HomeMy WebLinkAbout(21) Bridger Meadows Supplements Narrative 05-14-2021 FinalSection 21 – Preliminary Plat Supplements Bridger Meadows Neighborhood Development Subdivision Preliminary Plat Application May 14, 2021 Sec. 38.220.060 1. Surface water a. Mapping Natural and artificial surface water systems are identified in (34) C-1 Site Grading Plan and Drainage Plan 10-20-2020 - Drawings Folder Preliminary PUD Application and Preliminary Plat Application. The East Gallatin River has a FEMA-defined and regulated 100-year floodplain and floodway; these, plus a proposed revision to the 100-year floodplain boundary, are shown on the Preliminary Plat. Artificial surface waters shown on (34) C-1 Site Grading Plan and Drainage Plan 10-20-2020 - Drawings Folder Preliminary PUD Application and Preliminary Plat Application include an artificial, lined pond in the southeastern quadrant of the site; a detention pond north of the site; an on-site detention pond in the southwest corner of the site; and an existing drainage ditch along Boylan Road at the northeastern corner of the site. The drainage ditch runs continuously due to groundwater discharge from a French Drain groundwater collection system. The lined pond fills with groundwater and overflows west to the East Gallatin River. b. Description The prominent natural surface water system is the East Gallatin River, a perennial stream with typical summer flows of approximately 50 cubic feet per second (cfs). At its closest point, the Bridger Meadows property is located approximately 110 feet east of the river. Distance from the river to the closest areas of ground disturbance will be about 260 feet. There are existing wetlands associated with the river and the site; the wetlands have been delineated and are shown on Drawing (35b) Preliminary Plat 11-06-2020 - Drawings Folder Preliminary Plat Application. This project proposes wetlands impacts of 0.09 0.08 acres and floodplain impacts of 0.39 0.41 acres. Flood storage volume will not be impacted; fill within the floodplain will be offset by excavation within the floodplain. Permits will be obtained for these impacts. Other surface waters in the area are artificial water systems. The onsite and offsite detention basins will not be affected. The geomembrane-lined pond will not be negatively impacted. The project proposes to intercept and drain the southern part of the French Drain groundwater collection system into the south end of the lined pond, to increase flow through the pond to its overflow point at the north end. This will increase circulation through the pond and help to reduce stagnation of the pond in the summer. It will also reduce discharge to the existing drainage ditch along Boylan Road, which is a benefit to the malfunctioning, poorly maintained existing detention pond north of the site. Flow out of the Measured base flow of the French drain system was measured at about 27 gallons per minute on October 2019. It is unknown how much of this flow would be intercepted. c. Water body alteration Bridger Meadows Neighborhood May 14, 2021May 13, 2021 Subdivision Preliminary Plat Application - List of Waivers (Supplements) Page 2 The existing drainage ditch along Boylan Road will be altered in order to install water and sewer mains from the project to existing mains under Boylan Road. Trench backfill will include a culvert through the utility easement to protect the pipes from downcutting and loss of insulative cover. d. Wetlands Delineated wetlands are shown on (35b) Preliminary Plat 11-06-2020 - Drawings Folder Preliminary Plat Application and will also be shown on the Final Plat. e. Permits Permits will be obtained for proposed impacts to wetlands and the 100-year floodplain fringe. These include a 404 permit (wetlands) (Appendix A), CLOMR-F (floodplain fill permit from FEMA) and City of Bozeman floodplain permit. UDC Section 38.220.020 indicates that wetland permits must be provided before work begins and/or with Final Plat Application. The Applicant is requesting that the Commission allow the CLOMR-F to be provided as a condition of Final Plat approval, along with the floodplain permit. 2. Floodplains Analysis report An FIS (Flood Insurance Study), dated September 2, 2011 and published by FEMA, covers the East Gallatin River floodplain in the project area. 3. Groundwater a. Depth Depth to groundwater was monitored on-site in 2015 and 2020 to identify approximate seasonal high groundwater and to determine groundwater depth variations. In 2015, data collected from monitoring wells from March 23 to November 2 registered a minimum depth to groundwater of 3.6 feet on April 27, and a maximum depth of 4.4 feet on June 29. In 2020, data collected from the same wells from April 7th to July 30th registered a minimum depth to groundwater of 5.7 feet on May 5th, and a maximum depth of 7.1 feet on July 30. b. Steps to avoid degradation. No special steps or procedures are needed to protect the groundwater from degradation. Much of the development will require soil fill to bring finished grade to an elevation suitable for cover soil above the proposed gravity sewer mains. The additional fill material will further protect the groundwater. 