HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-10-20 FINAL MINUTES City Commission Meeting of Bozeman, MontanaPage 1 of 14 THE CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA MINUTES Tuesday, November 10, 2020 Mayor - Cynthia Andrus: Present Deputy Mayor - Terry Cunningham: Present Commissioner - I-Ho Pomeroy: Present Commissioner - Michael Wallner: Present Commissioner - Jennifer Madgic: Present Staff Present in the Webex: City Manager (CM) Jeff Mihelich, City Attorney (CA) Greg Sullivan, City Clerk (CC) Mike Maas A. 06:00:16 PM (00:50:32) Call to Order – 6:00 PM – Webex Videoconference B. 06:04:20 PM (00:54:36) Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence C. 06:04:56 PM (00:55:12) Changes to the Agenda There were no changes to the agenda. D. 06:05:12 PM (00:55:27) FYI • Cr. Pomeroy provided an update from the City-County Board of Health meeting from November 6. • DM Cunningham provided a statement related to the Board of Health’s meetings and comments from the Health Officer Matt Kelley. He highlighted the Veterans Day services at Sunset Hills Cemetery on November 11, at 11 AM. • Mayor Andrus stated Bozeman Health is providing free health care services on Saturday, November 14, between 9 AM and 1 PM at the Gallatin County Regional Park. She requested the City Manager to direct all Advisory Boards to only meet virtually until further notice. • CM Mihelich highlighted four members from the Fire Department with their professional credentials from the Center for Public Safety Excellence, Capt. Jared Ridgeway, Training Officer Nate Bashkirew, Fire Inspector Dave Hartman, and Engineer Gary O’Brien. He announced the DocuSign Envelope ID: C3C50EB9-F685-4FF1-A26A-356322E80022 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes, November 10, 2020 Page 2 of 14 American Waterworks Association bestowed an honor on Water and Sewer Superintendent John Alston for his service in the United States Air Force. He stated the options for City services online to avoid in-person interactions to limit exposures. He noted changes at the Bozeman Public Library starting on November 13 returning to curbside services only. E. 06:14:18 PM (01:04:34) Commission Disclosures There were no disclosures. F. 06:14:30 PM (01:04:46) Consent 1. Authorize Payment of Accounts Payable Claims for Goods and Services (Donald) 2. Approve the Depository Bonds and Pledged Securities as of September 30, 2020 (Clark) 3. Authorize the City Manager to Sign a Trail Corridor Easement, Utility Easement, Public Street and Utility Easement, and a Drainage and Detention Pond Easement with North Park Development Partners, LLC for the North Park Project (17406) (Nielsen) 4. Authorize the City Manager to Sign a Public Street and Utility Easement with Bozeman Haus LLC for the Gran Cielo project (20362) (Nielsen) 5. Authorize the City Manager to Sign a Public Street and Utility Easement with Hyalite Village Investors, LLC for the Gran Cielo Project (20362) (Nielsen) 6. Authorize the City Manager to Sign a Public Utility Easement with Dallas Financial LLC for the Westland Lofts Site Plan Project (20189) (Nielsen) 7. Authorize the City Manager to Sign a Conditional Irrevocable Offer of Dedication with Bozeman Apartment Group Phase II for the Bozeman Icon Apartments Phase II Project (20034) (Lehigh) 8. Authorize the Honorable Karl P. Seel to Sign a Professional Service Agreement with Diana Proem CTRS, Bigger Picture RT, LLC, dba Your Adventure RX (Renee Boundy) 9. Authorize the City Manager to Sign an Agreement for Reimbursement for the Cottonwood Subdivision Water Main Extension (Lehigh) 10. Authorize the City Manager to Sign a Memorandum of Agreement with the Montana Department of Transportation for Maintenance of Urban Highway System Routes in City Limits (Kohtz) 11. Ratify the City Manager's Signature on a Master Services Agreement with MCCi, LLC for Laserfiche Avante Upgrade (Maas) 12. Authorize the City Manager to Sign an Amendment with SAFEbuilt, LLC Adding Third Party Fire Protection Plan Review Services (Waldo) 13. Authorize the City Manager to Sign an Amendment 2 to the Professional Services Agreement with Sanderson Stewart for the Griffin Drive Reconstruction Project