HomeMy WebLinkAbout30031C0615D NOTES TO USERS LEGEND This map is for use in administering the National Flood Insurance Program.It MM SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS SFHM) SUBJECT TO does not necessarily identify all areas subject to flooding, particularly from local INUNDATION BY THE 1%ANNUAL C ANCE FLOOD drainage sources of small size.The community map repository should be a91aoam E a92oaom E 493000m E 494osom E 111 T7'30.0' JOINS PANEL 0605 Ill'03'45.0•' The 1%annual chance R000(100-year Flood),also known as the base Flood,is the Flood Consulted for possible updated or additional flood hazard information. 45'48'45.0- 45'48'45.0" that has a 1%chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year.The Special Flood Hazard Area is the area subject to flooding by the 1%annual chance flood.Areas TO obtain more detailed information In areas where Base Flood Elevations of Special Flood Hazard include Zones A,AE,AH,AD,AR,A99,V and VE.The Base (BFEs)and/or floodways have been determined,users are encouraged to consult Flood Elevation is the water-surface elevation of the 1%annual chance Flood. the Flood Profiles and Floodway Data and/or Summary of Stillwater Elevations ZONE A No Base Flood Elevations determined. tables contained within the Flood Insurance Study(FIS)report that accompanies so73000m N this FIRM. Users should be aware that BFEs shown on the FIRM represent " ZONE AE Base Flood Elevators determined. rounded whole-foot elevations. These BFEs are intended for flood insurance ZONE AN Flood depths of 1 to 3 feet(usually areas of ponding); Base Flood rating purposes only and should not be used as the sale source of flood x _ Elevations determined. elevation information. Accordingly, flood elevation data presented in the FIS ZONE AO Flood depths of 1 to 3 feet (usually sheet Flow on sloping terrain); report should be utilized in conjunction with the FIRM for purposes of Q verage depths detemhined. For areas of alluvial fan (boding,velocities construction and/or floodplain management. `° alw determined. Y ZONE AR Heard Special Flood Hard Area formerly protected from the 1%annual Coastal Base Flood Elevations shown onthis map apply only landward 29 28 ti 27 26 Chance Flood by Flood control system that was Subsequently of 0.0' North American Vertical Datum of 1988(NAVD 88). Users of this 3 a decertified. Zone AR indicates that the former Flood control system is FIRM should be aware that coastal flood elevations are also provided in the being restored to provide protection from the 1% annual chance or Summary of Stillwater Elevations table in the Flood Insurance Study report greater Flood. for this jurisdiction. Elevations shown in the Summary of Stlllwater Elevations PENWELL BRIDGE ROAD ZONE A99 Area to be protected from 1% annual chance Flootl by a Federal table should be used for construction and/or floodplain management purposes Flood protection system under construction; no Base Flood Elevations when they are higher than the elevations shown on this FIRM. determined. ZONE V Coastal Flood sone with velocity hazard(Wave action); no Base Flood Boundaries of the floodways were computed at cross sections and interpolated Elevations determined. between cross sections. The floDdways were based on hydraulic considerations ZONE VE Coastal flood zone with velocity heard (wave action); Base Flood with regard to requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program. Floodway Elevations determined. widths and other pertinent floodway,data are provided in the Flood Insurance Study report for this jurisdiction. ENWELL F.RID.EROAC EM FLOODWAY AREAS IN ZONE AE �n Certain areas not in Special Flood Hazard Areas may of protected by flood 72 N + The flood ay n me channel of a stream plus any adjacent flood can areas that must ut control structures. Refer to Section 2.4 "Flood Protection Measures" of kelp free of encroachment so that me 1%annual chance Flood can W arced without the Flood Insurance Study report for information on flood control structures substantial increases in Flood heights. for this jurisdiction. OTHER FLOOD AREAS The projection used in the preparation of this map Was Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) zone 12. The horizontal datum was NAD83, GRS1980 ZONE Areas of 0.'