HomeMy WebLinkAbout21- Affidavit of Publication - Bid South 6th Reconstruction AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION CITY OF BOZEMAN,MONTANA Join from the meeting link STATE OF MONTANA, https://cityotbozeman.webex. COUNTY OF GALLATIN CALL FOR BIDS TID=com/cityofbozeman/'.php?M- COUNTY e3a2?M- TID=m87e20f28a58e3a21 e- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV- c0e60d81372494f I, Ann Harms, Le al S ecialist bein first dul sworn, de- EN that the City Boz- g P g Y eman, Montana, is ac- Join by meeting number Meeting number pose and say that I am the principal clerk of the publisher of cepting sealed bids for: ode):182 437 9127 ess the Bozeman Dail Chronicle, a newspaper in general cir- Reconstruction south 6th Avenue Meeting password: Yg Reconstruction Project NHmcbacS336 culation, Bozeman, Gallatin County, that I know The City of Bozeman will y Montana; receive online electronic Tap to join from a mobile for from my personal knowledge that the Legal# 104978 CITY tionleof the Bids Sos uth 6th tru - d+1 650 479-ndees only) Avenue Reconstruction 3208 1824379127##Call-in OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA C A L L F O Project until 2:00 p.m. (lo- toll number(US/Canada) cal time) on March 31th, a printed copy of which is hereto annexed, was published in 2021 and then publicly Join by phone opened and read aloud. 1-650-479-3208 Call-in toll the entire issue of said newspaper for: 3 number(US/Canada) Project Description: Re- construction of South 6th Av- Join from a video system or enue from Babcock Street to application Cleveland Street including: Dial1824379127@cityofboz- Insertion(s) in the following issues: 03/07/21, 03/14/21, replacement of existing wa- eman.webex.com 03/21/21 ter mains, valves, fittings and You can also dial appurtenances, sewer mains and enter your and manholes, and storm meeting number. drainage pipe, inlets and manholes;removing the exist- CONTRACTOR and any of ing road section from curb to the CONTRACTOR'S subcon- curb and constructing a new tractors bidding or doing work Total Cost: $330.00 road section, new signage, on this project will be required spot replacement of existing to be registered with the Mon- sidewalks, adjusting existing tana Department of Labor and utilities to accommodate the Industry (DLI). Forms for reg- new roadway, restoring bou- istration are available from the levards to pre-existing con- DLI,PO Box 8011, 1805 Pros- ditions and all related work pect,Helena,Montana 59604- incidental to construction. 8011. Information on registra- tion can be obtaihed by calling For this project, bids will only (406) 444-7734. CONTRAC- be received and accepted via TOR is not required to have 1 the online electronic bid ser- registered with the DLI prior vice through QuestCDN. A to bidding on this project, but contractor may view the con- must have registered prior to tract documents at no cost pri- execution of the Construc- Subscribed and sworn by Ann Harms before me on: or to becoming a Planholder. tion Agreement. All laborers Project bid documents and and mechanics employed by On 22nd day of March, in the year of 2021 addenda must be download- CONTRACTOR or subcon- ed from QuestCDN, which tractors in performance of the will add your company to the construction work shall be Planholder List and allow ac- paid wages at rates as may cess to vBid online bidding, be required by the laws of for the submittal of your bid. Gallatin County and the State Complete digital project bid- of Montana.The City of Boz- ding documents are available eman is an Equal Opportunity to download at www.questcdn. Employer. Discrimination in com, (eBidDoc #7619698) the performance of any agree- for a non-refundable charge ment awarded under this proj- Notar Public for the ate of Montana Residing at of $15.00. Bidders will be ect on the basis of race, col- }' g charged an additional fee of or, religion, creed, sex, age, Bel rade Montana $50.00 to submit a bid elec- marital status, national origin, g tronically. Contact QuestCDN or actual or perceived sexual Customer Support at 952-233- orientation, gender identi- 1632 or info@questcdn.com ty or disability is prohibited. for assistance in membership This prohibition shall apply registration, downloading dig- to the hiring and treatment of -iroject information and the awarded entity's employ- N n�0 3 � ,online bid submittal. ees and to all subcontracts. = U LC ' ,L 2' 4) co C: CE C rA a) 6-E—E c�co0��c�3 QQ..