HomeMy WebLinkAbout(14c) Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 03-2019 - (Exhibits) CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY NO. 8 8 5 A TRACT OF LAND LOCATED IN THE SE V4 OF SEC.31, TIS,R6E, M PM. GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA FOR PAUL 801-AN TO CREATE A TRACT Oe LAND � eu.co,sse rI PESfA1vT1(MI - •vo sn'anAA A tract of land being a portion o/ the Northwest One-quarter of the SOutRe051 Section :nfrtr-one, Township floe Saute, R&O" Sic East, Montana Principal R!e►1dn4 erter of a; County- "A"tAn being further described as follows; _ Beninvi m: at the Southwest corner of sold northwest One-quarter of the Southeast tMtt-quarter. Thence n e-nua ter 03. nest alrinq theWe e et St line of said Northwest On aw e_"rte♦ of the Sth- 398t67feet. 'henc Sta ei south lis,f f 57, 40" Eas'It •Themertt rt North 8 ' 55*fen 0�a t las a disce of nce o het. Thence South 87' 55' QT' hest alonn the South 11re of said Northwest Past A"e-gLArter a distance Of 02R.11 feet W the Rolnt Of Beninnilto.One-thAaAter o1 the 3awtR- ' 3 OWcactEp said tract being 12.000 Acres, alone with and subject to any existing eggWentf. SCALE I'. loo' CERTIFICATE OF SU"EvOR Surveyed under the Supervision of HICMAEL FOLET, Montana Registration aa077S. ?-^ O SET SA-R 2� RESAR M.CAP �0 fy•y,N� xw)•r •rN0 Slate RE GAR M/CAD IIa IPA this tr•.•s•'o•-t _ l day of A.D., 19 NES. _ BASIS OF SEARING PREVIOUS SURVEY MICHABJ IN SIR va Or SEC M FOR GO[EYAN Sono a GRAVEL • FOLEY C e o ey 7 S CERTIFICATE OF EIMININS LAMo SMFy0 R Ttio" A v lxarined for errors and omissians by ROBERT H. BABB, Mantans Registration 0/523Esr 0 DateC this .t day 0/ /1(AIR4a{ A.D , 19 *b. w FdDeEFtrBABB lt. 1ES w CERT!tiCATE OF EIEltRTIDN ��• hI"cER!1 SIP' i ! •off I certify that the purpose of this exertion is ex b• Section 76-3-201 fi) e•�s from review as a subdlv , M.C.A., 197q, lslon ast+IW*gw,l. •'j t r • � t! �atfEp -- • �::r ' o e•r 'i.i 1 121300 ACRES ,�• Nfntana Registration 04077S ictr.} ' .Rr.[f r AND AEC MP " I{ "3 1, latt�a (� tamer Clerk ar4.A*c*t*r of 6•IIStIn County, do Hereby certlf�/ ~that the Y-'e9ol,m n-T St rul eIT WAS filed In wy OMCe At f`S• on tMt .•tl i day o1 a D to�O and •sslrRad te.tt ca -5-7y NO .; • j J /Si/7 SS e'�il w. y�f•i7 . sic 91 I ri r> w•r•s•ow'• out A• t,'•lu ..1IC I At rl Tay•t,tc AP- POINT OF BEGINNING N '[ Va pJ�510 :. 7 R [E"1ER S a- :Y�i o . �. /1O oft 'Ons. " 2460408 Page 1 of 2 08/232013 12.12 09 PM Fee $14 00 Charlotte Mills-Gallatin County, MT DEED WHEN RECORDED RETURN TO: Name: Stewart Title Company Address: 2020 Charlotte St..Suite 6 Bozeman,MT 59716 File No.: ST 01220-1362 WARRANTY DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the receipt of which is acknowledged the undersigned. Roberta Moche,whose address is 4353 Pahoa Avenue, Honolulu,HI 96816,GRANTOR(S)dodoes hereby grant, bargain,sell and convey unto Bridger Center,LLC 1413 Cherry Drive Bozeman,MT 59715 GRANTEE(S), his/her/their heirs and assigns, the following described premises in Gallatin County and State o°Montana: A tract of land being a portion of the Northwest One-quarter of the Southeast One-quarter of Secticn 31. Township One South,Range Six East.Montana Principal Meridian,Gallatin County.Montana, being further described as fo lows Beginning at the Southwest correr of said Northwest One-quarter of the Southeast One-quarter,thence North 02'C3'19"West along the West pine of said Northwest One-quarter of the Southeast One-quarter a distance of 787.95 feet Thence North 87'55'08"East a distance of 398.67 feet Thence South 35' 57'40"East along an existing fence a distance of 949 11 feet. Thence South 87°55'08"West along the South Ilse of said Northwest One-quarter of the Southeast One-quarter a distance of 928 11 feet to the point of beginning,according to Certificate of Survey No.885. (Deed Reference Film 160,page 1236) TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises, with its appurtenances and easements apparent or of record,unto the said GRANTEE(S). hislherltheir heirs and assigns, forever And the said GRANTOR(S) do/does hereby covenant to and with the said GRANTEE(S),that the GRANTOR(S)is/are the owner(s)in fee simple of said premises:that said premises are free from all encumbrances except for current years taxes, levies. and assessments and except U S Patent reservations. restriction, easements of record, and easements visible upon the premises,and the GRANTOR(S)will warrant and defend the same from all lawful claims whatsoever. SUBJECT TC A. All reserv, ns. exceptions. Covenants, conditions and restrictions of record and in patents from III(,.United -iates or the State of Montana. B All existing easements,ng1,l;,of way and restrictions apparent or of record, C Taxes and�ssessmeW !,r the current year and subsequent years. D All Po-or conveyancer ,,:rises or transfers of any interest in minerals, including oil, gas and other hydrocarbons;and E. Bu ld rg,use,zoning,sanitary,and environmental restrictions GRANTOR(S)covenant with GRANTEE(S)that GRANTOR(S) are now seized in fee staple absolute of said premises that GRANTORS) have frill power to convey same; that the same is free from all encumbrances excepting those set forth above; that GRANTEE(S) shall enjoy the same without any lawful disturbance; that GRANTOR(S) will, on demand. execute and deliver to GRANTEE(S), at the expense of GRANTORS, any further assurance of the same that may be reasonably required; and,with the exceptions set forth above, teal GRANTOR(S)warrart to GRANTEE(S)and will defend for himJher all the said premises against every person lawfully claiming all or any interest in same DATED thiss 14th day of August.2013./Roberta Moche 2460408 Page 2 of 2 08/23/2013 12 12:09 PM Slate of County of On this 't'lbay of August. 2013 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public+n and for said State, personally apoeared Roberta Moche. known to me, andlor identified to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence, to b he person(s)whose name is/are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that h h. hey executed the same WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL A RBEGNoCPnnted Nam pANr C GYQOO'N - Notary Public in and for tha State of :No. Residing at �� 0.=tf;� N t cr.