HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.4_RESPONSE_18510 Bozeman East Mixed-Use INF-DRB Memo MONTANA | WASHINGTON | IDAHO | NORTH DAKOTA | PENNSYLVANIA 406.761.3010 tdhengineering.com 1800 River Drive North Great Falls, MT 59401 May 29, 2019 BOZEMAN EAST MIXED-USE INFORMAL REVIEW COMMENT RESPONSES City of Bozeman Application Number: 18510 TD&H Engineering Job Number: 16-268 Below is the response to the City of Bozeman informal review comments regarding the Bozeman East Mixed-Use Project. Project Summary: Mixed-use project with ground floor commercial along Tschache & 305 residential apartments Full Site Address: Tschache Lane Legal Description: BRIDGER PEAKS VILLAGE SUB, S01, T02 S, R05 E, Lot 5, ACRES 11.85, PLAT J-368 PLUS INTEREST IN COMMON AREA Zoning Designation: B-2 Section 3 – CODE REVIEW All references are to the Bozeman Municipal Code. PLANNING DIVISION COMMENTS: 1.0 Pedestrian and vehicular ingress, egress and circulation. Please provide a pedestrian pathway to access the trash enclosure and any other site amenity. (Sec. 38.230.100.A.6 RESPONSE Provided, see EX-1 Conceptual Site Plan. 2.0 Block Delineation. Please review all requirements for Block Length which is accommodated by a proposed pedestrian access easement. Setbacks must be adjacent to the 30 feet required public access easement, not within. Please revise proposed width of easement and block frontage setbacks. (Sec. 38.410.040.D) RESPONSE Provided, see EX-3 Block Frontage Plan & Sections. 2.1 Pedestrian walks within the proposed central pedestrian access easements must be constructed as a city standard sidewalk, and comply with the provisions of Sec 38.400.080. MAY 2019 PAGE NO. 2 tdhengineering.com RESPONSE Provided, see Civil Drawings in plan set. 3.0 Watercourse. Please review all trails and trail-related improvements that may be placed within the required watercourse setback(s) per Sec. 38.410.100.A.2.e.(2). RESPONSE Noted, reviewed, all improvements, except trail are proposed outside of the 50-foot watercourse setback. 4.0 Park development. Developers must consult any adopted citywide park plan with the recreation and parks advisory board (RPAB) which implements the plan, to determine the types of parks needed for the proposed development and surrounding area. Parks must be developed in accordance with the citywide park plan and any approved park master plan. At a minimum, all parks must be improved to the following standards by the developer, prior to final plat or final occupancy approval as appropriate. (Sec. 38.420.080.A.) RESPONSE Noted, refer to parkland dedication discussion in Project Narrative. 5.0 Park Area Requirements Please review the net residential density calculations/definitions and exclusions as follows: (Sec. 38.420.020) RESPONSE Noted, refer to parkland dedication discussion in Project Narrative. 5.1 The following land is unacceptable for parkland dedication per Sec. 38.420.020.E: Required watercourse setbacks unless approved by the review authority for incorporation into the design of the larger park area. The Walton Stream/Ditch Conservation Area must be requested by RPAB to contribute to the required parkland area. RESPONSE Noted, requesting waiver of parkland, not dedication of parkland, refer to parkland dedication discussion in Project Narrative. 5.2 Stormwater retention or detention ponds, unless approved by the review authority and designed and constructed to the city's adopted standards for joint park/stormwater control use. The city may accept such land for dedication to the city but must be maintained by the property owners' association unless and until responsibility is assumed by affirmative action of the city. RESPONSE Noted, requesting waiver of parkland, not dedication of parkland, refer to parkland dedication discussion in Project Narrative. 5.3 Linear parks. Pathway corridors within required watercourse setbacks must not be dedicated to the city as linear parks and such land may not be used to satisfy MAY 2019 PAGE NO. 3 tdhengineering.com parkland dedication requirements. Instead, cash donation in-lieu of land dedication credit must be granted only for the cost of constructing Class II or III recreational trails if public access is provided. The developer must provide a detailed cost estimate for installation of the trail, for review and acceptance by the city, to determine the cash donation credit. (Sec. 38.420.070.) RESPONSE Noted, no longer requesting linear park for parkland, refer to parkland dedication discussion in Project Narrative. 5.4 Please revaluate the required right-of-way for north 15th Avenue in your net residential calculations. RESPONSE Noted, evaluation revised see EX-4 Parkland Exhibit and refer to parkland dedication discussion in Project Narrative. 