HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-22-20 FINAL MINUTES City Commission Meeting of Bozeman, MontanaBozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes, December 22, 2020 Page 1 of 13 THE CITY COMMMISSION MEETING OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA MINUTES Tuesday, December 22, 2020 Present:Cyndy Andrus, Terry Cunningham, I-Ho Pomeroy, Michael Wallner, Jennifer Madgic Absent:None Staff Present in the Webex:City Manager (CM) Jeff Mihelich, City Attorney (CA) Greg Sullivan, City Clerk (CC) Mike Maas A)00:15:22 Call to Order -6:00 PM -Webex Videoconference B)00:19:17 Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence C)00:19:55 Changes to the Agenda There were no changes to the agenda. D)00:20:02 FYI Cr. Wallner shared an update from the Task Force to Advance the Status and Safety of All Women and Girls, on members Jan Strout and LeiAnna Bertleson participation in the Chief of Police hiring process, and Ms. Bertleson's role in the appointment of a new member to the Police Commission. DM Cunningham noted the change of Editor at the Bozeman Daily Chronicle. He identified our local newspaper as the eyes and ears for the community. CM Mihelich acknowledged Sgt. Jason LaCross's retirement after 25 years with the Bozeman Police Department. He highlighted the Request for Proposals for the Affordable Housing Ordinance and an analysis of the Unified Development Code. He stated that the fall cleanup effort picked up 1.1 million pounds of leaves. He noted the equity and inclusivity gaps analysis RFP is in the selection phase between two submitting firms. E)00:25:47 Commission Disclosures There were no disclosures. F)00:25:54 Consent F.1 Accounts Payable Claims Review and Approval DocuSign Envelope ID: 0C8468CC-D4B5-4493-AAD7-CBD95D94503C Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes, December 22, 2020 Page 2 of 13 Cover Page F.2 Authorize the City Manager to Sign a Public Street and Utility Easement with Major Brands Distributing Company, Inc. for the Cottonwood Subdivision Project (20186) Cover Page Public Street and Utility Easement F.3 Authorize the City Manager to Sign a Temporary Storm Drain Easement, a Storm Drain Easement, a Water Pipeline and Public Access Easement and Agreement, a Sewer and Water Pipeline and Access Easement and Agreement, a Private Utility Easement, a Utility Easement, a Public Street and Utility Easement, a Public Street Easement, and a Public Access Easement with Billings Clinic for the Billings Clinic Master Site Plan Project (20216) Cover Page Temporary Storm Drain Easement Storm Drain Easement Water Pipeline and Public Access Easement and Agreement Sewer and Water Pipeline and Access Easement and Agreement Private Utility Easement Utility Easement Public Street and Utility Easement Public Street Easement Public Access Easement F.4 Authorize the City Manager to Sign an Agreement with BMB Emergency Medicine LLC for Medical Direction of Fire Department Emergency Medical Service (EMS) Operations Cover Page BFD Medical Direction Contract.pdf BFD Exhibit A.pdf F.5 Authorize City Manager to Sign Professional Service Agreement with Public Sector Personnel Consultants for Compensation Benchmark Study Cover Page PSPC Contract 12 2020.docx PSPC Contract Scope of Work Exhibit A.doc F.6 Approve Professional Services Agreement with VertiGIS to Update a GIS-Based Capital Project Planning Application and Workflow for Public Works. Cover Page Professional Services Agreement - VertiGIS Exhibit A - VertiGIS Capital Project Planning App Development Proposal F.7 Authorize the City Manager to Sign Professional Services Agreement with Sanderson Stewart for Landscape and Civil Engineering Design at Westlake Park Cover Page PSA.Sanderson Stewart.2020WestlakeCILP.docx PSA.Sanderson Stewart.2020WestlakeCILP-AttachmentA.docx.pdf F.8 Authorize the City Manager to Sign the Professional Service Agreement with the Morrison-Maierle / DOWL Engineering Team for the Design Standards Update Cover Page Professional Services Agreement with Attachments F.9 Authorize the City Manager to Sign Amendment 1 to the Granicus Service Agreement with Granicus, LLC for $26,000 to Provide Close Captioning Services for 200 Hours of City Meetings DocuSign Envelope ID: 0C8468CC-D4B5-4493-AAD7-CBD95D94503C Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes, December 22, 2020 Page 3 of 13 Cover Page Granicus Close Captioning Quote Final Bozeman MT 12.14.2020.pdf F.10 Resolution 5223, a Resolution of Intent of the Bozeman City Commission to Change the Street Name of Dead Mans Gulch to Cattail Street Cover Page Staff Report - Dead Mans Gulch Name Change Resolution 5223 intent - Dead Mans Gulch to Cattail Street