• 90-189 My commission expires k-V - 2 O 1 Lk s�9 OF:I�A\UP\\ , DOC.DATE -f 5-1 pAM z NOTARY NANEs GARBED 6AM Iff aMR MC pp� a-�-�--� 9-1 -13 NOTARY SIGNATURE DATE Gp,RREIy c•, .... qo '� .... HAVv'k IIIIN IIIII NIIIII loll IIIII I II I II IN NII 2;15f I N��N�•'R�YK hhw—G.r•htlrh,u�Co,Ne+..r,M7 Shelley Vanoa-Gallatin Cc " DEED 6.00 ACKNOWLEDGED STATEMENT TERMINATION OF JOINT TENANCY l-.o r6 L 6 T A �M C'C 4k r- is a surviving joint tenant of the real property of dececdeent = L t3 e�T�t �3s=�[{ & ,who died a&-U-t — , 20 L l in the County of G AL L w, T"l-j , State of N o tv tk N is , and whose interest in the following described real property situated in 6)ALL A T 1 e-1 County,Montana, is terminated: A tract of land being a portion of the Northwest One-quarter of the Southeast One-quarter of Section Thirty-one,Township One South, Range Six East, Montana Principal Meridian, Gallatin C'ount}•. Montana; being further described as folloi%s: Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Nortlukest One-quarter of the Southeast One-quarter; thence Forth 02'03'19" West along the West line of said North%%est One-quarter of the Southeast One-Quarter a distance of 757.95 feet; thence North 87055'0S" East a distance of 39S.67 feet; thence South 35057*40-East alono,an existing fence a distance of 949.11 feet; thence South 87°55'03"West alon-the South line of said Northwest One-quarter of the Southeast One-quarter a distance of 925.11 feet to the Point of Beginning,. according to Certificate of Survey No. SS5. The aggregate value of the interest in the joint tenancy property is less than the federal estate tax filing requirement. This Acknowledged Statement is made purse o tion 72-16-503 C.A. Dated_ ant` i, Signature of Surviving Joint Tenant --3 S 3 A lh. Address State of Montana City State Zip Code County of (1-,-U JA 4-►n This instrument was acknowledged before me on��l t�� 3� , 20-9y, by %) known to me, or proved to me to be the perso gtls Notary Public for the State of Montana eE � r A AL Residing at: IL�IT�e•Ir,�.a��. � My Commission Expires: -3- )-t -i--oe'7 OF Mp�P INNIIIINIIIIN112116262 pa": f of 2 8 1w11• v e�/2f/2 v �+►oO-Oellatln CO MT DEED � e2'�P t2.0e QUITCLAIM DEED FOR ADEQUATE CONSIDERATION, F. DELBROOK LICHTENBERG, the Grantor, with mailing address of 1502 Gold Avenue, Bozeman, Montana 59715, does hereby convey, remise, release and forever quitclaim unto F. DELBRCOK LICHTENBERG and ROBERTA MOCHE, as joint tenants with right of survivorship, the Grantees, with mailing addresses of 1502 Gold Avenue, Bozeman, Montana 59715, and 4353 Pahoa Avenue, Honolulu, Hawaii 96816, respectively, all right, title and interest in and to the following described real estate, situate in the County of Gallatin, State of Montana, to-wit : A tract of land being a portion of the Northwest One- quarter of the Southeast One-quarter of Section Thirty- one, Township One South, Range Six East, Montana Principal Meridian, Gallatin County, Montana; being further described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Northwest One- quarter of the Southeast One-quarter, thence North 02' 03 ' 19" West along the West line of said Northwest One- quarter of the Southeast One-quarter a distance of 787.95 feet . Thence North 87* 55108" East a distance of 398 .67 feet. Thence South 35*57140" East along an existing fence a distance of 949.11 feet. Thence South 87* 551081, West along the South line of said Northwest One-quarter of the Southeast One-quarter a distance of 928 .11 feet to the point of beginning, according to Certificate of Survey No. 885. (Deed Ref: Document No. 356874, Film 180, page 1236) Together with all of the metals, stone, oil, gas, coal, and mineral rights appurtenant to the hereinbefore described real property owned by the Grantor. No warranty is made as to the status or extent of such rights. Together with the water rights appurtenant to the hereinbefore described real property and the ditches and ditch rights to the extent used in connection with such water rights. No warranty is made as to such water and ditch rights. Subject to all protective or restrictive covenants of record, and all easements, reservations, and rights of way of record, and those which would be disclosed by an examination of the property. TOGETHER WITH all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof; and, also all the estate, right, title, interest, �IJJJIIJl1�1J�JJ I� 1162 P 62 6h .. IlIJJIJl1JIINJIIlN ..a 2 of IJIIJIJiIII Qui:cla�R hoed from '. Delbroak Licnterberg to a..ay "anoa-Gall"l^ Co H7 OEEO i2003 03 D3P F. :elbrook L:chtenbetg acd R=erta Mocha) �2 Do -•,2i Page 7 of Z property, possession, claim and demand whatsoever, as well in law as in equity of the Grantor; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto the said Grantees, their heirs and assigns forever. DATED this day of July, 2003 . P. Delbrook Lichtenberg STATE OF MONTANA) : ss. County of Gallatin) On this w day of July, 2003, before me personai'_y appeared F. CELBROOK L CHTENBERG, whose identity was proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to this instrument, and acknowledged that he executed the same. (Pri ame) Notary Public f1gr the State of ,Montana .< • z y - Residing at _ �3�,rin Montana My Commission Expires :-L� it 200� WARRANTY DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged on ��day of August, 1997, the undersigned HARRY F. STANNEBEIN, a/k/a, HARRY J. STANNEBEIN, and SHERMAN H. VELTKAMP, Co-Trustees of D. C& R Trust and S & J Trust, of 220 West Lammc, Bozeman, Montana 59715. hereby grant unto F. DELAROOK LICHTENBERG. of 1520 Cold Ave., Bozeman, Montana 59715. and to his heirs and assigns forever, the hereinafter described real estate situated in Gallatin County, Montana, to-wit: Y'1 Parcel 1: Lot 4 in Block I of Amended Subdivision Plat of the Rearrangement of Block I Bridger Center Subdivision, in the City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana, according to the official plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the County Clerk and Recorder, Gallatin County. Montana (Plat Reference: H-37-A) Parcel 11: A tract of land being a portion of the Northwest One of the Southeast One- quarter of Section Thirty-one. Township One South, Range Six East, Montana Principal Meridian, Gallatin County, Montana: being further descriW as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Northwest One-quaner of the Southeast One- quarter, thence North 02 degrees 03'19' West along the West line of said Northwest One quaner of the Southeast One-quarter a distance of 787.95 feet. Thence North g7 degrees 55'08' East a distance of 398.67 feet. Thence South 35 degrees 57*40" East along an existing fence a distance 949.11 feet. Thence South 87 degrees 55'08' West along the South line of said Nonhwest One-quarter of the Southeast One-quarter a distance of 928.1 1 feet to the Point of Beginning, according to Certificate of Survey No. 885. TO HAVE AND TD HOLD unto the Grantee and to his successors and assigns forever, subject, however, to: (a) All reservations and exceptions of record and in patents from the United States or the State of Montana: (b) All existing easements, rights of way, building, use, zoning, sanitary and environmental restrictions: (c) Taxes and assessments for the year 1997 and subsequent years: (d) All prior conveyances, leases or transfers of any interest in minerals, including oil, gu and other hydrocarbons. f 4 176 PACE 1918 EXCEPT with reference to items referted to in paragraphs (a) to(d)above, this Deed is given with the usual covenants expressed in §30 11 110. Montana Code Annotated This conveyance is made and accepted upon the express agreement that the consideration heretofore paid constitutes an adequate and full consideration in money or money's wonh. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantors have executed this instrument the day and year fwu above written. HARRY F. STANNEBEIN, a/k/a SHERMAN If. VELTKAM . CoTrustec HARRY J. STANNEBEIN, Co-Trustee of D. C& R Trust and S& J Trust of D. C&R Trust and S&J Trust STATE OF MONTANA ) ss. County of Gallatin ) On this-;�1 day of pqt f 1997, before me, the undersigned Notary Public for the State of Montana, peribrially appeared HARRY F. STANNEBEIN, a/k/a, HARRY J. STANNEBEIN, and SHERMAN If. VELTKAMP, Co-Trustees of D, C& R Trust and S& J Trust, known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same on behalf of said trust. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year hereinabove first written. ELIY K F! / SEA(� Nay blic for theState of Montana F�(.IT IAL SEAL) Residing at Bozeman, Montana L. ` My Commission Expires: --3/(Z r u XeD �4 rt�nt:o State of Mont., County of Gallatin. sa filed for record AUGUST 2/ 19 97 al a:otr PH., — recorded Fn Book 17ti — go 1917 �Cf,R,u ^ra,,,� fieCorder. N �h FEE: $12.00 RT: SECURITY TITLE CO Fitts 18010' 1234 QUITCLAIM DEED FOR ADEQUATE CONSIDERATION, F. DELBROOK LICHTENBERG, the Grantor, with mailing address of 1502 Gold Avenue, Bozeman, Montana 59715, does hereby convey, remise, release and forever quitclaim unto LICHTENBERG 103 COKKERCIAL DRIVE, LLC, the Grantee, with mailing address of 1502 Gold Avenue, Bozeman, Montana 59715, all right, title and interest in and to the following described real estate, situate in the County of Gallatin, State of Montana, to- wit: See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Together with all of the metals, stone, oil, gas, coal, and mineral rights appurtenant to the hereinbefore described real property owned by the Grantor. No warranty is made as to the status or extent of such rights. Together with the water rights appurtenant to the hereinbefore described real property and the ditches and ditch rights to the extent used in connection with such water rights. No warranty is made as to such water and ditch rights. Subject to all protective or restrictive covenants of record, and all easements, reservations, and rights of way of record, and those which would be disclosed by an examination of the property. TOGETHER WITH all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belonging, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof; and, also all the estate, right, title, interest, property, possession, claim and demand whatsoever, as well in law as in equity of the Grantor; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto the said Grantee, its heirs and assigns forever. DATED this J- day of ,i: .� ,mac. . 199 F. DE ROOK LICHTENBERG STATE OF MONTANA) f 1t v 180^-Y;1XZ : ss. County of Gallatin) On this 91 day of :) .:. . 199 i , before me personally = appeared F. DELBROOR LICHTENBERG, whose identity was proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to this instrument, and acknowledged that he executed the same. Notary Public for the State of Montana (9 Residing at ,:. , Montana My Commission Expires: y _? r 1 EXHIBIT A rn" 180PICEi236 Parcel 1: Lot 4 in Block I of Amended Subdivision Plat of the Rearrangement of Block I Bridges Canter Subdivision, in the City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Mortara, according to the official plat thereof on file and of.exert in the office of the County Cleric and Recorder.Gallatin County, Morton(Plat R:ef=ace: H-37-A) Parcel 11: A am of Land being a portion of the Northwest One-quaver of the Soudheut One- qm to of Soction Thirty-one, Township One South, Range Six East, Mortara Principal Meridian, Gallatin County, Montana: being futtha descr tied as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Northwest One-quarter of the Southast One- quarter. thence North 02 degrees 03'19' West along the West line of said Northwest One-quarter of the Southeast One-quarter a distance of 787.95 feet. llhence North 87 degrees 55*08' East a distance of 398.67 feet. Thence South 35 degrees 57'40' East abng an existing fence a distance 949.11 feet. Thence South 87 degasses 55*08' West Wong the South line of said Northman One-quarter of the Southeast Ones a distance of 928.11 feet to the Point of Beginning,according to Ctstificaw of Survey No. U5. 356874 Stela of Most., co"Of bolwn.is f?ted fat r*OW /UECEMBER 31 19—_jZ at 2.07 P V.. Wad rtrc'CRd 0 BOotr 1R0 D M 08"_111 ��� Nwws Racor6ar. � � FEE: $18.00 PD RT: BFRG, LILLY. ANDR10LO 6 TOLLEFSEN 910 TECHNOLOGY BLVD, STE A BOUKAN, MT 59715 AUAITH CCUNM Ut ASSOCIATfON iORU MO. WARRANTY DEED "k% 71►M1402 For Value Received V-FrEK K. NELSON, of Rozenan. Montana, the grantor ,doffs hereby grant,bargain,sell,convey and confirm unto PALL F. W,YLAN. of Bozeman, Montana, E- the grantee ,the following dascribed premlit",in ._..';a1jattn County,Dloutana, � to wit: ;.3 T Y SEE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE REAL PROPERTY ATTACHED W� HERETO 'LARKED AS EXHIBIT "A" FOR IDENTIFICATION, AND BY THIS REFERENCE FULLY AND COHPLEIELY INCORPORATED HEREIN. c TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises, with their appurtenances unto the said Grantee his heirs and assigns forever, And the said Grantor does hereby covenant to and with the Bald Grantee , that he is the owner in fee simple of said premises;that they are free from all incurabrances and that he xill warrant and defend the same from all lawful claims whatsoever. Dated: This 11 Jay of August Peter K. Nelson STATE OF MONTANA,COUNTY OF GALLITIH STATE OF MONTANA,COUNTY OF On thU flat day of Auguat .lY SZ, 1 hereby eertlfy that this Instrument was flied for record at before me,,notary public In and for sold Slate,personally the requnt of appeared PETER K. NELSON •.c t l - at rn'nutes part o'clock m., thu day of J In my office,and duly recorded In Hook kn0irib/t��to`tbe p�6a�t whose name IS of UeMt at page wtuA) e wllldgxt'Aminent,and acknowledged to me Ibal ....... .. S. executed the same. - G d'��a County Clerk and Recorder Notary Public for State of Monona Deputy. !J Hetiding at - o]'fr"`a� .Montana s !; om Fee My cmissionesylret� _•.-sc.�w.r,.�}� IY_�'.T.� Mall to: _ r b not 711,acEl-403 EXHIBIT "A_ Y TO 3 WARRANTY DEED GRANTOR: GRANTEE: 1 PETER K. NELSON PAUL F. BOYLAN Legal Description A tract of land being a portion of the Northwest one- quarter of the Southeast one-quarter of Section 31, Township 1 South, Range 6 East, M.P.M. , Gallatin County, Montana; being further described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Northwest t one-quarter of the Southeast one-quarter. Thence North 1 02'03'19" West along the West line of said Northwest one-quarter of the Southeast one-quarter a distance of 787.95 feet. Thence North 87'55'08" East a distance of 398.67 feet. Thence South 35'57'40" East along an existing fence a distance of 949.11 feet. Thence South 87'55'03" West along the South line of said Northwest one-quarter of the Southeast one-quarter a distance of 928.11 feet to the point of beginning. Said tract being 12.00 acres, along with and subject to any existing easements. According to Certificate of Survey No. 885 TOGETHER WITH the tenements, hereditaments and appur- tenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining thereto. SUBJECT TO any and all easements, rights of way, reser- vations and restrictions of record. woexeo PLAIIED 101294 State of Moat., County of Gallatin.as Filed for record September 1 at 3:00 P FA.,and recorded in Book __71- /o!j� `DEE�EDS ./� page 02 2'aid�t CL 81;Aar� Record or. ByC�fdtid!