HomeMy WebLinkAboutHDR Bozeman Culvert AssessmentProposalDowntown Bozeman Creek Culvert Assessment City of Bozeman April 232021 hdrinc.com 2150 Analysis Drive, Suite A, Bozeman, MT 59718T 406.577.5019 April 23, 2021 City of Bozeman - Engineering Division Bob Murray, PE PO Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771-1230 RE: Downtown Bozeman Creek Culvert Condition Assessment Proposal Dear Mr. Murray, In order to solve the complex issues with the Bozeman Creek culverts, HDR has teamed with RedZone and SewerVUE to perform an inspection, scanning, and data collection that will provide the necessary information to define the structures and load capacities so that the City has a better understanding of the risk and potential solutions moving forward. Our team has been partnering with City staff for over 20 years, actively working to develop innovative solutions to the evolving challenges facing our ever-growing community. We are excited for the opportunity to continue our relationship with the City of Bozeman and are confident that we can provide an approach resulting in realistic solutions that are cost-effective and meet your needs. The benefits of selecting the HDR team include: • Condition Assessment Experience: Our in-house condition assessment lead, Luis Leon, provides expertise in pipeline condition assessment, design and rehabilitation using innovative applications of trenchless technologies, and is recognized as a national leader by the Water Environment Federation (WEF). His experience results in an accurate assessment of current conditions so that long-term, cost effective solutions can be implemented. • Structural Inspection Experience: HDR provides unparalleled Montana-based inspection and design capabilities. HDR’s local structural engineers routinely provide inspections and load ratings for the Montana Department of Transportation’s bridges and culverts, affording the City of Bozeman with the luxury of local experienced staff capable of completing both culvert evaluations and retrofit/ replacement design services. • Successful Project Delivery: Applying the resources of our national experts and lessons learned on similar projects across the country, our team provides a combination of staff with a history of successfully delivering complex projects for the City of Bozeman and other clients throughout Montana. We greatly appreciate the opportunity to once again partner with the City of Bozeman on this critical infrastructure project. Sincerely, HDR Engineering, Inc. Ben Fennelly, PE, CFM Project Manager 01 City of Bozeman | Downtown Bozeman Creek Culvert Assessment Proposal hdrinc.com Version # Introduction HDR is highly experienced in performing condition assessment and designing the rehabilitation of buried infrastructure, including storm drains, sewers (sanitary and combined), sewer, and water lines. Our team will focus on conducting the condition assessment to gather the information necessary for the structural evaluations and recommendations for improvements or rehabilitation. We have the depth of resources, breadth of knowledge, and expertise needed to be responsive to your requirements, meet your schedule, and deliver solutions that are buildable while considering risk and possible regulatory impacts (FEMA floodplain). Our solutions can be implemented over time while meeting goals such as protecting the public and helping the City use its money wisely. To meet the demands of this project, our team developed a strong approach exercising HDR’s strengths in structural analysis, load ratings, and condition assessments that addresses the challenges of this project in a timely manner. Our team member’s experience working on projects such as the City of Los Angeles’ Condition Assessment of the North Outfall Sewer, combined with knowledge of the critical issues related to condition assessment and renewal programs from similar projects, brings lessons learned for a successful project. Our project approach focuses on: Responsiveness and Commitment Our local project manager, Ben Fennelly, and the rest of our team bring their technical expertise and management experience to respond with critical information and guidance. Ben and our team are committed to you throughout the duration of the project and will communicate promptly if issues arise. Communication and Collaboration Our team is committed to achieving success through collaborating with you throughout the project on making the necessary decisions for streamlining the field work, performing condition assessment of the various material segments and recommending the most appropriate technologies to assist in improvements. Delivering Quality We will deliver quality and prompt inspection results, accurate assessment of the conditions of the culverts and prioritized solutions for renewal that are buildable. Our experience with rehabilitation methods provides additional value to the City. Safety We are committed to safety as an integral part of producing high quality work. Our field staff have been formally trained in safety procedures, including confined space entry, hazardous materials management, and other program-wide and site-specific safety procedures. Our field team members will follow safety procedures during site reconnaissance and inspection QA/QC activities. As safety is of utmost importance, our approach includes performing robotic inspections, as discussed later in the proposal. If necessary, it is recommended that traffic control be performed by City personnel to reduce unnecessary expenses, unless major traffic control is required, at which time it will be implemented by our traffic control subcontractor. HDR pairs local knowledge of Bozeman’s facilities with national condition assessment experience. 02 City of Bozeman | Downtown Bozeman Creek Culvert Assessment Proposal hdrinc.com Version #Approach Our work plan for inspection of the culverts encompasses the following two-phased inspection approach: Phase 1 - Robotic Culvert Inspection Considering safety is a major concern for projects like this, HDR proposes that inspection of the various culverts’ materials and segments be performed by our subconsultant (RedZone/SewerVue) using highly advanced robotic multi-sensor inspection (MSI) units to simultaneously collect digital CCTV video, sonar and laser/ LIDAR profiling data to capture more detailed, quantifiable information under adverse conditions and to provide a complete profile of the culverts. Each of these technologies provides different data that will be analyzed to provide assessments, map areas of deficiencies, define locations of change in material, estimate structural characteristics such as wall thickness and rebar counts, and assist in providing rehabilitation recommendations. • CCTV videos will provide visual data such as changes in materials and NASSCO-standard PACP defect coding that allows us to see and code major defects in the culvert and identify locations of cross drains, stormwater connections, and other utilities potentially in conflict. • LIDAR technology will allow for highly accurate measurement of the culvert geometry above the flow, which is critical when assessing material loss and structure deflection. • Sonar data provides valuable data below the water level such as debris measurements to inform the potential loss of capacity and cleaning needs for future construction. Sonar will also allow us to view any large defects such as holes or subsidence of the bottom, if there is no debris covering these defects. A rigorous QA/QC review process will be an integral part of this project. This process will assess the activities and deliverables to enhance their function and usefulness. Our team proposes to have a representative in the field during the culvert inspection to provide constant oversight. Having our own field QA/QC personnel during the inspections brings the following benefits to the project: • Prompt on-site and field QA/QC of the video inspection operations reduces the time that the videos would have to be reviewed later in the offices and provides for faster delivery of CCTV data to the team and to the City. This does not replace the QA/QC that our inspection subcontractor will have to perform on their videos. Sonar and laser/LIDAR data take some time to process but having immediate CCTV data can expedite decisions. • Immediate notification of “red alert” issues. If any segments are observed to have major issues such as holes, missing walls, or soil voids, or if there are areas appear to be in danger of collapsing, our field staff will immediately communicate the issue(s) to our project manager and to the City’s project manager. • Timely decisions regarding segments or areas for which processing of 3D LIDAR data may be required, such as in curvatures in the alignment can save project cost. For the City of Los Angeles, HDR reviewed several miles of CCTV videos and recommended only reducing the data of specific areas, saving the City over $50K in additional costs. Utilizing robotic culvert inspection not only eliminates the potential safety issues related to confined space entry, but also provides more detailed, quantifiable information to denote voids, material changes, cracks, and other structural deficiencies, allowing for more detailed information to inform the condition and structural assessment and provide appropriate rehabilitation options. 