to Include Additional Surveying Related to a Gas Main (Lonsdale) 14. Authorize the City Manager to Sign an Amendment 3 to the Professional Services Agreement for the 2018-2021 Materials Testing Contract with Morrison-Maierle, Inc. for the Purpose of DocuSign Envelope ID: C3C50EB9-F685-4FF1-A26A-356322E80022 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes, November 10, 2020 Page 3 of 14 Obtaining Materials Testing on Various City Projects for the Remainder of the Construction Season (Gamradt) 15. Ordinance 2056, Final Adoption Establishing a Municipal Percent for Art Program (Mihelich)  06:14:34 PM (01:04:50) City Manager Introduction CM Mihelich provided the highlights of the consent agenda. 06:15:16 PM (01:05:32) Public Comment There were no public comments. 06:19:02 PM (01:09:18) Motion and Vote to approve Consent Items 1-15 as submitted. The motion passed 5-0. Commissioner - Michael Wallner: Motion Deputy Mayor - Terry Cunningham: 2nd Mayor - Cynthia Andrus: Approve Deputy Mayor - Terry Cunningham: Approve Commissioner - I-Ho Pomeroy: Approve Commissioner - Michael Wallner: Approve Commissioner - Jennifer Madgic: Approve G. 06:19:52 PM (01:10:08) Public Comment Mayor Andrus opened public comment. 06:22:47 PM (01:13:03) Jerry Pape, Public Comment Mr. Pape commented on the City’s efforts on COVID-19 and the social contract. He commented on unintended consequences that may occur related to the Urban Renewal District, specifically the railroad spur. He commented on the possible effects on the building industry and housing. 06:26:24 PM (01:16:40) Emily Talago, Public Comment Ms. Talago commented on concerns for citizens that utilize the library for internet service. 06:28:11 PM (01:18:27) Justice Geddes, Public Comment Mr. Geddes commented on the quarterly report of the Inclusive City Report and that the progress does not go as far as hoped. He noted specifically the updates to the use of force policy. He stated his concern with the guiding documents utilized by the Police Department 06:32:27 PM (01:22:43) Sherry Staub, Public Comment Ms. Staub commented that she had missed the special meetings on Saturday and Monday. She asked what they were about. She agreed about the harshness of the public comment timer. DocuSign Envelope ID: C3C50EB9-F685-4FF1-A26A-356322E80022 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes, November 10, 2020 Page 4 of 14 06:33:43 PM (01:23:59) Tom Simkins, Public Comment Mr. Simkins commented on the Pole Yard Urban Renewal District and the importance of the rail spur to Simkins-Hallin and Empire Building materials. He stated that they have no other place to relocate their business. He commented on the need to protect jobs and the need for a buffer to limit conflicts related to the rail spur. 06:35:30 PM (01:25:46) Emma Bode, Public Comment Ms. Bode commented on the first quarterly report on the Inclusive City Report about the need for a third party review. She commented that the progress was made behind closed doors and without external review. She commented on the role of the new Chief of Police and to seek the input of the community. She commented on the vagueness of the language within the report. H. 06:39:25 PM (01:29:41) Special Presentation 1. Special Presentation for the First Quarterly Report on Progress Made on the Bozeman as an Inclusive City Report (Mihelich) CM Mihelich presented the Strategic Plan’s Vision Statement 3, the progress of the action items from the report, the application to the Government Alliance on Racial Equity (GARE), future steps for the Equity and Inclusion Plan, the Request for Proposals (RFP) for Equity Indicators and Gaps Analysis, early engagement of stakeholders, the update of policies in the Bozeman Police Department, City-wide training programs for staff and elected officials, the acceleration of body worn cameras for the Police Department, additional actions in progress, actions that are not yet started, and what’s next for the City. 06:48:32 PM (01:38:48) Questions of Staff Mayor Andrus asked about specific public comments and if there are any responses to them. DM Cunningham asked about GARE’s practical benefits. He asked about the selection of national best