6.0 Linear Park. The proposed linear park is a required block delineation for the subject property (38.410.040). Within the park proposal review by the RPAB, the applicant may request that this required pedestrian access easement also be calculated as part of the required parkland dedication as a linear park. RESPONSE Noted, no longer requesting linear park for parkland, refer to parkland dedication discussion in Project Narrative. 7.0 Linear parks Width. Please ensure adequate room for pathway construction, maintenance and use, linear parks must be at least 25 feet in width (Sec. 38.420.070) RESPONSE Noted, no longer requesting linear park for parkland, refer to parkland dedication discussion in Project Narrative. 8.0 The subject property block frontage designations are as follows: • Tschache Street is designated Mixed Use - Storefront • Pedestrian Access easement is designated Park/Frontage - Landscape • Internal Roadways are designated - Special Residential RESPONSE Noted, refer to block frontage discussion in Project Narrative. Only utilizing two Block Frontage Types, Mixed-Use – Storefront & Internal Roadways – Special Residential. 9.0 Block Frontage Standards. Please review all elements required by the designation(s) listed above. Please respond to each Block Frontage element within your response narrative, some applicants have provided a table outlining the requirement and how they have met minimum standards. Table 38.510.030. RESPONSE Noted, refer to block frontage table in Project Narrative. MAY 2019 PAGE NO. 4 tdhengineering.com 10.0 Storefront block frontage Intent. Storefront block frontages are the most vibrant and active shopping and dining areas within the city. Blocks designated as storefront blocks include continuous storefronts placed along the sidewalk edge with small scale shops and/or frequent business entries. (Sec. 38.510.030.B) Please provide elevations for complete review of required block frontage elements. RESPONSE Noted, refer to architectural elevations Sheets A8-01, A8-02, A8-03, A8-04, A8-05, A8-06 & EX-6. 11.0 Landscape Block Frontage Intent. The landscaped block frontage designation emphasizes landscaped frontages and clear pedestrian connections between buildings and the sidewalk. (Sec. 38.510.030.C) Please provide elevations for complete review of required block frontage elements. RESPONSE Landscape Block Frontage Not used. 12.0 Trail/Park Frontages: Where a property fronts onto a park or a public trail, such frontages must comply with the mixed block frontage standards set forth in subsection D of this section. Please review the block frontage standards and revise the minimum building setback from the proposed trails and/or dedicated parks. (Sec. 38.510.030.I.) RESPONSE Trail/Park Block Frontage Not used. 13.0 Special Residential Block Frontage standards along sidewalks and internal pathways. For residences with ground floor living spaces facing a sidewalk or pedestrian path in a residential or mixed use development, the building must feature at least one of the public/private space transition elements described below. The objective of this standard is to ensure privacy and security for residents, and an attractive and safe pathway that complements the qualities of adjoining residences within a residential complex. (Sec. 38.510.030.J.) RESPONSE Provided see EX-3 Block Frontage Plan & Sections and Project Narrative. Sec. 38.520.040. - Non-motorized circulation and design. 14.0 Internal Circulation. For sites with multiple buildings/entrances, pedestrian paths or walkways connecting businesses entries on the same development site must be provided. Please review the internal criteria below. (Sec. 38.520.040.C) RESPONSE Internal circulation has been provided, please refer to Project Plan Sheets. 14.1 Internal Circulation for Sites with residential units. Provide direct pedestrian access between all ground related unit entries and a public street or to a clearly marked pathway network or open space that has direct access to a public street. MAY 2019 PAGE NO. 5 tdhengineering.com Residential developments must provide a pedestrian circulation network that connects all main entrances on the site to other areas of the site, such as: a. Parking areas; b. Recreational areas; c. Common outdoor areas; and d. Any pedestrian amenities (Sec 38.520.040.C.2) RESPONSE Provided, please refer to Project Plan Sheets. 14.2 Crosswalks are required when a walkway crosses an on-site paved area accessible to vehicles. Crosswalks must contain contrasting material (such as concrete) and/or patterns (such as stamped asphalt), excluding painted surfaces. (Sec. 38.520.040.C.3) RESPONSE Provided, please refer to Project Plan Sheets. 