4. Geology; soils; slopes The Gallatin Valley is part of the Three Forks structural basin, which was formed during the early Tertiary time. After the structural basin was formed the Gallatin Valley was filled with as much 6,000 feet of Tertiary and Quaternary sediments. This sediment consists of various homogenous mixtures of boulders, cobbles, gravel, sand, clay and volcanic ash. The proposed Bridger Meadows development is located on a sloping formation of alluvial materials overlying Tertiary and Quaternary age alluvial sediments situated on the Bozeman fan; a hydrologic unit identified in the Gallatin Valley (Hackett et al, 1960). a. Geologic hazards There are no geologic hazards on the Bridger Meadows property. b. Protective measures Bridger Meadows Neighborhood May 14, 2021May 13, 2021 Subdivision Preliminary Plat Application - List of Waivers (Supplements) Page 3 No protective measures have been taken or considered for rock falls, landslides or surface subsidence and seismic activity c. Unusual features Two unusual or manmade features that exist onsite are the mitigated constructed pond and a remnant Union Pacific railroad bed. Neither feature has any geological significance or presents any geologic hazard that would prevent development of the Bridger Meadows property. Groundwater elevations at the subject site vary less than 12 inches from the soils surface within wetland areas. Refer to the GWIC Medidata report, (13a-b) Wetlands Review TQ City Submittal Bridger Center Revised 09-25-2020 – Documents Folder Preliminary PUD Application, Appendix D Preliminary Plat Application. Shallow bedrock, expansive soil conditions or local groundwater table elevations do not present a hazard that would prevent development of the Bridger Meadows property. There are no topographic or geologic conditions that would prohibit or limit the capability of building structures or completing excavation work onsite. d. Soils Map Soils Soil at the subject site has been mapped as Enbar-Nythar loam, Sudworth-Nesda loam, and Blossberg loam. Soil pits were excavated by TerraQuatic, LLC in 2013 to analyze for hydric indicators in the wetland and upland areas. Several indicators were present to designate hydric soil conditions within the wetland areas of the site. Non wetland areas had soils that were primarily silty clay loams. Soil Survey Database (SSURGO) (USDA 2013b(13a-b) Wetlands Review TQ City Submittal Bridger Center Revised 09-25-2020 – Documents Folder Preliminary PUD Application, Appendix D Preliminary Plat Application. Enbar-Nythar loam 0- 4 % slope Sudworth – Nesda loam 0-2 % slope Blossberg loam 0-2% slope Building sites - Topsoil This material consisted of silty clay with abundant roots and organics. This material is considered unsuitable for support of foundation or concrete floor slabs. Building sites - Subsurface soils These materials underlay the topsoil layer. The clayey sand loam exhibits fine-grained soils that are soft or loose in consistency. These soils exhibit low bearing strength and high compressibility and are unsuitable for support of foundation footings. Building sites - Parent soils These soils consist of poorly graded gravel and with sand and cobbles/clayey sand with gravel. Materials are medium dense to dense in consistency and exhibit moderate to high bearing strength and low compressibility. These soils will provide suitable bearing support for foundation or concrete slab construction. Bridger Meadows Neighborhood May 14, 2021May 13, 2021 Subdivision Preliminary Plat Application - List of Waivers (Supplements) Page 4 (1) The physical properties and engineering indexes, - Not Available for this phase (2) Soil Limitations for building and site development, - Not Available for this phase (3) Hydric soils report for each soil type, Not Available for this phase (4) Special Design methods - Not Available for this phase e. Cut and Fill. See surface water above 5. Vegetation The main vegetative communities found on the Bridger Meadows property consist of Palustrine Scrub/shrub broadleaf deciduous forest, wetlands, and a fallowed hay pasture grassland. Scrub-shrub forested areas were dominated by sandbar willow, red-osier dogwood, woods rose, quaking aspen and Bebb's willow, alder, and canary reed grass. Wetland areas of the subject site were characterized by plant communities of reed canary