_.[_,�'SESS�' -tv Rt: Joseph W. Sabol-$4.00 ;i . s + FE (f GALtATiN COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATIOM MAO No I .` WARRANTY DEED 'at orcF L For Value Received , H. B. LA.NDOE and F. D. LICHTENBFRG, �f of Bozeman, Montana, C 't to the grantor s ,do hereby grant,bargain,sell,convey and confirm unto HARRY F. STANNEGEIN and SHER14AN H. VELTKAMF, as Co-trustees of the S & J Trust and the D, C & R Trust , the grantee s,the following described premises,in G a 1,1 a_ t i nQQ _ County,Montana, w to wit: Z z A tract of land, being a portion of the Northwest One-quarter W of the Southeast One-quarter of Sectio:t 31, Township 1 South, W Range 6 East, Montana Principal Meridian, Gallatin County, OC Montana, being further described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Northwest One-quarrer of the Southeast One-quarter, thence North 020 43' 19" West along the West line of said Northwest One-quarter of the Southeast One-quarter a dis- tance of 787.95 feet; thence North 870 55'08" Fast a distance of 398.67 feet; thence South 350 57'40" Fast along an existing fence a distance of 949.11 feet; thence South 870 55' 03" West along the South line of said Northwest One-quarter of the Southeast One-quarter a distance of 928.11 feet to the point of beginning, said tract being 12.000 acres, along with and subject to any existing easements. ACCORDING TO CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY #885; SUBJECT TO anv and all easements, rights-of-way reservations and restric- tions of record. TO HAVE AND TO BOLD the said premises, with their appurtenances unto the said Crantee. S , their successors )bdJKxand assigns forever, And the said Grantor s do hereby covenant to and with the said Grantees , that t hey are the owner.., in fee simple of said premises;that they are free from all incumbrances and that t he y will warrant and defend the same from ali lawful claims whatsoever. Dated: May 15, 1980 1'LARED ti r .. t ram,. 9828 STATE OF htONTANA, COUNTY OF GALLATIN STATE OF hlONTANA,COUNTY OF Gallatin On this 1 5th day of 'lay , 1980, 1 hereby certify that thLs instrument was filed for record at before me,a notary public in and for said State,personally the request of Appeared H. B. LANDOE and F. D. I.TCHTENBERG, at 9:00 rirtae Nacx delock a.m., this 27 day of May 19 82 ,in my office,and duly recorded in Book 69 kno4ntto,t9e ld tf the person s whose name s a r e of Deeds al pr,ge 2244 sybsctibttd►tbt6!c7lthln instrument,and acknowledged to � Q, &aLi� and the �}r e7_e the ,�.e ......__.-._ a _ Count Clerk and Recorder By- Notary Public for the Slate of l) atana Deputy. Re��tiiR'att 1/� BgzeMan bJo'ntana Fees 3 3.00 My oa lls[Rq.expires___.____Ap.r it.,5 , 19 82. Mall to: American Land Title s RF: Arr t CAN LAfn T 17 t I�c� E G� $5 F. $ 14.oa n.+rrEn ,, - oaf 154 tate of l�torrt,Ccranty6 Gallatin. ss Fleet for recvr� MARCH 8•' AIVI., and recorded In Book 5 5 of lucilft Q. $ page—L-J-47 "corder. By_ pt}t,• IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE EIGtiTbENTfI J ICIA4 4) S:M1CT w 2 OF THE STATE OF MONTANA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF GkLLATIN 3 H. B. LANDOS and F.D. } 4 LICHTENBERG. } 150 } No. 25340 � 0 3 Plaintiffs, } 2= 6 vs•�. } L 7 PAUL BOYLAN, ) g Defendant. } � } • fib? 9 m f . STIPULA!FION AND .ORDER i COMES NOW, Plaintiffs -and De5endapt, by and through =....r . V their counsel of record, and stipulate and agree that the ,14 :, above entitled matter may be dismissed with prej;udice' upon - 1S the. merits, the same having bepn f4ly co*promiged al;,{_I_ 16 settled by the parties hereto as evidenced by that certain ` i 17 .Settlement Agreement signed by the parties, a copy of which 18 is attached hereto, Marked as Exhibit "A" for identification 49 ., and:. by this reference fully and completely incorporated 20 herein. 21 DATED this ! day of v.,�,�r„�+ .t,�., 1979. 22,' 23 Ge a I. Brown LANDOE, BROWN, PLANALP, KOMMER$ 25,; & LINEp]ERQER ' Attorne;y for the Plaintiffs 26. , 27i, 28; H W. SABOI, ttorney for the Defendant 2 ®R , 31, J i 1 ++�xR�:>_ ..-:.-•-r+ sy,��-� -' .--,-...n c-.'� c�'-n-•ter--'-ter,-r.��.-;-.tv.�vs+5,�- .. _ '�n�� ,�i,1�1�.,'��I}�T4�'1.9d d'f/!'Y ._ •• ytY�SfiW •. ---AYM6Y1`1i6 $b1EM:t.1 f r 049 SETTLEMENT AGRE&MENT This Agreement made and entered into this day of 1979, by and between H. a. LANDOE and F_ D. LICHTENBERG, hereinafter for convenience collectively referred to as "Plaintiffs", and PALL BOYLAN, hereinafter for convenience referred to as "Defendant", is as follows, to-wit: W I T N G S S £ T fi WHEREAS, Plaintiffs heretofore commenced an action of the Eighteenth Judicial Court of the State of Montana in and for the County of Gallatin against Defendant, which action is filed in District Court File No. 25344, and; 1 WHEREAS, Plaintiffs and Defendant, by and through their counsel of record, have agreed to compromise and have reached an accord and satisfaction insofar as the allegations set forth in the complaint filed by Plaintiffs, and; WHEREAS, Plaintiffs and Defendant have, by and through their counsel of record entered into a Stip- ulation of Dismissal of the cause of action instituted by Plaintiffs, with prejudice. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the. executign of a Stipulation of Dismissal, with pre- judice .of that certain cause of action instituted by Plaintiffs against Defendant in the Eighteenth Judicial Court of the State of Montana of and for the County of Gallatin, District Court file No. 25344, Plaintiffs and s `5 Defendant covenant and. agree each with the other as .7 follows, to-wit: T VYUTTiTT IV A" .r�s-rr_tia,¢ve�e�t,eater.�e-�•rs�..,rs..�.e..�.--.,�w.,.f -,, 55 atE 1551 167 turther liens and encumbrances as Plaint_i€E may allow to d C tack and enctaQber the property. 3. Th3t Plaintiffs will pay any and all incitit,teciness incurred by Plaintiffs, or on behalf: of plaintiffs for services rendered, or materials furnished on the real property Of Defendant set forth and described tinder paragraph one-off Count One in Plaintiffs complaint, and the whole of it, to ' Tii'inlas, Dean and Hoskins, consultincr en ine - 4 ers, ui-vco, Inc. , Professional land surveyors, and Rick Mayfield and Associates, land planners, and any other individual firr", partnership, corporation or other entity who has performed services or furnished materials for Plaintiffs, or on Plaintiffs behalf in connection with the real property hereinabove mentioned. In this connection, Plaintiffs covenant and agree with Defendant to indemnify and hold Defendant harmless from any claims, actions or causes of action instituted by any individual firm, partnership, corporation or other entity for services rendered or materials furnished on Plaintiffs behalf in connection with the Defendants property hereinabove mentioned. 