practices from the International Associations of Chiefs of Police (IACP). He asked about the gaps analysis and what is hoped to be achieved. He asked about additional outside funding sources for services and trainings. Cr. Wallner asked about the role of the Task Force to Advance the Status and Safety of All Woman and Girls in the City’s process. He asked about the use of force policy; specifically, he asked about the last officer involved shooting. Mayor Andrus asked about the impact of new policies and training on the Police Department. DM Cunningham commented on systemic racism in America and the requirements to address it. Cr. Madgic agreed with DM Cunningham. I. 07:11:30 PM (02:01:46) Action Items 1. 07:12:06 PM (02:02:22) Resolution 5217, Creation of Special Improvement Lighting District 761, Bridger Vale Subdivision (Donald) DocuSign Envelope ID: C3C50EB9-F685-4FF1-A26A-356322E80022 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes, November 10, 2020 Page 5 of 14 07:12:15 PM (02:02:31) Staff Presentation Finance Director Kristin Donald presented the fixtures to be installed, the map of the proposed district, and the lighting assessments. 07:13:01 PM (02:03:17) Questions of Staff DM Cunningham asked about Dark Sky compliance. 07:14:23 PM (02:04:39) Public Comment Mayor Andrus opened public comment. 07:18:48 PM (02:09:04) Motion and Vote to Adopt Commission Resolution No. 5217 / Creation of Special Improvement Lighting District #761, Bridger Vale. The motion passed 5-0. Commissioner - Jennifer Madgic: Motion Commissioner - I-Ho Pomeroy: 2nd Mayor - Cynthia Andrus: Approve Deputy Mayor - Terry Cunningham: Approve Commissioner - I-Ho Pomeroy: Approve Commissioner - Michael Wallner: Approve Commissioner - Jennifer Madgic: Approve 2. 07:20:38 PM (02:10:54) 1811 West Koch Street Zone Map Amendment, Amendment of the City Zoning Map from R-3 to R-O on 0.69 acre, Application 20102 (Saunders) 07:21:06 PM (02:11:22) Staff Presentation Planner Tom Rogers entered the staff report and application for the record. He presented the current conditions, the existing zoning, the proposed change, correlated zoning with land use categories, the zoning criteria and evaluation, the lack of public comment, and the Zoning Commission recommended approval. 07:25:04 PM (02:15:20) Questions of the Staff Cr. Pomeroy asked about spot zoning. She asked why change the zoning without a development application. DM Cunningham asked why zoning was not previously adjusted to conform to current use. 07:29:17 PM (02:19:33) Applicant Presentation Ryan Krueger from Intrinsik Architecture on behalf of the property owner and applicant presented the current property and reasons for the zoning change. 07:37:45 PM (02:28:01) Questions of Applicant DocuSign Envelope ID: C3C50EB9-F685-4FF1-A26A-356322E80022 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes, November 10, 2020 Page 6 of 14 Cr. Madgic asked for clarification on the applicant’s reference to the Planning Board and Zoning Commission. 07:40:17 PM (02:30:33) Public Comment There were no public comments. 07:43:40 PM (02:33:55) Motion Having reviewed and considered the staff report, application materials, public comment, Zoning Commission recommendation, and all information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application 20-102 and move to approve of the 1811 West Koch Street Zone Map Amendment, with contingencies required to complete the application processing and direct staff to bring back an implementing ordinance. Commissioner - I-Ho Pomeroy: Motion Deputy Mayor - Terry Cunningham: 2nd 07:44:34 PM (02:34:50) Discussion 07:47:41 PM (02:37:57) Motion and Vote Having reviewed and considered the staff report, application materials, public comment, Zoning Commission recommendation, and all information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application 20-102 and move to approve of the 1811 West Koch Street Zone Map Amendment, with contingencies required to complete the application processing and direct staff to bring back an implementing ordinance. The motion passed 5-0. Commissioner - I-Ho Pomeroy: Motion Deputy Mayor - Terry Cunningham: 2nd Mayor - Cynthia Andrus: Approve Deputy Mayor - Terry Cunningham: Approve Commissioner - I-Ho Pomeroy: Approve Commissioner - Michael Wallner: Approve Commissioner - Jennifer Madgic: Approve 07:48:08 PM (02:38:24) Recess Mayor Andrus called the meeting into recess until 8 PM. 08:00:34 PM (02:50:49) Call to order Mayor Andrus called the meeting back to order. 