grass, beaked sedge, wooly sedge, wheat sedge, round-fruit rush, Colorado rush, Baltic rush, common cattail, and common spike-rush and water cress. Smooth brome, orchard grass, Kentucky bluegrass, and common timothy made up the predominant species of grasses in the fallow hay meadow. A large percentage of vegetated wetland and riparian areas onsite are supported by saturated groundwater conditions rather than inundation of flood waters. Noxious weeds onsite include Canadian thistle, poison hemlock, hounds’ tongue, common tansy, spotted knapweed, field bindweed, and white top hoary cress. A weed management plan has been submitted to Gallatin County for review and consideration (16) Noxious Weed Management Plan 06-28-2019 - Appendix D Preliminary PUD Application and Documents Folder Preliminary Plat Application). The management plan was approved and has been implemented. Palustrine Scrub/shrub broadleaf deciduous forest comprise approximately thirty one percent of the canopy cover. The fallowed hay pasture grassland encompasses approximately thirty seven percent of canopy cover with wetlands making up the remaining thirty two percent of the vegetative community. b. Protective Measures The deciduous forests of the Bridger Meadows property include stands of mature Aspens. In an effort to save a number of these trees the applicant has suggested re-routing overflow water from the neighboring drainage pond into the drainage pond on his property. Saturated soils caused by the French Drain that services a neighboring development have directly impacted the health of these trees. Many of the mature Aspen trees in the path of the overflow water have died off and dense stands of willows have succeeded in their place. This past year the applicant removed approximately 2 tons of household trash from 4 homeless camps located with an Aspen grove on the Bridger Meadows property. Again, this year the applicant continues to remove new trash that has been brought onto the property by Bozeman’s homeless population. See Bridger Meadows Neighborhood May 14, 2021May 13, 2021 Subdivision Preliminary Plat Application - List of Waivers (Supplements) Page 5 (22) Current Conditions and Proposed Remediation 10-16-2020 - Appendix D Preliminary PUD Application and Preliminary Plat Application. About 7.2 acres of the -11.87-acre parcel will make up The Bridger Meadows wildlife refuge. The residential development will take place within the remnant hay pasture. Best Management Practices (BMPs) will be installed prior to project initiation to ensure that storm runoff from the areas of ground disturbance will be contained and treated onsite during construction. Low Impact Development (LID) designs such as infiltration galleries and bioswales will be incorporated into the project’s final landscape design. These design features will help with water conservation and serve as a supplementary water source for newly planted and established vegetation. 6. Wildlife a. Species Large ungulates such as white tail deer, moose and possibly mule deer inhabit the property during different seasons. Smaller mammals consisting of squirrels, racoons, rabbits, skunks, beavers, mink and possibly otters frequent the property periodically. Avian species notably a variety of raptors, songbirds, wading birds, upland birds, waterfowl and cranes have been viewed on the Bridger Meadows property. b. Critical areas The applicant has proposed creating a 7.15 7.2-acre wildlife refuge on the 11.87-acre Bridger Meadows property. Due to the dense vegetation of this area, accessibility to trail users would be very difficult. Thus, the development limits human intrusion to the perimeter areas. The lack of human intrusion and accessibility allows wildlife a secure place to shelter and feed. The contiguous location of this wildlife habitat area to the existing 47-acre Glen Lake Rotary Park could be considered the highest and best use for this 7.15 7.2 acres as it essentially extends the natural setting of the existing park. Due to the urban location of the proposed subdivision boundaries known critical, significant wildlife areas such as big game winter range and habitat for rare or endangered species do not exist on the subject property. c. Pets/human activity Generally, the development has been designed to limit pets and human activity within the wildlife refuge. Designated trails and sidewalks will be placed near the proposed residential homesites to accommodate recreation and routes of travel for subdivision dwellers and visitors. A play area and community gathering area is proposed in the Southeast corner of the property area at the southeastern edge of the wildlife habitat. This is accessed off the emergency access to Shady Glen Lane. (52a) Bridger Meadows Prelim PUD Landscape Plan L000 