HomeMy WebLinkAbout(51) Tract 1A Amended Plat J-200k 10-14-2019 SURVEY COMMISSIONED BY: THE AMENDED PLAT OF LOT 57A J-200 COS 885 Owner, Bridge, Center LLC: Thomas Murpny, Managing Member Lot 57A Owner, Golf Course Partners. Inc. OF THE AMENDED PLAT OF LOTS 56, 57, AND 58A OF, PURPOSE OF SURVEY: BRIDGER CREEK SUBDIVISION , PHASE I In accolonce with §76-3-207(1)(e), MCA, divisions mode for the purpose of relocating o common boundary line between a single lot within a plotted subdivision BEING A COMMON BOUNDARY RE-ALIGNMENT WITH COS 885, and odori;ng land nuts;de a platted subdivision. Q LOCATED IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 31, TOWNSHIP 1 SOUTH, RANGE 6 EAST, P.M., O LEGAL DESCRIPTION CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR A purccl of Iona aemg all of Trait 1 of Certificate of Survey No. 865, and all of I,ot GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA 57A of the Amended ?lot of Lot 55, 57 and 58A of Dr;dger Creek Subdivision, Phase 1, the undersigned Jonathan C. Ro^n,�y P•ksTonal Engineer and Land Surveyor, do 1, oD as filed witn the Gollatin County,Clark and Recorder, located in the southeast hernay--eerti y_IVs I ulweeln _1.E c�%� 2019. and quarter of Section 31, of Township 1 South, Range 6 East. Principal Meridian, Gallatin _ � /___ ✓Z� -r 2019, 1 performed this survey and County, Montano, to wit: described the same as shown on the occompanyinq. Certlficcte of Survey ;n De nnin for the some of o Survco rebor and PARK REEK occordonce with the provisions of the Montano SubSSd9(art'1Md Plotting Act, Sections 9� 9 quarter of said sat, sa?dreome at tnef BRIDGERON,PH 1 _ OO AA sixteenth corner of the southeast 76-J-201 through 76-3-025,MCA. V. ✓,g�;, q OgO1V15 00 _ r•,.••.. southeast comer of Certificate of Survey No. 885 (COS); thence along the well Iwye S J-2 Doled the/��/ 'oy of �'���/ ',II�T1S••;•,J of said COS. North 00'32'22"East o distance of 788.34 feet to a Survco rebor and / -� C9 RV'. yellow plastic cap found at the northwest corner of said COS; thence along the north ____ line of said COS, South 8931'56"East a distance of 398.49 feet to a Survco rebcr Jonathan C. Rden `i and yellow plastic capfound at the northeast corner of said COS; thence along the 12247E5 T..'GG✓��rC eIt., east line of said COS SouU1 33'23'29"East a distance of 735.51 feet to the S89'31'58"E 398.49' ,�.a7y�flj, norlhweslernmost corner of said Lot 57A having a found pent rebor as witness N87'S5"007 398.67 R "••••' bearing North 33'23'29"West a distance of 0.39 feel : thence along said Lot 57A FND SURVCO YPC FND SURJCO YPC the falowing eleven courses: 0 60' 120' CERTIFICATE OF CLERK AND RECORDER :hence South 89'28'33" East a distance of 28,40 feet to a rebor ona Roan _ yellow plastic cop as now set; thence South B9'28'33"Cast a distance of 134.24 _ _U• 1. E•ic Semerod, Clerk and Recorder of Callotin County, Montana. do feet to o rebor and Roan yellow plastic cap as now set; thence North 30'07'20" her certify that the foregoing hlrramrrent was filed at my office a! Las:a distance of 233.75 feet to a found rebor and yellow plastic tap; :hence BASIS OF BEARINGS 4J_ o'clock, (am. or qm.�) t�h,i,s,�g�_y_ day of North 88'58'10"Eaol o distance of 273.93 feel to a found reoor and MMI/CSSA 20 and rq�o•dad as COS t.