HomeMy WebLinkAbout21- Task Order EDD21-002 - Sanderson Stewart for Fiber Conduit Master PlanCity of Bozeman Urban Renewal District Term Contract Task Order Number #EDD21-002 PROJECT: Fiber Conduit Master Plan Issued under the authority of Urban Renewal District Term Contract Professional Services Agreement with Sanderson Stewart for Architectural and Engineering Services. This Task Order is dated April 23, 2021 between the City of Bozeman Downtown Urban Renewal District (URD) and Sanderson Stewart (Contractor). The following representatives have been designated for the work performed under this Task Order: City: David Fine, Urban Renewal Program Manager Contractor: Danielle Scharf, Sanderson Stewart SCOPE OF WORK: The scope for this task order is detailed in the attached City of Bozeman Urban Renewal District Scope of Work – Task Order Number EDD21-002. COMPENSATION: Sanderson Stewart will bill for its services on a lump sum basis with a project total of $100,000.00. Sanderson Stewart shall submit invoices to the City of Bozeman for work accomplished during each calendar month. The amount of each monthly invoice shall be determined on the “percentage of completion method” whereby Sanderson Stewart will estimate the percentage of the total work (provided on a lump sum basis) accomplished during the invoicing period. The provisions of the Professional Services Agreement shall govern the Work. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties authorized to commit resources of the parties have executed this Task Order: City of Bozeman Sanderson Stewart Jeff Mihelich, City Manager Danielle Scharf, Principal DocuSign Envelope ID: F2EBC2D5-7C64-427F-85D3-322DE97C33CA Urban Renewal District Term Contract Scope of Work – Fiber Conduit Master Plan Task Order No. EDD21-002 4/23/21 Sanderson Stewart is pleased to provide this scope of work for a city-wide Fiber Conduit Master Plan for the Economic Development Department. This work is to be done as a part of the Urban Renewal District term contract for architectural and engineering services. The consultant team for this project includes CTC Technology & Energy (CTC). Sanderson Stewart’s role on this project will be limited to general project management, meetings and coordination with the term contract team as noted below. A detailed scope of services from CTC is attached. Scope of Work: Phase 1 - Project Management and Coordination (Sanderson Stewart) This phase of the project will include project initiation and general coordination with the City of Bozeman and CTC. Sanderson Stewart will manage the overall project on behalf of the term contract team, will attend meetings with the City and CTC, and will review deliverables provided by CTC. Phase 2 – Fiber Conduit Master Plan (CTC) This phase of the project will include the tasks outlined in the attached scope of work provided by CTC. Fees and Billing Arrangements: Phase Fee 1. Project Management and Coordination (Sanderson Stewart) $5,000 2. Fiber Conduit Master Plan (CTC) $95,000 Total Project $100,000 Sanderson Stewart will bill for its services on a lump sum basis with a project total of $100,000. Sanderson Stewart shall submit invoices to the Client for work accomplished during each calendar month. The amount of each monthly invoice shall be determined on the “percentage of completion method” whereby Sanderson Stewart will estimate the percentage of the total work (provided on a lump sum basis) accomplished during the invoicing period based on invoices received CTC. DocuSign Envelope ID: F2EBC2D5-7C64-427F-85D3-322DE97C33CA April 9, 2021 Brit Fontenot Director of Economic Development Via email: bfontenot@bozeman.net Re: Proposal to develop a conduit master plan Dear Brit: CTC Technology & Energy (CTC) is pleased to present this proposal to develop a conduit master plan for the City of Bozeman. Please let us know if you need any additional information. We look forward to the opportunity to support the City in this effort. Best Regards, Joanne S. Hovis | President DocuSign Envelope ID: F2EBC2D5-7C64-427F-85D3-322DE97C33CA CTC Proposal ii Contents Scope of Work ............................................................................................................................... 1 Task 1: Kick-Off Meeting & Project Management Plan ............................................................. 1 Task 2: Identify and Inventory Existing Conduit and Fiber Assets ............................................. 2 Task 3: Needs Assessment & Goal Setting ................................................................................. 2 Task 4: Conceptual Network Design and Cost Estimate ............................................................ 3 Task 5: Governance and Management Strategy Analysis .......................................................... 4 Task 6: Technical Standards ...................................................................................................... 5 Task 7: Phased Implementation Plan ........................................................................................ 6 Task 8: Master Plan Compilation and Approval Process Support .............................................. 6 Fees ............................................................................................................................................... 