Site Plan 09-25-2020 - Drawings Folder Preliminary PUD Application and Preliminary Plat Application. Protective covenants for the developed property will place restrictions, limitations and regulations on all activities that may have any adverse effect on indigenous wildlife, native plants and fisheries. Protective covenants outlining restrictions, limitations and regulations may exceed city standards for this type of development. d. Public access The Story Mill Spur trail adjoins the property along its northern and eastern boundary and intersects the Bridger Creek Subdivision park trail at the properties northeast corner. The Bridger Creek Subdivision park Bridger Meadows Neighborhood May 14, 2021May 13, 2021 Subdivision Preliminary Plat Application - List of Waivers (Supplements) Page 6 trail traverses the Bridger Meadows properties northern property line. This trail eventually intersects with a number of trails in the 47.0-acre Glen Lake Rotary Park west of the subject site. The applicant has included connections to the surrounding trails to encourage connectivity to the local environment and allow through passage. The connections provide access to the Bridger Golf Course Partners Combined Park/Open Space trail which borders the Bridger Meadows property to the north and east as well as providing access to Glen Lakes Rotary Park to the west. Protective covenants outlining restrictions, limitations and regulations may exceed city standards for this type of development. While the trails are a wonderful amenity for city residents and visitors, the presence of trail users and their pets often disrupt wildlife. The Bridger Meadows Wildlife Refuge will provide a secure controlled area where wildlife can seek refuge away from trail users and their pets. e. Protective measures The critical areas onsite will be preserved by avoidance. The proposed site improvements are clustered away from the critical areas of the property. Surface water impacting the subject sites aspen groves will be managed and utilized to enhance ecological features of the subject site’s drainage pond and surrounding wetlands. Shady Glenn Lane will be located away from wetland and core habitat areas of the site. It is expected that protective covenants outlining restrictions, limitations and regulations may exceed city standards for this type of development. f. Impact Documentation. Natural resource enhancement activities have already begun at the Bridger Meadows project site. Restoration work began by removing approximately 21 cubic yards of trash and debris. Most of the debris that was removed consisted of household trash found at several homeless camps on the property. Disturbed areas have been regraded and seeded with a wetland/riparian seed mix. Trash that could not be recycled was taken to a local licensed landfill for disposal. See (22) Current Conditions and Proposed Remediation 10-16-2020 - Appendix D Preliminary PUD Application and Preliminary Plat Application. Areas disturbed during construction will be reclaimed through plantings of diverse riparian vegetation consisting of riparian grasses, forbs, scrub/shrubs and trees that tolerate saturated to semi-saturated soil conditions. Every effort will be made to plant as many species of vegetation characteristic to the area to help provide structural diversity for migratory songbirds and birds of prey. Other planted species will provide shelter and browse sources for other wildlife. FWP Review required – FWP Recommendations and mitigation. See Fish Wildlife Park FWP - Statement Email 09-29-2020 – Appendix D Preliminary PUD Application and Preliminary Plat Application. 7. Historical features a. Affected areas There are no known historic, paleontological, cultural sites, structures, or any other historical elements within the planning area of the Bridger Meadows development. The State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) will be contacted immediately if historic items are discovered during construction. 8. Agriculture a. Number of acres in production There is no agricultural production on the property at this time. The earliest records on file at the Gallatin County Courthouse Clerk and Recorders office indicate the subject site was originally part of a larger parcel Bridger Meadows Neighborhood May 14, 2021May 13, 2021 Subdivision Preliminary Plat Application - List of Waivers (Supplements) Page 7 of land owned by James A. Osbourne and Beulah Osborne in 1929. The Osborne's sold this entire parcel of land to Peter Nelson and Evelyn Nelson in 1964. In 1979 the property was subdivided, and the 11.87 12-acre Bridger Meadows property (now 11.87 acres) was created. The site was sold by the Nelsons to H. B. Landoe F. D. Lichtenberg and Paul Boylan on a Land Contract. From 1929 