14.3 Pedestrian paths through parking lots. Developments must provide specially marked or paved sidewalks through parking areas. At least one walkway must be provided every four rows of parking or at a maximum spacing of 200 feet. The pathways must provide a safe connection to the building entrance and meet the pathway design standards set forth in 38.520.040.D. Please provide required pathways throughout parking lot (Sec. 38.520.040.C.4) RESPONSE Provided, please refer to Project Plan Sheets. 14.4 Connections to adjacent properties (including parks and trails). Provide pathways that connect to adjacent properties, except in one of the following circumstances: a. When adjacent properties are residential developments of fewer than five dwelling units. b. Departures are permitted where it is determined that internal connections aren't necessary due to shallow lot depths, steep slopes, or other contextual challenges. (Sec. 38.520.040.C.5) RESPONSE Provided, please refer to Project Plan Sheets. 15.0 Pathway design. Please review all applicable pathway design requirements as listed below: 15.1 Pathway design where multi-tenant commercial or mixed-use buildings 100 feet or more in length abut parking lots. Such pathways must feature a 12-foot wide sidewalk with: a. Eight feet minimum unobstructed width: b. Trees, as approved by the review authority, placed at an average of 50 feet on-center and placed in grates or in planting strips as set forth in subsection C below. c. Planting strips may be used between any vehicle access or parking area and the pathway, provided that the trees required above are included and the MAY 2019 PAGE NO. 6 tdhengineering.com pathway meets the applicable width standards herein, and the combined pathway and planting strip is at least 12 feet wide. Please review these standards and apply to the south of buildings 4D and 1A. (Sec. 8.520.040.D.4) RESPONSE Provided, please refer to Project Plan Sheets. Sec. 38.520.050. - Vehicular circulation and parking. 16.0 Internal Roadway Design. To increase the function and appearance of internal roadways on large sites (greater than two acres), street trees and sidewalks must be provided on all internal access roadways. Please review and revise internal drive to meet internal roadway standards, by providing a boulevard with street trees and sidewalk. (Sec. 38.520.050.D) Sec. 38.520.060. - On-site open space. RESPONSE Provided, please refer to Project Plan Sheets. 17.0 Shared Residential Open Space. Proposed residential open space does not meet standards. Please provide additional information for amenities within shared open space(s) and review all special requirements for common usable open space. Planning does not support the proposed open space areas to the south of Building 2B and north of Building 3C without substantiating and aligning with the intent of this section as defined in Sec. 38.520.060.A. (Sec. 38.520.060.B.2) RESPONSE Provided, please refer to EX-1 Conceptual Site Plan and Project Plan Sheets. Area south of Building 2/B eliminated. Area North of Building 3/C features include: • Centralized • Not located in setbacks • No dimension less than 15-feet • Features paths, walkable lawns, landscaping, seating, and lighting • Separated from ground level windows, streets, services areas and parking lots via landscaping • Accessible to all residents 18.0 Usable commercial open space. New developments with non-residential uses on sites with a total site area greater than one acre must provide open space equal to at least two percent of the development envelope. Please review what site features can be counted towards open space, highlight on the site plan and provide calculations on cover sheet. (Sec. 38.520.060.C) Sec. 38.520.070. - Location and design of service areas and mechanical equipment. RESPONSE Provided, please refer to EX-1 of Project Plan Sheets MAY 2019 PAGE NO. 7 tdhengineering.com 19.0 Location and Design of Service Areas and Mechanical Equipment. Service areas must not be visible from the sidewalk and adjacent properties. (Sec. 38.520.070.B) RESPONSE All mechanical equipment is planned to be screened via rooftop parapets or ground landscaping, please refer to Project Plan Sheets. 20.0 Screening of ground related service areas and mechanical equipment. Where the inside of service enclosures is visible from surrounding streets, pathways, and buildings, an opaque or semi-opaque horizontal cover or screen must be used to mitigate unsightly views. The horizontal screen/cover should be integrated into the enclosure design and compatible with adjacent development. Please provide garbage enclosure details for review. (Sec. 38.520.070.C) RESPONSE Trash enclosures provided, please refer to Project Plan Sheets – A8-51. See sheets E1.00 and P1.00 for electrical equipment and gas meter locations. All mechanical equipment will be located on roofs. 