03 City of Bozeman | Downtown Bozeman Creek Culvert Assessment Proposal hdrinc.com Version # Phase 2 - Man Entry Inspection (OPTIONAL) If at all possible, manned entry into the culvert will be avoided. If the review of the robotic MSI inspections determine that it may be required to perform additional inspections to evaluate the integrity of the culvert structures, HDR can perform the following steps where feasible: • Visual and aural inspection of the culvert walls and lid/roof • Determination of rebar location, depth, and wall thickness using surface penetrating radar. • Surficial pH measurements to identify areas most likely to have sustained the greatest degradation. • Mapping of rebar free-corrosion potentials per ASTM C876 (at a minimum of two walls). • Concrete coring and drilling. • Laboratory testing of concrete core and powder samples for compressive strength, pH, and chloride. Phase 3 - Structural Evaluation Culverts HDR will work with the City if there appears to be a need for a manned entry into the culvert and if that work can be completed safely and provide value. Concrete Box Culverts. HDR will perform a condition and structural assessment and eventual recommendations for rehabilitation or improvements. This work could include safety enhancements to the roadway and pedestrian surfaces across the culverts. Stone and Mortar Archway. HDR will review the stone and mortar archway, identifying deficiencies in the north half of the structure. In particular, the overall condition as well as at any areas where the shape appears distorted or deformed. Field Inspection includes the preparation and completion of field forms and the on-site, inspection of each culvert. Where possible, staff will take measurements to conduct culvert load evaluations, in addition to possible design or retrofit needs. Depending on the extent of the rehabilitation necessary, structural improvements could be designed to better distribute loads above the culvert to reduce risk, but this is dependent upon the constraints at a particular location. Safety Enhancements to Roadway and Pedestrian Surfaces over the Structures. We will review the roadway and sidewalk to identify potential safety enhancements or structural updates that could be included in the project as budget allows. Depending on the vertical distance between the culvert and the materials of the road base and surface, recommendations can be made to provide a more structurally sound surface to mitigate risk to the subsurface conditions. Buildings HDR will review details of the buildings above the culverts to identify structural framing materials, roof materials of culverts, and clear span materials to identify any structural load the culvert is carrying. This structural review will inform the preliminary structural evaluation to determine the possible load influence on the culvert. Phase 4 - Condition Assessment Proper interpretation of the culvert inspection data obtained is critical to performing an appropriate assessment of the structural condition of the sewer pipes. HDR proposes to use NASSCO’s Pipeline Assessment Certification Program (PACP®) for coding defects in the culverts and performing an evaluation of the structural condition of the culverts on the basis of deformation, observed corrosion, surface spalling, surface wear, cracks, wall loss and other defects. Each of these conditions indicates a degree of potential failure. Sections of culverts that show severe structural deformation and that may be considered in danger of imminent collapse will be documented to promptly develop repair options collaboratively with City staff. Our team is highly experienced in conducting this type of analysis. Our staff understand the PACP coding system and Luis León and Sean Hoss are certified trainers of NASSCO PACP® who have utilized this standard. They have used the system to assess the operational and structural condition of the pipelines, recommend repairs, and prioritize the evaluated sewers for inclusion on rehabilitation contracts based on the structural condition assessment. Our team INSPECTION TYPE ASSESSMENT USE BENEFIT Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Enables visual inspection of the crown and the portion of the pipe above the flow line. Provides key data necessary for renewal decision planning. Laser Profiling/3D LIDAR Generates precise models of pipe surfaces; reveals minor surface abnormalities. Provides a true representation of the inner pipe wall and culvert geometry, delivering a “virtual mandrel” and bend radius report. Used to design lining solutions. Results in reduced risk for construction contractor, which can reduce overall cost of construction. Sonar Provides a subsurface cross section of solid material below the flow line. Our team will use this data to identify major voids below the flow line and to quantify debris deposition and locations with high potential for turbulence. Estimate quantity and cost for debris removal or clean out. Pipe Penetrating Radar Provides data on wall thickness and size of voids beyond the wall of the culvert (if any). Estimate the size and depth of voids up to 3-4 feet beyond the culvert wall. 04 City of Bozeman | Downtown Bozeman Creek Culvert Assessment Proposal hdrinc.com Version # is well prepared and highly experienced in performing review of the inspection data (CCTV, sonar, laser profiling), assessing the conditions, and evaluating the various alternatives that may be needed to address the issues found during the inspections; we will utilize this experience to work with the City to develop prompt and buildable solutions. HDR’s hydraulic and structural engineers will work with your staff to recommend solutions and develop a realistic and buildable project that can be programmed for the next few years as needed. Potential options to use in the prioritization are: RENEWAL RECOMMENDATIONS Once the condition assessment is complete, our team will continue to work collaboratively with City staff to define if secondary inspections are needed. If not, we will begin make initial decisions on the improvement options (e.g., trench vs. trenchless, slip lining, CCCPL, CIPP, etc.). While focused on the structural and hydraulic requirements, it is extremely important that these options selected as potential solutions are buildable and that we also look at the potential for integrated delivery and implementation of projects. Condition Assessment ReportHDR recognizes that the City has some serious concerns about the condition of the existing culvert structures. The structures will be reviewed to determine the load bearing capacity of the existing system and of the existing building above. Geotechnical data obtained from the City will be used to confirm soil properties and suitability of foundation system for existing gravity loads and groundwater conditions. The City should note that our approach does not include seismic analysis and Code evaluation of the existing structure. Structural considerations will include cracking patterns to prevent further propagation of cracks. Conditions of concrete spalling will be reviewed with recommendations for appropriate patching procedures. Where feasible, rebar preparation, protection, and passivation recommendations may be included. The intent of the proposed structural repairs is to bring the culverts to an expected operating life of 30 to 50 years. HDR is highly experienced in conducting these types of structural evaluations and rehabilitation of concrete and other materials. For example, HDR has been conducting on-call condition assessment services for Inland Empire Utilities Agency since 2014. We have also performed assessment and rehabilitation design services for pipelines for many clients throughout the U.S. Our experience allows us to design rehabilitation that is structurally sound and permanently corrosion-resistant. EMERGENCY Rehabilitate or replace immediately CRITICAL Rehabilitate or replace in the next 1-2 years EXPEDITE Rehabilitate or replace in the next 3-4 years IMPORTANT Rehabilitate or replace in the next 5-6 years 05 City of Bozeman | Downtown Bozeman Creek Culvert Assessment Proposal hdrinc.com Version # Proposed Schedule of Work Our proposed schedule assumes the structural investigation will occur during the summer months to take advantage of low water conditions. 