Map of Proposed Change Notice of Intent Owner Excel Spreadsheet F.11 Resolution 5241, a Resolution of Intent of the Bozeman City Commission to Change the Street Name of Campus Boulevard to Stucky Road Cover Page Staff Report - Campus Blvd Name Change Resolution 5241 - Intent Campus Blvd to Stucky Rd Map Exhibit of Campus Blvd to Stucky Rd Notice of Intent Owner Excel Spreadsheet-Campus Blvd to Stucky Rd F.12 Resolution 5244, Confirming the Appointment of Police Officer in Accordance with Montana Code Annotated 7-32-4108 and 7-32-4113 Cover Page Commission Resolution 5244.docx F.13 Resolution 5245 Correcting a Scrivener's Error in Table 4 of the Bozeman Community Plan 2020 Cover Page Resolution 5245 Correct Errata in GP 12-22-2020.docx Resolution 5245 - Zoning & Land Use Table 4.pdf F.14 Resolution 5246, Certification of Delinquent City Assessments to the County Resolution 5246-Certification of Delinquent 1st half-FY 2021.docx Schedule A 121020.pdf Cover Page 00:26:03 City Manager Introduction CM Mihelich provided the highlights of the consent agenda. 00:28:36 Public Comment There were no public comments on consent items.. 00:32:39 Motion to approve Consent Items 1-14 as submitted. I-Ho Pomeroy: Motion Terry Cunningham: 2nd 00:32:39 Vote on the Motion to approve Consent Items 1-14 as submitted.The Motion passed 5 - 0 Approve: Cyndy Andrus DocuSign Envelope ID: 0C8468CC-D4B5-4493-AAD7-CBD95D94503C Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes, December 22, 2020 Page 4 of 13 Terry Cunningham I-Ho Pomeroy Michael Wallner Jennifer Madgic Disapprove: None G)00:32:55 Public Comment Mayor Andrus opened general public comment. 00:35:04 Jerry Pape, Public Comment Jerry Pape, Planning Board member speaking on his own behalf, commented on the changes forthcoming in Helena related to restrictions and that there is a need for local strategizing for protections for Covid-19. He commented on the need for varied emergency response vehicles to maintain service levels in areas of denser development. 00:37:32 Sunshine Ross, Public Comment Sunshine Ross commented in opposition to the Kagy Blvd expansion project and to view multimodal transit options. She commented on the need to focus on multimodal transit solutions. 00:38:39 Marilee Brown, Public Comment Marilee Brown, from Safer Bozeman, commented on the anniversary of the death of, Alexa Dzintars, a bicyclist killed by a drunk driver on 19th Ave. She asked everyone to not drink and drive. 00:40:12 Reuben Travis, Public Comment Reuben Travis commented on his son being hit by a car in a crosswalk at Main St. and Willson Ave. He commented on behalf of pedestrian safety and the need to invest in infrastructure. He commented on the lack of parking with some new developments in the Downtown and Midtown Districts creating pedestrians. 00:42:46 Mark Egge, Public Comment Mark Egge, Parking Commission and Planning Board member, speaking on his own behalf commented on the Capital Improvements Plan (CIP). He supported on the $500,000 increase in funding for bicycle and pedestrian improvements. Second, he reiterated his request to revisit the scope of the Kagy Blvd. project. He requested a pause on the project for one year, directing staff to engage the public. Finally, he commented on the desire to see more transparency in the budget. 00:45:54 Kirsa Shelkey, Public Comment Kirsa Shelkey, Zoning Commission member, speaking on her own behalf commented her support for adoption of the 2020 Bozeman Climate Plan. She echoed Mr. Egge's support for funding of biking and pedestrian projects. She commented in opposition to the Kagy Blvd. 00:49:20 Cathy Costakis, Public Comment Cathy Costakis, Planning Board member, commented as a public health practitioner in opposition to the Kagy Blvd. project. She commented on the need to focus on the demand side of traffic issues to solve transportation issues. DocuSign Envelope ID: 0C8468CC-D4B5-4493-AAD7-CBD95D94503C Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes, December 22, 2020 Page 5 of 13 00:52:17 Allen May, Public Comment Allen May spoke in opposition to the Kagy Blvd. expansion project. He commented on the process previously conducted on the project. He commented on the project's effect severing South Bozeman neighborhoods from MSU Campus or Downtown Bozeman. 00:55:46 Randy Carpenter, Public Comment Randy Carpenter commented in his personal capacity urging the Commission to reassess the design for the Kagy Blvd. project. He commented on consideration of induced demand by increasing supply side approaches. He disagreed with staff's point that this project is a 20-year design. 