to 2013 the property has been used periodically for hay production and livestock grazing. b. Agricultural Operations Surrounding land has generally become urbanized and no agricultural operations currently exist. c. Productivity of the land There are no records available proclaiming yield production figures for the Bridger Meadows property. d. Farm Unit/Production The property is not part of a Community Farm Unit. The property was not under production in the past growing season. e. Controlling Family Pets Homeowner Covenants and Rules and Regulations for the Bridger Meadows development will have rules and regulations in place specifying a pet owners’ responsibilities. Protective covenants outlining restrictions, limitations and regulations may exceed city standards for this type of development. f. Fencing Old fencing and posts have been found on the property. This fencing serves no purpose and will be removed and discarded. A 200 foot long screening fence was recently built along the south property line and will remain. Fencing for individual homes will be approved on a case by case basis by the HOA Architecture Committee. 9. Agricultural water user facilities a. Type, description, ownership One water right a domestic water well exists on the property. This well may have been used for agricultural irrigation in the past but is now located in the middle of the proposed Shady Glen Lane and therefore will have to be abandoned in place. A plan detailing the discontinuance of the well and methodology and materials used to abandon the well will be completed. The well will be abandoned in accordance with Montana Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) well abandonment guidelines. b. Non-potable water supplies for irrigation It is anticipated that City water will be used for irrigation of the developed parts of the site. Water from the onsite constructed pond may be used for irrigation. The pond’s water level will be monitored to assure that there is no impact to its aquatic resources or wildlife. c. Proposed realignment Realignment of surface waters for irrigation is not expected. 10. Water and Sewer The project anticipates connection to the City of Bozeman water and sanitary sewer systems. In both cases, it was determined that adequate capacity exists to serve the property and the proposed subdivision Bridger Meadows Neighborhood May 14, 2021May 13, 2021 Subdivision Preliminary Plat Application - List of Waivers (Supplements) Page 8 in the Concept PUD/Preapplication Plan stage. The project was subsequently reduced from 22 residential lots to 17 16 residential lots. No irrigation wells are proposed; water for landscaped areas will come from natural precipitation supplemented by City water. The water system will be a new looped connection from Boylan Road to the north, through Shady Glen Lane and connecting to an existing water main in The Links Condominiums. The sanitary sewer main in Shady Glen Lane will connect to an existing sewer manhole in Boylan Road. (33b) Site Plan Site and Utility Plan 09-30-2020 - Drawings Folder Preliminary PUD Application and Preliminary Plat Application. 11. Stormwater. Storm water systems have been designed in accordance with City of Bozeman requirements and as described in the Storm Drainage Report included in this application. They will be maintained by the Bridger Meadows Homeowners Association as described in the enclosed Storm Water Maintenance Plan. Development of site infrastructure be performed in accordance with an MPDES stormwater permit prepared by the Contractor at the time of construction. 12. Streets, roads and alleys a. Description Public access to the site will come from Birdie Drive, a City street, through The Links condominium development. The existing access drive through The Links will be extended by the Applicant approximately 160 feet west to Bridger Meadows, and then through the site as Shady Glen Lane. The street extension through The Links will replicate the existing street section, which is a 37’ curb-to-curb width in a 42’ right-of-way). The proposed connection will be through a Public Access and Utility Easement, which is included on a recently approved Site plan submittal by The Links. (49) Links access easement 10-20-2019 – Appendix E Preliminary PUD Application and Preliminary Plat Application. Starting at the east property line of Bridger Meadows, there will be lots only on the west side of the street so a 50-foot right-of-way with one attached sidewalk is proposed in this area. This follows as a logical extension of the street through The Links, but with an additional 8 feet of right-of-way to facilitate plowing and snow storage away from the attached sidewalk. An east side sidewalk would only duplicate the existing, parallel pedestrian