HomeMy WebLinkAboutEastlake Professional Center - Weed Management Plan 4-9-2021 (G Date Received (� Gallatin County Weed District 903 North Black Bozeman, MT 59715 406.582.3265 ' 1 www.gailatin.mt.gov weeddistrict@gallatin.mt.gov SUBDIVISION NOXIOUS WEED MANAGEMENT AND REVEGETATION PLAN EXTENSION LANDOWNER Name: Randy Scully Mail Address: 5073 Patterson Road City: Bozeman State: MT Zip:59718 Phone(s):914-450-8803 Email:randy@scullywestproperties.com ENGINEERING FIRM (If Applicable) Firm Name: TD&H Engineering Engineer: Taylor Winkel Email: taylor.wnkel@tdhengineering.com Phone: 406-602-4562 Requirements for Subdivision Weed Management Plan Extension approval include: 0 Brief cover letter stating current and future uses of the property and reason for extension ® Plat map detailing distribution and species of noxious weeds present 0 Documentation of prior weed management activities (see page 2 for a list of required documents) V Completion of this Plan 0 Written contract with commercial applicator(if contracting weed contron 0 Review fee: $150 for Minor(1-5 lots) or$300 for Major (>_6 lots) PRELIMINARY PLAT EXTENSION REQUEST (check appropriate box) 3 Year ❑ 5 Year 1 of 6 Required Documentation of Prior Weed Management Activities Year 1 • Name of person or business that treated the land(applicator) • Contact information for the applicator • Date(s)and type of treatment Chemical: Trade name and rates of herbicide used Mowing: Dates mowed Bio Control: Provide details • Noxious Weed species treated • Total acres treated and a map of area treated • Seed mix and seeding rates used • If contracted, a copy of the invoice • If self-treated,a copy of receipts for herbicides purchased Year 2 • Name of person or business that treated the land(applicator) • Contact information for the applicator • Date(s) and type of treatment Chemical: Trade name and rates of herbicide used Mowing: Dates mowed Bio Control: Provide details • Noxious Weed species treated • Total acres treated and a map of area treated • Seed mix and seeding rates used • If contracted,a copy of the invoice • If self-treated, a copy of receipts for herbicides purchased Year 3 • Name of person or business that treated the land(applicator) • Contact information for the applicator • Date(s) and type of treatment Chemical: Trade name and rates of herbicide used Mowing: Dates mowed Bio Control: Provide details • Noxious Weed species treated • Total acres treated and a map of area treated • Seed mix and seeding rates used • If contracted, a copy of the invoice • If self-treated, a copy of receipts for herbicides purchased 2of6 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project name: Eastlake Professional Subdivision Physical address:Southeast corner of North 27th and Valley Center Legal description: T01 No R L-Dw Sec 1/4 1/4 Number of lots: 4 commercial Total acres in project: 7.652 Total road miles in project: 0.25 PROJECT OVERVIEW Describe what the intentions are for developing this property: The Eastlake Professional Subdivision consists of 4 commercial lots (see Preliminary Plat) including water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer and dry utilities. The interior roads will be paved and each commercial lot will have paved parking. Each individual lot will provide storm water management within the lot. The property will begin development in July 2021. NOXIOUS WEED MANAGEMENT NOXIOUS WEED SPECIES ON PROPERTY (identify on plat map with weed inventory): Spotted knapweed, Must thistle, Canadian thistle and Houndstongue METHOD OF WEED CONTROL YOU INTEND TO USE(mark all that apply): ✓ CHEMICAL MECHANICAL CULTURAL BIOLOGICAL Describe specific control measures and timing of control for 3/5 years. If using herbicides, include type of herbicide and rates. Attach additional pages if necessary(all such pages are hereby incorporated by reference). Spotted Knapweed, Thistle (Canadian and Musk) and Houndstongue - Milestone Chemical at 7 oz/acre, Opensight at 3 oz/acres, 4-D amine at 1 quart/acre plus surfactant. 