HomeMy WebLinkAbout07 City of Bozeman - Rehabilitation Alternatives Evaluation CITY OF BOZEMAN DOWNTOWN STORMWATER MAIN REHABILITATION EVALUATION REHABILITATION ALTERNATIVES EVALUATION August 2020 Prepared For: Stormwater Division 20 East Olive Street Bozeman, MT 59715 Prepared By: CITY OF BOZEMAN – DOWNTOWN STORMWATER MAIN REHABILITATION EVALUATION Rehabilitation Alternatives Evaluation Prepared for: Stormwater Division 20 E. Olive St. Bozeman, MT 59715 Prepared by: 2090 Stadium Drive Bozeman, MT 59715 August 2020 4528.12328.01 q:\28\12328-01\50design\task4 - rehab alternatives eval\alternativeevaluation_final_2020-08-10.docx Page i TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 1 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ................................................................................... 1 3.0 DESIGN CRITERIA .............................................................................................. 2 3.1 Surface Disturbance ............................................................................................... 2 3.2 Hydraulic Capacity ................................................................................................. 2 3.3 Structural Improvements ........................................................................................ 3 3.3.1 Fully Deteriorated Pipe Design Criteria ....................................................... 3 4.0 ALTERNATIVE ANALYSIS ................................................................................. 5 4.1 Alternative Description ........................................................................................... 5 4.1.1 Cured-in-Place Pipe (CIPP) ........................................................................ 5 4.1.2 Pipe Bursting .............................................................................................. 5 4.1.3 Spiral Wound Pipe Liner ............................................................................. 6 4.1.4 Spray-in-Place Pipe - Geopolymer .............................................................. 6 4.1.5 Fold-and-Form Pipe Liner (FFP) ................................................................. 7 4.1.6 Sliplining ..................................................................................................... 7 4.2 Comparison of Alternatives .................................................................................... 7 4.3 Recommended Alternatives ................................................................................... 9 4.3.1 Surface Disturbance ................................................................................... 9 4.3.2 Hydraulic Capacity ...................................................................................... 9 4.3.3 Structural Strength ...................................................................................... 9 4.3.4 Service Connections ................................................................................. 10 4.3.5 Construction Complexity ........................................................................... 10 4.4 Preliminary Opinion of Probable Cost ................................................................... 10 5.0 REFERENCES ................................................................................................... 11 FIGURES Figure 1: Existing cylindrical brick, mortared-in-place pipe. ........................................................ 1 Figure 2: Manhole connection to cylindrical brick mortared-in-place pipe. .................................. 3 TABLES Table 1: Estimated Existing Hydraulic Capacity .......................................................................... 2 Table 2: Approximate Pipeline Cover and Live Load .................................................................. 4 Table 3: Alternative Rating Matrix .............................................................................................. 8 Table 4: Recommend Alternatives Estimated Full Pipe Hydraulic Capacity ................................ 9 Table 5: Preliminary Opinion of Probable Cost ......................................................................... 