HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-13-21 Public Comment - M. Koscinski - Buffalo Run App. 21076Mark and Koscinski3431 S. 29th Ave.Bozeman,MT59718March 13, 2021rTo: City ofBozeman Comtntimty DevelopmentCity of Bozeman CommissionersRE: Buffalo Run Annexation and Zoning Application 20176As residents of Bozemaii aiid owners of propert)r tliat will be du-ectly affected by thedevelopinent of 20.79 acres of land located at 5400 Fowler Lane, \ve respectfully submitthe followiiig ill opposition to annexation of this propert)7 and the request for R-4zomns.With regard to annexation, according to the City ofBozeman Resolution 5076:WTIEKEAS, the City of Bowman mshes to establish updated wmpnhenm'e annexation goah andpolicies for landowner-initiated annexations to provide for orderly well-planned srowth of the City.• The City of Bowman encourages annexations of land contiguous to the City.• The City encourages all areas that an totalbf simvunded by the City to Amiex.This parcel of land is attached to the City ofBozeman on one side only—a mere threadof land that might rneasiu-e 300 yards. It is surrounded by agriciiltural land on all othersides—tlie owners to the north and south of this parcel protested this developmentprior to die application being withdrawn last month and have indicated that they haveno intendon of selling their property at this time. Tliis is not orderly growth; the landis not surrouiided by the City propert}^.• The City encourages annexations which will enhance the existing traffic drculation systems or providefor drmlation systems that no not exist at thepnsent time.The annexation will not enhance existing traffic circulatioii. It is located on FowlerLane—a dirt road that feeds onto Stucky, another over trafficked and underbuilt countyroad. The otlier proposed mgress/egress is onto a narrow City street (Kurk) with nosidewalk on the north side, no bicycle lanes and through an established famyy-orientedneighborhood requifing vehicles to make several stops aiid several turns prior toreaching a maiti arterial road. • The City encourages annexations to make City boundaries more rewlar rather than creatingimsular extwisions which leave unannexed sat>s between annexed anas.The annexadon of tliis property, at this tune, wiU create an iffegidar extension—a littlepiiikie finger surroiuided by agricultural land. It leaves large gaps on Aree sides.According to the City of Bozeman Coxninunity Plan:• The Gty has adopted land development regulations and polides to reasonably mitigate negativeimpacts. These have been adopted to address the question of tclfso, how."fhe neg'ative impact of aatiexiiig this property, at this time, cannot be igiiored. Theingress and egress to this property either faoni Fowler or from Kurk (through theMeadow Creek subdivision) are unfair and burdensome to the owners of property onFov^ler and the owners of homes in Meadow Creek. At some point, long after thedeveloper has left tlie area, the owners of property on Fowler, the County or the Qtyof Bozeaiaii %'i]I need to complete the in&astn.icture on Fowler and Stucky.In addition, the water pressure in Meadow Creek is the worst in Bozeman. Until suchtime as the City of Bozeman can remedy the situation, annexation in this area shouldbe curtailed.• It is the bng-standmg poliy of the City to balance the intensts of new and existing ns-idents.T/jefvfore, the City has established standards andproceduns to strive to ensure that new developmentpropotl.ionatelj contributes to the services and facilities needed to sttpport new development.If annexed, at this tinie, the oiily eiitity betiefititig is the developer. As stated above, itwill have an extreine negative iinpact on the safety, envifonment, peace aiid tranqmUtyof the neighbors on Fowler and in Meadow Creek.• iMnd use designations must nspond to a broad range of factors, including infrastructure, natural,and economic consttsiints, other cosasnusuty pnoiities, and expectations of all affectedparties concerning private devebpment.• Transportation infrastructure is vital in supporting desired land use patterns. Therefore,the two must be coordinated. 'Future infrastructure should favor interconnected miiltimodaltransportation networks (ie. infrastmctmv for bicycle, pedestnan, and transit modes of transport maddition to automobiles).