00:59:43 Kathy Powell, Public Comment Kathy Powell commented on the Kagy Blvd. expansion project. She commented on the MDT planning sessions and the MSU transportation plan's recommendation on the project. She commented on transportation related emissions. 01:03:08 David Kack, Public Comment David Kack commented on his personal behalf in opposition to the Kagy Blvd expansion project. He commented on induced demand. He commented on the past process for the project. H)01:07:22 Action Items H.1 01:07:28 Resolution 5207, Adoption of the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for Fiscal Years 2022-2026 Cover Page Resolution - 5207 CIP FY22 - FY26.docx Bike and Ped Memo.pdf 01:07:33 Staff Presentation CM Mihelich presented the CIP Process, the Strategic Plan, and the background on the CIP. Finance Director Kristin Donald presented the funds included in the CIP, the scheduled projects, and unscheduled projects. She presented the bike and pedestrian analysis, recent additions via street projects, a map of the projects, recent additions of trails and multi-use path projects, projects in the current CIP, a map of the proposed projects, trails and multi-use paths through additional funding sources, and additional funding options for additional projects. She presented the staff recommendation. 01:27:32 Questions of Staff DM Cunningham asked how Transportation Master Plan stand-alone projects compete with equal footing with other CIP projects. He asked for clarification on where the funds come from for projects like the Kagy Blvd expansion and limitations on what those funds can be spent on. He asked about becoming an entitlement City upon a Census count of over 50,000 people and the requirement for a metropolitan planning organization. He asked about a potential bond initiative to fund CIP projects and the possibility of a dedicated funding source for affordable housing. Cr. Wallner asked for an explanation of the process for procedures, policies, and training related to body-worn cameras for the Bozeman Police Department (BPD). He asked a follow-up related to balancing the use of body-worn cameras. He asked how to increase funding for fiber-optic and whether it should wait for the completion of the master plan. He asked for an elaboration and explanation of the Kagy Blvd project. Cr. Madgic asked about potential additional process related to the Kagy Blvd project. DocuSign Envelope ID: 0C8468CC-D4B5-4493-AAD7-CBD95D94503C Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes, December 22, 2020 Page 6 of 13 Cr. Pomeroy asked for clarification on role of MDT with Kagy Blvd and the funding provided for the project. She asked about the scope and costs related to the fiber-optic master plan. Mayor Andrus asked about additional new information on the Kagy Blvd project, in addition to information related to past processes. She asked about the timetable for design work related to the project. She asked about the proposed one-time funding of $500,000 for bike and pedestrian improvement projects. 02:03:39 Public Comment Mayor Andrus opened this item for public comments. 02:07:05 Ralph Zimmer, Public Comment Ralph Zimmer commented as the Chair of the Pedestrian and Traffic Safety Committee on the Transportation Master Plan's identified independent, stand-alone bike and pedestrian projects. He commented on the proposed funding levels for those projects. 02:11:39 Kevin Thane, Public Comment Kevin Thane, Chair of the Community Affordable Housing Advisory Board, commented on his own behalf on the interdependency of City programs and policies. He commented on the role of City equipment on compact development and recommended the evaluation of smaller equipment. 02:13:36 Marilee Brown, Public Comment Marilee Brown, member of the Pedestrian and Traffic Safety Committee, commented on behalf of GAP and Safer Bozeman for bike and pedestrian funding. She commented on the need for funding dedicated to multimodal transportation projects. 02:17:19 Pat Martin, Public Comment Pat Martin commented in support of the CIP for Parks and Recreation. He spoke in favor of resurfacing the court at the Story Mill Community Center. 02:19:01 Jason Delmue, Public Comment Jason Delmue, acting Chair of the Bozeman Area Bicycle Advisory Board, commented on his own behalf in support of bond funding affordable housing. He commented in support of additional funding for bike and pedestrian facilities. He commented on the need to fund stand-alone projects. He commented on moving the Kagy Blvd project one year later in the CIP. 02:21:39 Douglas Fischer, Public Comment Douglas Fischer commented in favor of postponing the Kagy Blvd expansion project. 