HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-13-21 Public Comment - C. Brizzolara - ARPAFrom:Chris Brizzolara To:Agenda Subject:Fw: American Rescue Plan Act Investing Idea Date:Sunday, June 13, 2021 1:11:00 PM Attachments:BozemanByBozeman.6.15.2021.pdf CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Here is the attachment I would also like to share in the agenda this Tuesday, and will be talking about an idea for the committee deciding how to spend the $22M from the American Rescue Plan. Thanks, Chris Brizzolara ----- Forwarded message ----- From: Chris Brizzolara <chrisbrizzolara@ymail.com>To: agenda@bozeman.net <agenda@bozeman.net>Sent: Sunday, 13 June 2021, 07:15:25 GMT-6Subject: American Rescue Plan Act Investing Idea Hi, My name is Christopher Brizzolara, and I have a comment addressed to County Commissioner Zach Brown, about an idea for the committee deciding how to spend the $22M from the American Rescue Plan." I will be attending in person and would like the considered for time to speak. Thanks, Chris june 15th, 2021 OF PLOT DATE: category: PROJECT title: GOVERMENT & SUBDIVISIONS BRIZZOLARA 'S BUILD BOZEMAN BY BOZEMAN 2020S PLAN bozeman, montana, usa idea: location: vChristopher brizzolara's2021 Bozeman by Bozeman planbuy land, develop 2 subdivisions, and sell the plots back to the people i Bozeman by Bozeman plan project 1/22 - cat tail lake American rescue plan investment proposal Gallatin County is going to receive 22 MILLION DOLLARS from the American Rescue Plan Act these next two years, and the city commission will put together focus groups to decide how to spend it. This is a proposal for how to spend that 22 million dollars while still working in the set perimeters by the treasury stating that the American Rescue Plan funds are to be spent on: • Support public health expenditures; • Address the negative economic impacts caused by the public health emergency; • Replace lost public sector revenue; • Provide premium pay for essential workers; and. • Invest in water, sewer, & broadband infrstr. well I, Christopher Brizzolara, came up with my Bozeman by Bozeman proposal and it starts with buying land through eminent domain for the cat tail lake subdivision, hosting an architectural design competition online for the layout of the subdivision, and then hiring local contractors to install infrstratacture SO THEN the city CAN sell the lots. this first, of 22, projects is entitled the cat tail lake subdivision, and if the city were to buy, develop 1/2 lots, and theN sell these 828 new lots this would supplying housing for an expected 1,400-2,000+ Montanans. then with that income from selling, Bozeman must establish a revolving loan fund, for continuing this momentum. if the city sold 828 lots to only citizens of gallatin co. it would generate a total income of At $50,000 per 1/2 acre lot of $41,400,000. the design competition would cost less than $30,000, THE TWO FARMS IT WOULD BUY WOULD COST LESS THAN $10,000,000; AND THE PROJECT MINIMIUM INCOME POTENTIAL IS $41 MILLION LEAVING THE CITY ENOUGH MONEY TO HIRE CONTRACTORS TO DEVELOP THE PROPERTY FOR UNDER $30 MILLION. THAT IS ALLOWING $36,232 PER LOT AND THE COMMON PRICE ACCORDING TO BUILDING ADVISOR.COM IN 2019 FOR DEVELOPING LAND IN A SUBDIVISION RANGES FROM $10,000 - $30,000. if the city sold 828 lots AT $100,000 EACH it would generate a total income of $84,400,000 IN LESS THAN 2 YEARS. THE CITY COULD THEN SPEND $39,818 ON EACH LOT AND THEN LOAN OUT $50,000 PER LOT TO HELP THAT CITIZEN OBTAIN A CONSTRUCTION LOAN VIA THE CITY'S NEW REVOLVING LOAN FUND. tHIS WAY, 828 PLOTS WOULD BE DEVELOPED, SOLD, AND FINANCED BY THE CITY. THE CITY WOULD TRULY BE VERTICALLY INTEGRATING, AND EARNING A 10 YEAR INCOME on loans OF $50,058,677 + the $84,400,000 from selling the land for $134,458,677 by year 10 june 15th, 2021 OF PLOT DATE: category: PROJECT title: GOVERMENT & SUBDIVISIONS BRIZZOLARA 'S BUILD BOZEMAN BY BOZEMAN 2020S PLAN bozeman, montana, usa idea: location: v famous competitions 2022 Bozemandesign competitionsii CITY HELD competitions, whose winners are chosen by the people A more recent and comparable competition was recently held in California, and was entitled "The Low-Rise Design Challenge." It was organized by the Office of Los Angeles' Mayor Eric Garcetti and the Chief Design Officer for the City of Los Angeles, Christopher Hawthorne. It was free to enter, and received a total of 380 submissions from around the world responding to design ideas for affordable housing in four categories: Corners, Fourplex, (Re)Distribution, and Subdivisions. Of the 12 winners of first-, second-, and third-place awards, seven were from Southern California; two from New York City; two from the UK; and one from Austin, TX. Each of the four first-place winners received a cash award of $10,000. Total prize money given out was $60,000. My idea would be to incorporate these competitions into each and every proposal. 