HomeMy WebLinkAboutAdministrative Order 2021-08 Adoption of Bozeman Remote Work Policy im co.rs ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER 2021-08 Adoption of City of Bozeman Remote Work Policy Pursuant to my authority as City Manager, I, hereby.adopt the, attached City of Bozeman Remote Work Poliey attached hereto as Attachment A. DATED this day of , 2021. J ff ihelieh; City.lVIanager tt r UUy ti , t � t R fhy 1 I r r �[ i.. ._ i4•, i _`b - - `Y'�•. .L.; Ste, ? t j %2,}i'; h r4: !Y '! r..H L.! ilf ATTACHMENT A Remote Work Policy All lb r- �I+I Stl xzl t j i Yip. ®OZ E MAN MT City of Bozeman Remote Work Policy Rev.07/2021 I. Purpose and Scope The City of Bozeman("City")recognizes the value of offering remote work options to employees.`Remote work options benefit both the City and its employees by contributing to a positive work-life balance, resulting in increased morale and productivity among employees and higher quality service to the community'of Bozeman. Additionally, remote work options are intended to help reduce the commute trips for employees, thereby reducing their commute costs as well as reducing the overall .environmental impact of City employees commuting to their workplace. The purpose of this.policy is to establish procedures for allowing City, e'mployees,in certain positions to work remotely. This policy does not,apply to the positions and employee groups specified in Appendix A,as may be modified at any time by the City Manager. New employees will not b'e eligible to work remotely during their first 90 days of employment,'unless authorized by their Department Director and the Human Resources Director. This policy shall be.effective beginning July 19;2021. On or prior to June 30, 2022, the City.will'review this policy to determine.if it will be'continued,modified;or discontinued. This policy may be amended or repealed at any time by the City Manager: II. :,Policy,.' Working remotely shall be considered a privilege, not a.right.. Individual departments may'have' additional requirements, guidelines, or procedures,for working :remotely, provided they are consistent with this„policy . Eligible employees may request to work remotely for up to one(1) day per week not to exceed eight(8)hours. This may be utilized as one(1)full day;or two(2)half days. In order to maintain effective and efficient service to the'publc;a fixed remote work schedule shall be established between the employee and their supervisor. All requests to work remotely shall be considered with the needs of the City being primary: Working remotely does..not change„ the duties, obligations, responsibilities; or terms and .conditions of employment. Employees working remotely,must comply with all City policies and,procedures,including those:,. setforth in the City's,Employee Handbook,in the same manner they would.while working at their regular,work' site. This policy is not to be.used in place of sick leave, Family Medical Leave Act(FMLA)'leave, etc. This policy shall not be used,as an accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA)without prior, approval from Human Resources. c Supervisors are expected to monitor their remote work arrangements with their.employees and ensure they. h remain benehci,lF16 both the City_ and the'" loyee. A Department Director may deny, end, or modify, an t "s U; agreement tow k remotely for any re °considered to be in the best interests of the City.' Department' s Directors shall a}`�empt to give employees aS 1 um of five(5)'business days' notice when modifying or ending G ,,5 an agreement to (�or unless exte g circumstance k in rins exist where less notice is necessary or no notice ` U is possible. s fi A. Eli grbrli Eligibility for' ote work is based on th(' : tion,the employee, and the needs of the department. Not e eiy ' employee,`orG{e �posifion, is°surfed fora; g remotely. Employees must discuss with then superviso he, s r1 ;}� - ter S' •� Page lio 71jr � • dl; (l^.{ � l rrrrrrr�����7{� .(`. t {. '•' �. �I+I -f�i,t .l O T City of Bozeman Remote Work Policy Rev. 07/2021 responsibilities and obligations during their remote work period and whether or not their work is conducive to working remotely. A position may be suitable for working remotely when it includes j ob.duties that: - Are independent in nature - Are primarily knowledge-based - Lend themselves to measurable deliverables Do,not require frequent interaction at the regular worksite with supervisors, colleagues,or members of the public,in person or by phone Do not require the employee's imriiediate presence at the regular worksite to address unscheduled events, unless alternative arrangements for coverage are possible - Are not essential to the management of on-site workflow Employees may be'suitable, for working remotely when their personal characteristics, as determined by'their supervisor, include:' Demonstrated dependability and responsibility.. - Effeuiye'communication with all those contacted in the course of work - . Demonstrated motivation - The ability to work independently - "A consistently high rate of productivity A high level of skill and knowledge of their job The ability to prioritize work effectively, Good organizational and time;management skills Employees who'.are not upholding City obligations,`such as performance or conduct expectations; may not be eligible to work remotely. B. 