HomeMy WebLinkAbout20 - Affidavit - 08-24-20 RFP Citywide Pavement Condition Assessment - 1 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION REQUEST FOR discrimination as described above PROPOSALS and that this prohibition on discrim- STATE OF MONTANA, ination shall apply to the hiring and COUNTY OF GALLATIN CITYWIDE PAVEMENT treatment of the submitting entity's CONDITION ASSESSMENT employees and to all subcontracts. I, Ann Harms, Legal Specialist being first duly sworn, de- AucusT 202o Failure to comply with hose g P g Y non-discrimination provisions dis- pose and say that I am the principal clerk of the publisher NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the is cause for the City to Y P P P City of Bozeman (City) is request- qualify the firm from selection. of the Belgrade News, a newspaper in general circulation, ne proposals from qualified engi- gg neenng consulting firms to develop Any administrative questions re- Bozeman, Gallatin County,Montana; that I know from m and deliver f pavement condition or noticing RFP transmittal procedures tY Y assessment for streets within the or noticing materials shall be direct- City of Bozeman. The City desires ed Mike Maas, City Clerk, personal knowledge g that the Legal# 104679 REQUEST to update its existing pavement 582-2-2321, mmaas bozeman.net.net 213 in FOR PROPOSALS CITYWIDE PAVEM o dertlon to evaluate paveassessmentrment om condi Any and all questions or clarifications lions over time and to recommend relating to the RFP scope of ser- a printed copy of which is hereto annexed,was published in future street maintenance projects. vices,submittal contents,evaluation criteria,or selection procedures shall the entire issue of said newspaper for: 3 The complete Request for Propos- be directed solely and exclusively als packet is available for down- in writing to: Kellen Gamradt, Proj- load on the City's website at bai/I ect Engineer, kgamradt@bozeman. weblink.bozeman.net/WebLink8/0/ net. The respondent, and any of doc/217236/Electronic.aspx, its associated parties, shall not Insertion(s) in the following issues: 08/09/20, 08/I6/20, contact other city staff in the prepa- 08/23/20 a sgl All ine,selas must be rchable PDFrdocum nt as ration of its response to this RFP. file and be submitted digitally as an Emailedquestions orclarifications will email attachment to the RFP Recip- be accepted until Tuesday. Au- ient email address below. Respon- oust 25th.2020 at 11:59 p.m. dents are advised that Recipient's MST after which time the questions email attachment size limit is 25MB will be compiled, anonymized and Total Cost: $210.00 and that only one PDF file will be al- provided with a posted response on lowed per response.The subject line the City's RFP webgag�,i'tier of the transmittal email shall clearly q+�uestion�st ebs4ebL. WQg f' a,if- identify the RFP title,company name o+ Lrte net1W than 25MBand due tin size maFile besizes uploa, ,oWebhnk•361Eeclronrc as x. y doc12A72 �ovided as to bzncloud.bozeman.net upon s, must be cial arrangement of the Recipie All proposals a�j�tally as `P- a however, it is the respondent's so a s�n91e sUbniitted responsibility to ensure he file ul. fide and Respon- t, load is completed,and that the R6 ema\1 att ddress b60- -''evWs cipient is separately notified via emai, lent email aadvlse S. hmlti\s 25e a t of same,prior to the given deadline. dents ate ent W111 b The deadline to submit the RFP andkk °ny°ons D�hysUal dearly Subscribed and sworn b Ann Harms before me on: response is Wednesday. Se lOj tto Va�smttal em�o pant naa Y tember 2nd. 2020 at 3:00 of the RFp UUe,. es greater On 24th day of August, in the year of 2020 p.m. MST. It is the sole respon- \deT613�aateltjme•File sbe Oplo'a bielns of the u a their responding iemail lividttal is than 25MB I bozeman ne Mal t oPon . is rto 1 digitally timestamped as being sent to b?n��pU1 +�a"t'fi I- to the Recipient's email address pd- ti=' ' uOsua�su�T saia�Ul°y or to the prescribed closing time as sanze3P late submittals will not be accepted. ^i ��0IZg11d RFP Recipient Email Ad- dress:mmaas a�bozeman.net NON-DISCRIMINATION Notary Public for the Stat f Montana Residing at Bel- Montana The City of Bozeman is an Equal Op- gradeportunity Employer. Discrimination in the performance of any agreement awarded under this RFP on the basis of race,color,reli- gion,creed,sex,age,marital status, national origin,or actual or perceived _ sexual orientation, gender identity K�S�LY-f...r 4'EU or disability is prohibited. This pro- ='Ss��" hibition shall apply to the hiring and Notary?..t,Iic o treatment of the awarded entity's TAR/,I =for ti'',e St^te of Fontana employees and to all subcontracts. -- = Resit') SZ U-J.',Qi eigrade, Kiontana As such, each entity submitting oFMo My Commission Expires: provsionunder is notice wherein the include a s bmtting °9 January31, 202 ---� — entity, or entities, affirms in writing it will not discriminate on the ba- sis of race, col°, religion, creed, sex, age, marital status, national origin, or because of actual or per- ceived sexual orientation, gender identity or disability and which also AD#23527 recognizes the eventual contract will contain a provision prohibiting