�saN�- (Doc. No. Montcna State Plane Grid dewed R Gordy{of{tfe ^lark o Recorder, Gollatin County Montana. ;allow olasti[ cap: thence South 01•01'23"East a distance of 52.75 feet to a from survey grade GPS receivers. +/C/ /1d� bond rebor.,JD: orange pbstie cop; thence along a curve to the let! having -_-_ �s,r LL K��� J,•r•{°/ �_________ .__ a radius point bearing Nartn orc lengt East o distance of 3found fee!, through a Cler4 and Recorder,Gallatin County Montan7 dehc angle o`O6'34'48", on arc length of 37.90 feel :o a found •ebar and MMI LEGEND .range plastic cap: thence South 07-36'11" East a distance of 233.58 lee: to a PARK EK 2 7 3.Sio M FL reoor and Roan yellow p,astic cap as now set; trance with a non-tangent curve tpGEIR CR P,f 1 ►f Quarter section corner, as noted to the right having a radius point bearing South 8Y20'08"west o distance of BRDyyAgiO0 270.00 feet, through a delta angle of 08'49'41", on arc length of 41.60 feet to '03 I,200 Q Center quarter corner, as noted 2676355 ` a rebor and Roen yellow plastic cap as now set; thence South oi'1C37"West a ..„ c•,nix _ •...y distonce of 27.77 feet to a found rebor and MMI orange plostic cap; thence • Found rebor, or as noted L�i1lU1WInI�1� .In �,p�l(IIUItlSdI North 89*35'38"West a distonce of 471,81 feel to a found reoor and MMI/CSSA yellow plostic cap;thence North 28'37'20"West a distance of 1.43 feet to c p Set razor and yellow plastic cop found rebut,and Roen yellow plastic cop; marxed "ROEN 12247ES" thence leaving said Lot 57A and running along the south boundory of COS 885, North TRACT 1-A R Record course 89'33'30"west a distance of 90.37 feet to a rebor end Roen yellow plastic cop as -'- - FNO Found now Set; thence c*itinq along said south fine. No,ln 89'33'30"West a distance of 837.75 feet to 'he point of beginning. •ff YPC Yellow plastic cap Said parcels contains 15.757 acres, more or less,along with and subject to all �\ OPC Orange plastic cop existing easements of record or those apparent on the ground. AC Al--urn cap F-fK CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION �� SIC witness comer ggtDO,�yON,Pr ' SUgDN,,20C, We certify that the purpose of this survey :s for divisions made for the purpose of J, 'elocating a common ooundary line between a single lot wltrnn a plotted subdivision old odjoming land outside a polled subdivision, one therefore this survey is exempt m from review as o supdivision pursuant to MCA 76-3-207(1)(e). CO S 1221 IN IN 5 We further certify that Tract 1-A is exempt from s 71ary review �urawer'! -4e iC'y .-y P f GREENS 1&,)xGEHDOSES 58B°SB'10'W 273.90' ,eT,,;.`,•�,j(ej 44.6.A. g « m V,LlAWN40USEr' YOWN259'B 588'S7 at w 273.90 R FND y ^ FND v s01°Oi'23"E 52.75' .. as el. Z i :P YCJ,259`P Y MMI/CSSA \\ YP" 501'O1.52•C 52.75-R :p='f•^ -' -pursaun; to 17',.36605 (2)(a) F.R.M. a parcel that has np I R=330.00'RRM facilities for water supply, woslewater disposal, storm drainage or solid waste disoosat. FND IdMI 2 no facilities will be constructed on the parcel." 89448•ILIA yy OPC L-37.90'RRM Gclad the 13 day of D«•M6(J--------• 20�1r }. „yam CHOe504'l8iM ND MMI CND-S0e•19'Is•E F __.G.L-y.______ _'__r___--_____ : ture OPC CHO L-37.88'R8M Signa Y THoMj%f i t MNRPNY nwa�Iwf A1a„sEa I " Printec NomE. T"Ile `J4r.