02:24:33 Motion to adopt Resolution 5207, adopting the capital improvement plan for fiscal years 2022 to 2026. Terry Cunningham: Motion Michael Wallner: 2nd 02:25:08 Motion to direct staff to come back to the Commission with arecommendation for a ballot initiative, be that a bond or a levy, to raise $10 million in funds for affordable housing projects and the funds would be a combination of a revolving loan fund, land acquisition fund, and reimbursement for qualifying affordable housing projects. DocuSign Envelope ID: 0C8468CC-D4B5-4493-AAD7-CBD95D94503C Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes, December 22, 2020 Page 7 of 13 Terry Cunningham: Motion Michael Wallner: 2nd DM Cunningham spoke in support of his amendment. Cr. Wallner stated his full support. Cr. Madgic stated her support to do all possible to solve affordable housing issue. Cr. Pomeroy stated her full support. Mayor Andrus stated her support and noted the difficulties of funding sources in Montana for affordable housing. She stated it is time to put the question to the citizens. 02:32:00 Vote on the Motion to direct staff to come back to the Commission with a recommendation for a ballot initiative, be that a bond or a levy, to raise $10 million in funds for affordable housing projects and the funds would be a combination of a revolving loan fund, land acquisition fund, and reimbursement for qualifying affordable housing projects.The Motion passed 5 - 0 Approve: Cyndy Andrus Terry Cunningham I-Ho Pomeroy Michael Wallner Jennifer Madgic Disapprove: None 02:32:18 Motion to amend Resolution 5207 to include $500,000 from the SID Resurfacing Fund for bike and pedestrian improvement projects in FY 2022. Michael Wallner: Motion Jennifer Madgic: 2nd Cr. Wallner spoke to the work of Pedestrian and Traffic Safety Committee and the Bozeman Area Bicycle Advisory Board. He spoke to additional safety for bikers and pedestrians. Cr. Madgic stated her support and appreciation for public commenters and these projects are something that make Bozeman great. Cr. Pomeroy stated her support and encouragement of the City making it bikable and walkable. Mayor Andrus stated her support and the one-time funding option. DM Cunningham stated the difficulty of funding the stand-alone projects highlighted in the TMP. He stated his interest in seeing bicycle boulevards as a start for projects to fund. 02:40:22 Vote on the Motion to amend Resolution 5207 to include $500,000 from the SID Resurfacing Fund for bike and pedestrian improvement projects in FY 2022.The Motion passed 5 – 0. Approve: Cyndy Andrus Terry Cunningham I-Ho Pomeroy DocuSign Envelope ID: 0C8468CC-D4B5-4493-AAD7-CBD95D94503C Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes, December 22, 2020 Page 8 of 13 Michael Wallner Jennifer Madgic Disapprove: None 02:40:59 Cr. Madgic asked for the Fire Deptartment to investigate and report on potential purchase and implementation of fire fighting vehicles with improved maneuverability for use in compact neighborhoods and areas with narrow rows. 02:43:40 Cr. Madgic asked for reinitiation of the public process on proposed improvements to Kagy Blvd and to possibly reconsider the current four lane design. 02:45:16 Discussion on the Main Motion DM Cunningham spoke on behalf of the main motion. He noted the CIP does not allocate funds but informs the budget process for all departments and the scheduling of big projects and items. He noted the large water and sewer projects in the unscheduled category. He spoke on the future joint westside library and recreation center, and the need to ask the philanthropic community to reduce the impact on taxpayers. Cr. Wallner stated his support for the CIP. He noted his advocacy for privacy protections related to body- worn cameras and fiber as a policy priority. Cr. Madgic stated some of her concerns, specifically with the Kagy Blvd expansion project. She stated the need for a public process to see through completion. She noted the need for agile City service equipment. Cr. Pomeroy agreed with her colleagues on affordable housing, fiber optic, and Kagy Blvd. She stated traffic management is an issue of quality of life. Mayor Andrus stated her support for the motion as amended, including the additional direction to the City Manager. She noted the importance of public involvement in the process. She stated concerns about the current Kagy Blvd design and delays in the project; she stated it is important to have up to date information and community input. She stated her support for broadband and is looking forward to the master plan. 02:57:28 Vote on the Main Motion to adopt Resolution 5207, adopting the capital improvement plan for fiscal years 2022 to 2026.The Motion passed 5 – 0. Approve: Cyndy Andrus Terry Cunningham I-Ho Pomeroy Michael Wallner Jennifer