2021 May June July August September Project Management Data Collection and Review Condition Assessment Structural Review (Buildings) Structural Review (Culverts) Technical Memorandum Phase 5 - Technical MemorandumHDR will produce a Technical Memorandum upon the completion of field work, condition assessment, laboratory testing, and structural review and analysis. This report shall contain identifying photos including an elevation of each end of the culvert, as well as any additional culvert shapes found during the length. The structure’s condition shall be documented in the report using a combination of written descriptions, sketches, and photographs needed to relay the information. The report will include summary of significant inspection findings and recommendations for proposed rehabilitation or repair work on the culverts. The laser measurements provided by the robotic MSI may be appropriate to provide CAD drawings of whatever is above the water level. The Technical Memorandum will also provide the following: • Discussion of field and laboratory testing results;• Description of the current condition of the culverts;• Preliminary recommendations for rehabilitation detailing; • Concrete repair methods and concrete admixtures; • Methods for achieving passivation of any compromised steel; and• Recommendations for potential rehabilitation technologies. HDR’s Condition Assessment and Rehabilitation Guide helps our clients navigate the complicated world of aging infrastructure and what condition assessment and rehabilitation technologies are available to effectively assess and renew their infrastructure. MILESTONES: Notice to Proceed | Technical Memorandum to City 06 City of Bozeman | Downtown Bozeman Creek Culvert Assessment Proposal hdrinc.com Version # Team Organization HDR’s Project Manager, Ben Fennelly will manage and direct the technical elements of the project. Ben brings technical expertise, organization, and effective communication to the project management role. Located in our Bozeman office, he will direct our team’s resources in the production of high quality, well-coordinated deliverables. Ben recently managed the City’s East Gallatin Avulsion project, where he successfully kept the City up to date on issues and advocated on the City’s behalf with the contractors for the final products to be acceptable. He is familiar with the technical difficulties of a hydraulic solution and its potential floodplain impacts. As Project Manager, Ben will: • Champion internal selection of the qualified key project personnel for this contract; • Participate in review of the contract and be involved in negotiations; • Implement and oversee our QA/QC process and approve compliance of each key deliverable; • Be actively involved in the project, its process, challenges encountered, and timely execution; • Regularly contact Bozeman’s Project Management team to discuss the overall contract, review existing projects, celebrate successes, and address any concerns. Brian Corson-Marquess has over 12 years of experience evaluating and designing structures. He provides a full spectrum of structural inspection and design experience, including serving as project manager for MDT’s culvert inspection contract. Luis Leon provides over 35 years of engineering experience, including assessment, rehabilitation, expansion, and reconstruction of numerous utility systems. He has expertise in pipeline condition assessment, design and rehabilitation using innovative applications of trenchless technologies. Tom Hamlin has 17 years of structural engineering experience, including structural investigations and rehabilitations. Brief summaries for our key staff are provided on the following pages; resumes are included in Appendix A. Project Team PROJECT MANAGER Ben Fennelly, PE Project Team Structural Engineers Brian Corson-Marquess, PE (Culverts) Tom Hamlin, PE (Buildings) Condition Assessment Luis Leon, PE, BCEE, ENV SP Sean Hoss, PE, SPRAT I Robotic Internal Inspections RedZone/SewerVUE CITY ENGINEER Bob Murray, PE PRINCIPAL-IN-CHARGE Dan Harmon, PE QA/QC Dustin Hirose, PE Ben Fennelly, PE, CFM PROJECT MANAGER 35% Availability • Over 15 years of design and construction administration experience. • Benefit to Bozeman: Ben’s recent construction oversight on City projects provides familiarity with City staff and their expectations which, coupled with his background in hydraulics, provides a well- rounded perspective tailored to understanding and delivering the intent of the project, the construction process, and City expectations. Experience and Benefits of Key Staff Ben’s past work on Bozeman Creek including a detailed hydraulic analysis provides valuable insight on impacts of potential future mitigation measures. 07 City of Bozeman | Downtown Bozeman Creek Culvert Assessment Proposal hdrinc.com Version # Tom Hamlin, PE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER (BUILDINGS) 35% Availability • 15 years of structural experience, including extensive experience in performing structural investigations and rehabilitations • Benefit to Bozeman: Tom’s structural knowledge will result in alternatives to mitigate risk to the buildings constructed above the culvert, so right- timed improvements can be planned and structural integrity maintained. Brian Corson-Marquess, PE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER (CULVERTS) 30% Availability • Managed inspections on a wide range of structures types from simple pipe culverts to mile-long viaducts. • Qualified NBIS Team Leader with over 14 years of experience in the inspection and evaluation of bridge and culvert structures. In addition, he has load rated existing structures and designed rehabilitation of existing structures. • Benefit to Bozeman: Brian’s wealth of inspection knowledge, and successful inspection management capability provides unparalleled local inspection experience to lead the inspection team. Luis Leon, PE, BCEE, ENV SP CONDITION ASSESSMENT 20% Availability • Over 35 years of experience, including expertise in pipeline condition assessment and design and rehabilitation using innovative applications of trenchless technologies. • Benefit to Bozeman: Luis’s extension knowledge of pipeline condition assessment, design, and rehabilitation using multiple technologies provides an assessment and rehabilitation options which can save the City both time and money. Dustin Hirose, PE QA/QC 15% Availability • Over 28 years of experience load rating and designing structures in Montana. • Benefit to Bozeman: Dustin provides unparalleled practical structural expertise, providing a unique perspective as QA/QC Lead. Dan Harmon, PE PRINCIPAL-IN-CHARGE 10% Availability • 36 years of experience, including 15 years working with the City of Bozeman. • Benefit to Bozeman: Dan’s in-depth knowledge of the City’s expectations allows him to oversee the team and make sure solutions adhere to the City’s standards. Sean Hoss, PE, SPRAT I CONDITION ASSESSMENT 30% Availability • 13 years of experience, including design, condition assessment, and inspection using pipe crawlers or remotely operated vehicles. • Benefit to Bozeman: Sean will work with technology providers to collect useful data, and identify solutions the City can afford to implement. 