HomeMy WebLinkAbout(29a) Response to 18574 PA Letter - DRC memo 05-14-2021Page 1 of 11 March 3, 2020 Thomas W. Murphy 1450 Cherry Drive Bozeman, MT 59715 RE: Bridger Meadows Pre-Application Major Subdivision, Application 18574 Project Location: 185 Endurance Lane, S31, T01 S, R06 E, C.O.S. 885, Tract NW4SE4 12AC. The plat layout provided with the Bridger Meadows Preapplication does not conform to the City’s current design regulations. As presented, the subdivision encroaches into the defined watercourse setback, which contains undisturbed natural riparian and wetland aquatic habitat. As submitted, the Development Review Committee (DRC) does not support the Bridger Meadows subdivision design unless the applicant makes substantial changes. The DRC has reviewed the current application and has identified items that are not compliant with the City’s uniform development code. Please see the following comments for extended detail and code reference. They are organized by topic and in order of critical issue identified. Duplicate comments in the form of a checklist are provided that identify the critical issues that need to be addressed prior to preliminary plat and PUD. Per section 38.230.090 plan review procedures, the primary focus of conceptual review is to identify site specific challenges and constraints to critical path elements which will affect review process or submittal requirements. Staff has NOT performed an exhaustive review. Full review occurs with the formal application. Further development and site analysis of this proposed project for completion of the formal submittal is the responsibility of the Design Professional. Additional comments may arise with submittal of new information or changes to the development. Regards, Sarah Rosenberg, AICP Associate Planner c: file Page 2 of 11 Section 29a – City CDC Memo 03-02-2020 Applicant Responses Bridger Meadows Neighborhood Development PUD Preliminary Plan Application Subdivision Preliminary Plat Application All references are to the Bozeman Municipal Code (BMC). Planning Division; Sarah Rosenberg, srosenberg@bozeman.net Natural Environment 1. The DRC is in support of the proposed lots located north of Shady Glen Lane because these lots are located outside of the defined watercourse setback, established riparian and wetland aquatic habitat, the 100-year floodplain, and lastly the floodway. The DRC is not in support of the lots located south of Shady Glen Lane as they impact above-mentioned items. See comments below and further analysis from Engineering. Extreme efforts have been made to address disturbance of existing wetlands and the East Gallatin River floodplain. To address comments on the preapplication plan that were primarily related to wetlands and floodplain impacts, the project was completely redesigned in accordance with suggestions by the reviewers. The result is the elimination of ten (10) out of 27 residential lots, a 925% reduction in federally protected wetlands impacts (from 0.74 acres to 0.08 acres) and a 454% reduction in floodplain area impacts (from 1.86 acres to 0.41 acres). The 100 year floodway is unaffected by the currently proposed project. The proposed development includes “no build” easements on residential Lots 9 through 12 to protect, in perpetuity, existing federally protected wetlands that encroach onto theselots. The proposed plan and easement language will not allow any disturbance to these wetlands. The proposed floodplain fill is localized to Lots 3 through 6. The amount of 100 year flood storage volume lost due to fill placement is more than offset by excavation proposed within the floodplain fringe, west of Lot 6. The excavation area is an historic artificial fill from an old road or railroad bed that is taking up space within the existing floodplain; this fill was placed prior to the current FEMA floodplain mapping and report. This project proposes to restore elevations to resemble the elevations prior to fill placement. Due to the net increase in flood storage volume, there will be no net rise in floodplain water surface elevations due to the project. See (36) EX-7 (Watercourse Zones) 09-30-2020 – Drawings Folder Preliminary PUD Application and Preliminary Plat Application. 2. Section 38.410.100 & 38.600. More information is needed on the connectivity between existing wetlands and the floodplain. Based on our review, it appears that the wetlands are connected to the East Gallatin River. An additional 50 foot buffer applies to wetlands connected to the East Page 3 of 11 Gallatin River. This additional setback requirement impacts many of the proposed southern lots as well as Shady Glen Lane. With the preliminary plat application, the applicant is advised that a separate exhibit needs to be provided defining connectivity between the existing wetlands and the East Gallatin River. See further comments from Engineering. The prominent natural surface water system is the East Gallatin River, a perennial stream with typical summer flows of approximately 50 cubic feet per second (cfs). At its closest point, the Bridger Meadows property is located approximately 110 feet east of the river. Distance from the river to the closest areas of ground disturbance will