trail, and there are no lots proposed where this road section is used. As the street turns west and transitions to have lots on both sides, a City-standard 60’ right-of-way with two detached sidewalks is proposed. Shady Glen Lane will terminate in a 96-foot diameter cul-de-sac. (33a) Site Plan Lot Layout 09-30-2020 - Drawings Folder Preliminary PUD Application and Preliminary Plat Application. A gated emergency access, located in the southeast corner of the site, will connect Shady Glen Lane to Commercial Drive (within the Bridger Center Subdivision to the south) through an existing easement between two commercial buildings. The emergency access benefits not only Bridger Meadows, but also benefits Bridger Center Subdivision and The Links by providing a second means of access for emergencies, one that does not exist now and could not be obtained otherwise. (54) EX-11 Emergency and Pedestrian Access – Offsite Area. b. Access to Arterial No individual lots have direct access to an arterial street. All lots front on Shady Glen Lane, which would be classified as a local private street. Bridger Meadows Neighborhood May 14, 2021May 13, 2021 Subdivision Preliminary Plat Application - List of Waivers (Supplements) Page 9 c. Modification of Existing Streets, Roads or Alleys The existing street through The Links Condominiums will be modified at the point of connection described above, and extended to the project. d. Dust Dust control will not be an issue; there are no alleys on the project. Shady Glen Lane and the emergency access will be paved with asphalt. e. Pollution and Erosion Shady Glen Lane and the emergency access will be maintained by the Bridger Meadows Homeowners Association. Storm runoff and snowmelt will drain to retention and infiltration facilities for treatment of the majority of the runoff. Controlled release of runoff in excess of the design capacity of these facilities will be released in a controlled manner, with erosion protection installed and the points of discharge. f. Traffic Generation Traffic generation will be minimal. It was determined by City engineering staff that a traffic report would not be necessary (25) Traffic Study 10-02-2020 - Appendix D Preliminary Plat Application; refer to the attached correspondence. g. Capacity Refer to the above item f; traffic increase is minimal. h. Bicycle and Pedestrian Pathways, Lanes and Routes Bicyclists may use the existing trail that borders the north and east sides of the property and continues in both directions to other parts of the City’s trail system. Shady Glen Lane is also appropriate for bicycle use and, being a cul-de-sac street, will have very little vehicular traffic. Pedestrians will have sidewalks fronting all lots within the subdivision, and connections to the offsite trail system. An additional pedestrian trail and emergency access will connect the residential lots to the south end open space, which will include a playground and picnic area. i. Traffic Calming Traffic calming measures are not necessary on this very low traffic street ending in a cul-de-sac, so none are proposed. 13. Utilities NorthWestern Energy and Spectrum were contacted regarding their ability to provide service to the proposed Bridger Meadows development, and they responded that they are able to do so. We have no written confirmation at this time but can obtain this as the project moves forward. All “dry” utilities (natural gas, electricity, cable TV, phone and fiber optic) can be accommodated with connections to existing infrastructure in The Links condominiums, extending west to Bridger Meadows and along the southwest side of Shady Glen Lane through a 10 foot wide utility easement that continues around the cul-de-sac in front of all lots of the subdivision. 14. Education Facilities Bozeman Schools Okay – Appendix D preliminary Plat Application for correspondence regarding enrollment capacity. Bridger Meadows Neighborhood May 14, 2021May 13, 2021 Subdivision Preliminary Plat Application - List of Waivers (Supplements) Page 10 15. Land Use a. Indicate proposed use and number of lots of spaces in each: 1. Residential Area Single Household – 17 16 residential lots 2. Residential Area Multiple Household- NA 3. Planned Unit Development # of units- NA 4. Condominium - NA 5. Manufactured Housing- NA 6. Recreation Vehicle Park. - NA 7. Commercial or industrial- NA 8. Other, Wildlife and or Open Spaces – 3 areas totaling 7.68 7.66 Acres 16. Parks and recreational facilities a. Park Plan In response to our recently completed Concept PUD Application and Pre-Application Plan submitted December 2019, and per direction provided by the City of Bozeman Planning Department in their letter dated March 3, 2020, the applicant is requesting to provide cash in-lieu of a land dedication. Per