HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-20-21 Public Comment - F. Schoessow - Buffalo Run App. 21076From:Forrest Schoessow To:Agenda Subject:BZN responsible growth Date:Tuesday, April 20, 2021 11:22:10 AM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Dear City Commissioners, I am writing to appeal to what I hope are our shared values: balanced growth, climate justice, & preserving Bozeman's green spaces. I am also writing to express my concerns regarding theproposed high-density R-4 Buffalo Run development & to urge you to vote against approving this urban island project. Instead, please consider the four alternatives outlined by the Citystaff. I am 30 years old & originally moved to Bozeman in 2011 to serve our community as an Americorps volunteer crew leader. For years, I worked hard while sharing a 2 bedroomapartment on 7th Ave with up to 6 other people. Now, I own a home and am starting a family here in Bozeman, & I couldn't be more grateful. It wasn't an easy journey, but it's given meunique insights on our need for affordable housing & balance growth. The proposed R-4 high-density Buffalo Run development is not part of the solution. It is part of the problem & will have negative consequences for the community. First, this project will replace what is currently open & green agricultural land with concrete,pavement, & an urban island. Open green spaces are increasingly rare in the face of sprawl & once they are gone... they are gone forever. The proposed development site is a sandhill cranenesting area & home to a Montana S3B threatened species, the Bobolink. Second, the proposed development has no connectivity or existing infrastructure to support high-density housing. The City also does not have funds budgeted to address this issue. Thereare no jobs or commercial areas nearby. This development would be primarily accessed by cars, contributing to our growing problem with air quality & carbon emissions in the valley.Creating urban islands like this that exacerbate environmental, climate, & social connectivity problems is not what responsible urban growth looks like. Projects that support infill &connectivity enhance our community whereas projects like this only contribute to sprawl & negative environmental impacts. Third, I think it's clear that this development project violates Montana’s SPOT zoning laws.Don Siefert, former county commissioner & Chairman George Thompson of the Bozeman Zoning Commission have both spoken about how this constitute SPOT zoning & placesfinancial burden on City & taxpayers because infrastructure does not exist to support high- density housing in this area. At the March 22 City Zoning Commission meeting, ChairmanThompson made the following remarks which have been entered into public record: "I am so uncomfortable that this is not in the spirit of the [City’s] Growth Policy. Itdefies it. It goes against everything that we worked hard to do. I don’t see any future development proposed in this area. No jobs. There is nothing to support this densityof housing in this area. This is not what we should be trying to be about in Bozeman.""This is an island of density with no other amenities to it that is only accessible by car." "The Buffalo Run project has large potential future costs to City because it is so farfrom major arterials & collectors." "This project is solely an island." This project will primarily benefit one Colorado-based developer who has stated they intend to build "luxury units" at maximum density. It's obvious from speaking to the developer that thiswill not be an affordable housing solution, but a maximum unit density & maximum capital yield project. Look at the Gran Cielo townhomes being sold at $799k... Not affordable! Thesedevelopments only serve to enhance the "zoom boom" & lure remote workers with high-wage jobs based on the coast. The laws of supply & demand are not serving us well here. Finally, I want to note that I've seen multiple acreage measures for the site floating around.Each time they seem to grow more inflated. The proposed development site actually measures just under 20 acres. Theodolite measures would make that clear. Please vote against approving this urban island project & consider the four alternativesoutlined by City staff. Thank you for your time & public service. Respectfully & very concerned, Forrest Schoessow 2918 Meah LaneBozeman, Montana 59718 #406.548.7006