HomeMy WebLinkAbout21- Interlocal Agreement - Green TariffDocuSignEnvelopeID:B9BF0514-DBCO-427B-BB3D-DBC320BF2DAB 2725053 Fletum to:ms;,ga -Jiuiß°sai ³'# ""N" City of Bozeman ||gggg|Illgligiluglil|HlHI|I|HHilllIlllllHHHHllI| City Clerk PO Box 1230 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN Bozeman,QTiffgìM§§OULA,MISSOULA COUNTY,CITY OF BOZEMAN AND CITY OF HELENA This InterlocalAgreement (Agreement)ismade and enteredintobetween the City of Missoula ("Missoula"),Missoula County ("Missoula County"),the City of Bozeman ("Bozeman")and the City of Helena ("Helena"),allpoliticalsubdivisionsof the Stateof Montana,and jointly referencedin thisagreement as "the Parties,"forthe purpose of advancing the Parties'clean energy goals. WHEREAS,thePartieshave a responsibilityto protectand enhance the publichealth,safety, generalwelfare,and qualityof lifeof theirresidents,and to thatend they have each establisheda number of climateactiongoalsand commitments,includinga goal of 100%cleanelectricityby 2030;and WHEREAS,a green tariffisan increasinglycommon mechanism by which customers of regulatedutilitieshave the optionto buy power from newly developed renewable energy sources through a specialrate(or "tariff")on theirutilitybills;and WHEREAS,the Partiesrecognizethata well-designedgreen tariffhas the potentialto meaningfullyadvance theirclimateand cleanenergy goals;and WHEREAS,in 2019 the Montana PublicServiceCommission approved a settlementagreement between NorthWestem Energy,the Montana Department of Environmental Quality,the Montana Consumer Counsel,and Walmart,in which NorthWestern Energy agreed to initiatea stakeholderprocessto explorethe development of a green tariff;and WHEREAS,the Partiesare activeparticipantsin thisstakeholderprocess;and WHEREAS,thePartieshave each appropriatedfunds in the FY2021 budget year to advance theircleanenergy goalsthrough such effortsas hiringa consultantto inform the development of a well-designedgreen tariff;and WHEREAS,Missoula County,on behalfof the Parties,has issueda competitiveRequest For Proposals(RFP)to engage qualifiedconsultantswith expertisein utilityratedesignto support the development of a green tariffby NorthWestern Energy in order to advance the Parties'clean energy goals;and WHEREAS,the Partiesagree thatthe benefitsof clean,renewable energy solutionsand projects should be equitablyavailableto all,and thatsuch projectsshould cause no extraordinaryburden on any particulargroup,especiallylow-and fixed-incomehouseholds,Black,Indigenousand People of Color (BIPOC);and WHEREAS,Montana Code Annotated Sections7-11-101 et seq.authorizesthe Parties to enterintothisAgreement for the purpose of mutually securingand paying fora professional and qualifiedconsultantto inform the development of a green tariffthatwillmeaningfully advance the Parties'clean energy goals. 1 DocuSignEnvelopeID:B9BF0514-DBCO-427B-BB3D-DBC320BF2DAB Based on the foregoing,the Partiesagree as follows: 1.DURATION.The durationor term of thisAgreement shallbe TWO (2)years unless extended forSIX (6)month incrementsby mutual agreement of the Partiesin writing.The durationmay end sooner than TWO (2)years ifterminatedpursuantto section6 of this Agreement. 2.ORGANIZATION,COMPOSITION AND NATURE OF ANY SEPARATE LEGAL ENTITY CREATED BY THE CONTRACT.The Partiesagree thata separatelegalentity isnot createdby thisAgreement.This Agreement does not void or supersedeany other existingagreements involvingthe Parties.The Partiesare independentunitsof local government with separategovernance boards. 3.PURPOSE OF INTERLOCAL CONTRACT.The purpose of thisAgreement isto mutually secureand pay fora professional,qualifiedconsultantto inform the development of a green tariffthatwillmeaningfullyadvance the Parties'clean energy goals. 4.MANNER OF COOPERATIVE UNDERTAKING AND ESTABLISHMENT OF BUDGET.The Partiesare responsibleforthe followingfinancialobligations: 4.1.The Partiesare responsiblefortheirown expenses unlessotherwiseprovided forin this Agreement or by operationof law. 4.2.The contractwith the consultantshallnot exceed $138,000 without consent of the Parties.The Partiesagree to contributethe followingtoward the contracttotal: o Missoula County:up to $20,000 plus any additionalamount allocatedin Fiscal Year 2022 o City of Missoula:up to $20,000 plus any additionalamount allocatedin Fiscal Year 2022 o City of Bozeman:up to $90,000 totalbetween FiscalYear 2021 and 2022 o City of Helena:up to $8,000 plus any additionalamount allocatedin FiscalYear 2022 4.3.Funding from the Partiesshallbe allocatedfrom the respectiveadopted FiscalYear 2021 and 2022 budgets of each of the Parties. 