HomeMy WebLinkAbout21- Affidavit - 02-22-21 Ntc of Hearing - Arrowleaf LLLP AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Notice of Public Hearing
Notice of Public Hearing
STATE OF MONTANA, MT Arrowleaf LLLP, a Montana
COUNTY OF GALLATIN limited liability limited partnership, MT Arrowleaf LLLP, a Montana
and MT Perennial LLLP, a Montana limited liability limited partnership,
limited liability limited partnership,in and MT Perennial LLLP,a Montana
I, Ann Harms, Legal Specialist being first duly SWOrri, de- Partnership with Human Resource limited liability limited partnership,in
g p g y Development Council of District IX, partnership with Human Resource
pose and say that I am theprincipal clerk of the publisher Inc., a Montana nonprofit corpora- Development Council of District IX,
p Y P tion specializing in preservation and Inc., a Montana nonprofit corpora-
of the Bozeman Dail Chronicle, a in general development of affordable housing, lion specializing preservation and
}' newspaper per g hereby notifies all interested per- development of affordable housing,
, Montana; that I sons of Bozeman,Montana,that hereby notifies all interested p
circulation, Bozeman, Gallatin County, have acquired and are currently con-n- we sons of Bozeman,Montana,that we
personal knowledge that the Le structing the following low-income have acquired and are currently
know from my p g gal# 106079 multifamily rental housing complex structing the following low-income
located at the following address in multifamily rental housing complex
Notice of Public Hearing MT Arrowlea Bozeman,Montana. located at the following address in
a printed copy of which is hereto annexed, was published in Project Name-Arrowleaf Apartment
Address-1619 Tschache Lane Project Name-Arrowleaf Apartment
the entire issue of said newspaper for: 2 Number of units-136 Address-1619 Tschache Lane
Number of units-136
Perennial Apartments
1683 Tschache Lane, Perennial Apartments
Bozeman,Montana 1683 Tschache Lane,
Insertion(s) in the following issues: 02/07/21, 02/21/21 96 Bozeman,Montana
The above entities intend to apply to
the Montana Department of Revenue The above entities intend to apply to
for a determination that all or a part the Montana Department of Revenue
of the above projects are exempt for a determination that all or a part
from taxation pursuant to 15-6-221. of the above projects are exempt
MCA. As required, prior to apply- from taxation pursuant to 15-6-221,
ing, the City of Bozeman, as local MCA. As required, prior to apply-
Total Cost: $60.00 government where the projects are ing, the City of Bozeman, as local
located,must give notice and hold a government where the projects are
public hearing to solicit comment on located,must give notice and hold a
whether the proposed projects meet public hearing to solicit comment on
a community housing need.As such, whether the proposed projects meet
there will be a Public Meeting of the a community housing need.As such,
Bozeman City Commissioners on there will be a Public Meeting of the
Tuesday, February 23, at 6:OOPM. Bozeman City 'Commissioners on
Members of the public are invited to Tuesday, February 23, at 6:OOPM.
provide comment.The Bozeman City Members of the public are invited to
Commissioners will be broadcasting provide comment.The Bozeman.City
the meeting via Webex. You can Commissioners will be broadcasting
also attend the meeting by phone, the meeting via Webex. You can
The Bozeman City Commissioners also attend the meeting by phone.
Subscribed and sworn b A H before me on: meeting login and call-in information The Bozeman City Commissioners
by arms is provided below: meeting login and call-in information
On 22nd day of February, in the year of 2021 is provided below:
Connection information for the We-
bEx will be available at the top of Connection information for the We-
the published agenda, which can bEx will be available at the top of
be viewed at www.bozeman.net/ the published agenda, which can
meetings be viewed at www.bozeman.netl
You are encouraged to attend and
comment.You are also encouraged You are encouraged to attend and
to submit comments regarding the comment.You are also encouraged
_.. need for affordable multi-family to submit comments regarding the
rental housing in your area to the need for affordable multi-family
Notary Public for the ate of Montana Residing at Montana Board of Housing,PO Box rental housing in your area to the
200528, Helena, MT 59620-0528 or Montana Board of Housing,PO Box
Belgrade Montana FAX(406)841-2841 200528,Helena,MT 59620-0528 or