HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix O.1 - Wetland Delineation Summary 03-24-2021_______________________________________________________________________________________ 1 TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM To: Grant Syth Bridger Builders 115 West Kagy Blvd #L Bozeman, MT 59715 From: Lynn Bacon, PWS TerraQuatic, LLC 614 East Lamme Street Bozeman, MT 59715 Date: January 27, 2021 Subject: Blackwood Project Aquatic Resources Delineation Summary ________________________________________________________________________________ INTRODUCTION At the request of Bridger Builders, TerraQuatic, LLC completed the aquatic resources delineation within the proposed Blackwood project site. The proposed project site is located in the S½SW¼ of Section 24 and N½NW¼ of Section 25, Township 2 South, Range 5 East (Figure 1). Nearly 100 percent of the proposed project site has historically been used to support agricultural crops and is currently planted in alfalfa. METHODS Wetlands were delineated using the 2010 Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Western Mountains, Valleys and Coast (Version 2.0) (U. S. Army Corps of Engineers [USACE] 2010). The 2016 National Wetland Plant List was used to determine vegetation indicator status rating (Lichvar et al. 2016). Data points (DP) were established within wetlands (WL) and adjacent uplands (UPL), i.e. nonwetland areas. At each data point wetland indicator data were collected and analyzed using USACE wetland determination data forms (Appendix B). In general, an area qualifies as a wetland if a site exhibits positive wetland indicators for three parameters: vegetation, soils, and hydrology. Photographs are included in Appendix C and the NRCS (2019) soil map and data and Montana Natural Heritage Program wetland inventory (MNHP 2019) map are included in Appendix D. Wetland boundaries and channel ordinary highwater marks (OHWM) along all nonwetland waterways (NWW) were surveyed by C&H Engineering and Surveying (C&H). The OHWM is estimated by considering several factors, including the vegetation/open water boundary, drainage pattern, sediment deposits, and debris lines that result from ordinary high water (USACE 2005). Blackwood Project Aquatic Resources Delineation Summary January 27, 2021 _______________________________________________________________________________________ 2 Figure 1. Blackwood project site location (red polygon), Bozeman, Montana. C&H Engineering and Surveying, Inc. surveyed the wetlands and estimated ordinary highwater mark of all nonwetland waterways. Survey quality GPS equipment (Trimble R10 Receiver) was used with horizontal coordinates on an assumed coordinate system (with the MTSU CORS Station having the following coordinates: N: 518458.140, E: 1573618.352. Horizontal coordinates presented in this report are ground, international feet. Vertical datum is NAVD 88 based on the MSTU CORS Station with an elevation of 4942.214 feet. RESULTS The proposed Blackwood project site was delineated on May 12, 2019. The site is comprised of four channels with associated wetland fringe. All channels are or were used to convey irrigation water from Middle Creek Ditch. The aquatic resource delineation map is included in Appendix A (Exhibit 1). Wetland acreage (AC), Cowardin type, hydric soil indicators, source of hydrology, and dominant vegetation and channel linear feet (LF), hydrologic source and notes on channel characteristics are included in Table 1. Sacajawea Middle School N South 19th Avenue South 3rd Avenue Blackwood Project Aquatic Resources Delineation Summary January 27, 2021 _______________________________________________________________________________________ 3 Table 1. Blackwood project site Wetland and Nonwetland Waterway Summary Wetland Acreage Cowardin Type1 Likely JD Status2 DP Hydric Soil Indicators3 Hydrologic Source Description and Dominant Vegetation Species4 WL-1 1.50 R2UB1/ PEMA Yes DP-1w Other Natural channel that also conveys irrigation water (Middle Creek Ditch) Northwest Territory sedge (Carex utriculata, OBL), Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis, FAC), narrow-leaf willow (Salix exigua, FACW), spreading bent (Agrostis stolinifera, FAC), Baltic rush (Juncus balticus, FACW), red-tinge bulrush (Scirpus microcarpus, OBL), gray willow (Salix bebbiana, FACW), wooly sedge (C. pellita, OBL), creeping meadow foxtail (Alopecurus arundinaceus, FAC) WL-1a 0.11 R2UB1/ PEMA No No DP - A groundwater collection pipe under property to the south outlets on subject property along south property boundary. Flow enters NWW-1 (JD), however feature excavated in upland and is the result of drain ditch activities. watercress (Nasturtium officinale, OBL), reed canary grass creeping meadow foxtail WL-1b 0.22 R2UB1/ PEMA No DP- 1bw A4 Minor ground and surface water collection, primarily leakage from headgate on Middle Creek Ditch (NWW-1) no flow observed, no downstream connection, excavated in upland. crack willow (Salix fragilis, FAC), reed canary grass, red-tinge bulrush, wooly sedge WL-1c 0.13 R2UB1/ PEMA No No DP - Surface water: Middle Creek Ditch during irrigation months, excavated in upland, connects to NWW-1 (JD), minor groundwater flows off season. narrow-leaf willow, Northwest Territory sedge, reed canary grass, gray willow WL-1d 0.09 R2UB1/ PEMA No No DP - Surface water: Middle Creek Ditch flows during summer only, no off-season flow. reed canary grass TOTAL 2.05 Blackwood Project Aquatic Resources Delineation Summary