20.1 Please include a horizontal cover for all proposed trash enclosures. RESPONSE Trash enclosures provided, please refer to Project Plan Sheets – A8-51. 20.2 The sides and rear of service enclosures must be screened with landscaping at least five feet wide in locations visible from the street, parking lots, and pathways to soften views of the screening element and add visual interest. Please include landscaping around all sides of proposed trash's enclosures. RESPONSE Trash enclosure screening provided, please refer to Project Plan Sheets – A8-51. 21.0 Utility meters, electrical conduit, and other service utility apparatus. Please locate any utilities on the site plan an associated screening for review. (Sec. 38.520.070.D) RESPONSE All mechanical equipment is planned to be screened via rooftop parapets or ground landscaping, please refer to Project Plan Sheets. 22.0 Residential Uses - Adjustments to minimum requirements for mixed-use projects. Please review the ratio of required non-residential to residential parking spaces. The 50% allowed reduction does not meet the ratio requirement for building. Please also cite code sections completely and accurately within narrative as follows (Sec. 38.540.050.A.1.b.(2)) RESPONSE Provided, please refer to EX-2 Parking Layout & Calcs. MAY 2019 PAGE NO. 8 tdhengineering.com 23.0 Bicycle Facilities. Please shown bicycle facilities on site plan and provide bicycle counts on cover sheet along with parking calcs. (Sec. 38.540.050) RESPONSE Provided, please refer to EX-1 Conceptual Site Plan in Project Plan Sheets and Exhibit J Bicycle Facility Exhibit. 24.0 Stall, aisle and driveway design - Snow Storage. Please review all snow storage locations to ensure they are not located within or on any trails, parks, open space or pedestrian access easements. Additionally, ensure all snow storage areas are designated on the site plan and easily accessed without damaging any landscaping. Please show the location and extent of snow removal storage areas on site with forthcoming applications. (Sec. 38.540.020.M) RESPONSE Provided, please refer to Appendix F Snow Storage Report. PLANNING ADVISORY 1.0 No Landscaping plans were submitted for review. RESPONSE Landscape Plans provided, see Project Plan Sheets. ENGINEERING DIVISION 1.0 North 15th Avenue must be complete between Patrick Street and Tschache Lane prior to Site Plan approval. If the applicant constructs this street, the applicant may apply for concurrent construction per Bozeman Municipal Code (BMC) 38.270.030.C. RESPONSE Acknowledged, owner is aware of the required construction of North 15th Avenue. 2.0 The applicant must provide a public street and utility easement for the portion of North 15th Avenue where it is located on the property. RESPONSE Acknowledged, an easement is provided for the street and utility portion of North 15th located on the property. 3.0 The applicant must complete Tschache Lane to the intersection of North 15th Avenue and Tschache Lane. RESPONSE Acknowledged, owner is aware of the required construction of Tschache Lane to North 15th. 4.0 The applicant is advised that the water mains in Tschache Lane and Patrick are in different pressure zones. The applicant must coordinate with City staff (John Alston and Anna Russell) on the water main design prior to Site Plan submittal. RESPONSE MAY 2019 PAGE NO. 9 tdhengineering.com John Alston and Anna Russell have been contacted regarding the water main design. 5.0 The applicant has not provided sufficient detail for the stormwater detention plans to provide comments. The applicant is advised that the Site Plan submittal will require that stormwater runoff from the site is limited to pre- development runoff rates. A stormwater drainage/treatment grading plan and maintenance plan must be provided with the Site Plan application. The proposed system must be designed to remove solids, silt, oils, grease, and other pollutants. The plan must demonstrate adequate site drainage (including sufficient spot elevations), storm water detention/retention basin details (including basin sizing and discharge calculations, and discharge structure details), storm water discharge destination, and a storm water maintenance plan. The Montana Post-Construction Storm Water BMP Design Guidance Manual (Manual) outlines environmental, design, construction, and maintenance considerations related to infiltration basins. The Manual is available at www.bozeman.net/stormwater. At a minimum, the Division recommends that the Engineer consider the following: a. Contributing Drainage Area b. Soil Characteristics c. Depth to Groundwater d. Site Topography e. Land Use and Considerations of Surrounding Area f. Community and Environmental Considerations g. Design Components: • Infiltration Cell Volume • Inlet and Conveyance • Pretreatment Forebay • Infiltration Cell Shape • Infiltration Cell Bottom • Outlet Structure (Optional) • Embankment and Overflow Spillway RESPONSE A detailed stormwater report and BMP design guidance manual is included with this submittal. Refer to Appendix C and Project Plan Sheets. 