10 APPENDICES Appendix 1: Existing Stormwater Mains Appendix 2: Construction Cost Estimates Appendix 3: Preliminary Design Calculations Page 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION Phase 1 of the City of Bozeman’s Downtown Trunk Line Rehabilitation Project, as identified in the Stormwater Capital Improvement Plan, is the rehabilitation of approximately 2,000 linear feet of stormwater piping located in the alleyway between Main Street and Mendenhall Street which connects into the North Rouse Avenue system. The North Rouse Avenue stormwater main is being replaced by MDT as part of the Rouse Avenue Reconstruction project. This report focuses on the stormwater main located in the alleyway between Main Street and Mendenhall Street. The purpose of this report is to complete an alternatives analysis of pipe rehabilitation options for the City of Bozeman’s downtown stormwater main. The analysis will define design criteria, describe possible pipeline rehabilitation technologies, and identify a minimum of two (2) rehabilitation options to be used as the basis of construction bid alternatives. 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The alleyway stormwater main between North Rouse Avenue and South Tracy Street was installed in the early 1900s. The downtown stormwater trunk line is a critical component of the downtown stormwater conveyance system and the City has recognized that the aged trunk line is hydraulically overloaded during intense storm events. Any structural damage or failure of the pipeline would have major implications. The alleyway stormwater main is constructed of cylindrical brick pipe, mortared-in-place. This type of pipe construction was a common practice in the early 1900s. The inside diameter of the pipeline ranges in size from 27 inches to 35 inches with an average pipe coverage depth of 8.5 feet below the surface. Additionally, there are 27 active stormwater service connections along this reach of the stormwater main serving historical buildings and surface inlets. The exhibits in Appendix A show the overall project location, pipe size/slopes, service connections, and additional information on the existing stormwater main. Figure 1: Existing cylindrical brick, mortared-in-place pipe. Page 2 3.0 DESIGN CRITERIA The three primary design criteria which guided the evaluation of alternatives for this project include: (1) required surface disturbance; (2) hydraulic capacity; and (3) structural improvement. 3.1 Surface Disturbance The existing stormwater main is located in a confined alleyway with surface features consisting of historical buildings, overhead power/communication lines paralleling the stormwater main, and Bozeman Creek crossing above the stormwater main. In addition to the surface features, buried natural gas, communication, sanitary sewer, and potable water lines have been installed between the stormwater main and the ground surface. Given the number of potential conflicts, the pipeline rehabilitation shall be accomplished using a trenchless technology alternative, as traditional dig and replace methods are not feasible. The cost of traditional dig and replace is however provided as a basis of comparison in subsequent sections of this report. Trenchless technologies shall minimize surface disturbances related to:  Street and alleyway closures  Reactivation of service line connections  Insertion pits and pipe layout areas 3.2 Hydraulic Capacity The downtown stormwater trunk line is the primary conveyance structure for the downtown watershed, approx. 330 acres. Since construction of the stormwater trunk line in the early 1900s, the impervious surface features have increased markedly throughout the drainage basin and the once oversized stormwater main is now near or exceeding its hydraulic capacity during typical storm events. The approximate full pipe flow hydraulic capacity of the existing stormwater main is summarized in Table 1. The estimated hydraulic capacity has been calculated using Manning’s equation for circular open-channel flow. Manning’s equation is the typical equation used to estimate flow in gravity or open-channel pipe conditions. The estimated flow in Table 1 is based on an assumed Manning’s roughness (n) value of 0.015, representative of the existing cylindrical brick mortared-in-place pipeline. Table 1: Estimated Existing Hydraulic Capacity Upstream Manhole Downstream Manhole Length Pipe Size I.D. Pipe Slope Full Pipe Flow (feet) (inches) (%) (gpm) (cfs) M.F.04.0057 M.F.04.0058 49.00 27.00 0.39% 7,515 16.74 M.F.04.0058 M.F.04.0059 347.00 28.20 0.32% 7,630 16.99 M.F.04.0059 M.F.04.0061 359.00 32.40 0.35% 11,672 26.00 M.F.04.0061 M.F.04.0062 564.00 34.80 0.26% 12,080 26.90 The trenchless pipe rehabilitation alternates shall minimize any reductions or restrictions to the pipeline’s overall hydraulic capacity. Page 3 3.3 Structural Improvements The stormwater trunk line is a critical asset to the downtown stormwater conveyance system and is over 100 