3. 08:00:39 PM (02:50:55) Annexation 20184, for the Bridger Veterinary Specialty Hospital, Located at the SE Corner of the Intersection of Campbell Road and Reeves Road East, Requesting Annexation of 2.0099 Acres Along with Adjacent Rights-of-ways, and Amendment 20184 of the City Zoning Map for the Establishment of a Zoning Designation of B-2, DocuSign Envelope ID: C3C50EB9-F685-4FF1-A26A-356322E80022 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes, November 10, 2020 Page 7 of 14 “Community Business District” (Rogers) 08:01:05 PM (02:51:21) Staff Presentation Planner Rogers entered the staff report and application into the record. He presented the subject property, the annexation history in the area, the review of annexation goals and policies, the proposed zoning, the zoning criteria of evaluation, the correlated land use, the recommendations of the Development Review Committee and Zoning Committee. 08:11:53 PM (03:02:09) Questions of Staff DM Cunningham asked about the status of a contract for services. He asked about public comment from the property owner to the north. He asked about adjacent shared-use path. Mayor Andrus asked for clarification on the contract for services. 08:25:01 PM (03:15:17) Applicant Presentation Ben Elias with Bechtle Architects was available for questions. 08:27:02 PM (03:17:18) Questions of Applicant There were no questions. 08:27:29 PM (03:17:45) Public Comment Mayor Andrus opened public comment. 08:30:08 PM (03:20:23) Marilee Brown, Public Comment Ms. Brown commented on behalf of the Pedestrian Traffic and Safety Committee commented their concerns of a different standard than the prior annexation of Nelson Meadows to the west impacting a future pathway project. 08:35:48 PM (03:26:04) Clarification of Staff Planner Rogers responded to public comment. 08:38:32 PM (03:28:48) Questions of Staff continued 08:40:45 PM (03:31:01) Motion Having reviewed and considered the staff report, application materials, public comment, and all information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application 20184 and move to approve the ‘Bridger Veterinary Specialty Hospital’ Annexation with recommended terms of annexation, and direct staff to prepare an annexation agreement for signature by the parties. Deputy Mayor - Terry Cunningham: Motion Commissioner - Michael Wallner: 2nd DocuSign Envelope ID: C3C50EB9-F685-4FF1-A26A-356322E80022 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes, November 10, 2020 Page 8 of 14 08:41:26 PM (03:31:42) Discussion DM Cunningham summarized the city’s goals and policies for annexation and how this applies to the application. Cr. Wallner stated he does not typically support annexation, either voluntary or forced. He will not support the motion. Cr. Pomeroy will support as the application is in accordance with the growth policy land use map. Mayor Andrus will support the voluntary annexation. 08:45:22 PM (03:35:38) Motion and Vote Having reviewed and considered the staff report, application materials, public comment, and all information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application 20184 and move to approve the ‘Bridger Veterinary Specialty Hospital’ Annexation with recommended terms of annexation, and direct staff to prepare an annexation agreement for signature by the parties. The motion passed 4-1. Deputy Mayor - Terry Cunningham: Motion Commissioner - Michael Wallner: 2nd Mayor - Cynthia Andrus: Approve Deputy Mayor - Terry Cunningham: Approve Commissioner - I-Ho Pomeroy: Approve Commissioner - Michael Wallner: Disapprove Commissioner - Jennifer Madgic: Approve 08:45:49 PM (03:36:05) Motion Having reviewed and considered the staff report, application materials, public comment, and all information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application 20184 and move to approve the ‘Bridger Veterinary Specialty Hospital’ Zone Map Amendment, with