% annual chance Flood; a s of 1%annual chance flood spheroid. Differences in datum, spheroid, projection or UTM zones used in with average depths of less man 1 foot a with drainage areas less man the production of FIRMS for adjacent jurisdictions may result in slight positional 1 square mile; and areas protected by levees from 1%annual chance differences in map features across jurisdiction boundaries. These differences Flootl. do not affect the accuracy of this FIRM. Q OTHER AREAS Flood elevations on this map are referenced to the North American Vertical g ZONE X Areas determined to be outside the 0.2%annual chance floodplain. Datum of 1988. These flood elevations must be compared to structure and ZONED Areas in which Flab hoards are unaeterminetl,but possible. ground elevations referenced to the same vertical datum. For information regarding conversion between the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 32 and the North American Vertical Datum of 1988, visit the National Geodetic 33 34 35 ® COASTAL BARRIER RESOURCES SYSTEM(CBRS)AREAS Survey website at httpJ/wwv ngs.noaa.gov/ or contact the National Geodetic ,°e Survey at the following address: ZONE A G OTHERWISE PROTECTED AREAS(OPAS) NGS Information Services CBRS areas and OPAs are normally located within or adjacent to Special Flood Hazard Areas. NOAA,NINGS12 National Geodetic Survey 5071 Doom National + _ Floodplain boundary SSMC-3,M9202 IT w Flaxlway boundary 1315 East-West Highway Silver Spring,MD 20910-3282 zone D boundary z a tuuwuutuaaa To obtain current elevation,description,and/or location information for bench marks CBRS and OPA boundary shown on this map, please contact the Information Services Branch of the 04—Boundary dividing Special Flood Haard Areas of different National Geodetic Survey at (301) 713-3242, or visit its website at Base Flood Elevations,Flood depths or flood velocities. http://—.ngs.noaa.goV/. BATCHWEAVE ROAD ^^^^�513^^^^"' Base Flood Elevation line and value;elevation in feet* Base map information shown on this FIRM was provided in digital format by the ZONE A (EL 987) Base Hood Elevation value where uniform within zone; elevation in feet- Gallatin 1 N. E BASELINE ROAD Gella[In County GIS Department *Referenced to the North American Vertical Datum of 199E(NAVD 88) o } T.1 S. T.1 S. < 3 < 0 3 A A Cross seat.line a ma z w This map reflects more detailed and up-to-date stream channel configurations -",;r. i< 4 23 ______� Trensect line than those shown on the previous FIRM For this jurisdiction. The floodplains and floodways that were transferred from the previous FIRM may have been CIG�'I - Datum Geographic coordinates;83(NADreferenced ro the Nam erector adjusted to conform to these new stream channel configurations. As a ��LJ y 97-07 32°z2'30" I 0 DMum of 1983(rvAo 83) result, the Flood Profiles and Floodway Data tables t the Flood Insurance (j1 4275000mN 1000meter Universal Transverse Meraror grid ticks,zone 12 Study report(which contains authoritative hydraulic data)may reflect stream - RNER RUN ROAD channel distances that differ from what is shown on this map. So70toom N w 5000 foot grid lido: Alabama State Plane coordinate East Gallatin River a z 6000000 M Corporate limits shown on this map are based on the best data available �g c System,east zone(RPSZONE 0101), Transverse Mercator at the time of