HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-02-19 -, THE CITY OF B 0 Z E MAN, MONTANA COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA Tuesday, February 19, 2002 1. Call to Order - 7:00 p.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence 3. Minutes - JanuarYJ~'q?()()O, and January 14, January 22, a~Qfyijry:ttE"Qr9Q'Y'i1, February 8 and eIQtpApj::~lm, 2002 4. Consent Items - a. Authorize City Manager to sign - Annexation Agreement with Gary and Dorothy Butcher; Frank and Dora Harrington; and Daryl Todd, Richard Davis and David Davis - annexing 18.7 acres lying along the north side of West Babcock Street, east of Valley Drive (Previously Item 4a on February 4 agenda) b. Commission Resolution No. 3505 - annexing 18.7 acres lying along the north side of West Babcock Street, east of Valley Drive (Gary and Dorothy Butcher; Frank and Dora Harrington; and Daryl Todd, Richard Davis and David Davis) (Previously Item 4b on February 4 agenda) c. Authorize City Manager to sign - Acceptance of Public Street Easement from Gary and Dorothy Butcher - 32 % -foot-wide easement across south end of Tract 2, COS No. 2276 for West Babcock Street (Previously Item 4c on February 4 agenda) d. Authorize City Manager to sign - Acceptance of Public Street Easement from Frank R. Harrington Trust and Dora B. Harrington Trust - 45-foot-wide easement across south end of Film 143, Page 1045 for West Babcock Street (Previously Item 4d on February 4 agenda) e. Authorize City Manager to sign - Acceptance of Public Street Easement from Harrington's, Inc. - 45-foot-wide easement across south end of Doc. #2009278 for West Babcock Street (Previously Item 4e on February 4 agenda) f. Authorize City Manager to sign - Acceptance of Public Street Easement from Daryl D. Todd, Richard K. Davis and David W. Davis - 45-foot-wide easement across south end of Film 146, Page 1827, for West Babcock Street (Previously Item 4( on February 4 agenda) g. Commission Resolution No. 3511 - intent to discontinue and vacate those portions of North 5th Avenue and Baxter Lane generally located between the north right-of-way line of West Oak Street and the east right-of-way line of North 7th Avenue; set public hearing for March 11, 2002 h. Authorize City Manager to sign - Professional Services Agreement with Resource Technologies, Inc., Bozeman, Montana - development and implementation of a voluntary clean-up plan for the future Bozeman Public Library site City Commission meetings are open to all members of the public. If you have a disability that requires assistance, please contact our ADA Coordinator, Ron Brey, at 582-2306 (TDD 582-2301). Page 1 of 3 i. Authorize City Manager to sign - Release and Reconveyance of Easement to Owen house Hardware Company - utility easement across a vacated portion of North Ida Avenue adjacent to Lot 22A, Amended Plat C-23-A 13, Block 32, Northern Pacific Addition j. Authorize City Manager to sign - Acceptance of Public Alley Easement - Owenhouse Hardware Company - perpetual alley and utility easement for a portion of alley right-of-way adjacent to Lot 22A, Amended Plat C-23-A 13, Block 32, Northern Pacific Addition k. Award bid - use of force training simulator for Police Department - Advanced Interactive Systems, Seattle, Washington - in the bid amount of $128,644.00 I. Award bid - addition to landfill building - Cleary Building Corporation, Columbus, MQntana - in the bid amount of $54,793.00 m. Claims Motion and vote to approve, and authorize and direct the appropriate persons to complete the necessary actions 5. Consideration of request for $300 sponsorship for the service learning seminar to be held at MSU on March 25 (sK) Discussion; possible motion and vote 6. Public hearing - Preliminary plat for Northern Rockies Subdivision PUD - amend Condition Nos. 9 and 18 and allow relaxation of Chapter 16.16.070 to permit concurrent installation of infrastructure improvements and construction of a specific project - southeast corner of intersection of Highland Boulevard and Ellis Street (P-0047A) (JM) Conduct public hearing; motion and vote 7. Public hearing - Conditional Use Permit for Planned Unit Development - Triple T Woodworking - allow mixed use of existing structure for furniture making, small retail sales and creation of three caretaker units on Lot 32B, Block 105, Northern Pacific Addition (601 East Cottonwood Street) (Z-01244) (DG) Conduct public hearing; motion and vote 8. Informal review of Cattail Creek Subdivision, Phase II, preliminary plat - subdivide 58 + acres into 42 single-family residential lots, 31 multi-family residential lots and associate parklands and open space (immediately west of Cattail Creek Subdivision, Phase I, and Gallatin Center Subdivision PUD) (Ds) Listen to presentation; forward individual Commissioner comments 9. Ordinance No. 1557 - revising Section 18.52.030 of the Bozeman Municipal Code to provide for consideration of fiscal criteria in site plan review under specified circumstances (TC) Motion and vote to provisionally adopt and bring back for final adoption after completion of public hearing process 10. Ordinance No. 1544 - amending Chapter 8.16 of the Bozeman Municipal Code to amend solid waste regulations to provide for a solid waste collection system and prohibit deposit of highly inflammable material (Previously Item 5 on October 1 agenda) (PDM) Motion and vote to finally adopt Page 2 of 3 11. Review of proposed first round amendments to zone code and subdivision regulations to bring documents into compliance with the newly adopted Bozeman 2020 Community Plan (CS and Js) Discussion; possible motion and vote (to direct staff) 12. Discussion - FYI Items - Updates from Commissioners - Updates from City Manager and other staff members 13. Adjournment Motion and vote to adjourn Page 3 of 3 ---------- --