08 City of Bozeman | Downtown Bozeman Creek Culvert Assessment Proposal hdrinc.com Version # Visual-only inspections are often unreliable and pose possible safety concerns due to confined-space entry requirements. MSI provides quantified measurement data and high quality images of the internal condition of pipes. Proposed Subconsultants In preparation for this project, HDR discussed robot inspections with two subconsultants, RedZone and SewerVue, with whom we’ve partnered on many previous similar projects. Both RedZone and SewerVue can perform the multi-sensor inspection (MSI). SewerVue can also perform the Pipe Penetrating Radar and, for a large structure like this, they would probably do it via man-entry. Following contract award, HDR will assist the City in choosing the most appropriate based on cost and specific deliverables to meet potential future phases of design and needs of the City. RedZone RedZone has pioneered the industry with a suite of MSI products designed for large interceptors and tunnels. MSI data quantifies critical problems like corrosion and debris levels that are missed by visual-only CCTV inspection. The unit can traverse through assets most conventional units cannot. MSI combines conventional CCTV with synchronized laser and sonar dimension information. This unique full 360-degree quantitative view of the pipeline can help to pinpoint which areas in your system require immediate attention thanks to accurate measurements of corrosion, debris, and ovality. SewerVUE SewerVUE’s float-mounted multi-sensor pipe inspection system offers the most accurate pipe inspection technology available on today’s market. Their LIDAR system employs an industry-grade laser range finder that is an order of magnitude more accurate than the ring- lasers commonly used in pipe inspection. LIDAR measures accurate pipe diameter, ovality, and corrosion above the flow line, allowing for an assessment of remaining service life and timing of rehabilitation. LIDAR measurements are integrated and cross referenced with sonar and CCTV data, thus allowing unprecedented accuracy. The sonar data provides pipe profile below the flow line together with sediment depth and volume and is combined with LIDAR readings to give a 360-degree view of the pipe. Additionally, SewerVUE provides pipe penetrating radar (PPR). PPR is an electromagnetic technique that allows us to accurately map reinforcement location, pipe wall thickness, and classify voids outside of non-ferrous pipes. PPR can also identify grout placement between pipe renewal systems and host pipes, liner bonding, and in-situ conditions including exterior repair clamps and soil variations for pipe-bursting replacement operations. 09 09 City of Bozeman | Downtown Bozeman Creek Culvert Assessment Proposal hdrinc.com Version # Representative Project Experience The table below summarizes our culvert inspection and evaluation experience, with additional project information provided on the subsequent pages. All of these projects were completed by staff proposed for this project. PROJECTS CCTV/SONAR/LASER INSPECTIONASSESSMENTPIPE REHABILITATIONLARGE DIAMETERSTRUCTURALRISK IDENTIFICATIONLarge Transmission Main Inspection & Condition Assessment Program SSO Reduction Program Manager, Incl. Condition Assessment West Beach Force Mains No. 1 and No. 2 Emergency Rehabilitation Structural Condition Assessment of the North Outfall Sewer Pipes Collection System Improvements Program Management, incl. Condition & Capacity Assessment MDT Culvert Inspection & Evaluation Term Contract MDT Load Rating Term Contract MDT Railroad Undercrossing Study Mill Facility Condition Assessment Phoenix Masonry Improvements Channel Islands ANG Station Hangar Structural Assessment Condition Assessment Projects Large Transmission Main Inspection and Condition Assessment ProgramCity of Phoenix | Phoenix, AZ HDR has been providing inspection and condition assessment of Phoenix’s 42-inch and larger Prestressed Concrete Cylinder Pipe water transmission mains since 2011. The project has included the inspection of 29 distinct projects or scenarios, totaling over 94 miles. SSO Reduction Program Manager including Condition Assessment and Capacity Assessment and Condition Remedial Measure PlanningSan Antonio Water System | San Antonio, TX During this project, HDR has performed risk analysis to identify gravity sewers with elevated risk of SSOs and structural deterioration; developed a multi-year prioritized sewer inspection program including the use of CCTV, pole cameras, sonar and laser imaging systems; managed CCTV inspection contractors and led the assessment of over 2,000 miles of sewer inspection data in an integrated team with SAWS staff; and identified high priority structural remediation projects. Structural Condition Assessment of the North Outfall Sewer PipesLos Angeles Bureau of Sanitation | Los Angeles, CA HDR inspected and assessed 8.77 miles of the NOS sewer (units 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 23, 24, 25 and 26) composed of clay tile lined concrete pipe, and brick pipes ranging in sizes from 30-in to 84-in and shapes varying from circular to arch. Inspection technologies employed were robotic CCTV, sonar on a floating platform and laser profiling. Following the inspections, HDR reviewed the data obtained to provide structural condition assessment of the NOS to determine the section or sections of pipe that may need to be replaced with entirely new pipe and others that may be able to be repaired/ rehabilitated using trenchless installation methods. The project will then develop renewal plans that contain information that LASAN could provide to a contractor to execute emergency rehabilitation of the segments of the NOS. 10 City of Bozeman | Downtown Bozeman Creek Culvert Assessment Proposal hdrinc.com Version # Example Projects West Beach Force Mains No. 1 and No. 2 Emergency RehabilitationCity and County of Honolulu | Honolulu, HI West Beach Wastewater Pump Stations No. 1 and 2 convey wastewater flows generated in the resort development of Ko Olina to a sewer interceptor in Renton Road where they ultimately flow to the Honolulu WWTP. A pattern of recent failures in the force mains along with a history of spills have made it clear that the installed pipelines are no longer reliable and must be rehabilitated as soon as possible. On August 22, 2017, the Mayor of the City & County of Honolulu issued a Declaration of Emergency to enable the emergency procurement of services to rehabilitate the pipeline and mitigate the on-going health and environmental concern. Force Main No. 1 consists of 9,270 feet of 16-inch RCCP and will be rehabilitated via sliplining with 12-inch DR17 PE4710 HDPE pipe; a portion of the force main crosses the railroad tracks at its intersection of Golf Course Road. Force Main No. 2 consists of 6,580 feet of 20-inch RCCP and will be rehabilitated via sliplining with 16- inch DR17 PE4710 HDPE pipe; this force main crosses the railroad tracks at its intersection of Ali’inui Drive. Collection System Improvements Program Management including Condition and Capacity AssessmentCity/County Utility Commission | Winston Salem, NC HDR has performed a comprehensive collection system optimization program for 1,800 mile collection system including operations review and 5-year optimization roadmap, condition and capacity assessments, and delivery of capital projects via both traditional and alternative methods. The project accomplished prioritization of SSES evaluations to address highest risk assets first and has completed immediate delivery of high priority projects via alternate delivery approaches. Structural Evaluation Projects MDT Culvert Inspection and Evaluation Term ContractMontana Department of Transportation | Montana HDR provided field inspections services for eight bridge locations composed of existing large diameter, flexible steel CMP culverts exhibiting various signs of distress. HDR personnel utilized a combination of LIDAR and traditional inspection methods to document and quantify the visible deficiencies. The data from these inspections was then utilized by HDR to assess each culvert’s condition, determine the culvert’s load rating, and develop recommendations. The culverts were rated using a spreadsheet developed by the Ohio Department of Transportation and modified for use on these culverts, which is very similar to the spreadsheet that was used