7 DocuSign Envelope ID: F2EBC2D5-7C64-427F-85D3-322DE97C33CA CTC Proposal 1 Scope of Work As local governments nationwide contend with a host of competing opportunities and challenges around fiber and wireless facility deployments in their communities, the most forward-thinking localities are seeking ways to capitalize on their telecommunications assets—including to enable public-private collaborations, generate income from leasing opportunities, enable Smart City projects, and enable and benefit from the rapid changes in wireless technologies and wireless carrier deployment patterns. We applaud the City of Bozeman for its efforts to plan its fiber and wireless future. Notably, the methodology we present below includes many tasks that we recently performed in separate engagements for the cities of Cupertino and San Francisco (such as inventorying conduit and fiber resources, conducting a needs assessment, and developing technical and business options to support a communications master plan). Our scope of work includes the following tasks. Task 1: Kick-Off Meeting & Project Management Plan CTC’s project manager and core project staff will meet with the City’s project team to launch the project. Due to COVID-19, we will convene this meeting and other project meetings via videoconference or teleconference, using CTC’s conferencing platform. The kick-off session will enable us to understand the City’s long-term vision and expected timeline. We will seek guidance on any potential hurdles or areas of concern. Our specific agenda items for the kick-off meeting will include: • Introduce team members and identify project stakeholders • Confirm the project goals, objectives, and milestones • Transfer relevant maps, studies, and documents to the CTC project team, including existing City GIS data (e.g., conduit and fiber assets, City buildings) and data related to permitted construction projects, upcoming capital projects, and wireless facility siting applications Our goal in this orientation will be to both hear from the City’s project team and present an overview of our approach. We will discuss the lessons we have learned from similar client projects. DocuSign Envelope ID: F2EBC2D5-7C64-427F-85D3-322DE97C33CA CTC Proposal 2 Task 2: Identify and Inventory Existing Conduit and Fiber Assets To the extent feasible given available information, we will assess the City’s existing conduit and fiber infrastructure assets, as well as related facilities within the City. Drawing on the City’s GIS data, as-built drawings, and other data provided by the City, as well as our independent information gathering, we will perform a desk inventory of: 1. The City’s conduit assets 2. Available private conduit assets 3. City assets that could support conduit and fiber network deployment 4. Private broadband infrastructure (e.g., dark fiber), to the extent public data exist We will first review the City’s GIS layers and other related data to identify the scope of existing inventoried assets. We will then review the City’s as-builts to identify City-owned assets that are not in the City’s GIS maps. Through this task we will develop some of the key information required to develop a designs, cost estimates, and strategic guidance to the City with regard to a plan for incremental expansion of the City’s conduit network. Our deliverable for this task—which will inform our designs in later tasks—will be inventory data in a format suitable for future integration into the City’s GIS layers. We will also advise the City on its current map data and identify gaps (shortcomings) in the existing infrastructure as compared to a carrier-grade network. Task 3: Needs Assessment & Goal Setting In addition to the data analysis in Task 2, we will conduct up to six group meetings via videoconference or teleconference with representatives of the key potential stakeholders and user groups (e.g., City government, schools, institutions, businesses, residential) to understand their needs for conduit and fiber. In terms of assessing the City government’s needs for communications infrastructure in particular, we will facilitate in-depth discussions with representatives of the City’s departments who have technical knowledge and operational responsibilities for departmental activities that include or could include communications infrastructure. We will consider this needs assessment effort broadly—seeking to gather input from City staff not just on current governmental operations, but also on needs for public-facing communications and communications support for emerging technologies. DocuSign Envelope ID: F2EBC2D5-7C64-427F-85D3-322DE97C33CA CTC Proposal 3 Through this outreach we will seek to identify the City’s broadband needs, and to develop an anecdotal inventory of opportunities and functions that connectivity might support. This outreach will include, to the extent feasible, an attempt to identify the leased circuit costs that the City could reduce or eliminate through expanded City-owned conduit. Through these discussions, too, we will also seek to identify current or necessary policies, procedures, regulations, engineering standards, budgets, and so on that would have a positive effect on the City’s ability to implement the Master Plan. These discussions will also enable us to identify opportunities for efficient, cost-effective deployment options. Across the full range of City government departments, there may be initiatives that could become part of an overall strategic plan for conduit deployment. To develop a list of participants for this needs assessment task, we will work with the City to identify City departments to include in the assessment, as well as representatives of other stakeholder groups (e.g., the business community, schools, institutions). The outcome from these meetings will include an identification of the City government’s needs, concerns, and priorities related to conduit infrastructure. Task 4: Conceptual Network Expansion Methodology and Cost Estimate Based on the inventory we develop in Task 2 and the insights and input we receive during the needs assessment process in Task 3, we will identify and recommend options for an incremental, cost-effective approach to expanding of the City’s conduit network. Our conceptual network expansion methodology will be designed to support government-facing operations and the City’s technology projects, as well as being a resource for fiber and wireless providers; enabling economic development efforts, public-facing Wi-Fi, future Smart City and Internet of Things requirements; and potentially supporting residential and commercial broadband services. We will create a high-level network expansion methodology based on the needs we identify and the other information we develop through our asset inventory and desk review of the City’s GIS maps and as-builts. We will define key typologies of City right-of-way based on technical attributes (e.g. arterial road, neighborhood side street, City trail, etc.) and functional needs for broadband infrastructure, and will classify City roadways and other rights-of-way accordingly. We will also develop a