4• That Plaintiffs execute a Quit Claim Deed to Defendant conveying all of their right,g title and interest in and to the real property of Defendant hereinabove mentioned, excepting that described in Exhibit "A", if any there be, and further, waive any right, claim or action against Defendant and Defendant's real property hereinabove mentioned, f 5- That cost of survey will be divided equallyf ' and Defendant, It- is agreed and understood by and between the r ti parties hereto, and the Defendant and theP lantiffs covenant, pil ft, 7r �r�+as.�.+.uw,a�.�-�3.•-v....w....r�v a:<c.•w=r..� iii•il�iltir„ii�.�!li tbdl�YAl�wr-�I+.�r�l�tn:.�.w...��.o�..�.. s.......�....r.�:._ e `ILK $5 Ear; 1553 EXHIBIT "A" TO SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT Leal Description A tract of land bein a� g portion of the Northwest One- - qu'arter of the Southwest One-quarter 6f Section Thirty- one, Township Otte South, Range Six East, Montana Principal Meridian, Gallatin County, 'Wntatta; being further described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Northwest One- quarter of the Southeast One-quarter. Thence worth 02" 03' 19" (Vest along the West line of said Northwest One- Quarter of the Southeast One-quarter a distance of 787.95 feet. Thence North 870 55' 08" East a distance of 398.67 feet. Thence South 35° 57' 40" East along '? fence a distance of 949.11 feet. Thence Southe871 55, 03" West along the South line of said Northwest One-quarter of the Southeast One-quarter a distance of 928.11 feet to the t Point of Beginning. Said tract being 12.000 Acres, along with and subject to any existing easements. ACCORDING TO CERTIFICATE ,OF SURVEY n885 TOGETHER WITH the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining thereto. SUBJECT TO any and all easements, rights—of—way, reservations and restrictions of record. FURTHER SUBJECT TO the right, title and interest of Peter K. Nelson and Mary Nelson. t: t. =151K ..Clerk op"M ItLs�,hM*R- coy tfut the above is, full,true a d coRaa dwcwzt STATE OF MONTANA, F�ICE ; ltie District Court of the Eighteenth Judicial the State of Mo'� unt of Gallatin, l• v� Gp y of the origin t}fe"�amelapp� � in and for the Count'j of Gallatin, do hereby cattily that thi 3bova is a 1-01.true and cot copy %-,_� . t 1�` " Bret and records of this oltice. if - y -. �..... ..v „eun —A tho Coal ni this Court this_.._._-..f� day 0 qr-ti-��.-r.» �s-...asrs,.:f+r=-t..Jrsivf'a*r-r=z�.-.-.:�p+A�sC.a>.wr.•�a...ee:.!sec-J+L 1� 6 T: AMERIC E.NCD TITLE sb. r 2J 72 375' F"Ig 1.554 �zc Of fiiOt7t., UOufttY Ot Cralratin.Fs Filed for recrd MARCH 21 t� 30 a :40' A and recorded in Book 55 ., DECREES Pa8e 1Z,4 -95 � �`1 �� Ili 'I'IIg IIISTRICf COURT OF TRIE EIGBT'EE1X J1UDIC D flIS`I'RICT OF THE 3TA`IT OF MONTANA, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF GAL.LATI14 Ca NO. 2 340 F B. B. IANDOE and F. D. NMI o� L..ICHTErl'sERG, r--�or O�QJ Plaintiffs, �._. Ty J� PAUL BOYLAN, ,tom_ 0 Defendant. lO NUN PRO TUNC ORDER 11 It appearing to the Court upon Application of the i2 counsel of record in the above entitled cause of action that 13 the legal description attached as Exhibit "A" to Settlement 14 Agreement heretofore reviewed and approved by this Court was 13 in error in that the first paragraph of said legal description 1� read as follows: 17 A tract of land being a portion of the Northwest �t fs One-Quarter of the Southwest One-quarter of Section Tbirty-one Township One South, Range Six East, Montana 19 Principal Meridian, Gallatin County, Montana being further described as follows: 20 When in fact said portion of the legal description should 21 have read: 32 A tract of land being a portion of the Northwest One- 23 Quarter of the Southeast One-Quarter of Section Thirty- one, Township One South, Range Six East, Montana Principal 24 Meridian, Gallatin County, Montana; being further described as follows: w,y iw _1 It further appearing to the court that said mistake, agd_ 27 oversight was caused by an error on the final plat of the real property described in said description, which error has since -been corrected, and It further appearing to the, court that this is a p..ropipT 31 matter for the issuance of a Nun Pro Tunc Order. THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBk ORDERED. tht the Order of th ,s . mow.-z.-•,«rw... :Tss.ao. sa.�a,t,!!�f"sva�ic.••�-cs�r..:rt v,paart-v. w.. �y.e�gva�gq,snpRsesgfe -- Fllta���Wrer� rr,�._ 'rr��tl�.w.aw.+r►�a - - AMENDED E�L�r 55 IAc�i556 EXHIBIT "A" TO x SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT Legal Description A tract of land being a portion of the Northwest One- Quarter of the Southeast One-quarter of Section Thirty- one, Township One South, Range Six East, Montana Principal Meridian, Gallatin County, Montana; being further described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Northwest One- _ Quarter of the Southeast One-quarter. Thence North 02° 03' 19" West along the West line of said Northwest One- quarter of the Southeast One-quarter a distance of 787.95 feet. Thence North 87'55'08" East a distance of 398.67 feet. . Thence South 35°57' 40" East along an existing fence a distance of 949. 11 feet. Thence South 87°55'03" West along the South line of said Northwest One-quarter of the Southeast One-quarter a distance of 928. 11 feet to the cb Point of Beginning. Said tract being 12.000 Acres, along with and subject to any existing easements. ACCORDING TO CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY 085 -, TOGETHER WITH the tenements, her-editaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining thereto. - SUBJECT TO any and all easements, rights-of-way, reservations and restrictions of record. FURTHER SUBJECT TO the right, title and interest of Peter K. Nelson and Mary Nelson. . i County of Gall tin, , s' I. FLORENCE .ILD2I6Nthe District Court r' the Eighteenth Judicial District of the State of Montam in and for the Co-my do hereby certify that the above is a full, truc .. 1 -o r-ict copy of the original as the same appears in C. files and recoAs ;. t.'s WITNESS MY HAND and the Seal of this Court this._-__-_.-...�0_.(_��........day of...l�f'L.Q�C�� ..,19....�. FLORENCE .....Clerk By....� _ Deputy r•�+rz^� �a �-.w�;=.a: ,;.x•-s r-+s-s..wawa,,.-a..•srfi+m-*o-�,s•:.m .- Xim sALLATIN COUNTY eAIt , SSoc:+ATIOm FORM No.I WARMNTY DEED art 55 FaA557 For Value Received PAUL BOYLAN the grantor ,do eshereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto H. B. LANDOF: and F. D. LICHTENBERG the grantee ,the following described premises,in-` Gallatin County,Montana, W to wit: A tract of land being a portion of the Northwest One- quarter of the Southeast one-quarter of Section Thirty- one, Township One South, Range Six East, Montana P.cincipal Meridian, Gallatin County. Montana; being further described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Northwest One- quarter of the Southeast One-quarter. Thence North 02' 03' 19" West along the West line of said Northwest One- Quarter of the Southeast One-quarter a distance of 787.95 feet. Thence North 870 55' 08" East a distance. of 398.67 i feet. Thence South 35' 57' 40" East along an existing fence a distance of 949. 11 feet. Thence South 870 55' 03" West along the South line of said Northwest One.