALE: 1" = 60'MAIN STREET PARKING ESTIMATE7TH AVENUE TO GRAND AVENUEBEFOREAFTERCHANGE7TH-5TH131305TH-3RD3450 + 163RD-GRAND1214 + 2P:\18098_13_Bozeman_URD_TO_DTN20-002_DT_Transportation_Study\CADD_C3D\PRODUCTION_DWG\18098_13_PRO_MAIN_PROD.dwg, C2.2, 12/18/2020 9:46:02 AM, gchamberlain, 1:1 NORTHPRELIMINARY - FOR REVIEW FILE: PROJECT NO: CAD: QUALITY ASSURANCE: DRAWING HISTORY DATE DESCRIPTION C2.3BOZEMAN, MONTANA DOWNTOWN URBAN RENEWAL DISTRICT DOWNTOWN TRANSPORTATION STUDY PROPOSED MAIN STREET GRAND-BLACK 18098.13 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- GHC 18098_13_PRO_MAIN_PROD.DWG JHS/DRS3003060SCALE: 1" = 60'MAIN STREET PARKING ESTIMATE3RD AVENUE TO BOZEMAN AVENUEBEFOREAFTERCHANGE3RD-GRAND1214 + 2GRAND-WILLSON1016 + 6WILLSON-TRACY2228 + 6TRACY-BLACK2128 + 7BLACK-BOZEMAN1926 + 7P:\18098_13_Bozeman_URD_TO_DTN20-002_DT_Transportation_Study\CADD_C3D\PRODUCTION_DWG\18098_13_PRO_MAIN_PROD.dwg, C2.3, 12/18/2020 9:46:51 AM, gchamberlain, 1:1 NORTHPRELIMINARY - FOR REVIEW FILE: PROJECT NO: CAD: QUALITY ASSURANCE: DRAWING HISTORY DATE DESCRIPTION C2.4BOZEMAN, MONTANA DOWNTOWN URBAN RENEWAL DISTRICT DOWNTOWN TRANSPORTATION STUDY PROPOSED MAIN STREET BOZEMAN-CHURCH 18098.13 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- GHC 18098_13_PRO_MAIN_PROD.DWG JHS/DRS3003060SCALE: 1" = 60'MAIN STREET PARKING ESTIMATEBLACK AVENUE TO WALLACE AVENUEBEFOREAFTERCHANGEBLACK-BOZEMAN1926 + 7BOZEMAN-ROUSE3446 + 12ROUSE-CHURCH2129 + 8CHURCH-WALLACE1215 + 3P:\18098_13_Bozeman_URD_TO_DTN20-002_DT_Transportation_Study\CADD_C3D\PRODUCTION_DWG\18098_13_PRO_MAIN_PROD.dwg, C2.4, 12/18/2020 9:47:33 AM, gchamberlain, 1:1 NORTHPRELIMINARY - FOR REVIEW FILE: PROJECT NO: CAD: QUALITY ASSURANCE: DRAWING HISTORY DATE DESCRIPTION C2.5BOZEMAN, MONTANA DOWNTOWN URBAN RENEWAL DISTRICT DOWNTOWN TRANSPORTATION STUDY PROPOSED MAIN STREET WALLACE-CYPRESS 18098.13 -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- GHC 18098_13_PRO_MAIN_PROD.DWG JHS/DRS3003060SCALE: 1" = 60'MAIN STREET PARKING ESTIMATECHURCH AVENUE TO CYPRESS STREETBEFOREAFTERCHANGECHURCH-WALLACE1215 + 3WALLACE-BROADWAY3140 + 9BROADWAY-CYPRESS26260P:\18098_13_Bozeman_URD_TO_DTN20-002_DT_Transportation_Study\CADD_C3D\PRODUCTION_DWG\18098_13_PRO_MAIN_PROD.dwg, C2.5, 12/18/2020 9:48:16 AM, gchamberlain, 1:1 PRELIMINARY - FOR REVIEW FILE: PROJECT NO: CAD: QUALITY ASSURANCE: DRAWING HISTORY DATE