contingencies required to complete the application processing. Deputy Mayor - Terry Cunningham: Motion Commissioner - Michael Wallner: 2nd 08:46:19 PM (03:36:35) Discussion 08:49:30 PM (03:39:46) Motion and Vote Having reviewed and considered the staff report, application materials, public comment, and all information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application 20184 and move to approve the ‘Bridger Veterinary Specialty Hospital’ Zone Map Amendment, with contingencies required to complete the application processing. The motion passed 5-0. Deputy Mayor - Terry Cunningham: Motion Commissioner - Michael Wallner: 2nd Mayor - Cynthia Andrus: Approve Deputy Mayor - Terry Cunningham: Approve DocuSign Envelope ID: C3C50EB9-F685-4FF1-A26A-356322E80022 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes, November 10, 2020 Page 9 of 14 Commissioner - I-Ho Pomeroy: Approve Commissioner - Michael Wallner: Approve Commissioner - Jennifer Madgic: Approve 4. 08:49:51 PM (03:40:07) Ordinance 2055, Provisional Adoption to Create the Pole Yard Urban Renewal District and Adopting the Pole Yard Urban Renewal District Plan with a Tax Increment Financing Provision Pursuant to Title 7, Chapter 15, Parts 42 and 43 of the Montana Code Annotated, and Adding Section 2.05.1860, BMC, Regarding the Pole Yard Urban Renewal Board and Section 2.06.1360, BMC, Regarding the Pole Yard Urban Renewal District (Fontenot) 08:55:02 PM (03:45:18)Recess Mayor Andrus called the meeting into recess due to technical issues. 09:10:12 PM (04:00:27) Call to Order Mayor Andrus called the meeting back to order. 09:10:45 PM (04:01:01) Staff Presentation CM Mihelich and Economic Development Director Brit Fontenot presented the questions for Commission consideration, ties to the Strategic Plan, the proximity of the proposed Urban Renewal District (URD), the goals for the Pole Yard URD Plan, other URDs in the City, maps of the proposed Pole Yard URD and existing zoning, public noticing and outreach, and the City’s resource web page. 09:22:50 PM (04:13:06) Mayor Clarification Mayor Andrus clarified the scope of the matter before the Commission. 09:25:06 PM (04:15:22) Questions of Staff DM Cunningham asked why the Ordinance does not speak to the contamination and if the objectives are solely economic development. He asked at what point in the process are funding uses determined and prioritized. He asked limitations of self-governing powers and property development overview. He asked about the County Commissions letter objecting to Tax Increment Financing. Mayor Andrus asked if the City is obligated to remediation by creating the district. She asked about the URD’s contained zoning and correlation to growth policy Future Land Use designation. She asked about the process for any changes to land use. She asked about consideration of the railroad as highlighted by public comments. Cr. Wallner asked the ability to limit development related to the Idaho Pole property. DM Cunningham asked about the City-County Board of Health’s comments to slow progress until more information is known about the site. Cr. Madgic asked about requirements for development in the absence of the district. 09:53:56 PM (04:44:12) Public Comment DocuSign Envelope ID: C3C50EB9-F685-4FF1-A26A-356322E80022 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes, November 10, 2020 Page 10 of 14 Mayor Andrus opened public comment. 09:55:20 PM (04:45:36) Meeting extended Mayor Andrus extended the meeting until 10:15 PM. 09:56:44 PM (04:47:00) Ashley Ogle, Public Comment Ms. Ogle commented on behalf of Kenyon Noble Lumber Company that this is the appropriate time to discuss not creating the URD. She commented on the focus of the Idaho Pole Yard site. She asked why there would be any potential for taxpayers of Bozeman to pay for remediation on site. She commented on other neighborhood considerations. She requested rejection of the URD. 09:59:54 PM (04:50:10) Susan Swimley, Public Comment Ms. Swimley commented on behalf of Kenyon Noble in opposition to the Ordinance. She commented on the goal to protect existing businesses and increase them in the URD plan. She commented that additional traffic will jeopardize industrial businesses. She commented on the impact on staff workloads by encouraging additional development. 