-quarter of the Southeast One-quarter a distance of 928.11 feet to the Point of Beginning. Said tract being 12. 000 Acres, along with and subject to any existing easements. ACCORDING TO CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY 4885 I,l TOGETHER WITH the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances " thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining thereto. SUBJECT TO any and all easements, rights-of-way, reservations v and restrictions of record. FURTHER SUBJECT TO the right, title and interest of Peter K. Nelson and Mary Nelson. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises, with their appurtenances unto the said Grantee their heirs and assigns forever, And the said Grantor do eshereby covenant to and with the said Grantee s, that he the owner in fee simple of said premises;that they are free from all incumbrances and that he will warrant and defend the same from all lawful claims whatsoever. Dated: INDEXED 21 PUTTED .................................._.........._............_,............._........... .. ...........— �•���✓ :71< ` P UL I PLAN `37V STATE OF MO) TANA, couNTY o Gallatin ii STATE OF MONTANA, COUNTY OF GAL,LAT I N day of�i , 19 79, I hereby certify that this instrument was filed for record at in and for said State,personally the request of at 8 . 45 �14"w o'clock s .' r s this 21 da,of MARCHAm.' . 19 8 0 ,in my office,and duly recorded in Book 55 N T C;/% . a III * T .r I'.. :N MN am F r- STATE OF MONTANA "y,,rZ 4 A Ficx 55 tou 1467 Count; of ..t._ALLA.I .1.1 ------..._..._...I � ,.,+.,`G. 2 : U� l Filed for record this..1.I...day of....____7KFR�H ?� ------- and Recorded in Book-_. -55-of Deeds on Page...l ' of the Records of County o ......- GAL' r1 State of Montana_......CUC&... ,..�. ..-, Clerk rrr:d Recorder By. NM ts---OUTT CLArK D[cD. °<THIS INDENTURE. Made the_A.......__..._da ,.'bPr p of. ....... ............................in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and .. ..:�:�_� .-: .........._----_-- between........... -.......---••-•- -- ..... H. B. LANDOE and F. D. LICHTENBERG r --...........................................•-------.......--_--•-•---.................----..........--.......the part--ies of the first part 1 and PAUL BOY LAN ---. ..._....._.._... �.............-- - - ......__................................................................. ............................ { ................_---the part.._'___ of the SECOND PART, Y WITNESSETH: That the said part-.1es_.of the FIRST PART for and in consideration of t the sum of._._--TEN and other valuable consideration W_.�ollcus. ($- 10.00 ovc3 .....-.......................... z them -----------------------------in hand paid by the said part....... of the SECOND PART. receipt of which is hereby acknowledged; do------ hereby convey, r remise, release and forever quitclaim unto the said party.-.._.-of the second part,and to his heirs,and assigns, all right, title and interest in and to the following described real estate, situated in the Gallatin ' County of- . ..... ---• ............ and State of Montana, to-wit: ..................---•---"-•-------•-------------------------------"---- ---------------------_--------------------------------- ---------•--------------••-•-----------•-----------•------- See legal description attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A ------ and by this reference fully and completely incorporated herein. -................--. .................................... -----•--•--........---•-••---•-----••-----------------•---•---------•-•-•........----------------- .---•-•------•---•---......-•-•------------•-•-----------•-------------------•-•--. ............................................................................................................................................................ -•------"-----------•--•------------------------•--•---------•----------------------------........----......._.--••--------------......------.......------. . .... ................. .... .. . .......... .............. ---- . •. --- - - together with all the tenements, heredita ments, and appurtenances thereto belonging, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof; and also all the estate, right. title, interest............................................................property, possession, claim and demand whatsoever as well in law as in equity, of the said part............ of the first part, of, in or to the said premises and every part and parcel thereof..............-_._.._ ?; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, all and singular the said premises, with the appurtenances i ..............................................................................................................._.............--....._.._..._............._.... unto the said part.... !..... of the second part............his............hevs and assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said part..i.Q_5--- of the first part It....aY!hereunto set.....-their hand._._S..-.. and seal------------ the day and year first above 3D ' ten./ Signed, Scaled and Delivered in the Presence of i -------•------------------------------- ----- ....__........P---•-- ..............(SrAt_) 1H. B.- LAN E ~ - / ..................................... ei- STATE OF MONTANA F. D. Y, TE BERG Gallatin ss. Countyof.................................................. On this........... *- y Cam" r }c da oj.._. .................nineteen hundred and...._ P_itE_!�._�_-:-.�1•nr_ before me me_------------PT?. .Y..--L _ P `Nt --....-•----------------------------------------------a Notary Public for the State of Montana,personally appeared............H..._ B. LANDOE and F. D. LICHTENBERG . ......... ...................._ ---• -•-- --... -------------------••----. ---•--. ......_.............---•----..._...-•-------•••-------••--•-•-------•--•------•--......----••-•-------•-------- knownto me -- - -- -------------------•--------------..........-•-------•----------•------.......---....---------------........._.._..._... .......................... ..........................._.............................................. �, W,(0,r proved to me on oath of_......-••-•................••---..........._.......---------•--•----.............) w ,l- - _0L G _-r-- - - a arA , I . •.r. . . Aft ±Kx 5S i 1469 along the said riqht of way line a distance of 765.0 feet to tAe Soutr line of said NE 1/4 SE 1/4 of said Section 31; thence South 89046. 8' East along said Scuth line a distance of 105. 4 feet to the point of beginning. AND FURTHER EXCEPTING A tract of land being a portion of the Northwest One-quarter of the Southeast One-quarter of Section Thirty-one, Township One South, Range Six East, Montana Principal Meridian, Gallatin County, Montana; being further described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Northwest One- Quarter of the Southeast One-quarter. Thence North 02° 03' 19" West along the West line of said Northwest One- quarter of the Southeast One-quarter a distance of 787.95 feet. Thence North 87°55'08" East a distance of 398.67 feet. Thence South 35°57' 40" East along an existing fence a distance of 949. 