2021 competition for affordable housing in los angeles Before listing what projects I have to offer, I want to first describe and talk about the rich history of Architectural Design Competitions. Both London and Paris’ most iconic buildings came from architectural design competitions. For the British Parliament, the Palace of Westminster was designed via a submission in the 1836 commissioner-organized public competition to design a new palace. Sir Charles Barry won, and then left a legacy behind for using Italianate architecture in Britain and developed the Italian Renaissance garden style for the many gardens he designed. The Exposition in paris of 1889 was held to celebrate the 100th anni- versary of the Storming of the Bastille, which marked the beginning of the French Revolution. and so the city held a competition and the winner was the tallest structure in the world at the time. The structural design was created by Maurice Koechlin and Émile Nouguier, and was designed by Gustave Eiffel. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:London._Westminster_Bridge_ and_House_of_Parliament.jpg  https://lowrise.la/Project-Overview (a) Original concept for the Eiffel Tower sketched by Nouguier and Koechlin, 6 June 1884; (b) final design sketched by Eiffel. [From E. Heinle and F. Leonhardt, Towers: A Historical Survey (Rizzoli International, New York, 1989). Reprinted by permission of La Nouvelle Societe d'Exploitation de la Tour Eiffel—illustrati ons Pierre Bideau.] june 15th, 2021 OF PLOT DATE: category: PROJECT title: GOVERMENT & SUBDIVISIONS BRIZZOLARA 'S BUILD BOZEMAN BY BOZEMAN 2020S PLAN bozeman, montana, usa idea: location: v The first proposal is entitled the Cat Tail Lake Subdivision, and it borders Belgrade and Bozeman. The idea is simple, use eminent domain (the right of a government or its agent to expropriate private property for public use, with payment of compensation) to convert over 414 acres of land, currently being used to grow hay, into a new subdivision that sells ½ acre lots to local citizens (corporations, developers, and investment firms prohibited). The design and layout of the neighborhood would of course be facilitated through a design competition, and the city council elects their top 5 favorite designs. The winning proposal is then voted by the citizens. Creating an additional man-made lake would be preferred, AND All lots would be sold by the city for $50,000 - $100,000. The lots will first be offered to those essential workers, to the city/government workers, and to the university/educational/childcare network. Of course, measures will be in place to ensure that the new tenants will not just BUILD THEN rent their place out nightly, and turn this into a business or investment opportunity. The idea is teachers, nurses, and other various vital local government jobs will be prioritized in obtaining their own lots, and they will only be able to buy one lot each, so as not to make this a profitable business venture for individuals to hoard or for A COMPANY TO COME IN AND build a bunch of spec homes and immediately sell THEM. If approved, this project would kick farmers off their land, but they would be compensated justly, and over 828 new homes would be built, supplying housing for an expected 2,000 Montanans. I’m sorry but the truth is 2,000 Montanans trump preserving hay fields in a prime real estate location. if all these lots were sold by the city, total income equals: At $50,000 PER 1/2 ACRE, $41,400,000 At AN AVERAGE OF $75,000, $62,100,000 At $100K, $82,800,000 Home ownership is one enormous aspect of our culture that makes America amazing. It is absolutely an essential part of living the American Dream. The problem with so many affordable housing solutions is that they only supply rentable space. Thus the tenants never gain equity, always have to pay rent each month for the rest of their time there, and the developers typically spend the minimum amount on materials, design aspects, and landscaping. the first of 22 project proposals for the cityA new subdivisionSELLING 828 HALF ACRE LOTSCAT TAIL LAKE SUBDIVISION iii THIS FIRST PROPOSAL IS THE EASIEST, CHEAPEST, AND MOST EFFECTIVE WAY AT SOLVING OUR HOUSING CRISIS. Offering small, residential lots to only individuals. OVER 800 LOTS june 15th, 2021 OF PLOT DATE: category: PROJECT title: GOVERMENT & SUBDIVISIONS BRIZZOLARA 'S BUILD BOZEMAN BY BOZEMAN 2020S PLAN bozeman, montana, usa idea: location: vanother new subdivision,another 100+ home sites ( at 1/2 acre each)2 out of 22 Brick city - BEHIND THE pOST OFFICE Needless to say, these two proposals will be a massive income source for the city, which would directly go into the Bozeman Citizen's Revolving Loan Fund, and a revolving loan fund managed by the city would be established. Denver is the model city, and it launched