HomeMy WebLinkAbout(13b) Wetlands Review TQ City Submittal BridgerCenter revised (Exhibits) 05-14-2021APPENDIX A __________________________________________________________________ AQUATIC RESOURCES DELINEATION MAP __________________________________________________________________ APPENDIX B __________________________________________________________________ WETLAND PHOTOGRAPHS __________________________________________________________________ Photo 1. Wetland- 1; view south. Photo 2. North edge of wetland-2; view southwest. Wetland boundary is inside the shrub community beyond the edge of the grass community. Photo 3. South edge of wetland-2; view west. Wetland boundary is at edge of area seeded area where old tires and metal junk were removed in the fall of 2018. Photo 4. Stormwater basin within the southwest corner of the subject property; view northwest. Area surveyed, no work will be conducted in this area and no City of Bozeman setbacks are required along man-made features. Photo 5. Wetland-3; view west. Photo 6. Wetland-4, fringe along NWW-1, the stormwater/groundwater drainage ditch adjacent to Boylan Road; view east. The flags in front are on top of the upland ditch bank (DP-4u). The ditch bed in photo center is filled with leaves (fall 2018). Photo 7. Wetland-4a, fringe along NWW-1a, the outflow swale for the stormwater pond north of property (view south). APPENDIX C _________________________________________________________________ USACE WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORMS __________________________________________________________________ APPENDIX D __________________________________________________________________ MNHP Wetland and Riparian Map and SSURGO Soil Report __________________________________________________________________ Figure D.1. Montana Natural Heritage Program wetland and riparian map (2019); red polygon is approximate location of property boundary. Figure D.2. Soil map (SSURGO 2013); red polygon is approximate location of property boundary. Warning: Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. You have zoomed in beyond the scale at which the soil map for this area is intended to be used. Mapping of soils is done at a particular scale. The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at 1:24,000. The design of map units and the level of detail shown in the resulting soil map are dependent on that map scale. Enlargement of maps beyond the scale of mapping can cause misunderstanding of the detail of mapping and accuracy of soil line placement. The maps do not show the small areas of contrasting soils that could have been shown at a more detailed scale. Tables — Hydric Rating by Map Unit — Summary By Map Unit (AOI-Area of Interest) Summary by Map Unit — Gallatin County Area, Montana (MT622) Map unit symbol Map unit name Rating Acres in AOI Percent of AOI 407A Sudworth-Nesda loams, 0 to 2 percent slopes 2 7.2 17.1% 509B Enbar loam, 0 to 4 percent slopes 10 0.5 1.2% 512B Enbar-Nythar loams, 0 to 4 percent slopes 35 19.7 46.4% 542A Blossberg loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes 95 7.3 17.3% 606A Bandy-Riverwash-Bonebasin complex, 0 to 2 percent slopes 65 7.5 17.7% SLF Sanitary landfill 0 0.2 0.4% Totals for Area of Interest 42.4 100.0% Description — Hydric Rating by Map Unit This rating indicates the proportion of map units that meets the criteria for hydric soils. Map units are composed of one or more map unit components or soil types, each of which is rated as hydric soil or not hydric. Map units that are made up dominantly of hydric soils may have small areas of minor nonhydric components in the higher positions on the landform, and map units that are made up dominantly of nonhydric soils may have small areas of minor hydric components in the lower positions on the landform. Each map unit is designated as "hydric," "predominantly hydric," "partially hydric," "predominantly nonhydric," or "nonhydric" depending on the rating of its respective components and the percentage of each component within the map unit. "Hydric" means that all components listed for a given map unit are rated as being hydric. "Predominantly hydric" means components that comprise 66 to 99 percent of the map unit are rated as hydric. "Partially hydric" means components that comprise 33 to 66 percent of the map unit are rated as hydric. "Predominantly nonhydric" means components that comprise up to 33 percent of the map unit are rated as hydric. "Nonhydric" means