11 feet. Thence South 87055'03" West along the South line of said Northwest One-quarter of the Southeast One-quarter a distance of 928. 11 feet to the Point of Beginning. Said tract being 12.000 Acres, along with and subject to any existing easements. TOGETHER WITH all of the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances, including all water, water rights, and water ditches thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, including, but not t limited to, 50 inches of water appropriated from Bridger Creek by a predecessor in interest either in 1864 or 1865 by means of a ditch on the North side thereof, and including, but not limited to, 100 inches of the water of Bridger C,_eek appro- priated by a predecessor in interest from Bridger Creek by means of a ditch from the South side of Bridger Creek, reference to which is made in Cause No. 1594 of the records of the Clerk of the District Court in and for the County of i Gallatin, State of. Montana, such claim of waters not being + warranted. SUBJECT TO any and all easements, rights-of-way, reservations and restrictions of record. FURTHER SUBJECT TO the right, title and interest of Peter K. i Nelson and Mary Nelson. I i •ir' wY k Ot!ITrl.AIM QED EN.M 41 wE 915 1 CHICN10, MILMAUKEE, ST. PVL X J PACIFIC RAILiP.fffi►} COMAKY, a Wisconsin corporation having its principal offices at 516 Vest Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois 606_K, Grantor, for and in consideration of the sun of MINE WMRED FOUR MLLARS ($904.00), the receipt and sufficiency whereof are hereby acknowledged, does hereby CW%TY and Qrt;ITCIAIMt unto PETER K. MELSOH, 1104 Mandeville Lane, Bozer►an, Montana 59715, Grantee, free, however from the liens of the First Mortgage arKi all srmnl er---nts thereto i and the General Mortgage and all sunpler--nts thcreto of Galcago, Milwaukee, S I St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Cannanv, both dated as of January 1, 1944 j and both recorded in Office of The Secretary of State, State of Montana, � this conveyance free from said liens being permitted by Article XI, Section 2 of each of said mortgages, the fol;owing described real estate situated j and being in Gallatin County, Montara, to-Kit: i All that portion of the Chicag^, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company's I00' wide right of ray j in the NVIL, NE I. of Section 31 , Township 1 South, Range i° 6 East, P.M.M. ! This conveyance is subject to all existing rights of way and easements, whether or not of record, and to all encumbrances, exceptions t i? ar►d reservations of record, and the Grantor reserves to itself, its successors and assigns, all minerals of any nature whatsoever including, but not exclu- sively, coal , iron, natural gas and oil , which may be in or upon said described' �+ lands, together with the sole, exclusive and perpetual right to explore for and dispose of said minerals by any Means or methods suitable to the +± Grantor, its successors and assigns, but without entering upon or using jf the surface of said lands and in such manner as not to damage the surface of said lands or to interfere with the use thereof by the Grantee, his heirs, successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Grantor has caused to be set its ` It corporate seal and these presents to be signed by its V� G� President ifand by its Secretary on this Z, ��71 CHICAGO, "ILMAUKEE, ST^,�UL AND RO� Vi"'r I C A4I L . 14 GALLATIN COUNT!BAR ASSSSOCIATION6 •�OFlil(O,4 WARRANTY DEED (JOIA"r TENANCY) For Value Received JAMES A. OSBORNE. an unmarried man, and BEULAH E. OSBORNE, a widow, whose post office addresses are Bozeman, Montana, the grantor s,do hereby grant,bargain,sell,convey and confirm unto PETER K. NELSON and EVELYN L. NELSON, husband and wife, whose post office addresses are Bozeman, Montana, the grantees, as joint tenants (and not as tenants in common), and to the survivor of said named joint tenants, and their assigns, and to the heirs and assigns of such survivor, the following described premises, in Gallatin County, Montana,to-wit: The East half of the Northwest Quarter (E 1/2 NW 1/4) and The North half of the Southeast Quarter (N 1/2 SE 1/4) and the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of Section Thirty- one (31), Township One (1) South of Range Six (6) East, M.T.M. EXCEPTING therefrom, however, all that portion of the SSE 114 of the NW 1/4 of said Section 31, said township Rojo at range, described as follows; to-wit: Beginning at the point where the center line of the channel of the 'East Gallatin River crosses the southerly line of the said SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 and following the center line of the channel of the said East Gallatin River which runs as follows, from the point of beginning thence North 19'23' West a distance of 100 feet; -thence North 54'36' West a distance of 135 feet; thence north 3' Nest a distance of 100 feet; thence North 11034' East a distance of 270 feet; thence North 24' 30' West a distance of 130 feat; thence-south 89' 441 West•a distance of 80 feet; thence north 9'12' East a distance of 333 feet; thence north 64' West a distance of 460 feet, more or less, to the west line of the said SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4; thence southerly along the west line of the said SE 1/4 of NW 1/4 a distance of 1185 feet, more or less, to the Southwest corner of the said SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4; thence in an easterly direction along the south line of the said SE 1/4 of the,NW,1/4, a distance of 590 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning. ALSO EXCEPTING a tract of land lying in the S 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of Section 31, Township 1 South, Range 6 East of the M. P.M. more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the east side of Section 31, Twp. 1 5, R6E,• and 1847,0 feet south of the northeast corner of said section; thence South 89'50' West, a distance of �604.00 feet; ' thence North 78011' West, a distance of "634.54'feet; : thence South 81'47' West a distance of -223.79 feet-; ' thence South 68027' East a distance of .525.09 feet; ' thence South 77'06' East, a distance of 250.50 feet; thence North 85'10' East a distance of 318.SO feet; thence North 84610' East a distance of 398.87'feet; thence North 0'10' West a distance of 84.9 feet, to the point of beginning. Together with all of ihe �tenenents, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise apper- taining, including all water, water rights, water ditches, and water privileges thereunto belonging or in any wiso appertaining. This. Deed is also subject to all rights of way for public highways and public,utilities, located thereon as the same now-exist. I ' . liU$JEC AFso, to the right of way taken by condemnation suit by Gallatin Valley Railway Company for a railway line over and across the above described premises as now laid out and constructed, and with respect to the land compris- ing said right of way for railroad