DESCRIPTION C3.1BOZEMAN, MONTANA DOWNTOWN URBAN RENEWAL DISTRICT DOWNTOWN TRANSPORTATION STUDY PROPOSED MENDENHALL STREET - TYPICAL SECTION & PARKING SUMMARY 18098_13 ## # # # # # # # # # # # # ## GHC 18098_13_PRO_MHALL_PROD.DWG JHS/DRS MENDENHALL PARKING ESTIMATE11TH STREET TO ROUSE AVENUEBEFOREAFTERCHANGENORTH1061060SOUTH98980TOTAL2042040P:\18098_13_Bozeman_URD_TO_DTN20-002_DT_Transportation_Study\CADD_C3D\PRODUCTION_DWG\18098_13_PRO_MHALL_PROD.dwg, C2.6, 12/18/2020 9:49:11 AM, gchamberlain, 1:1 NORTHPRELIMINARY - FOR REVIEW FILE: PROJECT NO: CAD: QUALITY ASSURANCE: DRAWING HISTORY DATE DESCRIPTION C3.2BOZEMAN, MONTANA DOWNTOWN URBAN RENEWAL DISTRICT DOWNTOWN TRANSPORTATION STUDY PROPOSED MENDENHALL STREET 11TH - 7TH 18098_13 ## # # # # # # # # # # # # ## GHC 18098_13_PRO_MHALL_PROD.DWG JHS/DRS3003060SCALE: 1" = 60'MENDENHALL PARKING ESTIMATE11TH STREET TO 5TH AVENUEBEFOREAFTERCHANGE11TH-10TH1212010TH-9TH171709TH-8TH141408TH-7TH101007TH-5TH26260P:\18098_13_Bozeman_URD_TO_DTN20-002_DT_Transportation_Study\CADD_C3D\PRODUCTION_DWG\18098_13_PRO_MHALL_PROD.dwg, C2.7, 12/18/2020 9:49:57 AM, gchamberlain, 1:1 NORTHPRELIMINARY - FOR REVIEW FILE: PROJECT NO: CAD: QUALITY ASSURANCE: DRAWING HISTORY DATE DESCRIPTION C3.3BOZEMAN, MONTANA DOWNTOWN URBAN RENEWAL DISTRICT DOWNTOWN TRANSPORTATION STUDY PROPOSED MENDENHALL STREET 5TH-WILSON 18098_13 ## # # # # # # # # # # # # ## GHC 18098_13_PRO_MHALL_PROD.DWG JHS/DRS3003060SCALE: 1" = 60'MENDENHALL PARKING ESTIMATE7TH AVENUE TO TRACY AVENUEBEFOREAFTERCHANGE7TH-5TH262605TH-3RD444403RD-GRAND13130GRAND-WILSON12120WILSON-TRACY16160P:\18098_13_Bozeman_URD_TO_DTN20-002_DT_Transportation_Study\CADD_C3D\PRODUCTION_DWG\18098_13_PRO_MHALL_PROD.dwg, C2.8, 12/18/2020 9:50:34 AM, gchamberlain, 1:1 NORTHPRELIMINARY - FOR REVIEW FILE: PROJECT NO: CAD: QUALITY ASSURANCE: DRAWING HISTORY DATE DESCRIPTION C3.4BOZEMAN, MONTANA DOWNTOWN URBAN RENEWAL DISTRICT DOWNTOWN TRANSPORTATION STUDY PROPOSED MENDENHALL STREET TRACY-WILSON 18098_13 ## # # # # # # # # # # # # ## GHC 18098_13_PRO_MHALL_PROD.DWG JHS/DRS3003060SCALE: 1" = 60'MENDENHALL PARKING ESTIMATEWILSON AVENUE TO ROUSE AVENUEBEFOREAFTERCHANGEWILSON-TRACY16160TRACY-BLACK000BLACK-BOZEMAN17170BOZEMAN-ROUSE23230P:\18098_13_Bozeman_URD_TO_DTN20-002_DT_Transportation_Study\CADD_C3D\PRODUCTION_DWG\18098_13_PRO_MHALL_PROD.dwg, C2.9, 12/18/2020 9:51:29 AM, gchamberlain, 1:1