years old. Given its location in the confined alleyway, adjacent to historical buildings and numerous utilities, the structural integrity of the pipeline is a key factor in keeping the stormwater system operational. If the pipeline were to collapse, spot repairs would be difficult, and the stormwater system would not be capable of conveying stormwater which could lead to subsurface erosion and flooding of adjacent buildings and roadways. DOWL reviewed the 2018 video inspection of the pipeline and assessed the pipeline/manhole connections. The inspection revealed the pipeline to be in reasonably good condition given its age, showing minimal visual signs of structural degradation within the pipeline. At the pipe to manhole connections, there are openings where the open ends of the cylindrical brick are visible (see Figure 2). These openings allow a pathway for water to seep behind the pipeline or into the brick structure. This could lead to erosion or structural deterioration that are not visible on the external pipe surface. Due to the age of the pipeline, it is recommended that trenchless rehabilitation alternatives be designed assuming a fully- deteriorated pipe to perpetuate the existing pipe’s structural integrity into the future. The manhole to pipeline connections should also be re-grouted to prevent water migration outside of the interior pipeline conveyance. 3.3.1 Fully Deteriorated Pipe Design Criteria Pipeline rehabilitation alternatives shall be designed to withstand the hydrostatic, soil, and live loads that may exist. For fully-deteriorated pipe, the total pressure (Pt) or load is estimated by accounting for the contributions of hydrostatic water pressure (Pw), buoyancy-corrected soil load (PS), and superimposed live load (PL). Pt = Pw + PS + PL Hydrostatic water and soils loads are the pressure placed on the pipe from groundwater and the soil column above the pipeline. The hydrostatic water pressure is calculated as follows: Pw = HW x (0.433 psi/ft water) HW = Water height above the top of the pipe, ft The prismatic loading pressure of the soil on the pipeline is calculated as shown below. Additional soils design parameters such as depth of groundwater, modulus of soil reaction and coefficient of elastic support are approximated based on the in-situ soil properties. Figure 2: Manhole connection to cylindrical brick mortared-in-place pipe. Page 4 PS = wHSRW / 144 in2/ft2 W = Soil density, lb/ft3 HS = Soil height above top of pipe, ft RW = Water buoyancy factor, dimensionless = 1 – 0.33(HW/HS) ≥ 0.67 Live loads consist of concentrated or distributed dynamic surface loading induced by vehicle traffic over the pipeline. Typical vehicle live loading is outlined by the American Association of State highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO). AASHTO HS-20 loading is a prismatic model in which the impact of live loads decreases as the depth of cover increases. Live load impacts become insignificant with eight (8) feet of soil cover over the top of the pipeline. Table 2 identifies the cover for each pipeline section, measured at the manholes, and the corresponding approximate HS-20 live loading. Table 2: Approximate Pipeline Cover and Live Load Manhole Surface Elevation Pipe Invert Elevation Nominal Pipe Size Approx. Pipeline Cover Approx. HS-20 Live Load (ft) (ft) (in) (ft) (psi) M.F.04.0057 4,810.60 4,799.80 27 8.6 0.7 M.F.04.0058 4,810.11 4,799.69 30 7.9 1.2 M.F.04.0059 4,808.17 4,798.17 33 7.3 1.2 M.F.04.0061 4,809.25 4,797.75 33 8.8 1.00 M.F.04.0062 4,808.09 4,795.09 36 10.0 N/A Page 5 4.0 ALTERNATIVE ANALYSIS The following section is a brief description of trenchless pipe rehabilitation alternatives, a qualitative comparison of the alternatives, and recommendations for the preferred alternatives. 4.1 Alternative Description 4.1.1 Cured-in-Place Pipe (CIPP) Cured-in-Place pipe is a trenchless pipe rehabilitation technology to repair structural issues and/or mitigate inflow/infiltration issues. The process involves inserting a resin-saturated felt tube made of polyester, fiberglass cloth, or a number of other materials into the host pipe at manhole locations. The resin tube is then expanded using air pressure, hot water or steam and is cured using UV or a thermal process (hot water or steam) to bond and seal to the host pipe. Once cured, service lines are reinstated from within the pipeline using a robotic cutting device. Advantages -Limited surface disturbance -In-situ reinstatement of service lines -Increased structural strength -Decreased Manning’s roughness factor Disadvantages -Requires