publication.Because changes due to annexations or de-annexations may have occurred after this map was published,map users should contact GALLATIN CO NTY J DX5510 Bench mark(see explanation in Notes to users section of appropriate community officials to verify current corporate limit locations. w 5 w X this FIRM panel) Please refer to the separately printed Map Index for an overview map of the a UNINCORPORAT�IE AREAS a �M7.5 River Mile county showing the layout of map panels;community map repository addresses; z 30�U2/ BALLANTYNE LANE N and a Listing Of Communities table containing National Flood Insurance Program O ZONE A ROSEBUSH . 2 O MAP REPOSITORIES dates for each Community as well as a listing Of the panels on which each 4 _ _ _ 3 Refer to Map Repositories list on Map Index community is located. IS EFFECTIVE DATE OF COUNTYWIDE M o FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP Contact the FEMA Map Service Center at 1-800-358-9616 for information on PnOGE331VE Z t September 2,2011 available products associated with this FIRM. Available products may include DRIVE a y EFFECTIVE DATE(S)OF REVISION(S)TO THIS PANEL previously issued Leiters of Map Change, a Flood Insurance Study report, ZONE A i. eddge ` and/or digital versions of this map.The FEMA Map Service Center may also be DMIT OF w reached by Fax at 1-800-358-9620 and its website at httpJ/w .msc.fema.gov/. DETAILED S7UDY ! o w 3 AIRPORT Rono If you have questions about this map or questions concerning the National 4464 A oGJ o g z Flood Insurance Program in general,please call l-877-FEMA MAP(1-877-336-2627) —4466 9A�glY g or Visit the FEMA website at http://—.fema.gov/. B w Sur canmun'M map rev swn nisrory prior m munrywde mapping,refer to the Community so69000m N + 3 + map History table located in the Flood Insurance Study report for this jurisdiction. 4466 lob L, To determine d Flood insurance s available m this community, contact your in ZONE 68 - insurance AE dd 2 age.or call the National Flood Insurance Program at 1 B00 638-fi620. AIRPORT ROAD B q4�d /ifFL FTI� C i bah( AA�B �\v SIIfx��JIIT cP PNe MAP SCALE 1"=1000' Q bit$ a° b 600 0 1000 FEET 0 1 orb pd� Foo[brldg METERS B ulch tsr DRIVEWAY D 4478-""-" �A B IDGEfl KE DRIVE 4482 aA ate°! Footbdege ® PANEL 0615D ZO E A lit su4486�g Aa92 culvert O O AA9A UFTAI LEMITO TC. HT DSTUDY to 9ss FIRM 4496--__ LAKE PARK DRIV TOOHEY E MADm FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP $ so�000m N + �- 2 6 ZONE AE 11 Culvert culvert � g 4484 K 'Age 450 1 Footbridge GALLATIN COUNTY, Buster ZONE AE 4500- ®u MONTANA lch ------1 11 -- 4506 M P 00 kO CURRY 450 Foorodege DRIVEWAY Foofonage RIVE r.� d - N Culvert A9 0D AND INCORPORATED AREAS bag6 CuNert��4 4510 `y 4 4494 Q Culvert 4506 ..45,NB J P 4 EAST ETTA �2 PANEL 615 OF 1725 PLACE a5" GALL4TINRIVE Culvert ulvert 4510' 9qr (SEE MAP INDEX FOR FIRM PANEL LAYOUT) CO— bP0 O�1HO TOMBSTONE ,p 6 Q O m GAL—IN ZONE AEA a P yob ,POE PLACE A5 lost COMMUNITY NUMBER NELSON BOAC Nb° p43 0 p� ,,,,, �� PANEL D A THATO OALIN COUNTY 30002] 0acallsD H CUve \ - a 2 4517 Ay16 a 1 ay2 452 oRrDFF9 �O° O 4522 4526 so67000m N + b) lob d52° P 5 �N ANE�9pN + 4528 / ; DRIVE h Q Y T 5 u 16 15 17 o a a52z b53° m� M 52° c90 14�¢ �Q A Q 4534 'fa O n O d52A A536 N 4OOW 4 9 Notice to User The Map NUmWr shown below sloua be Blister 4542 W Fw 4 gNgEL .N Ay Used when placing map odors;the Community Number shown LARKSPUR OR (UtCh 53 w �O above should W used on hnsurence applloations for the subloot 4526 5 lulu A546 °9 m rH NE country. (EL 45z4) 4528 Buster Ngb° p� .�, m j FOXGLOVE y^j2 GulClt BARRICK ROAD a MAPNUMBER < COURT g 30031C0615D FINTECANYONDRIVEhfJ �LJJ ,• SE4"S'00.0" 45'45'00.0' EFFECTIVE DATE 111417'30.0" JOINS PANEL 0801 4538 4546 JOINS PANEL 0802 111'03•a5.o"ZONEAE SEPTEMBER 2,2011 Federal Emergency Management Agency