the March 3, 2020 letter, “The DRC would be in support of eliminating the requirement for dedicated parkland and receiving cash-in-lieu for parkland. The area that is within the floodway, floodplain, and watercourse could be a combined open space lot. This open space lot would require a deed restriction for wetlands to be associated with it.” After various iterations of the design for Bridger Meadows and having multiple discussions with city planning representatives, per recommendation we have chosen to provide cash in-lieu of parkland dedication. By providing fair market cash value in-lieu of parkland, we maintain the intent to preserve the existing wetlands for service as a wildlife refuge and create an extension of the natural environment surrounding the East Gallatin River and thus complementing the natural areas of Glen Lake Rotary Park. (20) Parkland Outline 10-16-2020 – Documents Folder Preliminary PUD application and Appendix D Preliminary Plat Application 17. Neighborhood Center Plan The proposed development is directly adjacent to Glen Lake Rotary Park and is approximately 0.16 miles from Story Mill Park, which will also serve as the Bridger Meadows Neighborhood Center per UDC Section 38.410.020. In addition, the Bridger Meadows site is located approximately 1.1 miles from the Rouse and Tamarack Streamline bus route, within 100 yards of businesses located within Commercial Drive and Bridger Center Drive, and within 1 mile of services located in the Cannery District. 18 Lighting Plan. Section 38.570.030 requires that street lighting consist of street lighting and pathway lighting and must comply with the City of Bozeman Design Standards and Policy. The project development requests a relaxation of this requirement to lessen impact on wildlife and the surrounding habitats. The project would look to propose residential night sky compliant lamp posts as part of the homesite development to provide ambient and supplement pathway lighting throughout the neighborhood. This precedent exists and is consistent with other City of Bozeman neighborhoods and provided a more neighborhood Bridger Meadows Neighborhood May 14, 2021May 13, 2021 Subdivision Preliminary Plat Application - List of Waivers (Supplements) Page 11 character in lieu of large streetlamps. Residential lamp posts will be required to be installed at each homesite lot and placed on a light sensor to automatically turn on and off as ambient light dissipates. Each house will provide a single night sky compliant lamp post which will be standardized for the entire subdivision and will be located at the inside comer of the driveway and the sidewalk. These lamp posts will be free-standing, night sky compliant decorative lights. All light fixtures shall be oriented to deflect light down and/or away from adjoining properties or streets. They will be placed at a minimum height of six (6) feet measured from the top of the sidewalk adjacent to it to the bottom of the light fixture itself. Light fixtures must incorporate a cut-off shield to direct light downward. Fixtures should be compatible with architecture and site design. Luminaries shall not be visible from adjacent streets or properties. (28) Draft Design Guidelines. Bridger Meadows Subdivision will include an entry sign to identify the development as “Bridger Meadows”. The sign is to be located in the open space north of Shady Glen Lane and adjacent to the east property boundary. The sign will be free-standing, internally illuminated through solar power, and surrounded with a landscaped planter. The shape, size, and color of the sign will complement the surrounding environment and the Bridger Meadows Design Standards. (24) Subdivision Signage 09-25- 2020 – Documents Folder Preliminary PUD Application and Appendix D Preliminary Plat Application. 19 Miscellaneous. a. Public Lands. The proposed development is directly adjacent to Glen Lake Rotary Park and is approximately 0.16 miles from Story Mill Park, which will also serve as the Bridger Meadows Neighborhood Center per UDC Section 38.410.020. In addition, the Bridger Meadows site is located approximately 1.1 miles from the Rouse and Tamarack Streamline bus route, within 100 yards of businesses located within Commercial Drive and Bridger Center Drive, and within 1 mile of services located in the Cannery District. The project will create a neighborhood amenity through the preservation of approximately 7.15 7.20 acres (60.2% 61% of the total site), exclusive of the play area and gathering space as a prime riparian habitat and wildlife refuge. The wildlife refuge is directly adjacent to and connects to the Glen Lake Rotary Park and trail system - essentially complimenting the park. The proposed path and pedestrian connections will connect areas of interest internally such as recreation/play areas as well as provide connection to the city’s existing trail and pedestrian network at the borders of the development b. Hazards. No known health or safety hazards are on or near the proposed subdivisions c. Wildlands-Urban Interface – Not applicable. 