HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-16-21 Public Comment - S. Thompson - Buffalo Run App. 21076From:Sam Thompson To:Agenda Subject:Public Comment - Application 21076 Date:Tuesday, March 16, 2021 11:08:15 AM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Public Comment Regarding Application 21076 Dear Bozeman City Commission and Zoning Commission, I am writing to bring to your attention Application 21076 for the annexation and zone map amendment of a proposed R-4 zoning district, known as Buffalo Run Subdivision. I am a Bozeman resident andhomeowner, and am opposed to a high density development in this location. Bozeman Municipal CodeBozeman Municipal Code 38.300.100 classifies R-4 as Residential High Density. The code states that the intent and purpose of such a zoning district is as follows: “Use of this zone is appropriate for areas adjacent to mixed-use districts, commercial districts, and/or served by transit to accommodate a higher density of residents in close proximity to jobs and services.” The proposed R-4 zoning district does not meet any of the criteria set forth per Bozeman Municipal Code for such a district. -It is not adjacent to or even near mixed-use or commercial districts. -It is not served by transit.-It is not near any jobs or services. The closest employer is located 1.5 miles away and the closest grocery store is located 2.7 miles away. Neither of which are connected to the subject property by sidewalks, bike lanes or even roads wide enough toaccommodate a shoulder to walk or bike along. This development goes directly against the City’s goals of creating density within walkable neighborhoods. Bozeman Community Plan The Future Land Use Map contained in the 2020 Bozeman Community Plan designates the area proposed for an R-4 zoning district as Urban Neighborhood which includes R-S, R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, R-5, R-O, REMU,RMH, B-1, and PLI. The application attempts to justify compliance with the growth policy primarily because the proposed zoning district falls within the boundaries of the Urban Neighborhood designation. However, this Urban Neighborhood designation does not mean that anywhere withinthe area boundary is necessarily appropriate for R-4 zoning and simply being within this boundary is not sole justification for R-4 zoning. Thecommunity plan clearly states that higher density residential areas areto be near commercial mixed use areas in order to provide access to services and employment opportunities without the use of a car. There are currently no such districts adjacent to the property and the 2020Bozeman Community Plan Future Land Use Map does not include any such districts adjacent to the property. In addition, the plan states multiple times throughout that overall goals of the plan are to reduce urban sprawl and focus development on infill versus outward expansion. “Infill development and redevelopment should be prioritized” “The City intends to look inward by prioritizing infill” “RC-3.1 Work with Gallatin County to create compact, contiguous development and infill to achieve an efficient use of land and infrastructure, reducing sprawl and preserving open space, agriculturallands, wildlife habitat, and water resources.” The subject property is surrounded on three sides by large parcels zoned AS, which is agricultural use land with a single home on each parcel.-The proposed development removes existing agriculture lands, which is not inline with goal RC-3.1 to reduce sprawl and preserve agricultural lands and open space. -The proposed development is not infill, and in fact attempts to extend anisland of high density housing well beyond the existing city limits into a rural agricultural area, contributing to urban sprawl. AccessThe subject property is situated along Fowler Lane. The application attempts to justify compliance with the intents of an R-4 zoning district by calling Fowler Lane an arterial road. Fowler Lane is currently not an arterial road and the likelihood of it becoming one in the next decadeare slim to none. Fowler Lane is a county dirt road which does not,at any point along its contiguous length, enter the Bozeman City limits. To access the proposed high density development, one must leave the Bozeman City Limits and travel 1 mile down Stucky Road, turn on to Fowler Lane and travel an additional 0.8 miles - all 1.8 miles of which are through the county on narrow roads with no shoulders and no sidewalks.Alternatively, the proposed high density development may also be accessed via Kurk Drive, a local street which bisects a neighborhood of single family homes. Routing the amount of traffic that a high density development brings down a small street lined by single family homeswould be devastating to the character of the existing neighborhood. Simply put, there are no appropriate means of access to a high density development in this location. In closing, it is clear that the proposed annexation and ZMA do not comply with the 2020 Bozeman Community Plan or Bozeman Municipal Code. This sentiment is also shared by hundreds of current residents. Please deny Application 21076. Sincerely, Sam Thompson 3356 S 26th Ave Bozeman, MT 59718