that none of the components are rated as hydric. The assumption here is that all components of the map unit are rated as hydric or nonhydric in the underlying database. A "Not rated or not available" map unit rating is displayed when none of the components within a map unit have been rated. Hydric soils are defined by the National Technical Committee for Hydric Soils (NTCHS) as soils that formed under conditions of saturation, flooding, or ponding long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions in the upper part (Federal Register, 1994). Under natural conditions, these soils are either saturated or inundated long enough during the growing season to support the growth and reproduction of hydrophytic vegetation. The NTCHS definition identifies general soil properties that are associated with wetness. In order to determine whether a specific soil is a hydric soil or nonhydric soil, however, more specific information, such as information about the depth and duration of the water table, is needed. Thus, criteria that identify those estimated soil properties unique to hydric soils have been established (Federal Register, 2002). These criteria are used to identify map unit components that normally are associated with wetlands. The criteria used are selected estimated soil properties that are described in "Soil Taxonomy" (Soil Survey Staff, 1999) and "Keys to Soil Taxonomy" (Soil Survey Staff, 2006) and in the "Soil Survey Manual" (Soil Survey Division Staff, 1993). If soils are wet enough for a long enough period of time to be considered hydric, they should exhibit certain properties that can be easily observed in the field. These visible properties are indicators of hydric soils. The indicators used to make onsite determinations of hydric soils are specified in "Field Indicators of Hydric Soils in the United States" (Hurt and Vasilas, 2006). References: Federal Register. July 13, 1994. Changes in hydric soils of the United States. Federal Register. September 18, 2002. Hydric soils of the United States. Hurt, G.W., and L.M. Vasilas, editors. Version 6.0, 2006. Field indicators of hydric soils in the United States. Soil Survey Division Staff. 1993. Soil survey manual. Soil Conservation Service. U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 18. Soil Survey Staff. 1999. Soil taxonomy: A basic system of soil classification for making and interpreting soil surveys. 2nd edition. Natural Resources Conservation Service. U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 436. Soil Survey Staff. 2006. Keys to soil taxonomy. 10th edition. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. JOINT APPLICATION FOR PROPOSED WORK IN MONTANA’S STREAMS, WETLANDS, FLOODPLAINS, AND OTHER WATER BODIES Use this form to apply for one or all local, state, or federal permits listed below. “Information for Applicant” includes agency contacts and instructions for completing this application. To avoid delays, submit all required information, including a project site map and drawings. Incomplete applications will result in the delay of the application process. Other laws may apply. It is the applicant’s responsibility to obtain all permits and landowner permission, when applicable, before beginning work.  PERMIT AGENCY FEE 310 Permit Local Conservation District No fee SPA 124 Permit Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks No fee Floodplain Permit Local Floodplain Administrator Varies by city/county ($25 - $500+) Section 404 Permit, Section 10 Permit U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Varies ($0 - $100) 318 Authorization 401 Certification Department of Environmental Quality $250 (318); $400 - $20,000 (401) Navigable Rivers Land Use License or Easement Department of Natural Resources and Conservation, Trust Lands Management Division License $25; Easement $50, plus annual fee A. APPLICANT INFORMATION NAME OF APPLICANT:___________________________________________________________________ Has the landowner consented to this project? • Yes • No Mailing Address: ________________________________________Day Phone: ________________________ Physical Address: _______________________________________ Evening phone: _____________________ City/State/Zip: _______________________________________ E-Mail: ______________________________ NAME OF LANDOWNER (if different from applicant):___________________________________________ Mailing Address: _______________________________________ Day Phone: _________________________ Physical Address: _______________________________________ Evening Phone: ______________________ City/State/Zip: _______________________________________ E-Mail: _______________________________ NAME OF CONTRACTOR/AGENT (if one is used):____________________________________________ Mailing Address: _______________________________________ Day Phone: _________________________ Physical Address: _______________________________________ Evening Phone: ______________________ City/State/Zip: _______________________________________ E-Mail: _______________________________ B. PROJECT SITE INFORMATION NAME OF STREAM or WATER BODY at project location _____________ Nearest Town ______________ Address/Location:_______________________________Geocode (if available): __________________________ ____1/4 ____1/4 ____1/4, Section ________, Township _________, Range _________ County ____________ Longitude _____________________, Latitude ________________________________ ATTACH A PROJECT SITE MAP OR A SKETCH that includes: 1) the water body where the project will take place, roads, tributaries, landmarks; 2) a circled “X” representing the exact project location. IF NOT CLEARLY STATED ON THE MAP OR SKETCH, PROVIDE WRITTEN DIRECTIONS TO THE SITE. The state owns the beds of certain state navigable waterways. Is this a state navigable waterway? Yes or No. If yes, send copy of this application to appropriate DNRC land office – see Information for Applicant. AGENCY USE ONLY: Application # ___________ Date Received ____________ Date Accepted ________________/ Initials _____ Date Forwarded to DFWP ____________ Revised: 2/16/10 (310 form 270) Form may be downloaded from: www.dnrc.mt.gov/permits/default.asp This space is for all Department of Transportation and SPA 124 permits (government projects). Project Name _________________________________________________ Control Number ________________________________ Contract letting date ________________________________________________ MEPA/NEPA Compliance  Yes  No If yes, #14 of this application does not apply. C. PROJECT INFORMATION 1. TYPE OF PROJECT (check all that apply)  Bridge/Culvert/Ford Construction  Fish Habitat  Mining  Bridge/Culvert/Ford Removal  Recreation (docks, marinas, etc.)  Dredging  Road Construction/Maintenance  New Residential Structure  Core Drill  Bank Stabilization/Alteration  Manufactured Home  Placement of Fill  Flood Protection  Improvement to Existing Structure  Diversion Dam  Channel Alteration  Commercial Structure  Utilities  Irrigation Structure  Wetland Alteration  Pond  Water Well/Cistern  Temporary Construction Access  Debris Removal  Excavation/Pit  Other _____________________________________________ 2. PLAN OR DRAWING of the proposed project MUST be attached. This plan or drawing must include: • a plan view (looking at the project from above) • a cross section or profile view • dimensions of the project (height, width, depth in feet) • an elevation view • location of storage or stockpile materials • dimensions and location of fill or excavation sites • drainage facilities • location of existing or proposed structures, such as • an arrow indicating north buildings, utilities, roads, or bridges 3. IS THIS APPLICATION FOR an annual maintenance permit?  Yes  No (If yes, an annual plan of operation must be attached to this application – see “Information for Applicant”) 4. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION DATE. Include a project timeline. Start date _____/_____/_____ Finish date_____/_____/_____ Is any portion of the work already completed?  Yes  No (If yes, describe the completed work.) 5. WHAT IS THE PURPOSE of the proposed project? 6. WHAT IS THE CURRENT CONDITION of the proposed project site? Include a description of the existing vegetation, bank condition, bank slope, and height. What other structures are nearby? 7. PROVIDE A BRIEF DESCRIPTION of the proposed project. 8. PROJECT DIMENSIONS. How many linear feet of bank will be impacted? How far will the proposed project encroach into and extend away from the water body? 9. VEGETATION. What type and how much vegetation will be removed or covered with fill material? 10. MATERIALS. Describe the materials to be used and how much. Cubic yards/Linear feet Size and Type Source 11. EQUIPMENT. What equipment is proposed to be used for the work? Where and how will the equipment be used on the stream bank and/or the waterbody? 