be about 260 feet. There are existing wetlands associated with the river and the site; the wetlands have been delineated and are shown on the Preliminary Plat (See 35B Preliminary Plat 09-30-2020 – Drawings Folder Preliminary Plat Application). This project proposes wetlands impacts of 0.08 acres and floodplain impacts of 0.41 acres. Wetland connectivity is indicated by the 50-foot buffer included in the existing watercourse setback for connected wetlands, as shown on Exhibit 7. Flood storage volume will not be impacted; fill within the floodplain will be offset by excavation within the floodplain. Permits will be obtained for these impacts and submit with the final applications per UDC Section 38.220.020. See (14) Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 03-2019 – Appendix D Preliminary PUD Application and Preliminary Plat Application. See (36) EX-7 (Watercourse Zones) 09-30-2020 – Drawings Folder Preliminary PUD Application and Preliminary Plat Application. 3. Section 38.410.100.A.2.d. If a connection between the wetlands and East Gallatin River exist, the DRC is not in support of the lots that are directly impacted by the watercourse setback requirements, which includes, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 25, 26, and 27. In response to City comments and recommendations outlined in the wetlands report the project has undergone various design reiterations and submission. At least 3 plan variations have been formally submitted to the city through the Concept and Preliminary planning application processes along with several informal plans presented for discussion. These have included the proposed Shady Glen Lane both internal to the property and along the north border as well as proposal that have reduced the homesites from 27 to the now proposed 16 17. The recommendation of the Wetlands Consultant, Lynn Bacon, as well as in response to discussion with the City, the design has returned to proposing the Shady Glen Lane along the northern border of the property and placing the homes as a buffer between street and Wildlife Refuge to limit impacts and better protect the wetlands and wildlife habitat. See (33a) Site Plan Lot Layout 09-30-2020 – Drawings Folder Preliminary PUD Application and Preliminary Plat Application. See (34) Site Grading Plan 09-21-2020 – Drawings Folder Preliminary PUD Application and Preliminary Plat Application. Page 4 of 11 See (35b) Preliminary Plat 09-30-2020 – Drawings Folder Preliminary Plat Application. 4. Section 38.410.100. A planting plan for the watercourse buffer is required with the preliminary plat application. See (45) Bridger Meadows PUD Green Plan REV 09-25-2020 – Drawing Folder Preliminary PUD Application and Appendix E Preliminary Plat Application. Open Space/Parkland 1. Section 38.420.020.E. The DRC is not in support of allowing parkland dedication within the watercourse setback. Dedicated parkland has been removed from the application and the developer will be seeking a cash in lieu per UDC 38.420.030 and per a recommendation in the City’s March 3, 2020 memo. See (20) Parkland Outline 09-28-2020 – Documents Folder Preliminary PUD Application and Appendix D Preliminary Plat Application. 2. Section 38.420.030. The DRC would be in support of eliminating the requirement for dedicated parkland and receiving cash-in-lieu for parkland. The area that is within the floodway, floodplain, and watercourse could be a combined open space lot. This open space lot would require a deed restriction for wetlands to be associated with it. After various iterations of the design for Bridger Meadows and having multiple discussions with city planning representatives, per recommendation we have chosen to provide cash in-lieu of parkland dedication. By providing fair market cash value in-lieu of parkland, we maintain the intent to preserve the existing federally protected wetlands for service as a wildlife refuge and create an extension of the natural environment surrounding the East Gallatin River and thus complementing the natural areas of the Glen Lake Rotary Park. 3. Section 38.420.110. The 30’ pedestrian access easement is required to be 10 feet wide and paved with 1 foot of gravel on each side for access to the man hole. 4. Lots 12 and 13 overlap with the pedestrian access easement. This needs to be adjusted. The side setback for any structure is 5 feet away from the easement. The midblock crossing has been eliminated from the plan. As such the pedestrian easement is no longer applicable as noted in 3 and 4 above. See (33a) Site Plan Lot Layout 09-30-2020 – Drawings Folder Preliminary PUD Application and Preliminary Plat Application See (35b) Preliminary Plat 09-30-2020. – Drawings Folder Preliminary Plat Application. Page 5 of 11 See (45) Bridger Meadows PUD Green Plan REV 09-25-2020 – Drawing Folder Preliminary PUD Application and Appendix E Preliminary Plat Application. See (52a) Bridger Meadows Prelim PUD Landscape Plan Sheets 09-25-2020 – Drawings Folder Preliminary PUD Application and Preliminary Plat Application General Subdivision Comments 1. The following lot names need to be changed with the preliminary plat: a. Lot 21, 29, 30 need to be called Open Space Lot with a plat notes that