� 3cacpomR-0ccainin ��, o o d 3 0: c��° c a�v v, Et a) � m c X'x°? and specifications may As such, each entity submit- a N C�m m o c�c�i a`° c co ' c'°'L «t" m a) a'a c'Pmined through Quest- ting under this notice shall in- z p _Ln � Q'a` o a)o o c o m E c o a,o o a QuestCDN may be clude a provision wherein the U.z m w o L o SUN �o�m�'co �c�c Z a' 6 c o c'c o�' dunaggation the l menu nk in ton affhe bms lin wntinlg it will not ltdis OO oc w ar m N dN y 9 d o> ( aE°c Ea c of Bozeman's Bids\ criminate on the basis of race, O = m c c �,N =cc o p o m > 0 o'n d a c o c°',`0 c6; o� Page or at www. color, religion, creed, sex, rJ a ° av; 3 0 ca c m y d f0 i� Eo c E c c 0 a)0-o�N aci Y� o N projectucanCbeNfound origin orrrital becauseuof actual oal r N o w t U)N U o c r c o NAL 2 > m E c c-76 o oQ_-0'F0 CO 3 renc o provided the eabovec perceived dentitualooridisability t O p z E o d y°¢a N o o m U n. m° E `�' ° N`� c°'willp be a Pre-Bid and which also recognize m V H as. o Ron oc �� z w E o a CD '= ance via WebEx ap- the eventual contract will con- ��� �r 7d `n - plication at 10:00 a.m. on tain a provision prohibiting E L E 0L9-'-CD :cD s_ N 3 2 T Wednesday, March 17, discrimination as described AU#7925iu = ^'�� 2021. Instruction on joining above and that this prohibition the meeting are listed below: AD#79257 on discrimination shall apply award of the contract for a pe- to the hiring and treatment of riod not to exceed sixty (60) the submitting entity's employ- days,and to accept the lowest ees and to all subcontracts. responsive and responsible bid which is in the best inter- In addition, pursuant to C� est of the City of Bozeman. Commission Resolution 5169. the entity awarded a contract The Contractor is required under this project and any to be an Equal Opportunity subcontractors must abide Employer. by the Equal Pay Act of 1963 and Section 39-3-104, MCA DATED at Bozeman, (the Montana Equal Pay Act), Montana,this 5 day and affirm it will abide by the of March,2021. above and that it has visited the State of Montana Equal Mike Maas, Pay for Equal Work "best Bozeman City Clerk practices" website, h equal pay.mt.gov/BestPractic- es/Employers, or equivalent "best practices publication and has read the material. Each Bid or proposal must be accompanied by a Certi- fied Check, Cashier's Check, or Bid Bond payable to the City of Bozeman, Montana, in an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the total amount of the Bid. Success- ful BIDDERS shall furnish an approved Performance Bond and a Labor and Mate- rials Payment Bond, each in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the con- tract amount. Insurance as required shall be provided by the successful BIDDER(s) and a certificate(s) of that in- surance shall be provided. No Bid may be withdrawn after the scheduled time for the public opening of bids. Instructions to join the bid opening are included below: Join from the meeting link https:Hcityofbozeman.web ex. com/cityofbozeman/j bhp?M- TID=mf6ed132712be6d- fbddbff2599426a131 Join by meeting number Meeting number(access code):142 831 9966 Meeting password: P3bj2tagFs2 Tap to join from a mobile device(attendees only) +1-650-479- 3208..1428319966##Call-in toll number(US/Canada) Join by phone 1-650-479-3208 Call-in toll number(US/Canada) Join from a video system or application Dial 1428319966@cityofboz- eman.webex.com You can also dial and enter your meeting number. Join using Microsoft Lyric or Microsoft Skype for Business Dial 1428319966.cityofboze- man@lync.webex.com The City of Bozeman reserves the right to reject any or all proposals received, to waive informalities to postpone the