by MDT on the 2014-2017 Bridge Load Rating Term Contract. MDT Bridge Load Rating Term ContractMontana Department of Transportation | Montana HDR provided load rating services for MDT for on and off-system bridges. The load rating services include the preparation and input of the bridge properties into the AASHTOWare bridge rating analytical software BrR. In addition, HDR provided inspection services to field measure bridges that didn’t have record plans and rate them based upon those measurements. The bridges included in the contract vary both in material type - including timber concrete and steel and complexity - from simple spans to continuous spans with haunched profiles. Railroad Undercrossing Study Montana Department of Transportation | Montana HDR is conducting a study of four railroad underpass structures in Wolf Point, Glasgow, Malta, and Missoula, MT to assist MDT in developing possible short- and long-term needs for the undercrossing structures. The study includes a visual inspection of each structure, testing of materials to provide a detailed assessment of structure condition, and evaluation of possible options for rehabilitation. A replacement alternative for each crossing will be developed for comparison purposes. HDR worked with MDT, BNSF, and MRL to develop a clear understanding of the project goals and ultimately a Memorandum of Agreement between MDT and the railroads to allow the project to move forward. Mill Condition AssessmentConfidential Client | AZ HDR performed a structural condition assessment of the a mill in preparation for the expansion of production at the mine. The HDR team performed field inspections of the mill to document the condition of the structural members and identify areas of concern that warrant additional investigation and testing. 11 City of Bozeman | Downtown Bozeman Creek Culvert Assessment Proposal hdrinc.com Version # HDR has extensive experience working for the City of Bozeman, including: • Wastewater Facility Plan Update • Public Works Facility Plan • Davis Lane Lift Station • Norton Lift Station Evaluation • WRF Phase 1 Expansion & Improvements • TMDL Water Modeling • Impact Fee Study • Manley Ditch Rehabilitation Study • Fire Impact Fee Study • Westridge Stormwater Infrastructure • Sediment Management Facility • WTP Membrane Feed Pump • On-Call Wastewater Assistance Contract • Hyalite/Sourdough WTP • Emergency Response Plan • Phase II Stormwater Assistance • Struvite Investigation • MPDES Permit Review • Stormwater Facilities Plan • Solids Handling Expansion • Wastewater Facilities Plan City of Phoenix Buildings - Masonry Improvements CA&I City of Phoenix | Phoenix, AZ HDR reviewed and assessed observed cracking at the following facilities: 1. City’s Metering (23rd Avenue) Facility 2. City’s Cave Creek Yard Facility Site observations, conclusions, and proposed repair recommendations were presented to the City in two, site assessment reports dated November 22, 2019. Staff provided construction administration and inspection services to verify that the recommendations for rehabilitation and repair that were presented in the site assessment reports are successfully completed during construction. HDR also provided construction administration and inspection services during the construction of new concrete slabs-on-grade at the Cave Creek Yard and Morten Yard sites. Hangar Repair Structural AssessmentChannel Islands ANG Station, CA HDR provided a structural assessment, seismic evaluation, and seismic upgrade of main hangar and administration buildings adjacent to hangar. This project included renovating office spaces, shops, classrooms, restrooms, hallways, and telecommunications rooms. HDR Engineering HDR Engineering City of Bozeman | Downtown Bozeman Creek Culvert Assessment Proposal hdrinc.com Version # Appendix A: Resumes City of Bozeman | Downtown Bozeman Creek Culvert Assessment Proposal hdrinc.com Version # RELEVANT EXPERIENCE City of Bozeman, On-Call Wastewater Assistance Contract HDR is providing as-needed technical assistance for various, small wastewater improvements studies and projects. The Small Works Improvements Project included cleaning and replacing the anaerobic digester mixers, WAS pumps, and a miscellaneous piping improvements. HDR provided design, bid assistance, and construction oversight of the project. City of Bozeman, Water Reclamation Facility Upgrades HDR provided engineering, design, and construction services, which included design and installation of piping, waste activated sludge pumps, reconfiguring and installation of hot water returns, and installation of four draft tubes and mixers. Ben served as the owner’s engineer and design representative responsible for construction oversight, vetting change requests, and quality assurance. City of Bozeman, Sediment Waste Management Facility HDR designed a seasonal sediment treatment facility to handle the City’s Vactor© truck waste streams from stormwater and sewer operations. HDR provided a phased facility approach to address a limited budget and a value- engineered design to meet current needs and anticipated future needs to decrease the upfront capital costs. HDR recommended using ecology blocks to form bays and drying beds, since the blocks are readily available and easily moved to accommodate changing needs. HDR designed the discharge to utilize a nearby abandoned lined pond to avoid a discharge permit process as well as utilize evaporation methods for the discharge of the facility. Ben served as the owner’s engineer and design representative responsible for construction oversight, vetting change requests, and quality assurance. City of Bozeman, Manley Ditch Rehabilitation Study In 2018, the City of Bozeman discovered minor flooding behind a railroad embankment, the result of the culvert outlet below the embankment being capped. The ponding behind the embankment resulted in seepage through the embankment causing concern for the embankment stability and minor flooding downstream due to a lack of stormwater infrastructure. HDR completed a study to determine the feasibility and cost of options to route stormwater to a nearby fishing access wetlands. City of Bozeman, TMDL Water Modeling HDR is providing preliminary water quality modeling to assist the City of Bozeman in understanding the potential implications of the TMDL on their NPDES permit. MDT North of Rocker Interchange - Bridge Alternatives Analysis HDR provided hydraulic analysis and design for the reconstruction of Secondary Route 276 from RP 3.5 to RP 4.38 to extend the service life of the roadway and take a cost- effective action to preserve and maintain the roadway. MDT’s roadway design of realigning Secondary Route 276 required the replacement of two bridges crossing the FEMA-designated Special Flood Hazard Areas of Browns Gulch and Bull Run Creek. HDR developed the analyses and design recommendations for culvert crossings on to provide cost-effective and environmentally conscious solutions while ensuring adherence to national and local flood regulations. EDUCATION Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, Carroll College, 2004 Master of Science, Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Iowa, 2006 REGISTRATION Professional Engineer, MT, No. PEL-PE-LIC-16618 Certified Floodplain Manager, No. US-10- 05173 Ben has over 15 years of experience performing a wide range of hydrologic and hydraulic investigations. His studies and designs have embodied hydrologic probabilities involving peak flow and flood volume; frequency analyses including the regional analyses of statistical parameters; and coincident flow analyses. His investigations have included urban stormwater management, wetland and stream design, floodplain analyses, flood mitigation design, highway drainage and culvert design, and construction management. Ben Fennelly, PE, CFM Project Manager City of Bozeman | Downtown Bozeman Creek Culvert Assessment Proposal hdrinc.com Version # RELEVANT EXPERIENCE MDT Steel Culvert Inspection & Evaluation Term Contract HDR provided field inspections services for eight bridge locations composed of existing large diameter, flexible steel CMP culverts exhibiting various signs of distress. HDR personnel utilized a combination of LIDAR and traditional inspection methods to document and quantify the visible deficiencies. The data from these