3 of 6 ESTIMATED COSTS OF WEED CONTROL FOR 3/5 YEARS (specify cost for each year): Who will complete work: ❑ Self JVJ Contracted Contractor name (if applicable) PPYC SPRAYING If hiring a contractor, a written contract with that contractor is required. Please provide a copy of this contract. When applying herbicides, use the proper equipment and safety measures. Read and follow the herbicide label! Year Herbicide/Applicator Cost Cultural/Mechanical Cost Biological Cost 1 $750 2 $750 3 $750 4 5 Total $2,250 $0 $0 REVEGETATION Are any disturbances planned? Yes 0 No ❑ If Ves, complete the following revegetation section. MANDATORY REVEGETATION REQUIREMENTS: Areas disturbed during subdivision development (road construction, pond construction, service/utility/gas/electric/telephone line installation) shall have a layer of topsoil redistributed onto disturbed areas. Disturbed areas must be seeded to an appropriate grass seed mix for the site. During the first and second years of grass establishment, areas seeded to grass shall be mowed as appropriate to prevent weed seed development and dispersal. PLANNED DISTURBANCES (mark all that apply): ✓ Utility/Service line ✓_Pond ✓ Road _Park ✓ Trail _Central septic _Other(list type) Describe in detail the revegetation to mitigate all disturbances that will occur on this property. List type and amount of seed/sod, seeding methods and timing, and fertilization. Attach additional pages if necessary(all such pages are hereby incorporated by reference). All disturbance will be cleaned up, landscaped and seeded with 3-4 Ibs/1,000 sf or sodded. Seeding will take place in the fall. Landscaping will be contracted out to a landscape company. For each individual lot. Pricing and contracts are not yet in place for the sites. 4 of 6 ESTIMATED COSTS OF REVEGETATION FOR 3/5 YEARS (specify cost for each year): Who will complete work: ❑ Self Contracted Contractor name (if applicable) Year Revegetation Cost 1 2 3 4 5 Total GRAVEL SOURCE (Complete this section if using an outside supply of gravel) List source of gravel/pit run/road mix/topsoil/etc. brought on-site for disturbance mitigation and/or construction. Name of gravel pit: TMC Location: 105 E Cameron Bridge Road, Belgrade Contact person: Ken Stoeber *Be aware that gravel sources and topsoil may contain noxious weed seeds; therefore, we recommend using a source that is actively controlling noxious weeds on their property, consistent with an approved Weed Management Plan. 6 of 6 STATUS APPROVED NOT APPRO`v'ED C�v.�o Ile e law Additional terms and conditions apply- see attached -his Noriois V."eed %1xiagerie-,t arc Re,egetat!o-! ;;-ia 7 ('Plan t s a b nc!nq agreernert between We Gal'atin Ccurty ','veec Cistr:ct ;-D str ct ! Pro tie Lr"'Nf:UA NER The P ar appl es to the project a-id entire pro.-)arty !den-!fied aocve The Plan s euect!ve upon apprc•ral by the Ctstrict Boaru rBoaro' r for _ years 4rcm the cate of apo-oval Jr U-10 ',t +e prOJ-"ty s jvvne-srnF r_harlges or unt!l a new P air is er:e,ea By entenng this P.ar L,�'NCO'AINER agrees tnat Ere 3card or !;s Representatives snail nave the r ght to revise this P air as necessary to effectuate Ere purposes of Erie Gal,atin County Noxious Weec Vanagernent plan or Montana Co_rt} :" eed.,4.ct LrNCGWNEP agrees trat the Boarc or ;ts Representatives may inspect the preper.y prior tc granting apprcva cf We Plar a-e f apprcvcd, -nay perform such reascnable rspec,ons as necessary tc determine 7-cmpl!arce A-an to s P an Pr or to nal Piat apprcva; o= ary phase cf tre suod is!or _i4,NDCIANER sra!I ccmply wth all requ:rement_ cf the appra,,ec Plar .4I areas cf the property sna I be prior tc fina plat approva:, sufficient y cortro'led for noxious weeas and sufficienby re-,,egetatec as detern!ned by the Distract n addition L.',`:DO`! NEP shall orov,de documentation or annual vreea control and all -e-�egetat!on wo•K as reouired by the District to yemcrstrate that the Pan has o-ea suffrc!ent.y imp errenled ag-ees tnat .r!s Plan s su:)p:rted oi cocc ,,a !d �ons!derat!an and tnis Plan constitutes a b,narng rr:,c! -, iA may be enforced as sucr LY!_ /e ' �E� Sou Z -1 �ZeZO 6 .;t 6