HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-24-21 Public Comment - C. Lee - Train NoiseFrom:David Fine To:Agenda Subject:FW: Please don"t quiet the railroad crossings... Date:Monday, May 24, 2021 10:09:59 AM Public comment From: Lee, Craig <craig.lee3@montana.edu> Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2021 10:25 AM To: David Fine <DFine@BOZEMAN.NET> Subject: Please don't quiet the railroad crossings... CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear David, I sent the message below to NENA Bozeman, but it bounced back... I got on their/our website and saw that you were a point of contact for the city... As a Bozeman native and resident of the north side, I am saddened—actually, disgusted—by the push for quiet railroad crossings. Much of northeast Bozeman, including the fruit tree streets, owes its very existence to the Northern Pacific Railroad. The misguided attempt to blight our soundscape by removing one of our trademark sounds is just another example of the wanton gentrification and misguided sanitization of our area’s character. For the last five decades I have loved lying in bed listening to the trains come and go. There are only c. 24 a day now… far fewer than came through historically. I far prefer that real sound to the constant drone of vehicle traffic, incessant construction, and the whine of rich folk’s air conditioners. Please stop attempting to plunder one of the few remaining bulwarks of our neighborhood’s character. Sincerely, Craig Lee