bypass pumping -Must allow for adequate cure time -Reduces pipe diameter -Environmental and health impacts of CIPP emissions 4.1.2 Pipe Bursting Pipe bursting is the replacement of a host pipe by fragmenting the existing pipe while inserting a new pipe of equal or larger size in its place. The process involves cracking the existing pipe using hydraulic, pneumatic, or reaming techniques, outward displacement of the existing pipe, and simultaneously inserting a new replacement pipe. Pipe bursting is used to increase the pipeline’s structural strength, hydraulic capacity, and reduce inflow/infiltration. The pipe size being burst typically ranges from 2 inches to 36 inches with lengths between 200 to 500 feet. Bursting installations become more difficult with larger diameters, greater degrees of upsizing, and longer run lengths. Advantages -Increased structural strength. -Increased hydraulic capacity. Disadvantages -Requires bypass pumping. -External excavation required for reinstatement of service connections. -Surface deformation is possible. -Existing utilities may be damaged during bursting process. -Enlarged construction footprint for insertion pit and layout of continuous pipe. Page 6 4.1.3 Spiral Wound Pipe Liner Spiral wound pipe liners are a trenchless technology to restore hydraulic efficiency and structural integrity of aging pipelines. Spiral wound liners are a continuous strip of PVC or HDPE material that is fed through a winding machine which “feeds it” into the host pipe. The winding process connects the continuous strip to itself using an interlocking edge joint to form a continuous pipe within the existing pipeline. The spiral wound liner is either designed to fit tight to the host pipe or at a fixed diameter with the annular space grouted to increase structural strength and to bond the liner to the host pipe. Spiral wound pipe is installed mechanically through a manhole without the use of chemicals or a curing process. Additionally, spiral wound liners can typically be installed while maintaining flow, avoiding bypass pumping. Advantages -Increased structural strength. -No bypass pumping required. -Increased hydraulic capacity due to reduced roughness factor. -Service connections can be reinstated robotically. Disadvantages -Reduction in pipe diameter. -Installation length is limited to approx. 400’, intermediate access point may be necessary. -Limited installation contractor’s in the Montana region 4.1.4 Spray-in-Place Pipe - Geopolymer Spray-in-Place Pipe (SIPP) lining systems use a robotic sprayer to coat the interior of the existing pipe with cement mortar, epoxy, polyurea, or geopolymer mortar to rehabilitate aging pipes in place. The cement mortar, epoxy, and polyurea liners enhance the flow capacity but provide little to no structural strength. Geopolymer mortar is a monolithic mineral polymer with ceramic properties which can be designed for full structural restoration. The application process consists of a high-pressure wash of the pipeline with environmentally friendly detergents to remove excess oil and grease, plugging any infiltration areas with hydraulic cement, and bypass pumping all flow. The geopolymer is applied using a centrifugal sprayer mounted on a slow- moving sled. The typical application thickness ranges from 1.5-3.0 inches depending on the pipe conditions and design requirements. Advantages -Limited surface disturbance -In-situ reinstatement of service lines without robotic cutting (depending on thickness of application) -Increased structural strength -Can be applied even with pipe deformities, bends, and non-round structures Disadvantages -Requires bypass pumping -Must allow for adequate cure time. -Reduces hydraulic radius -Increased friction factor (Manning’s n) -Extensive cleaning prior to installation. -Infiltration needs to be temporarily sealed prior to applying lining Page 7 4.1.5 Fold-and-Form Pipe Liner (FFP) Fold and Form Pipe (FFP) is a PVC or HDPE pipe that is manufactured round and folded into a “U” or “C” shape while it is still warm to reduce the cross-sectional area and then coiled for shipment. Onsite, the pipe is warmed and fed into the host pipe through a manhole. Once inside the host pipe, both ends are sealed, and steam/pressure is used to expand the pipe to create a tight fit inside of the existing pipe. Service line connections are reinstated using a robotic cutter. The rehabilitated pipeline has improved structural integrity and hydraulic roughness. Advantages -Limited surface disturbance -In-situ reinstatement of service lines -Increased structural strength on pipelines smaller than 24-inch diameter. Disadvantages -Requires bypass pumping -Pipeline failure is possible if the pipe does not properly unfold. -There is no mechanical bond between the liner and the existing pipe. -Reduces hydraulic radius. -Structural support limited in pipes over 24-inch diameter. 