Madgic Disapprove: None 02:58:25 Recess Mayor Andrus called the meeting into recess until 8:50 PM. DocuSign Envelope ID: 0C8468CC-D4B5-4493-AAD7-CBD95D94503C Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes, December 22, 2020 Page 9 of 13 02:59:52 Call to Order Mayor Andrus called the meeting back to order. H.2 02:59:51 Resolution 5248, Adopting the 2020 Bozeman Climate Plan Cover Page Resolution 5248 Adopting the 2020 Bozeman Climate Plan 2020 Bozeman Climate Plan Attachment A: Public Engagement Plan Attachment B: Track Changes Version 03:00:13 Staff Presentation CM Mihelich and Sustainability Program Manager Natalie Meyer presented the 2020 Bozeman Climate Plan, the recent accomplishments towards the plan, the project process and timeline. Manager Meyer outlined the public engagement, the plan format, the goals, plan benchmarks, the economics of the plan, Commission recommendations, a response to feedback on utility emissions, the new renewable energy needed, the role of bike and pedestrian funding, local food, and a summary of additional revisions, implementation steps. CM Mihelich presented a summary and staff recommendation. 03:19:58 Questions of Staff Cr. Pomeroy asked how the City can encourage the use of electric vehicle use. She asked about the affordability of rooftop solar. She asked about potential wind farms for the City. DM Cunningham asked about public comments related to NorthWestern Energy's use of carbon intensity and the City's efforts to address those comments in the Plan. He asked about the City's Green Tariff efforts and the need to create that program. He asked about the use of smart meters and their role in the achieving the Plan's goals. Mayor Andrus asked about the choice to use the term clean energy instead of renewable energy. She asked for a potential glossary available attached to the community dashboard. She asked about implementation partners. 03:35:21 Public Comment Mayor Andrus opened the item for public comment. 03:38:06 Will Swearingen, Public Comment Will Swearingen commented on the electricity section of the plan. He commented on references to Northwestern Energy's carbon intensity metric, the lack of benchmarks, and a major flaw in the modeling component. He commented that the basis of the Climate Plan should be based on the current NorthWestern Procurement Plan. 03:41:28 Jennifer Swearingen, Public Comment Jennifer Swearingen commented on the reliance of the Plan on NorthWestern Energy. She noted the newly released supplement to NorthWestern Energy's resource plan. She commented on NorthWestern Energy's analyses. She commented on the importance for the City to participate in the process before the Public Service Commission. 03:46:43 Motion to approve Resolution 5248, adopting the 2020 Bozeman Climate Plan. Michael Wallner: Motion Jennifer Madgic: 2nd DocuSign Envelope ID: 0C8468CC-D4B5-4493-AAD7-CBD95D94503C Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes, December 22, 2020 Page 10 of 13 03:47:56 Motion to amend the Plan to insert the language into a note, "While Carbon Intensity is an important component of the 'math' of measuring emissions, it should not be relied upon - in and of itself - as an indication of progress; therefore, any plan that uses carbon intensity as a sole goal or metric should be taken with a grain of salt." Terry Cunningham: Motion Michael Wallner: 2nd 03:48:39 Discussion on the Amendment DM Cunningham stated his support for a glossary and the purpose of the amendment is to aid in creating distance between our term and the endorsement of a plan with a metric that can be perceived as misleading. Cr. Wallner supported DM Cunningham's remarks, the addition of a glossary and will support the amendment. Cr. Madgic stated support for the amendment and a glossary. Cr. Pomeroy stated her support for both. Mayor Andrus stated her support for the amendment. 03:50:19 Vote on the Motionto amend the Plan to insert the language into a note, "While Carbon Intensity is an important component of the 'math' of measuring emissions, it should not be relied upon - in and of itself - as an indication of progress; therefore, any plan that uses carbon intensity as a sole goal or metric should be taken with a grain of salt."The Motion passed 5 – 0. Approve: Cyndy Andrus Terry Cunningham I-Ho Pomeroy Michael Wallner Jennifer Madgic Disapprove: None 03:50:39 Motion inserting in the benchmarks section, “Every two years, the GHG emissions inventory will be updated, and this information will be provided to the City Commission and the general public. Shortfalls in meeting the City's GHG emissions reduction goals may necessitate changes to interim emissions reduction targets or more aggressive climate solutions, requiring an update to the charter or implementation playbook, which will be undertaken at the City Commission's discretion, with the general public having the opportunity to provide input.” Terry Cunningham: Motion Michael Wallner: 2nd 03:51:18 Discussion on the Amendment DM Cunningham spoke in support of his amendment to clarify the charter and implementation of the plan based on greenhouse gas emissions. DocuSign Envelope ID: 0C8468CC-D4B5-4493-AAD7-CBD95D94503C Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes, December 22, 2020 Page 11 of 13 Mayor Andrus noted the short timeframe to see results and understood the importance of the amendment. 