10:04:01 PM (04:54:17) Christopher Nixon, Public Comment Mr. Nixon read the comments of Sacagawea Audubon Society’s written comments into the record. 10:07:46 PM (04:58:02) Chandler Dayton, Public Comment Ms. Dayton commented the need to slow down and revisit the URD Plan for consideration of the health effects highlighted by the City-County Board of Health. 10:11:17 PM (05:01:32) Forrest Rowland, Public Comment Mr. Rowland commented as a member of the Board of Directors of Sacagawea Audubon Society that the URD would be hazardous to wetlands and greenspace. 10:13:37 PM (05:03:53) Meeting Extended Mayor Andrus extended the meeting until 10:30 PM. 10:13:43 PM (05:03:58) Stephan Custer, Public Comment Mr. Custer commented on behalf of the Sub-committee of Environmental Health of the City-County Board of Health expressing concerns of liability and the desire to have a memorandum of understanding between the City and the EPA. He stated the desire to slow down the process to implement restrictions on uses to protect health and safety. 10:15:59 PM (05:06:15) Emily Talago, Public Comment Ms. Talago commented on the dangers of URD and TIF financing. She commented on the lack of transparency by the City’s interactions with a potential developer. She opposed the Ordinance. 10:19:35 PM (05:09:51) Anthony Tangaro, Public Comment DocuSign Envelope ID: C3C50EB9-F685-4FF1-A26A-356322E80022 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes, November 10, 2020 Page 11 of 14 Mr. Tangaro commented as the General Manager of Empire Building Materials that there is a potential developer for the area. He commented on a lack of transparency. 10:21:26 PM (05:11:42) Clarification of Staff 10:22:41 PM (05:12:57) Motion to provisionally adopt Ordinance No. 2055 making legislative findings that create the Pole Yard Urban Renewal District and adopting the Pole Yard Urban Renewal District Plan, in order to provide long term economic stability and managed growth through planning and development of public infrastructure, and that doing so is in the best interest of the City and direct staff to return with Ordinance 2055 on the Commission's consent agenda on November 24, 2020 for the second reading. Commissioner - Michael Wallner: Motion Commissioner - Jennifer Madgic: 2nd 10:23:44 PM (05:14:00) Discussion Cr. Wallner stated the URD Plan is in conformance with the City’s plans. He agrees with staff’s findings and will support the motion. 10:28:38 PM (05:18:53) Meeting Extended Mayor Andrus extended the meeting until 10:45 PM. 10:28:45 PM (05:19:01) Discussion continued Cr. Madgic will support the motion and agreed with public comments about concerns and questions in the area. She clarified her decision is based on the matter before the Commission tonight and not development review. Cr. Pomeroy stated she would like to see more testing and will not support the motion. DM Cunningham commented that the goals are exclusively economic development goals. He stated that the goals are insufficient and incomplete and the Ordinance is inadequate as written. He stated his goal is to get answers to public health questions. Mayor Andrus stated her consideration of past practices in creating previous URDs should apply to this decision. She agreed with Cr. Madgic on the need to compartmentalize the creation of a URD separate from development considerations. She acknowledged challenges and concerns but the matter before the Commission is the creation of tools that will help this area if there is future development. She noted the opportunity to address concerns for businesses, the environment, including wetlands, and transportation. She expressed her fear that the property may remain fallow and contain environmental concerns that may never be addressed without this action. She will support the motion as meeting the criteria. 