states Lots 21, 29, and 30 are also used for stormwater purposes. b. Lot 31 needs to be called an Open Space Lot Wetland per doc ______. The blank space will be the recorded deed restriction number. c. The pedestrian access easement needs to be called an Open Space Lot with Pedestrian Access Easement per doc _______. The blank space will be the recorded easement number. d. The road cannot be a lot. Lot 28 needs to be eliminated. In response to City comments and recommendations outlined in the wetlands report the project has undergone various design reiterations and submission. At least 3 plan variations have been formally submitted to the city through the Concept and Preliminary planning application processes along with several informal plans presented for discussion. These have included the proposed Shady Glen Lane both internal to the property and along the north border as well as proposal that have reduced the homesites from 27 to the now proposed 16 17. The recommendation of the Wetlands Consultant, Lynn Bacon, as well as in response to discussion with the City, the design has returned to proposing the Shady Glen Lane along the northern border of the property and placing the homes as a buffer between street and Wildlife Refuge to limit impacts and better protect the wetlands and wildlife habitat. See (33a) Site Plan Lot Layout 09-30-2020 – Drawings Folder Preliminary PUD Application and Preliminary Plat Application See (35b) Preliminary Plat 09-30-2020 – Drawings Folder Preliminary Plat Application. 2. In order to accommodate for the appropriate access width from the south, lot 24 should be eliminated. This then alleviates the need for a relaxation request to allow for dwellings in three household dwelling configurations. Cash-in-lieu for the additional .2 could be provided. Ensure that the lot width meets the 30 foot width requirement. Affordable housing homesites have been eliminated from the project proposal due to the recent changes in the MCA implemented by the State of Montana Legislature and signed into law by the Governor, thus eliminating the need for a relaxation request. The number of standard lots has been adjusted to a total of 16 through the combining of the previously identified affordable lots 16 and 17 into one standard lot (now known as lot 16). Page 6 of 11 Affordable housing homesites have been reduced from three to two, thus eliminating the need for a relaxation request. With the number of standard lots reduced to 15, the required total number of affordable homesites is 1.7 per UDC 38.380.060. Two affordable homesites are provided. The second access is proposed as a gated emergency access, within an existing easement to Commercial Drive. It cannot be used for public access due, in part to physical constraints, and code deficiencies of the alignment and connection of the proposed intersection with Bridger Center Drive, due in large part to the fact that in 2005, the City of Bozeman vacated the portion of Bridger Center’s access easement at Commercial Drive that provided for the opportunity of the alignment of the extension of Bridger Center Drive at the proposed intersection at Commercial Drive to Bridger Meadows. (location of easement and intersection issues) In August of 2018, Bridger Center was in front of the City Commission for an appeal of an administrative ruling in which the DRC did not require Golf Course Partners developer of the LINKs development to provide access to Bridger Center’s undeveloped land as required by the following Municipal Code: Sec. 38.400.010. - Streets, general. Relation to undeveloped areas. “When a proposed development adjoins undeveloped land, and access to the undeveloped land would reasonably pass through the new development, streets and alleys within the proposed development must be arranged to allow the suitable development of the adjoining undeveloped land. Streets and alleys within the proposed development must be constructed to the boundary lines of the tract to be developed, unless prevented by topography or other physical conditions.” At an earlier stage in this process, when the City was interested in annexing this County Island, we had been approached by the City Manager and assured by City Engineers and a City Fire Department Director that we could develop Bridger Meadows with the single access. At the encouragement of the City Commission and the City Legal Department, Bridger Center and Golf Course Partners (the developer and majority owner of The Links) began negotiations, mainly to avoid the costs and lengthy delays a lawsuit with the City would have entailed for all parties. One item of considerable concern of Golf Course Partners, and the Links residents was the unwelcome potential of additional residential cut/through and Commercial traffic from Commercial Center (M-1 Zoning) passing through the Links. Page 7 of 11 At this point in the negotiations with Golf Course Partners, Bridger Meadows approached the City Staff and was assured that full access through the Links and an emergency access would be sufficient to develop the property and that a through access to Commercial was not a big concern of theirs. Based on these assurances, Bridger Center and Golf Course Partners