HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-28-21 Public Comment - D. Farmer - Lazarewicz AnnexationFrom:David Farmer To:Agenda Subject:Application #20365 - ATTN: Tom Rogers Date:Monday, June 28, 2021 12:50:14 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. To whom it may concern, I am the home owner at 843 Advance Dr. I am responding to the proposed subdivision on the south end of the current Loyal Gardens Neighborhood Subdivision. I strenuously objected tothe proposal to use Loyal Gardens’ existing ingress/egress roadways and entrances to provide access for the new proposed subdivision. - This will already add to the heavy traffic in the neighborhood. Many residents would useAdvance drive as a shortcut to access the neighborhood. The road is not a two way road. Street parking reduces the road to essentially a single lane. And directly increases the likelihood of acollision, given the speeds many drive down the road already. - The increase traffic of trucks, delivery vehicles, and cars will increase the deterioration of the road, which our neighborhood association willNeed to pay to maintain. Not to mention increased environmental impact on the greenery due to increased tires, breaks, and exhaust. The north entrance off of huffine is alreadyexperiencing significant weather erosion resulting from wear from the current amount of traffic. I can’t imagine how awful the conditions would be if hundreds of more vehicles wereusing it on a daily basis. - the Loyal Gardens HOA pays to maintain the appearance of these entrances, which this new subdivision will not be responsible for. We bare this cost in an effort to improve propertyvalues. I assume the new subdivision would also benefit from this without incurring the maintenance costs for the nice and manicured entrances into their neighborhood. - At the least, if this subdivision is approved, the subdivision should be required to join theLoyal Gardens HOA or pay compensation. - There is a children’s park strategically placed in the corner of Loyal Gardens, as it was to be the LEAST trafficked part of the neighborhood, to provide a safe park for children, residents,and their pets. The proposed entrance will unnecessarily increase the risk of using the public park, and ruins the existing quiet and privacy that was originally intended when theneighborhood chose that spot for a public children’s park. - there is a brand new turnabout on Stucky Road that seems a more ideal proposal for an entrance point, as it is tied to a main artery like cottonwood, opposed to intruding on anexisting neighborhood - at the very least, this proposal inconveniences an entire neighborhood of hundreds of existing homes, without the developer exhausting other alternatives that are less intrusive to fewerpeople. The developer can buy additional land to create their own easements and access points and can be done in a manner which involves far fewer parties. - Taking into consideration all the above objections, I do think the addition of this subdivisionhas the potentially to negatively impact home values, and at the very least will increase maintenance expenses the existing residents all pay for. They should join the current HOA orthey should pay compensation for expenses resulting from their use. Thanks for listening. Dave Farmer (808)722-9001Owner, 843 Advance Dr. -- — David Farmer(808)722-9001