inspections was then utilized by HDR to assess each culvert’s condition, determine the culvert’s load rating, and develop recommendations. MDT, Bridge Load Rating Term Contract HDR provided load rating services for MDT for on and off-system bridges. The load rating services include the preparation and input of the bridge properties into the AASHTOWare bridge rating analytical software BrR. In addition, HDR provided inspection services to field measure bridges that didn’t have record plans and rate them based upon those measurements. The bridges included in the contract vary both in material type - including timber concrete and steel and complexity - from simple spans to continuous spans with haunched profiles. CDOT, Off-System Bridge Inspections HDR updated the National Bridge Inventory (NBI) through inspection of bridges throughout Colorado to inform the bridge owners and CDOT of the conditions of the bridges. HDR performed field inspections of over 900 bridges and culverts. Completed inspection reports for the bridges including recommended maintenance items. TxDOT Bridge Division FCI 2012-2014 WA#7 HDR performed engineering services generally described as on-system fracture critical inspections in Fort Worth Waco and Austin districts as well as Off-system fracture critical bridge inspections in Fort Worth and Waco districts. A total of 43 structures and 120 elements were inspected. Tacoma Rail, Phase II Load Ratings In response to 49 CPR Part 237, Tacoma Rail began the process of rating the bridges on their system that did not have a current rating on record. In a continuation of the Phase I work, HDR contracted with Tacoma Rail for Phase II to complete record research, rating inspection, rating calculations, and summary memos for 25 different bridge locations. Structure types that were inspected and rated included steel beam spans, standard timber trestles, steel DPG’s, steel thru trusses, open deck ties (on steel DPG spans), conventionally reinforced concrete slab spans (which were rated by observation), steel TPG’s, prestressed concrete slab spans (which were rated by observation), and aluminum SPP culverts. EDUCATION Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, Case Western Reserve University, 2006 Master of Science, Civil Engineering, Case Western Reserve University, 2007 REGISTRATION Professional Engineer - Civil, NY, No. 90527 Professional Engineer - Civil, MT, No. 28206 Professional Engineer - Civil, OH, No. 74292 Professional Engineer - Civil, AZ, No. 51061 Professional Engineer - Civil, TX, No. 110917 Brian has experience in the inspection, load rating, design, and rehabilitation of a variety of structures, including culverts and highway, rail, and transit bridges. He has been trained in and performed confined space inspections. He has been a member of inspection teams performing in-depth inspections on a wide variety of structures, including bascules, trusses, arches and fracture critical bridges (160 in 2017; over 100 prior to 2017). He has experience on structural analysis and load rating and is familiar with several computer programs for 2D and 3D bridge analysis. In addition, he has worked on both identifying and classifying fatigue prone details. He is experienced in both AASHTO Standard Specifications and LRFD. He has provided design for gravity retaining walls and steel structures, including through truss, stringers floorbeams, and jacking frames/cribbing, and prestressed concrete composite structures. Brian Corson-Marquess, PE Structural Evaluation (Culverts) Tom Hamlin, PE Structural Evaluation (Buildings) City of Bozeman | Downtown Bozeman Creek Culvert Assessment Proposal hdrinc.com Version # RELEVANT EXPERIENCE City of Bozeman, Davis Lane Lift Station & Norton East Ranch Outfall Sewer Tom was responsible for preparing structural contract documents and providing construction administration services for the design and construction of a new custom- built, self-cleaning type submersible wet well pump station and a new masory building to house process, mechanical, and electrical equipment associated with the new wet well pump station. The new wet well is approximately 35-feet deep and is located in an area with high groundwater, so uplift due to buoyancy was a challenge in the structural design of the wet well structure. City of Bozeman, Bozeman Solids Handling Expansion HDR is designing the expansion to the City’s Solids Handling Building to address modifications to heating and ventilation within the building. The project includes Preliminary Design Report preparation, 3D dewater facility expansion design, MDEQ approval coordination, estimates of probable construction cost development, and bidding assistance. City of Santa Cruz, Graham Hill Water Treatment Plant Facilities Plan Update HDR updated the Graham Hill Water Treatment Plant facilities plan to determine the most effective means of implementing improvements to address updated treatment requirements/goals, as well as identify and prioritize the improvement projects for incorporation in the program. Staff conducted a condition assessment of the water treatment plants major equipment (assets) and processes, as well as the buried water pipelines at the water treatment plant. A tiered approach was used for the condition assessment of the water treatment plant. Tier 1 was based on visual inspections and staff interviews on past performance and reliability. Once single point of failure and highly critical assets were identified, Tier 2 inspections were performed to obtain quantifiable data and a higher confidence of asset condition and effective remaining useful life, and included thermography (electrical and power distribution assets), vibration analysis (rotating mechanical equipment), ultrasonic thickness testing (above ground piping / metal tanks and structures), and core sampling (concrete structures). Onsite pipeline condition assessment included ranking and condition assessment techniques evaluation and design of pipeline improvements needed for the implementation of the selected condition assessment technique. City of Glendale, Cholla Water Treatment Plant Booster Pump Station and Admin Building Improvements HDR provided condition assessment and rehabilitation design of the existing three booster pump stations to meet new hydraulic conditions. The administration building improvements part of this project involved designing a new roof, reconfiguring existing facilities and architectural upgrades. City of Phoenix, Masonry Improvements CA&I HDR reviewed and assessed observed cracking at the following facilities: 1. City’s Metering (23rd Avenue) Facility 2. City’s Cave Creek Yard Facility Site observations, conclusions, and proposed repair recommendations were presented to the City in two, site assessment reports dated November 22, 2019. Staff provided construction administration and inspection services to verify that the recommendations for rehabilitation and repair that were presented in the site assessment reports are successfully completed during construction. EDUCATION Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, South Dakota State University, 2003 Master of Science, Civil Engineering, South Dakota State University, 2004 REGISTRATION Professional Engineer, MT, No. PEL-PE- LIC-27040 Professional Engineer - Structural, HI, No. PE- 16088 Professional Engineer - Structural, NM, No. 23315 Professional Engineer - Structural, CA, No. S 6122 Professional Engineer - Structural, AZ, No. 54311 Professional Engineer - Structural, OR, No. 85852PE Tom has 15 years of experience as a structural engineer. His experience includes structural design, plan development, quality control reviews, and construction administration for a wide range of structure types including water/wastewater facilities, mining, and industrial facilities. Additionally, Tom has extensive experience in performing structural investigations and rehabilitations of existing water/wastewater facilities. Dan Harmon, PE Principal-in-Charge RELEVANT EXPERIENCE City of Bozeman WRF Phase 1 Expansion & Improvements HDR designed and provided construction management services for the $53M improvements to the Bozeman Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) in response to the rapidly growing community and increasing regulatory restrictions. The project consisted of the design of a new