4.1.6 Sliplining Sliplining is the process of pushing or pulling a new pipeline of smaller diameter into the existing host pipe. A pipe insertion pit is excavated to access the host pipe. After the pipe is installed the annular space between the new and existing pipe is grouted to hold the liner in place, reduce infiltration, and for structural rigidity. Sliplining can be completed with a number of pipe materials including HDPE, PVC, fiberglass, etc. The reinstatement of lateral connections is typically completed with a surface excavation. Unlike pipe bursting, the existing host pipe remains intact. Advantages -Increased structural strength of pipeline. Disadvantages -Requires bypass pumping. -Significant reduction in hydraulic radius which may reduce capacity. -External excavation necessary for reinstatement of service connections. -Insertion pit and pipe laydown area required. 4.2 Comparison of Alternatives Table 3 is a qualitative ranking of the pipeline rehabilitation alternatives. Each category is assigned a point value out of a total of 100 points. The total value of each respective category is subjectively based upon the relative importance of the category for this particular application. Each category is given a maximum score of 5 points and then multiplied by the criterion weight to arrive at the total points for the category (i.e. 4/5 x 20 = 16 points). Some alternatives may have the same value if no relative difference exists between the categories. This methodology is used as one tool in the evaluation of alternatives in light of the recognition that any such rating system has limitations. This methodology is combined with sound engineering judgement and is combined with the other aspects of the project which must be addressed in arriving at the preferred alternatives. Table 3 provides a qualitative ranking from best to worst for the respective categories. Page 8 Table 3: Alternative Rating Matrix Criterion Criterion Weight Cured-in- Place Pipe Spiral Wound Pipe Liner Fold-and- Form Pipe Liner Spray-in- Place Pipe Pipe Bursting Sliplining Score Points Score Points Score Points Score Points Score Points Score Points Surface Disturbance 25 5 25 4 20 5 25 5 25 2 10 3 15 Hydraulic Capacity 25 4 20 4 20 3 15 3 15 5 25 3 15 Structural Strength 25 4 20 4 20 2 10 2 10 5 25 5 25 Service Connections 15 5 15 4 12 4 12 4 12 1 3 2 6 Construction Complexity 10 5 10 4 8 4 8 3 6 2 4 3 6 TOTAL SCORE 100 90 80 70 68 67 67 Page 9 4.3 Recommended Alternatives As shown in Table 3, Cured-in-Place Pipe (CIPP) and Spiral Wound Pipe Liner are the two highest-scoring alternatives with minor differences as described below: 4.3.1 Surface Disturbance Both CIPP and spiral wound pipe can be installed through existing manholes, limiting surface disturbances at the manholes. Both options will require short-term road/alleyway closures for construction operations, and both will require bypass pumping during insertion and curing of the liner. The spiral wound pipe will require the installation of two (2) intermediate manholes in the sections between North Black to North Bozeman and North Bozeman to North Rouse. The intermediate access points are necessary due to the increased liner thickness required for these sections, as the increased thickness decreases the amount of liner that can be placed on a continuous spiral wound pipe spool. 4.3.2 Hydraulic Capacity Both recommended pipe rehabilitation alternatives will reduce the inside diameter and cross- sectional area of the existing pipeline. However, the liners will create a smoother and continuous inner surface, without joints or grout lines, which will decrease frictional flow resistance. The Manning’s roughness coeffect (n) will reduce from 0.015, for the existing cylindrical brick mortared-in-place pipe, to 0.010 for the newly lined pipeline. Both rehabilitation alternatives will increase the overall full pipe capacity of the stormwater main by approximately 20 - 40% dependent on the resulting internal diameter of the pipeline. Table 4: Recommend Alternatives Estimated Full Pipe Hydraulic Capacity Upstream Manhole Downstream Manhole Full Pipe Flow Existing Pipeline CIPP Rehabilitation Spiral Wound Pipe Rehabilitation (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) M.F.04.0057 M.F.04.0058 16.74 22.83 21.33 M.F.04.0058 M.F.04.0059 16.99 23.28 21.81 M.F.04.0059 M.F.04.0061 26.00 36.03 31.76 M.F.04.0061 M.F.04.0062 26.90 37.50 33.36 4.3.3 Structural Strength Both recommended alternatives will be designed with the assumption that fully-deteriorated pipe structural support is necessary. Preliminary liner thicknesses for the CIPP and spiral wound pipe liners, based on a number of initial assumptions, are summarized as follows. See appendix 3 for preliminary liner thickness calculations These preliminary thicknesses will need to be verified during the final design phase of the project.  