- W ,•'.S LRNE SUE'Co /aL1LCkiA _ ____ _ 4 CJ b rb fNC ROEN O 13o f_(kLt4rlpaf . 2Cd9 delore ^e .r rs�gred c uo.ury �. .Yp; f4C BENT S89'28'33E 162.65' F 6f -ac stare. personally appeured T�wy r_aa WJ-(l1yy __ __ _ REBAR AS WC r'Its 1 know, t t •e MAAn� wyle.ak,<r 9r ace, Cenl LcC, who NB9°33'30"W 90.37' % s89^_3'30'E 15e9.a4' =_e9.33'3D'I tc335 8.40 Sa za LOT 57A-1 ocknowledgap le me lhal they ea�ec'cd the ettachre su•vay • S '/-b CURVY!- 3881 A,c 9," �p N89°35'36"W 471.81' S70RREEIAy M IN s U S'ORr M x v Nolury"Scr�atc ------ - Frill: NcmV. ` FND ` ROAD. Neia•y F�brr. r t-f �l^la c1.lYypfa•tK___ MM/CSSa� N28°3T20"W 1.43' ^ 2V�v __ _ -vA'T EUGMOf4J 1Y'C w R ,d'cg Ul�lt dLu�117/At4 ec ------ nnu nua ETAL NC' "0 SCALEY7 a s.+- �•" U •,$ M ^.n^r-s'o^ E<cres-_QtGCd+bt/1)B,Zr7Zv by 11 .a„Iou: z 'F�, r R=270.00 R8M 1 Ltse•nx•co,TazO o 2 •',`+'s L=41.60'R&M CH1) =S03't5'021E M .:.�i CJ-t._b 'VV ,.43 S01 I[at-o - ed Ili 13day of �t ta•'••b•• 20 19 -cHo�7.56'IRAM FND RVEN N128,3720 F 587'S5'CB'w 528 9 YpC "-r =Ci:JI S01`10'37"VC� ___ � ______ -._________ -r� fI8i:36'07'w a]I.B t'P. Sigr a N89°33'30"W 837.75' 9'33'30'W 90.37 \ N89'35'38"W 471,81' FNG MMI /•/i.r /7 U -----sr,k ccc �n^.tee Name, li iPACT RA_ENtER I State of Yf1•/Lrdud& _ gRtD�fniN90N 41 01+ LOT ,�ENYfk LCn�ENtEF LOT�ENtfA I LC�CENTEq �•CR 5f^TER ; Fnt 2t8 I ?nACi 162`- .,u8Q1y ""O.ERngciCN I 6Rt gp IVN rR1DGfpNi510r: .e t gRIDGg0,V6'.OP` gR'cJ�0C1J6iON CGS No 2C2 ,4 13 a ul__P�54sbr! ntt, Z c Vo'u•y F,blc crd f id : sonally _10h6 SChuAkE____---_ . CERTIFICATE OF EXCLUSION FROM MDEQ REVIEW CERTIFICATE OF GOVERNING BODY CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY TREASURER .C(earJ�Sl{Lfifle+r - - w knOWle<Cee IC E ink the, hey �J �� Lc: 57A-" o' the ot'ached Amenaec Plot of Lot 57A, of the 4mendec Marl.n Nelsa, Director of Ccm•n_r,',/ Ue:ecpment co roreb, <erli'y Ira: Ire Pecan F<r yry I, Je^ri'er Ra..em Trenrnyrar <I C:Ilclin Cocrtv, Nen•arc, ac heresy /i..a.L_L m Grin e�____ �jt5.m. z�ld Flo• cl Lets 5E, 57 =_8A, o• Prcger Creel SuLd-v-.s;cn, 'hose 1, Amenceo plat hc, bee,. Joy rev-ewec uoc has been 'o_ro to ccr.form to IhE recu remen:s c• the certify rnct the occcmcanyinc Carhrcote cf Sur:ey hoe been duly Vo,ary :Icnclure 7�- Print Ncme Go[,-i- Cc-. Montcna. '.s w;thn .. Cdy o• Boza,cn, Modena. c Subc;,isic^ a•c oltl6ng Act (MCA 76-3-10' at seq.), cra We cozemcr Mmicicel Ccee, exnnnned and all rent prcrerty taxes unc special -esSn-Fnts cssassec f-rsr-<os n:cipolrty <nd whin tre plcr.nirc area of ,,a 9ezemo� re unc eviea on the lance shown herecm rave fear, cove. ::•e ol_dJp EIJZC--_ -----_--- c•onlh pal cl rich was acoptec ccrsua•t t: R1CF 75 6U1 e: seq., ,{✓ Dated•h• Z�_ do o• _ --___- iC-AI ♦ ep c•.tl can oe Dr v'.aed with adY_uate stormwaye• croihcge and ocequa:e L - ---- -- - - cted lh�s -� day of ?Ji? ty fees ine•erore undo• tre pw✓sons d' MCA , �O ^'ENGINEERING Iris Icl clucea Ire'n Ire requreme•rt for Monlrno 3epu•t••ant of Mart'n o C'rect of C[r.mulliv Geve op'he-t - lQy1� _ ------..- .. _____ �'v,w✓ SURVEYING Envron•nentol Cl.alty revew. recscrer, Ga'lo1'n Co_-ly, I:obbtoro PO Box 1231 Bozeman.Mi5977t Voted this _-fhA_ cl __ 2D1 FFH2121b Llr.r:S !:UNJL 406-580-7975 rorn encllbad9ebehd- _-- Sw'; S.21 T1S P.6r r _ i C4red- - Pubic Works qrr iGa wL rel I S.