20. Affordable Housing. Deleted due to State of Montana MCA changes. Bridger Meadows LLC., the Owner and developer of the proposed Bridger Meadows Neighborhood PUD, looks to develop 17 homes sites on the property. Of the total 17 homesites, 15 will be designated R-1 homesites and 2 will be designated as affordable homesites. Bridger Meadows LLC will not be the designated home builder. All the homesites will be available to individual builders and owners for Bridger Meadows Neighborhood May 14, 2021May 13, 2021 Subdivision Preliminary Plat Application - List of Waivers (Supplements) Page 12 construction of unique homes in accordance with the requirements of this PUD, HOA Design Regulations and Guidelines as well as applicable codes enforced by the City. In responding to The Bozeman Community Plan to encourage the supply of affordable housing in Bozeman, Bridger Meadows is providing two (2) designated homesites (Lots 16-17) for the affordable housing which will consist of two affordable townhomes. In doing so, Bridger Meadows Neighborhood is promoting the public health, safety, and welfare of the Bozeman community. This helps to ensure participation in the effort to disperse a variety of household incomes into quality housing throughout the neighborhoods of Bozeman. Bridger Meadows Neighborhood meets the City of Bozeman’s Affordable Housing Ordinance requirement by offering 2 units to qualified buyers at prices based on a household income of 70% of AMI (Sales price at or below $243,227 (09) Affordable Housing Narrative, (09a) Affordable Housing Plan Applications, & (09b) Affordable Housing R-1 Townhome Example Drawings - Documents Folder Preliminary PUD Application and Appendix D Preliminary Plat Application. Number of Homes/Bedrooms/Locations The homes proposed in Bridger meadows will generally be 3+ bedroom homes including the affordable homes. There is a total of 17 lots in Bridger Meadows of which 2 will be marketed as affordable homes and 15 will be market-rate homes. The units to be marketed as affordable homes are illustrated on the attached Affordable Home Location (09b) Affordable Housing R-1 Townhome Example Drawings 10-02- 2020 – Drawings Folder Preliminary PUD Application and Appendix D Preliminary Plat Application. Procedural Adjustments and Subsides The applicant will request impact fee reimbursement and down payment assistance as allowed by the Affordable Housing Ordinance. Impact Fee Reimbursement: The builder will be required to pay impact fees at the time of securing building permits. Once the home is sold and pricing verification documented the builder may apply for and be reimbursed for the full impact fee amount if the home is sold to a qualified buyer at or below 70% area median income. Down Payment Assistance: The applicant requests that qualifying buyers for homes be eligible for down payment assistance of up to $10,000 per home. This contribution will be subject to the subsidy recapture provisions provided in the ordinance. Please note that some of these items are currently being considered as permanent revisions to the City of Bozeman Affordable Housing Ordinance, by the City Commission. If approved by City Commission prior to submitting the Preliminary Plat and Preliminary PUD Plan these relaxations will not be necessary. If these items are not approved, the applicant will provide and alternate method of compliance to be considered with the Preliminary Plat/Preliminary PUD Plan submittal. Marketing Plan/Timing The homes will be marketed with the assistance of the City of Bozeman Affordable Housing Program, HRDC, and through the Gallatin Association of Realtors Big Sky Country Multiple Listing Service. Marketing will begin with the start of home construction. Bridger Meadows Neighborhood May 14, 2021May 13, 2021 Subdivision Preliminary Plat Application - List of Waivers (Supplements) Page 13 Bridger Meadows will provide the infrastructure and lots which will be constructed in one phase. Lots will be available for sale to individual builders and owners for construction. Upon filing of the final plat, a deed restriction will be placed on the initial sale of the designated lots to ensure they are sold to qualified buyers. Construction of the affordable homes will coincide with the market rate homes. To ensure construction of the affordable homes the applicant suggests a restriction that construction of the affordable homes must commence prior to issuance of the 12th building permit in the project.