headworks facility, new primary effluent pumping facility, new bioreactor basins for nitrogen and phosphorus removal, RAS/ WAS pumping and secondary clarification, UV disinfection facility, solids digestion and dewatering, and effluent management facilities. The project also included the design of a new administration/laboratory complex for the WRF. HDR provided TMDL engineering support services and developed a long-term effluent management strategy. City of Bozeman, Davis Lane Lift Station & Norton East Ranch Outfall Sewer HDR designed the Davis Lane lift station, force main, interstate crossing, and Norton East Ranch Sewer Outfall from a preliminary engineering report (PER) through final design and construction. The lift station is a custom-built, self-cleaning type wet-well with three submersible non-clog pumps operated from variable frequency drives; the standby generator will be a separate structure. The lift station flows range up to 15 MGD. The PER was part of a State Revolving Fund (SRF) application for construction funding assistance. The project includes a microtunnel crossing design for the water and sewer, as the route crosses both an interstate and a railroad. The water main will provide a looped connection to accommodate an adjacent development. The sewer design will accommodate existing sewer connections and varying sewer pipe depths to provide the required connection for the Billings Clinic and the new high school. HDR also developed a hydraulic spreadsheet model of the lift station and force main(s) to verify system hydraulic sizing and operational requirements prior to final design. The project included final design and construction administration assistance, start-up and SCADA programming of the lift station. City of Bozeman, Solids Handling Expansion HDR is designing the expansion to the City’s Solids Handling Building to address modifications to heating and ventilation within the building. The project includes Preliminary Design Report preparation, 3D dewater facility expansion design, MDEQ approval coordination, estimates of probable construction cost development, and bidding assistance. City of Bozeman, Hyalite/Sourdough WTP HDR designed and provided construction inspection and administration services for a new 22-mgd membrane WTP and raw water supply. The $32M, constructed by Apollo, included demolition of the existing treatment plant, construction of new raw water supply pipelines, raw water intake design, construction of the new state-of-the-art pressure membrane facility with membrane feed pumping station, and construction of a new 84-inch- diameter effluent pipeline. HDR provided construction and I&C programming services and conducted detailed training and start-up assistance to the WTP staff. EDUCATION Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, Montana State University, Bozeman, 1984 REGISTRATION Professional Engineer, MT, No. 8151 Professional Engineer - Civil, ID, No. 7440 Professional Engineer, Canada, No. 176626 Professional Engineer - Civil, OR, No. 16181PE Professional Engineer - Civil, WA, No. 25727 Dan is a civil engineer with 36 years of extensive experience in the design and construction of public works facilities, including expertise in solids handling, odor control, headworks, and disinfection design for wastewater treatment plants. His experience includes a wide range of wastewater treatment plant projects, ranging from small constructed wetlands to multi-million dollar advanced treatment plants. City of Bozeman | Downtown Bozeman Creek Culvert Assessment Proposal hdrinc.com Version # City of Bozeman | Downtown Bozeman Creek Culvert Assessment Proposal hdrinc.com Version # RELEVANT EXPERIENCE MDT, Steel Culvert Inspection & Evaluation Term Contract HDR provided field inspections services for eight bridge locations composed of existing large diameter, flexible steel CMP culverts exhibiting various signs of distress. HDR personnel utilized a combination of LIDAR and traditional inspection methods to document and quantify the visible deficiencies. The data from these inspections was then utilized by HDR to assess each culvert’s condition, determine the culvert’s load rating, and develop recommendations. MDT, Bridge Load Rating Term Contract HDR provided load rating services for MDT for on and off-system bridges. The load rating services include the preparation and input of the bridge properties into the AASHTOWare bridge rating analytical software BrR. In addition, HDR provided inspection services to field measure bridges with no record plans. The bridges included in the contract vary both in material type - including timber concrete and steel and complexity - from simple spans to continuous spans with haunched profiles. Missoula County, Lindbergh Lake Road Bridge Inspection HDR performed a visual inspection of this bridge over the Swan River for loss of section and other conditions that may affect the serviceability of the structure. The inspection was conducted in compliance with MDT’s Bridge Inspection and Rating Manual 2013. ITD, Statewide Bridge Load Rating In 2010 ITD selected HDR to perform 300 bridge load ratings in accordance with the Manual for Condition Evaluation of Bridges. HDR evaluated steel girders reinforced concrete girders reinforced concrete slabs prestressed concrete girders and reinforced concrete culverts using either LFR or LRFR methods. Programs used for load rating the bridges included AASHTOWare Virtis Conbox and MDX. MDT, Orange Street Tunnel Inspection HDR performed an inspection of MDT’s Orange Street Tunnel following the National Tunnel Inspection Standards (NTIS). The Orange Street Tunnel in downtown Missoula, was built in 1939 and supports two local city streets, several railroad tracks, and several buildings. The inspection work was organized and completed under an accelerated schedule in order for MDT to meet federal inspection requirements. This structure was recently classified as a tunnel by the FHWA and as a result required an inspection to fulfill those requirements. HDR is also preparing a Tunnel Inspection Manual for MDT as part of this contract. MDT, Railroad Undercrossing Study HDR is conducting a study of four railroad underpass structures in Wolf Point, Glasgow, Malta, and Missoula, MT to assist MDT in developing possible short- and long-term needs for the undercrossing structures. The study includes a visual inspection of each structure, testing of materials to provide a detailed assessment of structure condition, and evaluation of possible options for rehabilitation. A replacement alternative for each crossing will be developed for comparison purposes. HDR worked with MDT, BNSF, and MRL to develop a clear understanding of the project goals and ultimately a Memorandum of Agreement between MDT and the railroads to allow the project to move forward. EDUCATION Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, Montana State University, Bozeman, 1992 REGISTRATIONS Professional Engineer, MT, No. 10870 Professional Engineer, ID, No. 13264 Professional Engineer, UT, No. 7637151-2202 Professional Engineer, WA, No. 44583 Dustin has over 23 years of experience as a bridge engineer and project manager on numerous projects. Dustin has designed new highway railroad and pedestrian bridges using prestressed concrete steel girders structural timber drilled shafts pile foundations and spread footings. He has performed multiple types of bridge retrofits including bridge widening deck replacement/repair member strengthening load rating and historic bridge preservation. In addition he has significant experience in seismic analysis design and retrofit of bridges. Dustin Hirose, PE QA/QC City of Bozeman | Downtown Bozeman Creek Culvert Assessment Proposal hdrinc.com Version #Sean Hoss, PE, SPRAT I Condition Assessment RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Portland Water Bureau, Bull Run Dam 2 Lower Spillway Underdrain Inspection HDR investigated the condition of the drain pipe beneath the Bull Run Dam No. 2 lower spillway. The 70 percent slope of the spillway had prevented drain inspection beneath the lower spillway for the 50-year life of the dam. HDR was able to inspect the lower third of the drains (6-inch to 10-inch diameter) using rope access. Sean prepared the condition assessment report and recommended repairs and operational