HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-18-21 Public Comment - B. Smallen - Buffalo Run App. 21076From:Billy SmallenTo:AgendaSubject:Public Comment on the Buffalo Run Subdivision for the 4/21 Council MeetingDate:Sunday, April 18, 2021 10:53:24 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. William Smallen and Paige Ormond 3222 S. 26th Ave Bozeman, MT 59718 Dear Bozeman City Council, We are writing to express our disapproval with the proposed R4 Zoning designation and annexation for the proposed “Buffalo Run” subdivision. We are homeowners in the Meadow Creek subdivision and are dismayed by the impacts that an R4 Zoned development would have on traffic congestion, with the development planning to utilize Meadow Creek streets for potentially hundreds of extra vehicles per day. We expect that the new Gran Cielo development (which is being built, but currently has no residents) will already bring a large volume of traffic to the area, and we are concerned because the proposed development will use those same streets. We are not anti-growth and very much understand that the City is trying to quickly alleviate a housing shortage, but this proposal is the wrong way forward. Both access points for Buffalo Run will create issues. The proposed paving of Fowler Lane will send people to the already congested intersection of Stucky and 19th (which will be a main point of egress for Gran Cielo as well) and through Meadow Creek, on small, residential streets. This will lead to substantial traffic congestion. Stucky is an already busy two-lane county road that will become congested due to increased traffic from Gran Cielo. The traffic that is channeled through Meadow Creek is on small, two-lane streets with no traffic lights. Meadow Creek streets are built with 90-degree turns, stop signs, and have no room to be expanded—they are not arterial roads. All other high density developments in Bozeman have access to arterials. This proposal would not. We fear that Bozeman will need to put resources into Stucky, which have not been planned for, to alleviate the bottlenecks created. If the road infrastructure were in place for this R4 subdivision, if it were close to centers of commerce in the city, or if an R3 zoning were proposed, we would not be writing, as that would be appropriate. We would also not be writing if this was planned as an affordable housing development. An R4 subdivision built without proper infrastructure is not appropriate and will cause harm to our neighborhood and community. We feel that zoning this area R4 is wrong because: <!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->It would greatly increase traffic congestion on residential streets as there is no walkability to jobs/commerce in the area <!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->It puts substantial burden on Meadow Creek homeowners, without any benefit for us <!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->It presupposes that infrastructure will be built (such as Fowler Lane through University property), when no money has been allocated <!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->It is out of character with the area, abutting an in-all-but-name R1 subdivision <!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->It is too far from transit and the centers of commerce in the City <!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->It will exacerbate the low water pressure already existing in the area <!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->It does not follow the City’s plan for development <!--[if !supportLists]-->· <!--[endif]-->On top of all this: the development plan does not add affordable housing to the City We urge you to VOTE NO on this designation and annexation. Surely there are better proposals that will be put forth for this land that will not unduly impact existing development, and will further the City’s affordable housing goals. Thank you, William Smallen and Paige Ormond Attached is an image of Kurk Dr, where the traffic would be concentrated in Meadow Creek. It is a small two-lane road with no room for expansion without impacting private property. It is not an arterial road. The further car in the image is at the intersection of Kurk and 27th, which is a 4-way stop sign controlled intersection. The congestion will be substantial.