high-level cost estimates for the expanding the network in each segment type. Supporting documentation will include GIS layers of the recommended classification of key City right-of-way segments based on defined typologies and summary tables of key metrics generated for cost estimation purposes. Additionally, CTC will provide a narrative to explain the DocuSign Envelope ID: F2EBC2D5-7C64-427F-85D3-322DE97C33CA CTC Proposal 4 segmentation methodology, recommended construction approach and key construction characteristics that impact the cost estimates. Our intent is that the cost estimates will allow the City to inform future cost estimates for detailed engineering of specific phases, as well as to properly scope construction phases according to particular budgetary constraints. Task 5: Governance and Management Strategy Analysis Reflecting the City’s interest in identifying appropriate oversight and responsibility for the conduit infrastructure, we will explore and offer guidance on issues related to governance, ownership, network management strategy, and other policy topics that intersect with the City’s planning and potential future operations. We have provided guidance on these issues to other clients, including the cities of San Francisco and Palo Alto, and typically address them as part of a master plan. These areas of analysis will include: • Conduit enterprise governance and organizational structures • Conduit management tools • Assessing priority areas for conduit expansion • Dig once policy and procedures, including interagency coordination • Conduit and other infrastructure leasing opportunities (e.g., to create a revenue stream, to support wireless network densification) We will not develop detailed policies or standards. Rather, we will offer high-level guidance on the types of issues that may merit further consideration and development by the City. Our deliverable will include recommendations related to network oversight (e.g., which City department should have the primary responsibility for the conduit network), level of City investment (e.g., whether telecommunications conduit shall be officially adopted as a City utility or continue to be deployed strategically in response to opportunities) and service models that could meet the City’s goals. We will develop a high-level staffing plan for the department that will ultimately be responsible for management of the fiber asset. Additionally, we will suggest a list of appropriate conduit lease rates required to offset the cost of managing and maintaining the conduit based on a range of assumptions around demand. We will also advise the City on interdepartmental coordination and joint construction efforts. To this end, we will develop a matrix identifying criteria to help the City assess when “Dig Once” opportunities are viable. DocuSign Envelope ID: F2EBC2D5-7C64-427F-85D3-322DE97C33CA CTC Proposal 5 Task 6: Technical Standards CTC engineers will develop a set of standard specifications for City telecommunications infrastructure aligned with the right-of-way typologies defined in Task 4. Additionally, we will provide guidance on how the specifications can be integrated into other City standards (e.g. water and sewer pipe installation, roadway construction). The recommended specifications will be complete and construction-ready, and will include: • Conduit configuration and material specifications o Location o Size o Count o Schedule o Depth • Manhole and handhole configuration and material specifications o Shared o Dedicated • Installation methodologies and engineering drawings of “typical” configurations • Spatial location, survey, and data standards consistent with City of Bozeman Engineering and Asset Management standards and practices • Placement relative to other infrastructure • Required documentation Because we recognize that a single standard may potentially not cover every circumstance, we will develop up to ten models corresponding to different situations—including templates and typical schematics. We will review applicable existing codes and permitting requirements identified by the City related to underground conduit construction and incorporate them into our work. DocuSign Envelope ID: F2EBC2D5-7C64-427F-85D3-322DE97C33CA CTC Proposal 6 Our deliverables will be suitable for the City’s civil engineers to use in creating detailed construction drawings, for inclusion as part of a procurement specifications document, or for integration into other City design standards. The goal of these specifications will be to enable the City to efficiently construct conduit to serve both the City’s internal needs and economic development needs; provide maximum flexibility for future expansion and interconnection; and provide the appropriate scale for the City’s foreseeable needs (i.e., not be over-engineered). Task 7: Phased Implementation Plan Drawing on the insights and analysis developed in the previous tasks—including not just cost considerations, but also the criticality of needs and potential barriers (e.g., policies, procedures)—we will develop a phased implementation plan that will become a core part of the Master Plan. Task 8: Master Plan Compilation and Approval Process Support Our final deliverable will be a Conduit Master Plan that will include an executive summary, final recommendations, and an implementation roadmap. We will deliver a draft version of our report in Microsoft Word format for the City’s review; we will facilitate a discussion of the draft with the City’s project staff and prepare a final report based on one round of the City’s consolidated feedback. As with all projects of this nature, we will deliver maps and location data we develop in a format that the City can incorporate into its existing GIS data. Following delivery of the final report we will prepare and deliver a presentation on the Conduit Master Plan to the Bozeman City Commission at a mutually agreeable time. DocuSign Envelope ID: F2EBC2D5-7C64-427F-85D3-322DE97C33CA CTC Proposal 7 Fees We propose to perform the scope of work described above for a not to exceed cost of $95,000, to be billed at milestones we will develop in collaboration with the City. DocuSign Envelope ID: F2EBC2D5-7C64-427F-85D3-322DE97C33CA