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21- Conditional Irrevocable Offer of Dedication - Bangtail Partners, LLC
Retum to: C of Bozeman C Clerk P Box 1230 Bozeman,MT 59771-1230 2734887 UTs2 a -c!ÍÎT SuM³$3 °° lllllllllllllllllllllilillllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllßlllllllllilllllllill City of Bozeman Conditional Irrevocable Offer of Dedication This Irrevocable Offer to Dedicate and Declaration of Restrictions(hereinafter"Offer")is made this_16 day of __April 2021,by Bangtail Partners LLC,PO Box 2652 Dept.35,Menlo Park CA 94026(hereinafterreferredto as "Grantor"). WHEREAS,Grantor isthe legalowner insimple feeinterestof certainrealpropertieslocated intheCounty of Gallatin,Stateof Montana,and describedas Amended Platof Lots 5 thru28,Block 105 and adjoining vacated alleywith Norther PacificAddition to the City of Bozeman #C23- A41,on fileand of record inthe officeof the Clerk and Recorder of saidCounty (hereinafterreferred to as the "Property")and WHEREAS,Grantor appliedto the City of Bozeman (the "Municipality")for approval to undertakedevelopment as definedin Chapter 38.7,BMC withintheCity of Bozeman (hereinafterthe "Permit");and WHEREAS,approval of Application20234 #was grantedon April 13 2021,by the Municipalityinaccordance with theprovisionsof Title38,BMC,hereby incorporatedby reference; and WHEREAS,Grantor wishes to meet the requirements of Title38,BMC,to provide public accessand/orallow simultaneousconstructionof infrastructureand improvements which willlaterbe grantedto theMunicipality,with the buildings,remaining improvements and landappurtenantthereto to remain in privateownership,as authorizedin Section38.270.030.C;and WHEREAS,thewater and sewer improvements and streetinfrastructureappurtenanttoand to be installedor constructedon or under the above describedlands,and infrastructureand/or interests thereinare to be dedicated to the Municipality,freeand clearof allencumbrances,pursuantto said finalapproval of the Permit;and, WHEREAS,itisintendedthatthisOffer isirrevocableand shall,upon writtenacceptanceby the Municipalityand finalapproval of the Permit referencedherein,grantallrightsof use or access formaintenance and repairof the saidimprovements and infrastructureoffered; NOW THEREFORE,in considerationof the granting of,and conditioned upon,the final approval forapplicationno.20234 #theGrantor hereby offersto dedicateto the Municipality,the sewer and water improvements and streetinfrastructureconstructed or be constructedupon the realpropertyas specificallysetforth,describedand identifiedin the plans and specificationsissuedor prepared by Sanderson Stewart,106 E Babcock St.Suite1.1,Bozeman,MT Project06020.07 dated February 05 2021 with subsequent approved revisions),which are by this referenceincorporatedinthisinstrument. 1.Benefit and Burden.This Offer shallrun with and burden the Property and all obligations,terms,conditions,and restrictionshereby imposed shallbe deemed to be covenants and restrictionsrunning with the land and shallbe,upon the issuanceof the finalPermit referenceherein, be effectivelimitationson the use and accessof the Propertyby Grantor and shallbind the Grantor and all successors and assigns.This Offer shallbenefitthe Municipality only so long as said improvements and infrastructuresforsewer and water existon the Property. 2.Construction and Validity.Ifany provisionof these Restrictionsisheld to be invalidor forany reason becomes unenforceable,no otherprovisionshallbe thereby affected or impaired. 3.Successors and Assigns.The terms,covenants,conditions,exceptions, obligations,and reservationscontained in thisOffer shallbe binding upon and inure to the benefitof the successors and assigns of both the Grantor and the Municipality,whether voluntaryor involuntary. 