Approx. CIPP Thickness = 0.45” – 0.55” (11.4 – 14.0 mm)  Approx. Spiral Wound Pipe Thickness = 0.79” – 1.2” (20 – 30.5 mm) Page 10 4.3.4 Service Connections Service line connections can be reinstated using a robotic cutter from within the pipe for both the CIPP and spiral wound pipe liner alternatives. With the CIPP liner, the service connection locations are confirmed based on field measurements and a “dimple” is typically visible in the liner at the service line. The location of service connections on spiral wound pipe liner also relies on field measurements but indications of service lines are not visible on the interior. Additionally, a “gap” in the void space is typically present between the existing service line and the new pipe liner. This “gap” is typically spanned using a “top hat” connection which extends into the service line and is bonded to the liner material. 4.3.5 Construction Complexity CIPP is a common technology for in-situ pipe rehabilitation by contractors in Montana and throughout the western United States. This project is relatively straightforward and similar to other CIPP installations. The primary project complication is the requirement for bypass pumping of any baseline or stormwater flow during the liner installation. Since the stormwater pipeline is a primary trunk line, the Contractor will need to consider weather forecasts through the duration of construction. Spiral wound pipe liners are gaining more traction in the trenchless pipe rehabilitation market and installation contractors and suppliers are increasing in numbers but are less common than the CIPP. The construction process is similar to CIPP on this project with the exception of the need for two (2) intermediate manholes/access points. The new manholes will need to be installed in the alleyways where utility conflicts with natural gas and communication lines are likely. The benefit to the spiral would pipe installation is that it can be installed while maintaining flow in the pipeline, therefore potentially eliminating the need to bypass pump flow during installation. 4.4 Preliminary Opinion of Probable Cost The preliminary opinion of probable construction costs for the two (2) recommended rehabilitation alternatives is presented below along with the cost of a traditional dig and replace option for comparison. The construction cost estimate provided herein is a Class 3 budget level estimate with an expected accuracy range of within 10 to 20%, (AACE International Recommended Practice No 18R-97). The estimate is for construction costs only, i.e. engineering cost are excluded, based on DOWL’s experience with previously constructed projects, vendor budgetary quotes, material bid costs, and professional judgement. Table 5: Preliminary Opinion of Probable Cost Alternative Estimated Construction Cost Total per LF Traditional Dig and Replace of Stormwater Main $1,360,084 $1,030 Cured-in-Place Pipe Stormwater Main Rehabilitation $443,454 $336 Spiral Wound Pipe Liner Stormwater Main Rehabilitation $721,593 $547 Page 11 5.0 REFERENCES EPA/600/R-10/078; July 2010; State of Technology for Rehabilitation of Wastewater Collection Systems EPA 832-f-99-032; September 1999; Collection Systems O&M Fact Sheet – Trenchless Sewer Rehabilitation Jaques, Jacqule & Shallenberger, Ryan; August 2018; NASSCO Tech Tips Spiral Would Liners and the Pipe Rehabilitation Industry Lanzo Lining Services, Inc., 2010; Engineering Design Guide for Rehabilitation with Cured-in- Place Pipe, Second Edition Muenchmeyer, Gerhard; February 2013; NASSCO Tech Tips Folded Pipe Trenchless Lining Technologies Provide Choices for Consumers North American Society for Trenchless Technology, 2011; Second Edition of the Pipe Bursting Good Practices Guidelines Quadex Lining Systems; February 2020; The Quadex Lining System, Next Generation Infrastructure Renewal – A Precision-Applied Structural and Corrosion Resistant Solution. Timberlake, Matt; June 2016, NASSCO Tech