HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-25-21 Public Comment - H. Happel - Board ConsolidationFrom:Henry Happel To:Agenda Subject:Comments on the Proposed Consolidation of Bozeman Citizen Advisory Boards Date:Tuesday, May 25, 2021 10:50:43 AM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear Commission Members— These comments concern the proposed consolidation of City Boards, Item K. on this evening’s City Commission Agenda. I am the chairman of the Bozeman Planning Board. The Planning Board has not reviewed or discussed matters in connection with the proposed consolidation. These comments are submitted only in my capacity as an individual citizen. 1. I am strongly in favor of consolidating the Planning and Zoning boards. This would increase the efficiency with which development projects are reviewed, to the benefit of both the City and developers. 2. I am quite concerned about the composition of the new Community Development Board. As proposed, a majority of the Board would be required to have a special interest, competency or knowledge in historic preservation. While I think historic preservation is important for the City of Bozeman, the focus of preservation is on what we have now. The Community Development Board’s focus must be on what we can create in the future. A majority of the members of this new Board need to have interest, competence, and knowledge in planning, the planning process, and the interplay between the public and private sectors in the development of the City. Given the State requirements for the Historic Preservation Board, I think it might be best if it were left as a stand-alone Board. 3. I believe it would be a bad idea to limit memberships on the Community Development Board to two terms. My personal experience is that it takes more than three years to fully understand and appreciate the functioning of the Planning Board. Above all else, the City should seek to have competent and experienced individuals serving on the Community Development Board. I would prefer language that was substantially less prescriptive. 4. I think board officers should be appointed by their respective boards, subject to the review and consent of the relevant Commission liaison. The City Commission itself should not be burdened with this task. 5. Sections I.B. and I.C. of the Commission Memo assume that all boards engaging in essentially proactive activities. While that may be true in most cases, the Planning and Zoning boards are primarily reactive, in that they review development proposals brought to them by the City. Communications and work plans for the Community Development Boards would necessarily be different. 6. A less significant point, but Section I.B.5. should be rewritten to say that a board member, when speaking to the Commission, must either a.) clearly state that she is speaking only on her on behalf, or b) clearly state that she is speaking on behalf of her board, in which case she must have been expressly authorized by the board to do so. Overall, my impression is that the current proposal from City staff is not ready to be acted on and requires further thought and work before preliminary approval should be given by the City Commission. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. Henry Happel