HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-03-21 Public Comment - B. Trey - MasksFrom:paul trey To:Agenda Subject:Fwd: Mask Mandate Date:Monday, May 3, 2021 2:02:20 PM Attachments:Screen-Shot-2021-04-07-at-7.22.07-AM.png CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. -------- Original Message -------- Subject: Mask Mandate From: paul trey <paultrey@q.com> Sent: Monday, May 3, 2021, 2:00 PM To: agenda@bozeman.net CC: Viruses are 1000 times smaller than the holes in cotton or medical masks that hook aroundyour ears. Surgical masks are to protect the patient, not the surgeon, so that the sterile surgical field doesn't get contaminated by bacteria if the surgeon accidentally sneezes, coughs, etc. If aserious virus is suspected, the person most likely would not be undergoing surgery as they are ill and an increased surgery risk. If a serious virus is suspected (ie. Ebola), a doctor would bewearing a full on hazmat suit (see picture below). Mask mandates to "protect" people from viruses is pseudo science and not based in fact. We now have several medications thateffectively treat the more severe symptoms of this virus and therefore the mortality rate is on par with many flu seasons. IF this was, however, a serious virus, (one which had a highmortality rate and for which we had no treatments) and you told people that surgical masks, cotton masks or bandanas would effectively shield them from this virus, the I would considerthis false information to be a CRIME as it could lead to false security and death as it would embolden people to go about unprotected when they were told that they were protectedThe government should not be using its power which it derived FROM the governed to force citizens to comply with nonsense. Those who continue to push this mandate are perpetrating alie in leading people to believe that such flimsy protection is effective. IT IS NOT!!!! It is pure politics. We, the people, of Gallatin County demand that you not only lift this mandate,but that you state clearly that the type of masks that you have been recommending are, in fact, not at all effective. This is government overreach. Instead, you need to change yourrecommendations to people taking responsibility by 1. Taking their temperature before leaving their house 2. Staying home if any symptoms, no matter how slight are detected. We nowknow enough about this virus that we no longer have to hide behind recommendations that are an infringement on our freedoms and that have no health value. Stop this nonsense!Respectfully, Dr. Brooke Trey