HomeMy WebLinkAbout21- Affidavit - 01-14-21 Ntc of Provisional Adoption Ordinance 2062 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING the proposal or by owner(s) of real TO CONSIDER PROVISIONAL property that lie within proposal. feet p STATE OF MONTANA, ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE an area affected b the roosa1.l. 2062, A TEXT AMENDMENT TO The protest must be in writing and COUNTY OF GALLATIN CHANGE THE FLOOR TO CEILING must be signed by all owners of the HEIGHT STANDARD TO FLOOR real property,In addition,a sufficient I, Marie Steiger, Legal Specialist being first duly TO FLOOR HEIGHT BY AMEND- protest must:(i)contain a description g g p g u Y SWOrri, ING TABLE 38.320.050 (TABLE of the action protested sufficient to depose and say that I am theprincipal clerk Of the publisher OF FORM AND INTENSITY STAN- identify the action against which the P Y P DARDS—NON-RESIDENTIAL AND protest is lodged(including the Ordi- Of the Bozeman Daily Chronicle a newspaper in general OTHER MIXED-USE DISTRICTS), nance number 2062);and(ii)contain Yg AMENDING 38.330.010-UMU DIS- a statement of the protestor's quali- circulation, Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana; that I TRICE - SPECIAL STANDARDS, ficatioof the p (including listing all owners TABLE 38.510.030.B (STORE- of the property and the physical ad- know from m personal knowledge that the Legal# 109781 FRONT BLOCK FRONTAGE dress),to protest the action against }'p g g STANDARDS), 38.510.030.M.2.e., which the protest is lodged,including AND REVISING PARAGRAPH A.1 ownership of property affected by NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING TO CONSIDER of SUBCHAPTER 4B OF THE the action. Signers are encouraged BOZEMAN GUIDELINES FOR HIS- to print their names after their sig- a printed copy of which is hereto annexed, was published in TORIC PRESERVATION AND THE natures. A person may in writing NEIGHBORHOOD CONSERVA- withdraw a previously fled protest at the entire issue of said newspaper for: 2 TION OVERLAY DISTRICT RELAT- any time prior to final action by the ED TO FLOOR TO FLOOR HEIGHT City Commission.Protests must be delivered to the Bozeman The City of Bozeman provides notice City Clerk. 121 North Rouse of a proposal to amend its land use Ave.. PO Box 1230, Boze- Insertion(s) in the following issues: 01/10/21, 01/17/21 regulations,the Unified Development man.MT 59771-1230. Code(UDC), Chapter 38 BMC.The proposed text amendments are de- This notice includes these proposed scribed below. text amendments: The Bozeman City Commission will 1. Revise Table 38.320.050,Table conduct a public meeting on the pro- of Form and Intensity Standards- posal Tuesday, January 26, 2021, Non-Residential and Other Mixed- Total Cost: $180.00 at 6:00 pm via WebEx.Instructions Use Districts to change the floor to for joining the WebEx meeting will ceiling height standard to floor to be included on the meeting agen- floor and to clarify requirements for da which is published on the City's where and how to apply standards website at least 48 hours prior to the for minimum heights on first floors meeting.The agenda is available in of buildings. the Meetings and Events portion of 2. Revise 38.330.010-UMU Dis- the City's website at httos://www. trict-Special Standards to reflect bozeman.net/home. the change from floor to ceiling height to floor to floor height. The purpose of the public meeting 3. Revise Table 38.510.030.B, is to consider the application as re- Storefront Block Frontage Stan- quested by the applicant, City of lards to reflect the change from Bozeman,PO Box 1230,Bozeman floor to ceiling height to floor to MT 59771. floor height. Subscri ed and sworn b Marie Steiger before me On: 4. Revise angefr.030.M. to ei re- Y � This application is evaluated against flect the change from floor to ceiling On 14th day of January, in the year of 2021 the municipal zoning criteria of state height to floor to floor height. law,76-2-304, Montana Code Anno- 5. Revise Paragraph A.1 of Chap- tated,which are contained in Section ter 4B to remove standards differ- of the municipal code. ent from Table 38.320,050 so that Approval or contingent approval may minimum heights on the first floor be granted if the City Commission of a building are consistently estab- determines all criteria are met. lished and applied throughout the community. The public may comment orally at the public meetings or in writing at or The complete text of the proposal prior to the public meeting regarding is available through the Department compliance of this application with Community Development,20 E Olive Notary Public for he ate Of Montana Residing at Bel- the required criteria. Comments Street, Bozeman MT 59715; 406- rade Montana should identify the specific criteria of 582-2260.The proposal may be re- g concern along with facts in support vised as the public review process of the comment. During the notice proceeds. period the City will continue review for compliance with applicable reg- The City invites the public to com- ulations. ment in writing and to attend the public meeting. Written comments SAY Lp' I<E uLl` LiD, ,,�, At the City Commission's public may be directed to Chris Saunders s meeting the City Commission may at the City of Bozeman, Department ��• Fo'' Notani P 'olic act to approve, modify, or reject of Community Development, PO roTAR/q�• :for the State of r4lont r the proposal or continue the pub• Box 1230, Bozeman, MT 59771- = *_ Residing, lic meeting to another date. The 1230 or csaunders@bozeman.net. N� �,•Zq Belgrade, Ni4Dniana City Commission may revise any Comments may also be emailed to FpF A�o�\ My Commission Ei<p;res; ti of the proposed actions referred agenda@bozeman.net. Please ref- January 31, 2C_ ' in this notice during the public erence Ordinance 2062 in all cor- �.-... meeting process. respondence. The City will accept written For those who require accommoda- protests from property owners tions for disabilities, please contact against the proposal referred to Mike Gray, City of Bozeman ADA in this notice until the close of Coordinator, 582-3232 (voice), 582- the public meeting before the 3203(TDD) City Commission. Pursuant to 76- 2-305, MCA, a protest may only be ADx 64945 submitted by the owner(s) of real property within the area affected by OrJurLAn ce NO, zOG,