HomeMy WebLinkAbout21- Affidavit - 06-28-21 Notice of Prequalification Trial for Selection of Polymer Supplier AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION CITY OF BOZEMAN Notice of Prequalification The City of Bozeman is an STATE OF MONTANA, Trial for Selection of Equal Opportunity Employer. COUNTY OF GALLATIN POLYMER SUPPLIER/ MANUFACTURER Discrimination in the perfor- mance of any contract award- I, Ann Harms, Le al S ecialist bein first dul sworn, de- View the Notification of ed under this invitation on the g P g y Interest packet here. basis of race, color, religion, ose and say that I am the principal clerk of the publisher of creed, sex, age, marital sta- b Y P P P The City of Bozeman (City) is tus, national origin, or actual the Bozeman Dail Chronicle, a newspaper in general cir- Seeking a supplier/manufac- or perceived sexual orienta- Yg turer(s) ("supplier') to supply tion,gender identity or disabil- culation, Bozeman Gallatin Coun Montana; that I know the polymer for a screw press do is prohibited.This hiring t}', at the Bozeman Water Rec- lion shall apply to the hiring from m ersonal knowled e that the Le al# 106291 CITY one-lamatioyear Facility (WRF) for and treatment the awarded y P a o g g a one-year period for a fixed entity's employees and to all OF BOZEMAN Notice of Pre ualifi price per pound. The eventu- subcontracts. As such, each Cl al contract will provide for two entity submitting under this one-year term extensions at notice shall include a provi- a printed copy of which is hereto annexed,was published in a price to be negotiated and sion wherein the submitting agreed by the parties. entity, or entities, affirms in the entire issue of said newspaper for: 3 writing it will not discriminate There will be two steps to the on the basis of race,color, re- polymer supplier selection ligion,creed,sex,age, marital process. Interested suppliers status, national origin, or be- must first participate in pre- cause of actual or perceived Insertion(s) in the following issues: 06/13/21, 06/20/21, qualification jar testing and sexual orientation, gender 06/2%/21 full-scale performance tests at identity or disability and which the WRF.Based on the results also recognizes the eventual of the trials, suppliers whose contract will contain a provi- polymer has met the perfor- sion prohibiting discrimination mance criteria for this facility as described above,and that will then be invited to submit this prohibition on discrimina- separate sealed bids present- tion shall apply to the hiring Total Cost: $210.00 ing their cost to supply the and treatment of the submit- polymer for the facility for the ting entity's employees and to first year of the contract.This all subcontracts. In addition, invitation to bid will be sep- pursuant to City Commission arately advertised, but bids Resolution 5169, the entity from polymer suppliers that awarded a contract under this have not undergone the pre- project and any subcontrac- qualification and full-scale tors must abide by the Equal performance testing will not Pay Act of 1963 and Section be accepted or reviewed. 39-3-104, MCA (the Montana Equal Pay Act), and affirm it Bench-scale laboratory jar will abide by the above and q testing will take place from that it has visited the State of l/V I July 6 through July 23,2021. Montana Equal Pay for Equal Full-scale performance testing Work "best practices" web- Subscribed and sworn by Ann Harms before me on: will take place from August 2 site, https://equalpay.mt.gov/ through August 27,2021. BestPractices/Employers, or On 28th day of June, in the year of 2021 The City anticipates advertis- equivalent "best practices" ing for bids from prequalified publication and has read the suppliers in September 2021 material. Every entity submit- with a projected bid opening ting under this invitation must on September 9,2021. sign and return the required affirmation. Additional information and in- structions regarding prequali- The City reserves the right to fication testing protocol, poly- reject any or all proposals re- NOtar Public for the S,ate of Montana Residin at to s specifications, and how to posted, o waive informalities, }' g to submit the required Notifi- to postpone the award of the Bel rade Montana cation of Interest packet can contract for a period of not to g be found on the City web page exceed sixty(60)days,and to at www.bozeman.net by going accept the bid which is in the to the "Doing Business" tab, best interests of the City. selecting the"RFPs and Bids" link, and clicking on the link Dated at Bozeman,Montana, to this project or by contact- this 10th day of June,2021. c E ing Tom Radcliffe, WRF Su a, perintendent, 2245 Springhill Mike Maas c N m CL a)W o d t 3 y m o m CL0. Road, Bozeman MT 59718, City Clerk Z�'o� a°.' U to �'- � a�i°°m nai of �,� 44006 boze58a2-29 t8, tradcliffe@ City of Bozeman a0c�W cd r Eoa3 �om�c� vi N vicm ubllc 2= m« C0 � > aod ya)c N m=a� u d E(D CO o� o�c c a n�Y f Montana Suppliers interested in partic- O c�n cn V Nam ca � � a c a Q- � ,t ipating in the prequalification m a) z m N a°E o c c_E m m a)m c EL 1ol`iana trial must submit a Notification u a w .. NLCa L 0 3 d y = o of Interest packet by July 8, 0-2 Z r` � t°`���° CO�m o� .� ���:2 n Expires: 2021 to: c T o? Q�-mcu-o a) Ea) = 2023 �'-O� m c U c�Qy,t c m o? ``9 � a�?o��. Tom Radcliffe U o~o >- t a)�' E o c ° iT H n a i=6: City of Bozeman Water Z r y `—° e-w O i° `° Reclamation Facility 2245 Springhill Rd. Bozeman,Montana 59718 AD#110478 Phone:406-582-2928 Email:tradcliffe@bozeman.net