6.0 The applicant is advised to coordinate with the City Fire Marshall (Scott Mueller) for fire truck access and possible required fire hydrants prior To Site Plan submittal. RESPONSE Scott Mueller has been provided the fire truck turning movements and fire hydrant locations which he has approved. 7.0 The applicant must prepare and submit a traffic impact study (TIS) with the Site Plan application. The applicant will need to mitigate impacts of the project per the results of the TIS. MAY 2019 PAGE NO. 10 tdhengineering.com RESPONSE A traffic impact study has been provided in Appendix I. 8.0 The applicant must provide additional information regarding the intended use of the proposed southern access from the property and how that access will be configured. The applicant must obtain an easement from the adjacent property owner for access across the adjacent property prior to Site Plan approval. RESPONSE The proposed southern access will be gated with a knox lox for fire truck access. 9.0 The applicant must prepare an analysis of the on-site and off-site downstream 8-inch sanitary sewer main capacity prior to Site Plan approval. Capacity may not exist for the proposed project requiring an upgrade of the downstream sewer main by the developer. The Engineer is advised to contact City Engineering (Anna Russell) to assist with the analysis. RESPONSE A sanitary sewer report has been done including analysis of the existing 8-inch main and the 24” main on Simmental downstream. Refer to Appendix B. 10.0 The applicant is advised to contact the City Floodplain Coordinator (Brian Heaston) to review floodplain requirements including permitting for the proposed pedestrian crossing of the adjacent stream, and flood hazard study requirements. RESPONSE Acknowledged, Brian Heaston has been contacted regarding these floodplain requirements. 11.0 The applicant must provide the transfer of water rights or the payment of cash-in-lieu (CIL) of water rights per Bozeman Municipal Code (BMC) 38.410.130. RESPONSE Acknowledged, payment of cash-in-lieu water rights is being coordinated with the City. 12.0 A wetland delineation will be required on the proposed development site per BMC 38.610.130. RESPONSE The wetland delineation is shown on C100 – Existing Site Features & Topography. 13.0 A floodplain hazard evaluation will be required per BMC 38.610.030. RESPONSE A floodplain hazard evaluation report is submitted with this application. Refer to Appendix D. 14.0 The proposed trail on the east side of the project must be located in Zone 2 (40 percent of the 50 ft setback furthest from the watercourse) per BMC 38.410.100.A.e. MAY 2019 PAGE NO. 11 tdhengineering.com RESPONSE The proposed trail has been relocated to meet this Zone 2 requirement. 15.0 The applicant is advised that the proposed project falls within the Bozeman Solvent Site boundary. The property is underlain by an aquifer contaminated with perchloroethylene (PCE). No irrigation wells may be installed on this property. Additionally, excavations and associated dewatering may be impacted by PCE contaminated groundwater. RESPONSE Irrigation wells are not installed as a part of this project. 16.0 The applicant shall provide and file with the county clerk and recorder's office executed waivers of right to protest creation of special improvement districts (SID’s) for the following: • Street improvements to Tschache Lane including paving, curb/gutter, sidewalk, and storm drainage • Street improvements to N. 15th Avenue including paving, curb/gutter, sidewalk, and storm drainage • Intersection improvements to Tschache and N. 19th Avenue The document filed shall specify that in the event an SID is not utilized for the completion of these improvements, the developer agrees to participate in an alternate financing method for the completion of said improvements on a fair share, proportionate basis as determined by square footage of property, taxable valuation of the property, traffic contribution from the development, or a combination thereof. This is a condition of final plan approval. RESPONSE Acknowledged, owner will coordinate waivers and SID’s. 17.0 There is an existing drainage easement through the property to route flows to the existing stormwater pond on the northeast corner of the site. If the applicant changes the drainage path of the offsite flows to the existing detention pond, the applicant must dedicate a new drainage path easement for offsite flows through the property. In addition, an existing pond holds runoff from lots to the south which will need to be accommodated in the design of the on- site drainage system. RESPONSE Acknowledged. 