4.Limitations.The constructionand otherstandardsadopted orutilizedby theCity of Bozeman regarding legal form,constructionmaterials,warranty,and allother elements relatingto improvements or infrastructureconstructedor be constructedpursuanttothe Permit shallbe fullyapplicable. 5.Term.This irrevocableOffer of Dedication shallbe binding for thedurationof FinalSitePlan approvalprocess.Upon writtenacceptanceof thisOfferby theMunicipality,this Offer and the terms,conditions,and restrictionshereofshallexistin perpetuity,shallhave the effectof a grantby Grantor,subjectto the conditionsstatedherein,and shallrun with the land and be binding on the parties,theirheirs,assigns,and successors,PROVIDED,HOWEVER, thisgrantshallbe nulland void ifthe Permitreferencedhereinisnot grantedand issuedby the Municipalityon or beforeone year afterthe dateof FinalPlan approvalor extensionsof thedate of approval. Bangtail Partners LLC. By:*//GF.ECofty rp.avis (signature')(print) Its MANßCfMG Pef TNHL By: (signature)(print) Its Stateof ) :ss: County of ) On this _day of 2019 efore me personally appeared ,whose identitywas ved tome on the basisof satisfactory evidence to be thepersons whose name issubscrib tothisinstrument,and acknowledged that s/he executed the same as Memb of,and for and on behalf of P Name: igned: Notary Publicforthe Stateof __ Residing at: (NOTARTI EAL)My Commission Expires: *r/coJe m crbcAd carcipere . ACCEPTED: CITY OF BOZEMAN,MONTANA 74 4 C ger y op ATTEST: CityClerk STATE OF MONTANA ) )ss County of Gallatin ) On this day of M 201 beforeme,the undersigned,a Notary PublicfortheStateof Montana,personallyappearedJEFF MIHELICH and MIKE MAAS, known to me to be theCity Manager and CityClerkfortheCityof Bozeman,respectively,and the personswhose names are subscribedto the within instrument,and acknowledged to me thatthey executedthesame forand on behalfof theCity of Bozeman. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Ihave hereuntosetmy hand and affixedmy Notarial Sealtheday and yeaffirstabove written. HEK VENUE o forthestateofMontana otaryPublicfortheStateof Montana esidingat:ResidingatBozeman,Montana c s es My Commission Expires CALIFORNIA ACKNOWLEDGMENT CIVILCODE §1189 Anotarypublicorotherofficercompletingthiscertificateverifiesonlytheidentityoftheindividualwhosignedthedocument towhichthiscertificateisattached,andnotthetruthfulness,accuracy,orvalidityofthatdocument. StateofCalifornia Countyof fen frwncist 0 J On 20 AprA 2021 beforeme,C,filoKRBITO vg,rRLITre Date HereInsertName and TitleoftheOfficer personallyappeared GKfGORY (YL /VI Name(s)ofSigner(s) who provedtome on thebasisofsatisfactoryevidencetobe theperson(s)whose name(s)is/aresubscribed tothewithininstrumentand acknowledgedtome thathe/she/theyexecutedthesame inhis/her/their authorizedcapacity(ies),and thatby his/her/theirsignature(s)on theinstrumenttheperson(s),ortheentity upon behalfofwh chtheperson(s)acted,executedtheinstrument. IcertifyunderPENALTY OF PERJURY underthe lawsoftheStateofCaliforniathattheforegoing paragraphistrueand correct. WITNESS my hand and officialseal.SanstateoCounty Signature PlaceNotarySealand/orStampAbove SignatureofNotaryPublic OPTIONAL Completingthisinformationcan deteralterationofthedocument or fraudulentreattachmentofthisformtoan unintendeddocument. DescriptionofAttached Document Titleor Type ofDocument:C/fy 9(&2tawn ConclMorwt fr7Mtobic q[c/af DedIomfior Document Date:Number ofPages: Signer(s)OtherThan Named Above Capacity(ies)Claimed by Signer(s) Signer'sName:Grecynn an.viviS Signer'sName: EfCorporateOfficer-Title(s):marwr irtyfbeffr#D CorporateOfficer-Title(s): O Partner-0 Limiteda General O Partner-o LimitedO General 0 Individual o AttorneyinFact O Individual 0 AttorneyinFact a Trustee o GuardianorConservator o Trustee o GuardianorConservator o Other:O Other: SignerisRepresenting:IkarigtailRrrfrierLLC-SignerisRepresenting: ©2018 NationalNotaryAssociation