amicably finalized a public access easement through the Links, and Bridger Meadows withdrew their administrative appeal. This easement provided Bridger Meadows the second access required by code to develop in the City of Bozeman. In our next three submittals, City Engineering again and again required a full access to Commercial. Several of the City Commissioners are quite familiar with the history of this project and the lengths we have gone over the last eight years to obtain an access; it is for this reason that we are requesting the City Commission, as part of this PUD review process, to approve our second access as an emergency access. See (07) Bridger Meadows Proposed Relaxations and Waivers 20-0925 - Documents Folder Preliminary PUD Application and Preliminary Plat Application. 3. Clarify whether or not the light dashed line within each lot is the building envelope. Building setbacks are defined on the preliminary plat documents by light gray dashed lines. Building envelopes will be developed by individual lot owners over time as the lots are developed and will be within the building setbacks as required. See (35b) Preliminary Plat 09-30-2020 – Drawings Folder Preliminary Plat Application. 4. Section 38.220.060. The following supplements need to be part of the preliminary plat. None of these are waived. See section for further details. a. Surface Water b. Floodplains c. Groundwater d. Geology; soils; slopes e. Vegetation f. Historical Features g. Agriculture h. Agricultural water user facilities i. Water and sewer j. Stormwater management k. Streets, roads and alleys l. Utilities m. Educational facilities n. Parks and recreation facilities o. Neighborhood center plan – also part of the PUD requirements. Page 8 of 11 p. Miscellaneous q. Affordable Housing See (20) Bridger Meadows Supplements Narrative 10-01-2020 – Documents Folder Preliminary Plat Application. Division Comments: 1. Engineering Division, Anna Russell, arussell@bozeman.net, 406-582-2281 a. See attached comments. Standard Code Provisions: The preliminary plat must comply with the standards identified and referenced in the Unified Development Code. The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed as conditions of approval, does not, in any way, create a deviation or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or state law. The following requirements are standards of the Unified Development Code and the Bozeman Municipal Code (BMC) and must be addressed with the preliminary plat application. Other standard code provisions may apply: 1. The preliminary plat shall conform to all requirements of the Unified Development Code of the Bozeman Municipal Code, and the Uniform Standards for Subdivision Plats (Uniform Standards for Certificates of Survey (COS) and Subdivision Plats (24.183.1104 ARM). See (35b) Preliminary Plat 09-30-2020 – Drawings Folder Preliminary Plat Application. 2. Section 38.240.410 “Landscaping of Public Lands” – Installation by the developer of vegetative ground cover, boulevard trees, and irrigation system in the public right-of-way boulevard strips along all external perimeter development streets and adjacent to public parks or other open space areas is required with the final plat application. See (52a through h) Bridger Meadows Prelim PUD Landscape Plan 09-25-2020 – Drawings Folder Preliminary PUD Application and Preliminary Plat Application. 3. Per Section 38.240.420, BMC - Mortgagee. If there are liens or mortgages against the property, the appropriate Mortgagee certificate must be included. Not Applicable. 4. Section 38.240.050, BMC - Disposition of Water Rights. Water rights, or cash in-lieu thereof, as calculated by the Director of Public Works, is due with the filing of each subdivision final plat. Not Applicable with this Application (preliminary). 5. Section 38.410.050, BMC - Utility easements shall be provided in accordance with the UDC. The required 10-foot front yard easement is required for all lots unless written confirmation is submitted with the preliminary plat from ALL utility companies providing service indicating that front yard easements are not needed. All easements must be described, dimensioned and shown on the final plat in their true and correct location. See (33a) Site Plan 2 Site and Utility Plan 08-2020 – Drawings Folder Preliminary PUD Application and Preliminary Plat Application. Page 9 of 11 6. Section 38.410.080.G Finish Grade. All finish grades in landscaped areas must comply with the provisions set forth in Section 38.26.050.L. See (34) Site Plan C-1 Grading Plan 08-2020 – Drawings Folder Preliminary PUD Application and Preliminary Plat Application. 7. Section 38.410.080.H Landscape Amenities. Stormwater retention/detention facilities in landscaped areas shall be designed as landscape amenities. They shall be an organic feature with a natural, curvilinear shape. The facilities shall have 75 percent of surface area covered with live vegetation appropriate for the depth and design of the retention/detention facility, and be lined with native grasses, indigenous plants, wet root tolerant plant types and groupings of boulders to create a functional yet, natural site feature. A visual inspection notes that some of the stormwater facilities do not copy with this section including the 25% maximum slope. See (52a through h) Bridger Meadows Prelim PUD Landscape Plan 09-25-2020 – Drawings Folder Preliminary PUD Application and Preliminary Plat Application. 