10:41:01 PM (05:31:16) Amendment to the Motion to incorporate goals related to public health and the protection of existing businesses into the Ordinance. DocuSign Envelope ID: C3C50EB9-F685-4FF1-A26A-356322E80022 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes, November 10, 2020 Page 12 of 14 Deputy Mayor - Terry Cunningham: Motion Commissioner - Michael Wallner: 2nd 10:41:20 PM (05:31:36) Discussion on the amendment 10:44:20 PM (05:34:36) Vote on the Amendment to the Motion to incorporate goals related to public health and the protection of existing businesses into the Ordinance. The amendment passed 4-1. Deputy Mayor - Terry Cunningham: Motion Commissioner - Michael Wallner: 2nd Mayor - Cynthia Andrus: Approve Deputy Mayor - Terry Cunningham: Approve Commissioner - I-Ho Pomeroy: Disapprove Commissioner - Michael Wallner: Approve Commissioner - Jennifer Madgic: Approve 10:46:25 PM (05:36:41) Meeting extended Mayor Andrus extended the meeting until 11 PM. 10:46:33 PM (05:36:49) Amendment to the Motion adding environmental protections, specifically for wetlands and riparian areas, to Ordinance 2055. 10:46:49 PM (05:37:05) Discussion 10:48:08 PM (05:38:24) Vote on the Amendment to the Motion adding environmental protections, specifically for wetlands and riparian areas, to Ordinance 2055. The amendment passed 4-1. Commissioner - Jennifer Madgic: Motion Deputy Mayor - Terry Cunningham: 2nd Mayor - Cynthia Andrus: Approve Deputy Mayor - Terry Cunningham: Approve Commissioner - I-Ho Pomeroy: Disapprove Commissioner - Michael Wallner: Approve Commissioner - Jennifer Madgic: Approve 10:48:41 PM (05:38:57) Vote on the Motion as Amended to provisionally adopt Ordinance No. 2055 making legislative findings that create the Pole Yard Urban Renewal District and adopting the Pole Yard Urban Renewal District Plan with the incorporated goals of protecting public health, protecting existing businesses, and environmental protections specifically for wetlands and riparian areas, in order to provide long term economic stability and managed growth through planning and development of public infrastructure, and that doing so is in the best interest of the City and direct staff to return with Ordinance 2055, as amended, on the Commission's consent agenda on November 24, 2020 for the DocuSign Envelope ID: C3C50EB9-F685-4FF1-A26A-356322E80022 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes, November 10, 2020 Page 13 of 14 second reading. The motion passed 4-1. Commissioner - Michael Wallner: Motion Commissioner - Jennifer Madgic: 2nd Mayor - Cynthia Andrus: Approve Deputy Mayor - Terry Cunningham: Approve Commissioner - I-Ho Pomeroy: Disapprove Commissioner - Michael Wallner: Approve Commissioner - Jennifer Madgic: Approve 5. 10:50:14 PM (05:40:30) Appointment to the Library Board of Trustees (Maas) 10:50:22 PM (05:40:38) Public Comment There were no public comments. 10:52:10 PM (05:42:26) Motion and Vote to appoint Stewart Mohr to the Library Board of Trustees with a term ending June 30, 2025. The motion passed 5-0. Deputy Mayor - Terry Cunningham: Motion Commissioner - Michael Wallner: 2nd Mayor - Cynthia Andrus: Approve Deputy Mayor - Terry Cunningham: Approve Commissioner - I-Ho Pomeroy: Approve Commissioner - Michael Wallner: Approve Commissioner - Jennifer Madgic: Approve 6. 10:53:22 PM (05:43:37) Appointment to Audit Committee (Maas) 10:53:29 PM (05:43:45) Public Comment There were no public comments. 10:55:05 PM (05:45:21) Motion and Vote to appoint Linda Gabel to the Audit Committee, Citizen position, with a term ending March 1, 2022. The motion passed 5-0. Commissioner - Michael Wallner: Motion Commissioner - Jennifer Madgic: 2nd Mayor - Cynthia Andrus: Approve Deputy Mayor - Terry Cunningham: Approve Commissioner - I-Ho Pomeroy: Approve Commissioner - Michael Wallner: Approve Commissioner - Jennifer Madgic: Approve DocuSign Envelope ID: C3C50EB9-F685-4FF1-A26A-356322E80022 Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes, November 10, 2020 Page 14 of 14 J. 10:55:41 PM (05:45:56) FYI/Discussion • Mayor Andrus commented on the use of the timer for public comments. K. 10:57:00 PM (05:47:16) Adjournment ___________________________________ Cynthia L. Andrus Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________________ Mike Maas City Clerk PREPARED BY: ___________________________________ Mike Maas City Clerk Approved on: March 23, 2021 DocuSign Envelope ID: C3C50EB9-F685-4FF1-A26A-356322E80022