HomeMy WebLinkAbout21- Affidavit - RFQ - Reality Professionals for ROW Acquistion Request
Realty Professionals to Act as
AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Request for Qualifications the City Buyer's Agent for the
STATE OF MONTANA, (RFQ) Acquisition of Right-of-Way,Ease-
ments,and Possible Purchase of
Realty Professionals to Act as Land for Various Street and Utility
the City Buyer's Agent for the Improvements
Acquisition of Right-of-Way,Ease-
I, Marie Steiger, Legal Specialist being first duly sworn, ments,and Possible Purchase of CITY OF BOZEMAN
Land for Various Street and Utility
depose and say that I am the principal clerk of the publisher Improvements NOTICE IS HEREBY given that the
City of Bozeman (City) is seeking
o CITY OF BOZEMAN qualifications from firms for the pur-
f the Bozeman Daily Chronicle a newspaper in general
pose of acting as the City's buyer's
circulation, Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana; that I NOTICE IS HEREBY given that the agent in the acquisition of right-of-
City of Bozeman (City) is seeking way, easements, and real property
know from my personal knowled e that the Le al# 107247 qualifications from firms for the pur- for the construction of various street
g g pose of acting as the City's buyer's and utility improvements within the
Request for Qualifications (RFQ) Rea agent in the acquisition of right-of-ty City.
way, easements, and real property
a printed copy of which is hereto annexed was p ublished in for the construction of various street Copies of the Request for City's and utility improvements within the cations are available on the City's
the entire issue of said newspaper for: 2 City. website at httk/Bro se.a.boze-
Copies of the Request for Qualifi- ?id=235411&dbid=0&repo=BOZE-
cations are available on the City's MAN
website at httos://weblink.boze-
man.net/WebLink/Browse.asox- All proposals must be provided as
Insertion(s) in the following issues: 04/25/21, 05/02/21 ?id=235411&dbid=0&repo=B0ZE- a single,searchable PDF document
MAN file and be submitted digitally as an
email attachment to the RFQ Recip-
All proposals must be provided as ient email address below. Respon-
a single,searchable PDF document dents are advised that Recipient's
file and be submitted digitally as an email attachment size limit is 25MB
email attachment to the RFQ Recip- and that only one PDF file will be cl-
ient email address below. Respon- lowed per response.The subject line
Total Cost: $120.00 dents are advised that Recipient's of the transmittal email shall clearly
email attachment size limit is 25MB identify the RFQ title,company name
and that only one PDF file will be al- and due date/time.File sizes greater
lowed per response.The subject line than 25MB in size may be uploaded
of the transmittal email shall clearly to bzncloud.bozeman.net upon spe-
identify the RFQ title,company name cial arrangement of the Recipient;
\ and due date/time.File sizes greater however, it is the respondent's sole
/r than 25MB in size may be uploaded responsibility to ensure the file up-
to bzncloud.bozeman.net upon spe- load is completed,and that the Re-
cial arrangement of the Recipient; cipient is separately notified via email
however, it is the respondent's sole of same,prior to the given deadline.
responsibility to ensure the file up-
load is completed, and that the Re- Deliver RFQs via email to the City
cipient is separately notified via email Clerk by 3:00 PM,May12,MST.It is
of same,prior to the given deadline. the sole responsibility of the propos-
Subscribed and sworn Marie eiger before me on: ing party to ensure that proposals are
Deliver RFQs via email to the City received prior to the closing time as
On 4th day of May, in the yea f 2021 Clerk by 3:00 PM.May 12,MST.It is late submittals will not be accepted
the sole responsibility of the propos- or reviewed.
ing party to ensure that proposals are
received prior to the closing time as The email address for submission is:
late submittals will not be accepted agenda bozeman.net
or reviewed. i
The email address for submission is: AND EQUAL PAY r
The Cyr of Bonemm is an Equal Op-
NON-DISCRIMINATION portunity Employer. illl
Notary Pu is fort State of Montana Residing at Bel- Discrimination in the
rade Montana The City of Bozeman is an Equal Op- any agreement,awarded and
g portunity Employer. RFQ on the basis of race,color, i-
gion,creed,sex,age,marital slat
Discrimination in the performance of national origin,or actual or perceive
any agreement awarded under this sexual orientation, gender identity
RFQ on the basis of race,color,reli- or disability is prohibited. This pro-
gion,creed,sex,age,marital status, hibition shall apply to the hiring and
national origin,or actual or perceived treatment of the awarded entity's
"""' KESSLY Lt7VF_0 sexual orientation, gender identity employees and to all subcontracts.
`y l0 or disability is prohibited. This pro-
ss•••.`F�;, Notary Public hibition shall apply to the hiring and As such, each entity submitting
�� osr,arq =for the State of Montana treatment of the awarded entity's under this notice shall include a
= = employees and to all subcontracts. provision wherein the submitting
= Residing at:
* SEAL. Q Belgrade, Montana entity, or entities, affirms in writing
u� . z; As such, each entity submitting it will not discriminate on the basis
' 9 P My Commission Expires: under this notice shall include a of race, color, religion, creed, sex,
o`M� °" January 31,2023 age, marital status, national on in,
provision wherein the submitting 9 9
entity, or entities, affirms in writing or because of actual or perceived
it will not discriminate on the basis sexual orientation,gender identity or
of race, color, religion, creed, sex, disability and which also recognizes
age, marital status, national origin, the eventual contract will contain a
or because of actual or perceived provision orohibitina discrimination
sexual orientation,gender identity or
disability and which also recognizes
AD#92970 the eventual contract will contain a
provision prohibiting discrimination