'Worksite i. Employees who work remotely must be available to report to their regular,worksite during their regularly scheduled shift if kequired by their supervisor. A. Work performed remotely must be done so in an environment that allows the employee to perform their`.duties safely and efficiently. It is the responsibility,o; A employee to designate an appropriate remote'workspace,which is typically,a space in the empl... home or other similar location:` No work should be'performed outside of the designated wor ace: rG i. '`' • Shol'dthe employee sustain any,'inj uries in their designate rkspace and in conjunction with their, r'7 regud `>, ork duties, the employee is responsible for not �rg,their'supervisor of such injuries in acco ee with City policiesThe City is not;responsi 'injuries to the'employpppe}ey(or to any. , ;third' • e's outside of the'designated workspace or durin eemployee's non-workvi line: . ;y + A. Page 2 of 7 •� `fix , �� � ( S' S f �y u 1.ti �' j }�. .�� .t ,�J ac fe ' t.ti'ti'.;' �. ,. 1•, )i _ ? ''`Z� fit. ,,. �, �. S':t}.,, t` �.:L MT City of Bozeman Remote Work Policy Rev. 07/2021 iv. The City is not liable for damages to an employee's personal property while the employee is working at an alternate worksite. C: Work Hours i. Employees working remotely shall perform work during their scheduled hours. Scheduled hours shall generally be regular business hours (8:00 a.m.- L 5:00 p.m.). Employees may take care of personal business during unpaid meal periods,as they would at their regular.work location. ii. Employees working remotely must account for and report time spent working remotely the same way they would at their regular worksite. iii. Authorization to work remotely does not imply authorization for non-exempt employees to work overtime. Non-exempt'employees may only work overtime when directed to do so and when approved by their supervisor, iv. Non=exempt employees are expected to adhere to,the meal,and rest break policies set forth in the Employee Handbook and must take an unpaid, uninterrupted meal,break of at least 30 minutes per work day.. Non-exempt employees are also permitted to.take fifteen (15) minute morning and afternoon paid rest breaks. Employees are relieved of all duty during meal and rest breaks and most not coInductwork.of any kind while they are on their meal or rest breaks V. Employees must obtain approval to use paid leave hours for their remote work days in accordance with Citypolic es. .. ' A' Meetings L Employees working remotely are expected to attend all essential meetings via,video'conference or by phone,or may be required to attend meetings in person at the direction of their supervisor. E. 'Equipment and Supplies i. The City is not required to provide employees who,are working remotely.with materials or supplies needed to .establish an alternate worksite (desk, 'chair, copy machine, etc.) and assumes no responsibility for set-up or operating costs at alternate worksites(i.e.phone service,internet service). Equipment'such as laptops, software, and other supplies may be provided Ito an;e'mployee at the y ,,;discretion of their"Director and the IT'Depar•tment.'- Directors,are to reasonably allocate those r7'jesources based on operational and workload needs. Upon conclusion o.'f�their:remote work, t, agreement, employees must return equipment to the City. ? 11 rules policies, and i-ocedures re ardin the use of electronic devices udin but not limited , p � p g , . g. ; . g o the Information Tec 6611ogy Use Policy;apply while an employee IS' ,or` ng remotely. Page 31ot17 tf r t -tit{ti i` t f�t+ 14, rf1<r- � I T. BOZ E N MT City of Bozeman Remote Work Policy Rev. 07/2021 iv. If the employee experiences technical issues with their equipment or internet access that prevent the employee from working remotely, the employee must notify their supervisor immediately. Such interruptions to work may require the employee to work from their regular worksite until the issues are resolved. F. Security is Employees working'remotely are bound by any confidentiality and/or security,agreements they signed in.connection with their employment with the City and all confidentiality.'and/or security . policies in the Employee,Handbook. All files, records;'.or other materials created,while working,' remotely are considered City property. Employees and their supervisors shall identify any. •' confidential, private, or personal. information and records to be accessed,and ensure 'appropriate safeguards are used to protect them. A supervisor may require employees.to work in private . locations when handling confidential or sensitive material. A supervisor may prohibit employee's from printing confidential information at alternate worksites to,avoid breaches of confidentiality. ii Employees may not disclose'confidential or private files, records, materials' or other information and;may not allow access to City networks or,databases'to anyone who is not authorized to have