January 27, 2021 _______________________________________________________________________________________ 4 General Aquatic Resource Descriptions Wetland-1 (WL-1) is the wetland fringe along the main five-foot wide channel off Middle Creek Ditch (NWW-1). The channel and its fringe have a natural appearance and meanders north in a stream-like fashion. The headgate for this channel is located near Goldstein Lane, however the flow is perennial, likely because it is a “gaining stream” (coveys groundwater year around). Water flowing in this channel is culverted under West Graf Street and enters the MSU irrigation pond. A portion of this water may also be diverted into what is locally called “Alder Creek” west of Morning Star School. Water flowing out of the MSU irrigation pond system is piped north and eventually returns to the NWW-1d Middle Creek system west of Town & Country grocery near the MSU campus. From approximately Kagy Boulevard to its terminus at the East Gallatin River the channel is locally referred to as Mandeville Creek. The City of Bozeman will require a 50-foot watercourse setback along this system. Wetland-1a (WL-1a) is the wetland fringe adjacent to the 1.5-foot wide ditch (NWW-1a) located on the south property boundary. This ditch enters the south end of the main Middle Creek Ditch channel (NWW-1). The channel arises approximately 400 feet south of the south boundary, however no channel feature continues further south. The channel arises from a drain tile or pipe under the south field and therefore will not require a City of Bozeman watercourse setback. The drain tile feature outlet is likely not regulated by the USACE and is therefore likely nonjurisdictional (NJ). Wetland-1b (WL-1b) is a wetland feature located in an irrigation channel feature that no longer qualifies as “stream”, i.e. the ditch is not used enough to create a nonwetland waterway channel bed with an ordinary highwater mark. The headgate for the old irrigation feature is located off Middle Creek Ditch (NWW-1/wetland-1). At the time of the delineation, the headgate was leaking causing water to enter and collect in the feature but was insufficient to result in northward flow. The feature continues through a pipe under the development immediately north of the project site and is culverted under West Graf Street. A ditch pattern continues north to the south edge of a new apartment development south of Montana State University (MSU) and between Opportunity Way (see Photos 7 and 8). At least 1,000 feet of the north end of this feature does not qualify as a scoured channel or wetland feature. Because this ditch feature ends and was created in upland, it is presumed likely nonjurisdictional (USACE makes final determination at the time of permitting). The City of Bozeman will not require a 50-foot setback along this feature. Nonwetland Waterway Linear Feet Area JD - - Source Average Channel Width (feet) NWW-1 2,117 0.17 Yes - Middle Creek Ditch 5 NWW-1a 593 0.05 No Middle Creek Ditch 1.5 NWW-1c 1,586 0.12 No Drain-tile Ditch 3 NWW-1d 1,935 0.12 No Middle Creek Ditch 3 TOTAL 6,231 1 PEM-Palustrine Emergent; A-Temporarily Flooded; PSS1-Palustrine Scrub-Shrub; R2-Riverine Lower Perennial; UB1-Unconsolidated Bottom, cobble-gravel (Cowardin et al., 1979, USFWS 2012) 2 USACE makes the final jurisdictional (JD) determination. 3 A4-Hydrogen Sulfide; Other (See USACE Data forms, Appendix C) Blackwood Project Aquatic Resources Delineation Summary January 27, 2021 _______________________________________________________________________________________ 5 Wetland-1c (WL-1c) is the fringe along the straight-line 3-foot wide Middle Creek Ditch lateral (NWW-1c) along the east boundary of the property. This ditch re-enters NWW-1 near the northeast corner of the property. The feature purportedly conveys minor groundwater during nonirrigation months, therefore the City will require a 50-foot setback along this watercourse. The feature was excavated in upland and is solely used for irrigation conveyance. Therefore, this irrigation ditch is likely not nonjurisdictional and not regulated by the USACE. Wetland-1d (WL-1d) is the fringe along a 3-foot wide Middle Creek Ditch (NWW-1d) lateral along the east side of South 19th Avenue. This channel flows south under Kagy Boulevard where it continues through an extensive willow community, prior to flowing through the west side of Montana State University. The feature is piped under College Street to where it surfaces again at Bozeman High School. Once the channel enters the vicinity of Kagy Boulevard it is locally identified as Mandeville Creek; this channel eventually flows into the East Gallatin River. The City will require no watercourse setback along this irrigation ditch. The feature was excavated in upland and is used solely for irrigation conveyance. Therefore, this irrigation ditch is likely not nonjurisdictional and not regulated by the USACE. SUMMARY The Blackwood project site is comprised of four wetlands (2.05 acres) /channel (6,231 LF) features. Noxious weed control is recommended, especially along the main channel system (WL-1/NWW-1) where Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense) and oxeye daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare) were observed. County and Federal environmental permits would be required to impact jurisdictional features as determined by the USACE. A Jurisdictional Determination Form will be submitted to the USACE at the time of Section 404 Application. City of Bozeman