an extremely efficient model that started in April 2013. Using a $15 million grant, the city of Denver acquired 8 properties, and the city was able to create 626 affordable homes while also providing 120,000+ sq ft of commercial space for community assets including a new public library, child care programs, a theater company, and affordable space for nonprofits. The Denver Fund then turned that initial 15.2 million to over $200,000,000 from public, private and nonprofits partners in only 3 years! It also created over 700 jobs in Denver in only 3 years! Now the key to making lots of money in any industry is integrating your initial product horizontally or vertically. Netflix is a great example in how they started as offering rentals, then they decided to produce their own shows, and expand their market overseas. They went from in 2011 earning profits of ~$300 Million to in 2018 over 1.2 billion (over 400% growth). What I am proposing is for the city to vertically integrate by offering lots for sale, and also financing them and acting as the bank/mortgagee. If for example the city were to offer loans on the land, at $50k loans at 5% interest in a 15 year mortgage form, this would generate monthly payments of $395. I think anyone can afford this as they wait, and save up enough money to eventually build their own home or secure financing for a construction loan. Also, in terms of money From the land alone, it is estimated that these two subdivisions could generate between $67,024,000 - $134,048,000 As the previous page shows how profitable and lucrative developing the Cat Tail Lake Subdivision would be for the city, I would continue this momentum and once again propose for the city to buy the land surrounding the post office which is an estimated 58.5 Acres. 58.5 acres could provide at least 116 new homes on 1/2 acre lots, and if sold between $50k-100k, total revenue would account for about $5,800,000 - $11,600,000. Now another 100+ families can start to build their own homes in Bozeman. So the city of Bozeman would be able to launch two design competitions for these neighborhoods, offer over 900 new affordable lots to only Montana citizens, and would generate at least 47 million dollars from just selling the land it bought. Of course, local subcontractors would be used to develop, and install city infrastructure for individual home owners to connect to. bozeman's new REVOLVING-LOAN-FUND iv Brick City around Post Office 58+ Acres, 110+ Sites HRDC Campus 9.9 Acres Cat Tail Lake Subdivision 414 Acres, 800+ Sites Behind WalMart 20 Acres, 40+ Sites Bozeman Central Park 360+ Acres Central Park Subdivision 38+ Acres, 70+ Sites West North Park 151+ Acres, 200+ Sites 7th & Durstan Neighborhood 63 Acres, 120+ Sites Babcock Condos & Parking Garage Olive Street Condos & Parking Garage Church St. & Babcock 2 Parking Garages, 2 Condos, & 3 New Lots june 15th, 2021 OF PLOT DATE: category: PROJECT title: GOVERMENT & SUBDIVISIONS BRIZZOLARA 'S BUILD BOZEMAN BY BOZEMAN 2020S PLAN bozeman, montana, usa idea: location: v all 22 proposals of the bozeman by bozmeman plan mapped out build Bozeman's futurethrough home ownershipSCOPE breakdown the CAT TAIL LAKE SUBDIVISION offers 828 lots, around the post office could be another subdivision offering 116 home plots, behind 7th st. is another 110 lots, west of North Park is 302 additional lots, the Central Park Subdivision has 77 lots, over 360 Acres of the Central Park & Walking Path, Behind Walmart could offer a Subdivision of 203 lots, a new HRDC Campus could be built on wheat dr., 50 - 120 Half A Condos Downtown on Babcock, adjacent to a new South 3rd Street Mini Park, Another 10-44 Unit condo building on olive, a Third Condo complex offering 24 - 68, 3 New Downtown Residential Lots, and a 5-17 Unit Town Home on Church St. offering a grand total of 1,728 - 1,888 new affordable condos, and lots for future homes summary in 15 years, expected gross total income in The city's revolving loan fund could mature to be about 322 Million - 624 million dollars. Also, 360+ acres of a new centralized park, and over 690 acres will be given back to the people in the form of affordable $50,000 - $100,000 lots with the option to obtain financing through the city's revolving loan fund. not to be ignored and also part of this project is the construction of 5 underground parking garages, supplying 1,855+ new Parking Spots that are all owned and operated by the city. if the average household is 4.3 citizens, this proposal would be able to affordably house about 8,118 of the estimated 46,746 current population of Bozeman. Meaning over 17% of our city's population could move from renting to home ownership all while reinvesting into the community and its' parks via a revolving loan fund and through architectural design competitions.v implementing these proposals generates a new home for over 8,000 people