• CO^I&lUNITf DESIRES People who have participated in this Plan have consistently stated adesire for safe and accessible streets that support and encourage a variety of transportationpreferewes including walking, bicycling, transit, and driving. T^ey want to five in walkable neighborhoods where they have easy access to evefyday services, eniployment opportunities,healthy and affordable food, recreation, andsodal gathering places.This property is not convenient to or near schools, churches, restaurants, shopping,offices, MSU, doctors or the hospital, niere is NO public transit There are NOcontiguous sidewalks to S. 19tfa, MSU or downtown. There are NO bicycle lanes. Thereare no sidewalks on Fowler or Stocky. Vehicle traffic (not to mention the constructionveMcles needed during coiistruction) will negatively itnpact the environnieftt and localresidents and the Gallatui Valley for years.• The needs of new and existing development coexist, and they should remain in balance; neither shouldovenvhelm the other.The developer is asking for an R-4 zonung designation. R-4 absolutely is not compatiblewith this area and woidd very fnuch ovefwhelm the agricultural land that sua'ounds itand Meadow Creek.• COMMUNTTY DESIRES 'People who have participated in this Plan have confist'entf)' .stated adesire for safe and accessible streets that support and encourage a variety of transportationpreferences including walking, bicycling, transit, and drimng. They want to live in walkabkneighborhoods when they have easy access to everydciy sen/ices, employment opportunities, healthj andag'ordable food; recreation, and sodal gathering places.• Hi^gh ^isk and Vulnerability: Ensure that strategies directly address the reduction of risk tobuman well-being, phjsical infrastructun, and natural systecas.Ti-avelmg to and from this subdivision is wroiight with risk. PIimdreds of vehiclesdriving on narrow streets in an estabHshed subdivision and/or on an unpaved (Fowler)road that leads to atiother narrow, dangerous (Stiicky) road is asking for tragedy.Meadow Creek is a family neighborhood where residents walk (with children) daily.The water table in this area is extremely high. The storm water pond on the north endof Meadow Creek (Amsworth) Park is ofteii filled to capacity with no overflow system.Groimdwater fi-oni the development propert}7 has funneled mto tlais pond. Additionalwater from Buffalo Run could potentially breach that pond, flooding Kurk Road—theproposed secondar}? mgress/egress. Oh, and by the way, the Meadow Creek HOA isresponsible for niaiiitaming this storm water pond.• The best transportation plan is a good land -use plan. Transportation systems impact the folloivm^:1) livability (in temis of treble congestion, tmt also noise, pollution, physical actnnty, accessibility, safety,and aesthetics); 2) cffordaUlity. (after housing, transportation is the second largest expense for mosthouseholds); and 3) sustainab&ty (transportation accounted for mon than one third of Bowman's2016 greenhouse gas emisswns) • Develop safe, connected, and complementary transportation networks for pedestrians, bicyclists, andusen~ of other personal mobility devices (e-lnkes, ekctnc scooters; powend wheekhairs, etc.). 1 Prioritiseand construct key sidewalk connections and enhancements.As stated above, this tract of land is not convement to anything. Vehicular Ingress andEgress is a majjor problem for Buffalo Run and will negatively impact the siu-roundiiigproperties, the fainffies m Meadow Creek, die County arid the City ofBozenian in termsof travelability, noise, pollution, accessibility, safety and aesthetics.At this point in time, there is not safe network for pedestrians, bicyclists, etc. There arebreaks in sidewalk connections or 110 sidewalks.• Work with Gallatin County to keep rurstl areas nifal and maintain a clear edge to uri>andevelopment that evolves as the City expands outwards. Encourage annexation of land adjacent to theGtyptior to development and encourage annexation of wholly surroiinded areas._As mentioned above, tl-iis Htde peninsula of land is surrounded by rural properties ontluree sides—it is not increinental. The 300 yards of connective land to Meadow Creekis hardly a "clear edge" and Meadow Creek is zoned R-3 but built out as R-l. Thisproposed development is not compatible at all widi its neighbors.We imderstand the need for addidonal housing. We are not saying that this propertyshould nevef be annexed. We respectfi.illy request the City deny annexation until:• proper infrastructure is installed (roads, sidewalks, bicycle laiies)—the cost of whichis paid for by developers, (not surrounding properties, the Coimty or the City),• convenient, pubUc transportation is estabUshed,• neighboring niral properties are teansidoQed to urban developfnent—not just thisfinger of land.Ver)r truly yours,•s?^^-•^Mark KoscmskiMartha Koscinski