regulations would be imposed along waterways with natural flows (NWW-1/WL-1, NWW-1c/WL-1c): • A Federal Section 404 Permit would be required to impact all jurisdictional features (WL- 1/NWW-1) and will likely not be required for irrigation and drain ditch features and their associated wetlands (WL-1a/NWW-1a, WL-1b, WL-1c/NWW-1c, WL-1d/NWW-1d • Preliminary contact has been made with the Gallatin Conservation Ditch regarding which features would require a MT310 permit to impact the bed or bank of a channel. The WL- 1/NWW-1 system would require a 310 Permit; no other features would require a 310 Permit. • A MT Department of Environmental Quality (MTDEQ) 401 Certificate may be required to all features that are connected to downstream State Waters. would be required for all USACE jurisdictional features. This requirement will be assessed as we progress into the environmental application process. • MTDEQ SWPPP and NOI submittals would likely be required. Blackwood Project Aquatic Resources Delineation Summary January 27, 2021 _______________________________________________________________________________________ 6 REFERENCES Cowardin, L., V. Carter, F. Golet, and E. LaRoe. 1979. Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States. FWS/OBS-79/31. USDI Fish and Wildlife Service. Washington, D.C. Lichvar, R.W., M. Banks, W.N., W.N. Kirchner, and N.C. Melvin. 2016. The National Wetland Plant List: 2016 Wetland Ratings. Phytoneuron 2016-30:1-17. Published 28 April 2016. ISSN 2153 733X. Montana Natural Heritage Program (MNHP). 2019. Wetland and Riparian Mapping http://mtnhp.org/mapviewer/?t=8 , site accessed May 2019. Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS). 2019. Soil Survey, Hydric Rating by Map Unit. http://websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov/app/WebSoilSurvey.aspx , site accessed May 2018. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). 2005. Regulatory Guidance Letter, No. 05-05: Ordinary High Water Mark Identification: http://www.nap.usace.army.mil/Portals/39/docs/regulatory/rgls/rgl05-05.pdf . U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). 2010. Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast Region (Version 2.0), ed. J.S. Wakely, R. W. Lichvar, and C. V. Noble. ERDC/EL TR-10-3. Vicksburg, MS: U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 2012. Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats Mapping Codes, http://www.fws.gov/wetlands/Documents/Wetlands-and-Deepwater-Habitats-Mapping- Codes.pdf , site accessed July 2014. APPENDIX A ________________________________________________________________________________ BLACKWOOD GROVES AQUATIC RESOURCES DELINEATION MAP ________________________________________________________________________________ APPENDIX B ________________________________________________________________________________ DELINEATION PHOTOGRAPHS ________________________________________________________________________________ Photo 1. Wetland- 1/NWW-1, Middle Creek Ditch lateral at south end of subject property (red dashed line); view south. Wetland-1a/NWW-1a (drain tile outlet channel) in upper right (blue dots) where confluence with NWW-1 (yellow line) occurs on south boundary. Photo 2. Wetland- 1/NWW-1 at south boundary fence at wetland-1a/NWW-1a (drain tile outlet) confluence; view southwest. Photo 4. Photo of agricultural alfalfa field from west of wetland-1/NWW-1 Middle Creek Ditch lateral toward west where wetland-1b is located through willow and cottonwood community. Feature has no scour and receives only leakage around NWW-1 headgate with minor input of groundwater. Feature ends in upland as it approaches MSU. WL-1a/NWW-1a South Boundary Fence WL-1a/NWW-1a WL-1b Photo 5. North end of wetland-1b, unused irrigation lateral of the Middle Creek Ditch system; view south. Pink flags are locations of DP-1bw (left) and DP-1bu (right). Ditch was not conveying irrigation water in late June 2019, but groundwater does “puddle” in the very lowest ditch depressions. Small amount of water leaking around and under head gate structure at NWW-1 sunk into substrate prior to entering north boundary culvert (June 27, 2019). No downstream connection to JD waters. Photo 6. Toward south end of wetland-1b illustrating groundwater collecting, but not “flowing” in bottom of wetland feature; view south. Photo 7. North 0.5 mile from where wetland-1b exits from subject propoerty the feature is comrpised of upland vegetation and no scour (view south). Photo 8. From approximate location of Photo 7, view west, feature comprised of upland vegetation and no scour. Photo 9. Middle Creek Ditch east side lateral (WL-1c/NWW- 1c); view north. Photo 10. MNHP-identified wetland signature; area not a wetland (view north). Photo 10. Middle Creek Ditch west side lateral (WL- 1d/NWW-1d); view north. South 19th to photo left. APPENDIX C ________________________________________________________________________________ USACE WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA FORMS ________________________________________________________________________________ APPENDIX D ________________________________________________________________________________ NRCS SOIL REPORT AND MNHP WETLAND MAP ________________________________________________________________________________ NRCS Soil Map (2019); red polygon is estimated site boundary. Montana Natural Heritage Program Wetland Inventory Map (MNHP 2019); red polygon is estimated site boundary. Not a wetland, see data form DP-2u.