right of way purposes, it is understood and agreed that if and when Gallatin Valley Railway Company, or its successors, Chicago, Mil- waukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway Company, which is now the owner of said right of way, shall abandon the use of said land now occupied by it for railroad right of way purposes, that the grantee herein shall be the owner of the reversionary interest in and to said abandoned right of way land, GRANTOR, BEULAH E. OSBORNE, hereby'reserves unto herself the following described tract of land located in the Northeast corner of the North Half (N1/2) of the South- east Quarter (SE 1/4) of said Section 31, more particularly described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the Northeast corner of said North Half of said Southeast Quarter, thence running west along said quarter section line, 285 feet, thence South 153 feet, thence East parallel with the north quarter section line, 285 feet, more or less, to the east line of said North Half of the Southeast Quarter; thence north along the east line of said North Half of the said Southeast Quarter, 153 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning, containing approximately one acre. GRANTOR, BEULAII E. OSBORNE, also hereby reserves unto herself the following described tract of land located in the Southeast corner of the North Half of the Southeast Quarter of said Sec- tion 31. more particularly described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the Southeast corner of said North Half of said Southeast Quarter, thence running north 600 feet; thence running Nest parallel with the North line of said SE 1/4, 4S0 feet, more or less, to the East line of the right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad; thence southeast along the east line of said right of way of said Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad 600 feet, more or less, to the south line of said North Half of the said Southeast Quarter of said Section 31, thence East along the South line of said Nd"rth Half of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 31, SO feet, more or less, to the point of beginning, containing approximately 3 3/4 acres. TO IiAVE'AND TO HOLD the said premises,with their appurtenances unto the said Grantees, as Joint tenants with right of survivorship (and not as tenants in common) and their assigns,and to the heir%and assigns of the survivor of said named joint tenants forever.And the said Grantor s do hereby convenaot to and with the said Grantees,that t hey are the owner s In fee simple of said premises;that they are free from all incumbrances and that t 11a Y will warrant and defend the same from all lawful claims whatsoever. Doted: '1 INDEXED PP PLA7TE .......... _ _ J� v�0/+�=►2 _ 13TATE OF)ttONrwx/y covrrrr OF atin STATE OF MOWANA,COUNTY OF Gallatin On this 9 day of lfrpf,/, l hereby mrufy that thla Instrument was filed for record at before me,a notary public In and for said Slate,personally the request of appeared JAMES A. OSBORNE, an unmarried man and BEULAH E. OSIORNE, a widow, f Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana at 7mEwca m 11:20 o'clock a.m., tom° 29 day of October 1.0—to m6 to be the 19 64,to my office,and duly recorded In Book 146 Person S whom name S are of Deeds at pane 51) aub-"ied to •wtthin inrtrument,and■cknowledaed to .'mrtf�t :they executed the same. EARL WALTON County Clerk and Rcoorder Public for the State of Montana ) salt.'.• Bozeman Montana Deputy. W evmrod ion expires_5"t---17 afil- Man to: Gallatin Land Title Fee,s 2,00 545 Record of Deeds, Vol. 66 dAIWITY 3.'+.'.D - 19346 TRIG IId*)j.,.'U3F, Bade this eleventh lay of any in the year of our Lord one thourand nine hundred nn4 toonty-three bet•veen David H Patterron Find .:mtherire 'I P-ttterron, hie wife, partlec of the firrt cart and Beulah , Osborne, pn rty of the re cad part, the art of the recond art dITL' :::Tli, that tf.e enid pectin of the first rFirt, er nv n cons ere on o� the our of One and no/100p)o1lars, la.vf.l ronoy of the Uutted Mates of America to them in hand raid by the raid party rf thy: eocond rnrt, the receipt whereof to La rsby acrnoalodasd, 40 by those rresents Grant, bar"In, roll, convey and confirm unto the amid party of the recond cart, and to her heirs and assigns, forever, all the real property situated in 0allatin county, tat* of :;ontana, deeoribed Fie follows;- rho north half of the Poutheaet Iuarter (H of 5!t}) o! Soction rhirty one (31). in town- ship One (1) mouth of '?ango 9iY (6) east, of the :+ortana rrincipel Idaritinn, excepting the rohocl houee and the land thereunto belonging on tLe east ride of enid tract, and ale; excepting the right of ,v-iy of the Jallutin /allay railroad running from :lozere►n to :Lenard. Togather with the right to the use of fl„f� inchoa of the waters of Brldger Crack, ant the r147ht to flov the same Lhroup itch to pail lands. This deod le vivon to r_nncol an equitable nortga" r+ni therefore no revenue stq—a are attached. TO0?;'3"?B rlth all ani eirun:lar, the tuno^ente, herelitamontr and Urrurtonanees thereunto belonging or in anywire apportaininR, and the reversion and reverrione, remainder and remaindere, rents, leeuce and protite thereof; and nleo all estate, right, title and interact, prorarty,poseeeeion, claim and deaand whatsoever, as Noll in law tie to equity, of the said pnrt...o' the firrt cart, of, in or to the sold rremires, 1ini ovary part and parcol theroor. with appurtenances. TO ;;VI? UD TD HOLD, all and einrular, tho above rentioneA �In1 deecrlbed pMmie.ee. together with the appurtunmieee, unto tho said part; cf the second part, and to her heirs ant nevirne forever. And the enid partdee of the first part, end their heirs to hereby covenant, that they will forever :varrant and de- fond all rlhht, title and internet in and to tho enid I.recisee, and the quiet and penceful poepeerion thereof, unto the raid party of the second rnrt, her heirs and assign e, apainet the acts and doode of the said parties of the firrt part, nr.1 all and ovary pereon and porrone whoreoevor lawfully claiming or to claim the Barre. IN ;Irl".S3 '111^-.??AF, the said parties of the firrt rant have hereunto rot their hands and scale thu lay and year first above written. timed. Sealed and Jelivare•i in the Prorenoe of) David ?± Patterson (e;:,L) bntherine N Patterson (b.-.AL) State of Californin ) ) Be. Count; of Loe Angeles ) On this nth lay cf June in the your one thourand nine hundred ani taonty- three before me June 9turaes, a notary Public for the :.tote of California pareonally appeared David H Patterson and A6ntherine Patterson known to me to be the rereonewhoee namoe am eubecribei to the within tnrtrument, Lid noktrowlodgei to me that thhey nxecutoi the same. Ill 7I Qi333 4111301P. I have hereunto set my hand and nffixed my .notarial Leal the day and year flrpt above written. June Sturgso, Notary Public for the Mate of '.alifornin, residing at Long Mach, +;al. uy commission oxriroe Aug. 12, 1924. (5'.\L) ille4 for recor4 the :.7th du, of kaguet, A. D. 1923, at 3*35 00clock P. Ii- iiese 4wlor, Joruty J H Hnrrle, Clark r.