access. lit. Montana law applies to employees working remotely. Upon receipt of an appropriate request, and subject to. authorized exemptions, an. employee working remotely',must permit inspection and'. examination of any public information in the employee's custody within the required time-limits. This requirement exists regardless of where the'public information,is located. : -Procedure III . , Employees must obtain approvalTrom their Director and from the Human Resources Director to work remotely and must complefe'the agreement attached in Appendix'B. A Director's decision regarding authorizing remote work`is discretionary in accordance with this policy: Therefore,'absent an allegation of a violation or misinterpretation of othenCity,policy,rule,or procedure,the decision'.is not subject to the,grievance procedures of the Employee Handbook. However, if an employee feels a decision to deny remote work was incorrect,the employee should'contact the Human'Resources Director. Failure to comply with this'policy while working remotely may result m'disciplinary action up to arid'including termination. s • IV. Responsibility for Review ! 1 I, The Human Resources,Director,or degree,shall be responsible for;reviewrng this policy as needed,or at least { every year. 1 dfr �a i' 1 1,� � i � t I' 1 �, " '�j�'• r t � A yl' - 7i .I � - '1 � - illl L�. ftitt 41•fi T?'� i. - 4 of 7 4Y!' 4 r i�. t.,4 �!-: - -- .. .. 4 t`�;i' ill ti /�; .•�1 `��':� �.t. i...'.. f. Nt .- BOZ E MAN MT City of Bozeman Remote Work Policy Rev. 07/2021 Appendix A: Exclusions This policy does not apply to the following: ------..............----.-_.......... _-..................-_._.....__ -- ---....................................................._.._.............----.._......................_-- Department/Employee Group _ _ _ -Position --......._._....... _....................._........------ Community Development Department_ Building Inspector _ Economic Development Department Parking Enforcement Officer .. Fire: ....._.—Department_ __....... ll positions _ _.__... Library.... --._..........--.:. Librarian I -- .. . ........ ......- Library Aide....: --.--- _..........------ - --.-- ... _._. __.... 1 Library Assistant --_...._.. ..........----- t -----...._...._ i ' Municipal Court i All positions E - .... ................... Police_Department A11 positions 1 .... ........ . ... _ .... Part Time.and Short Term Workers All positions ...--................. P-------- ............................... ....---.......---------..------ ............,. ... Teamsters All positions ..-. ..._..._....-- . .._.. - -........... .................. .... ............--------.--. ..........------..._._.... .:....... ! 1 Is s crtriif'ICJ ,1( tSl/• ��:� „>, , 1. i:� � 1 't4 `'�S�;r� ( ,` •: t�, F i 4� � ,,' t rt 5l Y i c , BOZE MAN MT City of Bozeman Remote Work Policy Rev. 07/2021 Appendix B: Remote Work Agreement Employee Name: Date: Position: Department: ....._.-_.-_.............._...........--................._._____..-..........._-_........--.............................._—........................ _ I. , Propose Work Schedule -D. jy Schedule, inewdin breaks Location Monday' Tuesda . Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday, Sunday Or, rotadng schedule as deterfnined by Department Director: ' 2 Employee Agreement.... . . -- - - - .. --- -- ---- ,- - _- -- ---�._..1 By signing this agreement'j acknowledge the following: I have received a copy of the Remote Work Policy and I agree to abide by it at all:times.'I agree to'indemnify and hold the City harmless for injuries to'third,parties and/or damages to real or personal property resulting from :the;remote workspace. I acknowledge I have been provided with the equipment listed below to support my remote work arrangement. I agree to return the equipment to the City at the conclusion of my.'remote work arrangement. . 1 , 3: • °5: I understand'the Remote Work Policy represents the City's 'current policy and that the City retains the right to change or rescind the policy at any time., Employee Signature: Date: Employee Name: 1 — .3 Supervisor Approval _ _ _ - - _... .. -- - , ----- ... .. The - 1a, , �r;employee is meeting all ormance,expectations h e �a , as.Gno,disciplinary action pending, and is;not on a erfforinance improvement plan � �Yes Nb t ! .41 t! Bement will be r ev e+wed d revised when a change urs with supervision,J ob responsibilities,change 4 no ucumstances,or pert or ce. }, A�, l l t 1 i i i ,jn.l. �4i, 1 Page 6- ! y y f" .y BOZ E MAN MT City of Bozeman Remote Work Policy Rev. 07/2021 Date Agreement Begins: Supervisor Signature: Date: Supervisor Name: -------------------....._......--....-.............................----------=—-,-:._:_._......-......_--._..__--_..__...._-...- ...-- .._._._...- ---._..._.._....-.-..--------------->.-._.._........._..................... 4. Director Approval Director Signature: Date: Director Name: Approved by HR Director: Date: A copy of this agreement shall be kept in the employee's personnel file. ��� k #t _ t E �� �`� 3 - �` ter c� 4:' {� �• - � Page 7 of 7 ' � S f� ) 1�F�}f[� f�• ti11�i M1� ��' 4 t -'1 � �(`�` � S-i Sr} 1'� '0 4 ` LY Lt ,' n