4.4.Missoula County agreesto manage the contractwith the consultantand their subcontractors,includingreceivinginvoicesand making payments. 4.5.Following payment to the consultant,Missoula County agreesto provide invoicesto Missoula,Bozeman and Helena fortheirportionsof the payment. 4.6.Upon receivinginvoicesfrom Missoula County,Missoula,Bozeman and Helena agree to reimburse the County fortheirportionof thepayment to the consultant. 5.MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION,ROLES.The Partiesare responsiblefor the followingmanagement and administrativeactivities: 2 DocuSignEnvelopeID:B9BF0514-DBCO-427B-BB3D-DBC320BF2DAB 5.1.Each partyisrespectivelyresponsibleforthe management of itsemployees. 5.2.The Partiesshallbe jointlyresponsibleforselectingthe consultant. 5.3.Staffof the Partiesshallreview the contractwith the consultantpriorto contract execution.The contractshallrequirethe consultantto consultjointlyand regularlywith staffof the Partiesthroughoutthe durationof the contract. 5.4.Missoula County shallenterintothe contractwith the consultantand shallbe responsibleforadministeringthe contract. 5.5.Staffof the Partieswilljointlymanage and provide directionto the consultant. 5.6.In the courseof the activitiesdescribedin Sections5.2,5.3,and 5.5,the Partiesshall striveforconsensus.In the absence of consensus,the decisionof a majorityof the Partiesshallprevail.Any partythatdisagreeswith a decisionof the majoritymay choose to withdraw from thisAgreement per Section6. 6.WITHDRAWAL AND TERMINATION.Any partymay withdraw from thisAgreement unilaterally,with or without cause,by giving noticeof withdrawal in writingatleast30 days priorto date of withdrawal.The withdrawal of a partywillnot terminatethe Agreement provided thatat leasttwo partiesto the Agreement remain.The withdrawal of more than two partieswillconstituteterminationof the Agreement.Withdrawing partieswillbe responsible fortheirpoitionof contractexpenses incurredup to the pointof withdrawal,but willnot be responsibleforany expenses incurredbeyond thatpoint. 7.MANNER OF ACQUIRING,HOLDING AND DISPOSING OF REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY USED IN THE JOINT UNDERTAKING.No personalor real propertyshallbe acquired,held and disposed of by the Partiesin fulfillmentof this Agreement. 8.RETIREMENT SYSTEM REPORTING.Each partyisrespectivelyresponsibleforany reportsor payments of retirementsystem contributionsfor itsemployees. 9.INDEMNIFICATION.Each Partyrespectivelyshalldefend,indemnify and hold harmless itsemployees and agents,from allclaims,liabilities,causes of actionor judgments, includingcostsand attorneyfees,assertedby or awarded to thirdpartiesas a resultof any negligentactionor omission or willfulmisconduct,itsemployees or agentsin performance of work or services. 10.FILING OF INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT.This Agreement shallbe filedwith the Missoula County Clerk and Recorder,the GallatinCounty Clerk and Recorder,the Lewis and Clark County Clerk and Recorder,and the Montana Secretaryof State. 11.AUTHORIZATION TO APPROPRIATE FUNDS.In accordance with Montana Code Annotated Section7-11-108 the Partiesmay appropriatefunds forthepurpose of performance of thisAgreement and provide such personnelor servicesthereforeas may be withintheirlegalpower to furnish. 3 DocuSignEnvelopeID:89BF0514-DBCO-427B-BB3D-DBC320BF2DAB Signed this 10th day of February ,2021 MISSOULA COUNTY CITY OF MISSOULA BY:BY: DocuSignedby:DocuSignedby. Davi emhmaier409 Jo gemso474o Chair,Board of County Commissioners Mayor DocuSignedby: ATTEST Josh tele^ªª²°4¹°o==usinad* Commissioner lüydeu.Ihnu)A Gruiw fr ((lsy . o.oussaadby M RhKdrsten Hands baifg,\/typ City Clerk senior Deputy city clerk Juan VeiwA516944F... Commissioner CITY OF HELENA ATTEST: occasisad*BY: °°°"*''""* Tyle nesas Clerk and Recorder Rac 4HelmPE9thalk City Manager CITY OF BOZEMAN ATTEST Docusignedby- BY:paaaai (i frau. oocusiaa'd*Da iOlaybsme d 84la.firl4,City Clerk Jef 'hekele^e24^e City Manager ATTEST DocuSigned5 84de,ht445 Mi eas2o.sas47s... City Clerk 4