8. Section 38.570.030 Lighting. If street lighting is proposed or required all lighting must comply with the requirements of Section 38.570.030, BMC. The Applicant is requesting a relaxation of the requirement for street lighting to comply with the Design Standards and Specifications Policy, Section IV.J. 1.c, in order to allow use of individual pole mounted yard lights for street lighting. The project requests allowing the use of individual pole mounted yard lights in place of standard streetlights lessen impact on wildlife and the surrounding habitats and promote the City’s Dark Sky goals. The project would look to propose residential lamp posts as part of the homesite development to provide ambient and supplement pathway lighting throughout the neighborhood. This precedence exists and is consistent with other City of Bozeman neighborhoods and provided a more neighborhood character in lieu of large streetlamps. Streetlamps will be required to be installed at each homesite lot and placed on a light sensor to automatically turn on and off as ambient light dissipates. See (28) Draft Design Guidelines 10-02-2020 – Documents Folder Preliminary PUD Application. 9. Section 38.420.090, BMC - Waiver of Park Maintenance District. Executed waivers of right to protest the creation of special improvement districts (SIDs) for a park maintenance district will be required to be filed and of record with the Gallatin County Clerk and Recorder, unless already filed with annexation. Not Applicable with this Application (preliminary) 10. Section 38.240.450, BMC - Completion of Improvements. If it is the developer’s intent to file the plat prior to the completion of all required improvements, an Improvements Agreement shall be entered into with the City of Bozeman guaranteeing the completion of all improvements in accordance with the preliminary plat submittal information and conditions of approval. If the final plat is filed prior to the installation of all improvements, the developer shall supply the City of Page 10 of 11 Bozeman with an acceptable method of security equal to 150 percent of the cost of the remaining improvements. Not Applicable with this Application (preliminary) 11. Section 38.220.050 requires that any noxious weeds be identified and mapped by a person with experience in weed management and knowledgeable in weed identification. A noxious weed management and revegetation plan, approved by the County Weed Control District, must be submitted with the preliminary plat. See (16) Noxious Weed Management Plan – Appendix D Preliminary PUD Application and Documents Folder Preliminary Plat Application. 12. Article 6. The certificates listed in Section 38.240.400 through 38.240.530 shall be shown on plat and certificates of survey, as appropriate. See (35a) Preliminary Plat Certificate of Dedication 09-30-2020 – Drawings Folder Preliminary Plat Application. See (35b) Preliminary Plat 09-30-2020– Drawings Folder Preliminary Plat Application. See (35c) Preliminary Plat Easements 09-30-2020– Drawings Folder Preliminary Plat Application. 13. Article 41. All preliminary plat requirements, as outlined in Article 41, shall be provided with the preliminary plat submittal, unless otherwise approved by the Development Review Committee via waiver. See (20) Bridger Meadows Supplements Narrative 10-01-2020 – Documents Folder Preliminary Plat Application. 14. Section 38.240.050, BMC –Subdivision pre-application plan. The plans must clearly show the subdivision layout and not only describe but also label all existing and proposed subdivision blocks, tracts, and lots. See (33a) Site Plan 2 Site and Utility Plan 08-2020 – Drawings Folder Preliminary PUD Application and Preliminary Plat Application. See (35b) Preliminary Plat 09-30-2020– Drawings Folder Preliminary Plat Application. 15. A complete preliminary plat application shall be submitted to the Community Development Department within one calendar year of the date the Community Development Department dates, signs and places pre-application comments in the outgoing mail. Complies. These Divisions did not provide or have no comment. Please contact reviewers directly with specific questions. 1. Solid Waste Division, Russ Ward, rward@bozeman.net, 406-582-3235 2. Building Division, Bob Risk, brisk@bozeman.net, 406-582-2377 3. Sustainability Division, Natalie Meyer, nmeyer@bozeman.net, 406-582-2317 Page 11 of 11 4. Water Conservation, Jessica Ahlstrom, jahlstrom@bozeman.net, 406-582-2265 5. Stormwater Division, Kyle Mehrens, jkmehrens@bozeman.net, 406-582-2270 6. Forestry Division, Alex Nordquest, anordquest@bozeman.net, 406-582-3225 7. Water and Sewer Division, John Alston, jalston@bozeman.net, 406-582-3200 8. Fire Department, Scott Mueller, smueller@bozeman.net, 406-582-2353 9. Parks and Recreation, Addi Jadin, ajadin@bozeman.net, 406-582-2908 10. NorthWestern Energy, Cammy Dooley, cammy.dooley@northwestern.com 11. Floodplain Engineer, Brian Heaston, bheaston@bozeman.net