03:53:29 Vote on the Motion to amend inserting in the benchmarks section, “Every two years, the GHG emissions inventory will be updated, and this information will be provided to the City Commission and the general public. Shortfalls in meeting the City's GHG emissions reduction goals may necessitate changes to interim emissions reduction targets or more aggressive climate solutions, requiring an update to the charter or implementation playbook, which will be undertaken at the City Commission's discretion, with the general public having the opportunity to provide input.”The Motion carried 5 – 0. Approve: Cyndy Andrus Terry Cunningham I-Ho Pomeroy Michael Wallner Jennifer Madgic Disapprove: None 03:53:57 Discussion on the Main Motion Cr. Wallner commented on the importance for local sustainable food systems. He stated he will support the Plan. He stated the success of this plan will rely on implementation and evaluation, and the need for communication between staff and the Commission on progress and outcomes. He noted the reliance on NorthWestern Energy to meet the City's goals. Cr. Madgic stated support for the plan. Called this a step in the right direction. Cr. Pomeroy stated she looked forward to implementation. DM Cunningham noted the plan was nimble and responsive to public comments. He noted the monumental moment for the City of Bozeman. He stated the facts are that the planet is warming due to human activity, action is urgently need to reverse the current trajectory, and a key strategy is to stop burning fossil fuels. He stated it has been left to local municipalities to lead the charge to address the most significant issue we face. He provided a history of the process that led to the Climate Plan's adoption, and significance of the Plan. He noted the role of Northwestern Energy in meeting the Plan's goals. 04:07:04 Meeting extended Mayor Andrus extended the meeting until 10:15 PM. 04:07:10 Discussion on the Main Motion continued DM Cunningham continued his comments on the importance of the Climate Plan. Mayor Andrus stated her thanks for the public that commented and staff for incorporating those comments in the Plan. She responded to some public comments from outside Bozeman. She noted the reliance on NorthWestern Energy. 04:16:50 Vote on the Motion to approve Resolution 5248 Adopting the 2020 Bozeman Climate Plan. The Motion passed 5 –0. Approve: DocuSign Envelope ID: 0C8468CC-D4B5-4493-AAD7-CBD95D94503C Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes, December 22, 2020 Page 12 of 13 Cyndy Andrus Terry Cunningham I-Ho Pomeroy Michael Wallner Jennifer Madgic Disapprove: None H.3 04:17:19 Appointments to the Bozeman Area Bicycle Advisory Boards (BABAB) Cover Page 09-04-20 CAB Application - C. Manzel, New Applicant.pdf 12-08-20 CAB Application - J. Delmue, Reapplication.pdf 04:17:20 Public Comment There were no public comments. 04:18:30 Motion to appoint Clare Manzel to the role of MSU Student Representative with a term expiring December 31, 2021 and Jason Delmue to an at-large voting role with a term expiring December 31, 2022. Terry Cunningham: Motion Michael Wallner: 2nd 04:18:50 Vote on the Motion to appoint Clare Manzel to the role of MSU Student Representative with a term expiring December 31, 2021 and Jason Delmue to an at-large voting role with a term expiring December 31, 2022.The Motion passed 5 – 0. Approve: Cyndy Andrus Terry Cunningham I-Ho Pomeroy Michael Wallner Jennifer Madgic Disapprove: None I)04:19:08 FYI / Discussion Cr. Wallner offered thanks to all involved in the implementation of the Climate Plan. J)04:21:03 Adjournment ___________________________________ Cynthia L. Andrus Mayor DocuSign Envelope ID: 0C8468CC-D4B5-4493-AAD7-CBD95D94503C Bozeman City Commission Meeting Minutes, December 22, 2020 Page 13 of 13 ATTEST: ___________________________________ Mike Maas City Clerk PREPARED BY: ___________________________________ Mike Maas City Clerk Approved on: February 23, 2021 DocuSign Envelope ID: 0C8468CC-D4B5-4493-AAD7-CBD95D94503C