12. CONSIDER THE IMPACTS OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT, EVEN IF TEMPORARY. Describe planned efforts during and after construction to: • Minimize erosion, sedimentation, or turbidity? • Minimize stream channel alterations? • Minimize effects to stream flow or water quality caused by materials used or removal of ground cover? • Minimize effects on fish and aquatic habitat? • Minimize risks of flooding or erosion problems upstream and downstream? • Revegetate/protect existing vegetation and control weeds? 13. WHAT ARE THE NATURAL RESOURCE BENEFITS of the proposed project? 14. LIST ALTERNATIVES to the proposed project. Why was the proposed alternative selected? D. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR SECTION 404, SECTION 10, AND FLOODPLAIN PERMITS. If applying for a Section 404 or Section 10 permit, fill out questions 1-3. If applying for a floodplain permit, fill out questions 3-6. (Additional information is required for floodplain permits – See “Information for Applicant.”) 1. Will the project involve placement of fill material in a wetland? If yes, describe. How much wetland area will be filled? Calculate the area impacted by fill activity or other disturbance. Note: A delineation of the wetland may be required. 2. If there is a plan for compensatory mitigation, describe the location, type, and amount of proposed mitigation. Attach additional sheet if necessary. 3. List the names and address of landowners adjacent to the project site. This includes properties adjacent to and across from the project site. (Some floodplain communities require certified adjoining landowner lists). _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 4. List all applicable local, state, and federal permits and indicate whether they were issued, waived, denied, or pending. Note: All required local, state, and federal permits, or proof of waiver must be issued prior to the issuance of a floodplain permit. 5. Floodplain Map Number _____________________________ 6. Does this project comply with local planning or zoning regulations?  Yes  No E. SIGNATURES/AUTHORIZATIONS Each agency must have original signatures signed in blue ink. After completing the form, make the required number of copies and then sign each copy. Send the copies with original signatures and additional information required directly to each applicable agency. The statements contained in this application are true and correct. I possess the authority to undertake the work described herein or I am acting as the duly authorized agent of the landowner. I authorize inspection of the project site after notice by inspection authorities. APPLICANT: LANDOWNER: Print Name: _____________________________ Print Name: _____________________________ ______________________________________ ________________________________________________ Signature of Applicant Date Signature of Landowner Date *CONTRACTOR/AGENT: Print Name: ______________________________ ________________________________________ Signature of Contractor/Agent Date *Contact agency to determine if contractor signature is required. FIGURE NUMBER © PROJECT NO.DRAWN BY: DSGN. BY: APPR. BY: DATE: COPYRIGHT MORRISON-MAIERLE, INC.,2021 N:\5311\001.01 - PUD\ACAD\Exhibits\5311-001_WETLAND MSTR-Impacted.dwg Plotted by cody farley on May/11/2021 engineers surveyors planners scientists MorrisonMaierle 2880 Technology Blvd West Bozeman, MT 59718 406.587.0721 www.m-m.net 5311.002 EX. B DS BOZEMAN MONTANA EXHIBIT B - AQUATIC RESOURCES IMPACT MGH BRIDGER MEADOWS SUBDIVISION MGH 05/2021 DELINEATED WETLAND BOUNDARY LEGEND ESTIMATED WETLAND BOUNDARY WETLAND - 1 (EST. 1.11 AC.) WETLAND - 2 (EST. 1.87 AC.) WETLAND - 3 (0.22 AC.) WETLAND - 4 (0.01 AC.) WETLAND - 4a (0.05 AC.) NWW-1 NWW-1a EXISTING STORM WATER BASIN 30' UTILITY EASEMENT UPLAND AREAS NWW-1 (EST. 30 L.F., 3' WIDE) NWW-1a (EST. 75 L.F., 3' WIDE) DP EST. = ESTIMATED AC. = ACRES NWW = NON-WETLAND WATERWAY L.F. = LINEAR FEET DP = USACE DATA POINT LOCATION DP-1w DP-1u DP-3u DP-2w DP-4w DP-4u DP-3u DP-3w DP-4A-w DP-4A-u AQUATIC RESOURCE IMPACTS SHEET FEATURE LENGTH (LF)AREA (ACRE) NONWETLAND WATER WAY (NWW) 1 NWW-1 30.00 0.002 1 NWW-1a ---- TOTAL 30.00 0.002 WETLAND (WL) 1 WL-1 0.044 1 WL-3 0.035 1 WL-4 0.010 TOTAL 0.089 GRAND TOTAL 30.00 0.091 NOTE: DELINEATION CONDUCTED 10/05/2018 AND 04/27/2019 BY TERRAQUATIC, LLC.1 - WETLAND 4 SCALE: 1" = 30'-0" PROPOSED GRADING LIMITS SEE DETAIL 1 - LOT 1 LOT 2 LOT 3 LOT 4 LOT 5 LOT 6 LOT 7 LOT 8 LOT 9 LOT 10 LOT 11 LOT 12 LOT 13 LOT 14 LOT 15SHADY GLEN LANE B O Y L A N R O A D LOT 16