improvements. California Department of Water Resources, Antelope Valley Dam Sean inspected a 36-inch welded steel pipe, 480 feet in length, passing through an embankment dam using a pipe crawler and a 4-inch vent, 200 feet in length, using a portable push camera. This was the first successful inspection of the vent in the lifetime of the dam. Sean prepared the condition assessment report and made recommendations to improve the system’s reliability and security. California Department of Water Resources, Pyramid Dam Modernization Sean inspected 55 4-inch PVC drains on an 85 percent slope with a portable push camera using rope access. He also inspected 206 eight foot long weep holes. The drain condition was evaluated using the NASSCO PACP rating system and GraniteXP software (version 5.0) to generate pipe segment reports. Sean prepared the spillway drainage condition assessment report and made recommendations for future cleaning frequency and required or recommended repair or replacement work. The drains had been inspected in 2017 and were known to contain debris. Sean wrote the specification for drain cleaning and performed quality control on the cleaning effort. California Department of Water Resources, Bidwell Canyon Saddle Dam – Sewer Inspection The Bidwell Canyon Saddle Dam is an embankment dam with a sewer line located within seven feet of the dam crest. Sean planned and conducted a pipe crawler inspection of 2,000 feet of 12-inch sewer line and prepared HDR’s findings. Portland Water Bureau, Bull Run Dam 2 Underdrain Repair HDR was contracted to investigate the condition of a drain pipe under Bull Run Dam No. 2 spillway weir, which was known to be collapsed in at least one location. HDR was expected to determine repair, replacement, or rehabilitation methods then prepare plans and specifications for construction of the repairs. Sean selected the repair material and prepared the details for the repair. The window to design, solicit regulatory approval, and complete construction was only four months and the project was completed a month early. California Department of Water Resources, Oroville Dam Emergency Response Providing staff to assist DWR with emergency response to the failure of the Oroville Dam Spillway, Sean led the investigation of the spillway underdrain system post failure to examine the condition of the remaining system. Following the pipe crawler inspection of 4,000 feet of 12-inch collector and outfall drains and 1,400 feet of 6-inch underdrain Sean presented HDR’s findings to the Independent Forensic Team. EDUCATION Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona (Cal Poly Pomona), 2008 REGISTRATION Professional Engineer - Civil, CA, No. 79964 Society of Professional Rope Access Technicians - SPRAT NASSCO Manhole Assessment Certification Program (MACP), No. U-0718-0703002372 NASSCO Pipeline Assessment and Certification Program, No. U-0718- 0703002372 NASSCO Lateral Assessment & Certification Program (LACP), No. U-0718- 0703002372 Sean has 13 years of experience in design projects, construction management services, and condition assessment for various water and wastewater projects throughout California. His experience includes stormwater, water, and wastewater treatment facility design and inspection, municipal sewer and water system inspections, and construction administration. Sean is HDR’s principal investigator in California for specialty inspections using pipe crawlers or remotely operated vehicles. Luis Leon, PE, BCEE, ENV SP Condition Assessment City of Bozeman | Downtown Bozeman Creek Culvert Assessment Proposal hdrinc.com Version # RELEVANT EXPERIENCE Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority, 2021 Large Diameter Sewer Rehabilitation Luis is the technical lead for this large diameter sewer rehabilitation. PWSA chose to rehabilitate approximately 1,245 linear feet of 72-inch brick and stone combined sewer within S. 21st St and the South Side Park. This project was initiated due to its proximity to the South Side Park Improvements Project, which will begin construction in 2021 and will reduce cover over the existing sewer in several locations and will have heavy construction vehicle loads overtop of the sewer during construction. The 72-inch brick and stone combined sewer was constructed circa 1898 with three rings of brick and a Ligonier stone invert. The sewer currently has a minimum cover of 1.3’ and a maximum cover of 12.5’ in the pipe sections to be rehabilitated. When the South Side Park Improvements project has been completed, the existing sewer will have a minimum cover of 1.6’ and a maximum cover of 17’. It is important that the selected rehabilitation technology provides a renewed structural integrity to the sewer. Due to this sewer’s large service area and current condition, it is important to rehabilitate this section of the sewer before access is reduced by new park facilities. A closed-circuit television (CCTV) inspection was conducted in June of 2020, which documented the condition of the combined sewer. The CCTV captured two rising main waterlines crossing immediately over the sewer impacting the crown of the pipe. During the rehabilitation of this section of sewer, mitigation of these waterline conflicts is crucial. The Preliminary Design Report is recommending rehabilitation of the existing brick and stone sewer pipe using centrifugally cast-in-place pipe liner. City of Cleveland Department of Public Utilities Division of Water, Ridge Road Water Main Lining Luis served as technical lead for rehabilitation of 5,800 linear feet of a 36-inch diameter, 3/8-inch thick steel, cement mortar lined water main. Operating pressure for the line is 90 psi, with surge pressure of 120 psi. Based on reports from CWD Operations Group, the primary issue in this segment of pipe is that welds on the steel plates were rotting and failing, therefore requiring replacement or rehabilitation. The team developed an alternatives analysis for various trenchless technologies and selected cured-in- place pipe (CIPP) to be the most feasible alternative. The design of rehabilitation was performed using the latest methodology presented in AWWA’s Structural Classifications of Pressure Pipe Linings and the CIPP was designed as a Class IV structural rehabilitation. Orange County Sanitation District, Emergency Overflow Weirs, Wing Walls Structural and Geotechnical Investigations Luis led the physical investigations and geotechnical analysis to report the cause of movement of four overflow pipes, performed condition assessment of the pipes and two concrete wing wall structures at OCSD’s Plant 2, and provided recommendations to rehabilitate them to fortify them for another 50+ years. EDUCATION Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering, Northrop University, 1985 REGISTRATION Professional Engineer – Civil, CA, No. 49330 Professional Engineer – Civil, NV, No. 013624 Professional Engineer – Civil, WA, No. 45744 Professional Engineer – Civil, AZ, No. 66287 Professional Engineer – Civil, TX, No. 130263 Professional Engineer – Civil, OR, No. 93553 Professional Engineer – Civil, MN, No. 56334 Professional Engineer – Civil, Colombia, South America Board Certified Environmental Engineer (BCEE), No. 10-20005, American Academy of Environmental Engineers Envision Sustainability Professional – ENV SP No. 24070 Luis has over 35 years of engineering and management experience in the areas of master planning, feasibility studies, asset management, design (plans, specifications and estimates), permitting, and construction management of public and private infrastructure projects. These projects have included wastewater collection systems, water distribution facilities, storm drainage, transportation systems, and land development. Luis has also managed projects for the assessment, rehabilitation, expansion, and reconstruction of numerous utility systems for diverse and complex commercial, residential, and governmental projects. He has expertise in pipeline condition assessment, design and rehabilitation using innovative applications of trenchless technologies, and is recognized as a national leader in sewer collection systems by WEF. 2150 Analysis Drive Suite A Bozeman, MT 59718406.577.5019 hdrinc.com We practice increased use of sustainable materials and reduction of material use. © 2021 HDR, Inc., all rights reserved.