18.0 The proposed project location contains stormwater infrastructure serving the existing development within the Bridger Peaks Development (see map). Further, the Farmers Canal flows on the east side of the subject property. Both systems are deteriorated, and the Stormwater Division recommends that the applicant complete maintenance to ensure adequate function, especially with additional volumes as a result of the new development. RESPONSE Acknowledged. MAY 2019 PAGE NO. 12 tdhengineering.com Forestry Division Alex Nordquest anordquest@bozeman.net 406-582-3225 Parking Service Division Edwin Meece emeece@bozeman.net 406-582-2903 Water Conservation Jessica Ahlstrom jahlstrom@bozeman.net 406-582-2265 Solid Waste Division Kevin Handelin khandelin@bozeman.net 406-582-3238 1.0 Please identify garbage enclosure locations and details for review by Solid Waster Divisions. RESPONSE Provided, see Project Plan Sheets – A8-51. 2.0 Must have 50 feet of straight approach to access refuse enclosure. RESPONSE Provided, see Project Plan Sheets. 3.0 Refuse enclosure opening must be a minimum of 10 feet measured from door jamb to door jamb (we would prefer 12 feet) RESPONSE Provided, see Project Plan Sheets – A8-51. 4.0 Enclosure doors must open 180 degrees. Doors on the garbage enclosure should be raised 12 inches off the ground to make sure they open easily over snow. RESPONSE Provided, see Project Plan Sheets – A8-51. 5.0 Refuse enclosure will need to be horizontally covered. RESPONSE Provided, see Project Plan Sheets – A8-51. Stormwater Division Kyle Mehrens jkmehrens@bozeman.net 406-582-2270 Building Division Bob Risk brisk@bozeman.net 406-582-2377 Parks and Recreation Carolyn Poissant cpoissant@bozeman.net 406-582-2908 1.0 What amenities are they providing to make it an asset to the public and not just a large wetlands areas. Trail? Boardwalk? Interpretive signs? With some of the parkland accounted is located within the plaza area, it looks like a big portion of their parkland credit would be tied to the wetland area - which, if not spruced up- Parks would prefer cash-in-lieu of parkland and use it on Rose Park- similar to other developments in the area. RESPONSE Acknowledged, refer to parkland dedication discussion in Project Narrative. Sustainability Division Natalie Meyer nmeyer@bozeman.net 406-582-2317 Fire Department Scott Mueller smueller@bozeman.net 406-582-2353 MAY 2019 PAGE NO. 13 tdhengineering.com 1.0 As proposed, due to the size of Building 3/C, I would like a fire access road on the East/North East side, running over the linear park. This would serve both buildings. 2012 IFC 503.1.2 RESPONSE Provided, see Project Plan Sheets. NW Energy Cammie Dooley cammy.dooley@northwestern.com 406-582-4680 1.0 Please contact Northwestern Energy for project review, which is separate from the City Review process. RESPONSE Contact has been made with Cammie Dooley. An electrical site plan and plumbing utility site plan have been sent to her for review. 2.0 Any transformer locations must maintain 10 feet separation from any combustible building surface or 2 feet from a non-combustible building surface (non-combustible surface include brick, cinder block, concrete, and stone. Stucco is considered combustible). Due to tight configuration of some buildings please insure this separation can be met. RESPONSE Refer to Project Plan Sheets – E1.00 3.0 Insure that adequate wall space is provided for the single and multiple gas meters; including but not limited to a 3-foot radius from the regulator to any opening and/or 10 feet to a mechanical air intake. Please contact the local NorthWestern Energy engineer to provide you with a schematic of the gas meters layout. RESPONSE Refer to Project Plan Sheets – P1.00 for gas meter locations and quantity. GENERAL COMMENTS: Future Impact Fees - Please note that future building permit applications will require payment of the required transportation, water, sewer and fire impact fees according to the City of Bozeman adopted impact fee schedule in place at the time of building permit issuance. If you desire an estimate of the required impact fees according to current rates please contact the Department of Community Development and/or visit www.bozeman.net RESPONSE Acknowledged. Note: During preparation of the staff report for future applications, additional conditions of approval may be recommended based on comments and recommendations provided by other applicable review agencies involved with the review of the project. J:\2016\16-268 Farran Boz East Tschache Ln\DOCUMENTS\DEVELOPMENT REVIEW\01_RESUBMITTAL DOCS\MASTER SITE PLAN_CUP\02_NARRATIVES_RESPONSES_PHOTOGRAPHS\2.4_RESPONSE_18510 BOZEMAN EAST MIXED-USE INF-DRB MEMO.DOC