Tips: Pipe Bursting Preparing for Success APPENDIX 1: EXISTING STORMWATER MAINS MAIN ST.MAIN ST.N. BLACK AVE.N. BOZEMAN AVE.N. ROUSE AVE.N. TRACY AVE.MENDENHALL ST. DOWNTOWN STORMWATER MAINS REHABILITATION EVALUATION PROJECT 406-586-8834 2090 Stadium Drive Bozeman, Montana 59715 WWW.DOWL.COM OVERALL STORMWATER SYSTEM MAP EXHIBIT 1 N. BLACK AVE.N. TRACY AVE.1-5 E MAIN ST11 E MAIN ST17 E MAIN ST23 E MAIN ST27 E MAIN ST29 E MAIN ST35-37 E MAIN ST9 E MAIN ST101 E MAIN ST107 E MAIN ST115 E MAIN ST121 E MAIN ST123 E MAIN ST101 E MAIN ST129 E MAIN ST26 E MENDENHALL ST 1 W MAIN ST7 W MAIN ST23 N TRACY AVE 27 N TRACY AVE DOWNTOWN STORMWATER MAINS REHABILITATION EVALUATION PROJECT 406-586-8834 2090 Stadium Drive Bozeman, Montana 59715 WWW.DOWL.COM DETAILED STORMWATER SYSTEM MAP EXHIBIT 2MATCH LINE - SEE EXHIBIT 3~8" CMP SERVICE (STA 2+11) UTILITY BORING TYPICAL PIPELINE N. BOZEMAN AVE.N. ROUSE AVE.232 E MENDENHALL ST 131 E MAIN ST137 E MAIN ST201 E MAIN ST219 E MAIN ST223 E MAIN ST225 E MAIN ST229 E MAIN ST235 E MAIN ST241 E MAIN ST303 E MAIN ST311 E MAIN ST321 E MAIN ST35 N BOZEMAN AVE232 E MENDENHALL ST234 E MENDENHALL ST40 N BOZEMAN AVE 34 N BOZEMAN AVE 39 N ROUSE AVE DOWNTOWN STORMWATER MAINS REHABILITATION EVALUATION PROJECT 406-586-8834 2090 Stadium Drive Bozeman, Montana 59715 WWW.DOWL.COM DETAILED STORMWATER SYSTEM MAP EXHIBIT 3MATCH LINE - SEE EXHIBIT 2TYPICAL SERVICE CONNECTIONS TYPICAL PIPE AT MANHOLE APPENDIX 2: CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATES Quantity Unit Unit Cost Total Cost Mobilization/Demob 5% % of Total $1,030,366.67 $51,518 Taxes Bonds Insurance 5% % of Total $1,030,366.67 $51,518 Assume Same Pipe Diameter 36" - RCP 1,320 LF $150.00 $198,000 Contractor Install of Pipe 25% % of Pipe $198,000.00 $49,500 Manhole Replacement 5 EA $8,000.00 $40,000 Disposal of Existing Pipe & Trench Material 2,347 CY $20.00 $46,933 Trench Backfill - Flowable Fill 2,347 CY $100.00 $234,667 Surface Restoration - Asphalt 264 Ton $150.00 $39,600 Surface Restoration - Concrete Sidewalks 56 SY $75.00 $4,167 Reinstatement of Service Connections 27 EA $2,500.00 $67,500 Bozeman Creek Crossing 1 LS $100,000.00 $100,000 Bozeman Creek Bridge Replacement 1 LS $100,000.00 $100,000 Utility Crossings/Utility Pole 20 EA $1,500.00 $30,000 Bypass Pumping 1 LS $50,000.00 $50,000 Exploratory Excavation 40 HR $500.00 $20,000 Traffic Control 1 LS $50,000.00 $50,000 $1,133,403 20%Contingency=$226,681 $1,360,084 $1,030 Item Site Civil Subtotal= Total Estimated Construction Cost = Total Estimated Construction Cost (per LF) = Traditional Dig and Replace of Stormwater Main City of Bozeman - Stormwater Division Downtown Stormwater Main Rehbilation Evaluation PRELIMINARY ENGINEER'S OPINION OF PROBABLE COST Date: 8/4/2020 Q:\28\12328-01\50Design\Task4 - Rehab Alternatives Eval\BznStormRehab_CostEstimatee.xlsxPage 1 of 1 Quantity Unit Unit Cost Total Cost Mobilization/Demob 5% % of Total $335,950.00 $16,798 Taxes Bonds Insurance 5% % of Total $335,950.00 $16,798 CIPP Materials & Install 1,320 LF $200.00 $264,000 Pre Pipeline Cleaning 1,320 LF $1.75 $2,310 Pre CCTV Pipeline Inspection 1,320 LF $2.00 $2,640 Adjust Protruding Services 10 EA $500.00 $5,000 Reinstatement of Services 27 EA $1,000.00 $27,000 Bypass Pumping 1 LS $15,000.00 $15,000 Traffic Control 1 LS $20,000.00 $20,000 $369,545 20%Contingency=$73,909 $443,454 $336 Cured-in-Place Pipe Stormwater Main Rehabilitation City of Bozeman - Stormwater Division Downtown Stormwater Main Rehbilation Evaluation PRELIMINARY ENGINEER'S OPINION OF PROBABLE COST Date: 8/4/2020 Item Site Civil Subtotal= Total Estimated Construction Cost = Total Estimated Construction Cost (per LF) = Q:\28\12328-01\50Design\Task4 - Rehab Alternatives Eval\BznStormRehab_CostEstimatee.xlsxPage 1 of 1 Quantity Unit Unit Cost Total Cost Mobilization/Demob 8% % of Total $532,148.33 $42,572 Taxes Bonds Insurance 5% % of Total $532,148.33 $26,607 Spiral Wound Pipe Materials & Install - 27" 48 LF $250.00 $12,000 Spiral Wound Pipe Materials & Install - 28" 347 LF $260.00 $90,220 Spiral Wound Pipe Materials & Install - 32" 359 LF $355.00 $127,445 Spiral Wound Pipe Materials & Install - 35" 564 LF $400.00 $225,600 Pre Pipeline Cleaning 1,320 LF $1.75 $2,310 Pre CCTV Pipeline Inspection 1,320 LF $2.00 $2,640 Adjust Protruding Services 10 EA $500.00 $5,000 48" Doghouse Manhole 2 EA $8,000.00 $16,000 Manhole Backfill - Flowable Fill 21 CY $100.00 $2,133 Surface Restoration - Asphalt 7 Ton $250.00 $1,800 Reinstatement of Services 27 EA $1,000.00 $27,000 Bypass Pumping (if needed) 0 LS $10,000.00 $0 Traffic Control 1 LS $20,000.00 $20,000 $601,328 20%Contingency=$120,266 $721,593 $547 Spiral Wound Pipe Liner Stormwater Main Rehabilitation City of Bozeman - Stormwater Division Downtown Stormwater Main Rehbilation Evaluation PRELIMINARY ENGINEER'S OPINION OF PROBABLE COST Date: 8/4/2020 Item Site Civil Subtotal= Total Estimated Construction Cost = Total Estimated Construction Cost (per LF) = Q:\28\12328-01\50Design\Task4 - Rehab Alternatives Eval\BznStormRehab_CostEstimatee.xlsxPage 1 of 1 APPENDIX 3: PRELIMINARY DESIGN CALCULATIONS City of Bozeman - Downtown Stormwater Rehabilitation 8/10/2020 CIPP Liner Thickness Design PSY A. Design Thickness Based Upon Buckling (Fully-deteriorated Pipe:) Governing Equations, from ASTM F1216-08: Where: qt = Total external pressure on pipe, psi. See expression below. C =Ovality Reduction Factor. See expression below. N =Safety Factor Rw = Water Buoyancy Factor. See expression below. B' = Coefficient of Elastic Support. See Expression Below. E's = Modulus of Soil Reaction, psi EL = Long-term Modulus of Elasticity for CIPP, psi I =Moment of Inertia for CIPP, in4/in. See Expression Below. D =Mean Inside Diameter of Original Pipe, in. Total External Pressure: Where: qt = Total external pressure on pipe, psi. Pw = Hydrauilc Pressure, psi = Hw,ft x 0.433 psi/ft PE = Earth Load Pressure, psi = (Rw x gs x Hc)/144 PLL = H20 Highway Loading Height Of Cover (ft) Live Load, psf 1 1800 2 800 3 600 4 400 5 250 6 200 7 175 8 100 over 8 neglect Ovality Reduction Factor: Where: q = Percentage Ovality of Original Pipe Water Buoyancy Factor: Where: Hw = Height of Water Above Top of Pipe, ft. Hc = Height of Cover Above Top of Pipe, ft. 2 1 3 ''23 úû ùêë é ÷ø öçè æ=D IEEBRN Cq LSWt LLEwtPPPq++= 3 2 0011 0011 ÷÷÷÷÷ ø ö ççççç è æ ÷÷ø öççè æ + ÷÷ø öççè æ - = q q C ÷÷ ø öçç è æ-= c W W H HR33.01 Q:\28\12328-01\50Design\Task4 - Rehab Alternatives Eval\CIPP Buckling&Flow_.xlsmPage 1 of 2 Buckling-27" City of Bozeman - Downtown Stormwater Rehabilitation 8/10/2020 CIPP Liner Thickness Design PSY Coefficient of Elastic Support: Where: Hc = Height of Cover Above Top of Pipe, ft. Moment of Inertia of CIPP: Where: t = Thickness of CIPP, in For 27 in., Diameter Pipe Input Parameters: D = 27 in Mean Inside Pipe Diameter N = 2 Safety Factor E's = 700 psi Modulus of Soil Reaction EL = 125000 psi Long-term Modulus of Elasticity for CIPP Hw = 3 ft Height of Water Above Top of Pipe, ft. Hc = 8.6 ft Height of Cover Above Top of Pipe, ft. gs = 110 lb/ft3 Unit Weight of Soil PLL = 100 lb/ft2 Live Load q = 2 % Ovality of Original Pipe Set up the following expression to use Excel "Solver" to determine t, pipe wall thickness. A. Design Thickness Based Upon Buckling: t SDR Rw Pw PE PLL qt C B' I rhs in psi psi psi psi in4/in psi 0.4505 0.88 1.3 5.81 0.7 7.81 0.8358 0.3042 7.6E-03 0.0000 11.4416 mm B. Design Thickness Based Upon Minimum Thickness: Governing Equations, from ASTM F1216: Substitute and solve for t: Where: E = Initial Modulus of Elasticity for CIPP, psi I = Moment of Inertia for CIPP, in4/in. D = Mean Inside Diameter of Original Pipe, in. t = Thickness of CIPP, in Input Parameters: E = 250,000 psi Minimum Initial Modulus of Elasticity for CIPP D = 27 in Mean Inside Pipe Diameter tmin = 0.4446 in t = 0.4505 in For 27 in., Diameter Pipe, for the Above Stated Assumptions Only. 11.44 mm ( ) CHeB560.0 ' 41 1 -+= 21 3tI= t L SW qD IECEBRNshr -úû ùêë é ÷ø öçè æ==2 1 3 ''2310 390.03³D IE 21 3tI=3 1321390.0 ÷÷ø öççè æ ×׳E Dtnim Q:\28\12328-01\50Design\Task4 - Rehab Alternatives Eval\CIPP Buckling&Flow_.xlsmPage 2 of 2 Buckling-27" City of Bozeman - Downtown Stormwater Rehabilitation 8/10/2020 CIPP Liner Thickness Design PSY A. Design Thickness Based Upon Buckling (Fully-deteriorated Pipe:) Governing Equations, from ASTM F1216-08: Where: qt = Total external pressure on pipe, psi. See expression below. C =Ovality Reduction Factor. See expression below. N =Safety Factor Rw = Water Buoyancy Factor. See expression below. B' = Coefficient of Elastic Support. See Expression Below. E's = Modulus of Soil Reaction, psi EL = Long-term Modulus of Elasticity for CIPP, psi I =Moment of Inertia for CIPP, in4/in. See Expression Below. D =Mean Inside Diameter of Original Pipe, in. Total External Pressure: Where: qt = Total external pressure on pipe, psi. Pw = Hydrauilc Pressure, psi = Hw,ft x 0.433 psi/ft PE = Earth Load Pressure, psi = (Rw x gs x Hc)/144 PLL = H20 Highway Loading Height Of Cover (ft) Live Load, psf 1 1800 2 800 3 600 4 400 5 250 6 200 7 175 8 100 over 8 neglect Ovality Reduction Factor: Where: q = Percentage Ovality of Original Pipe Water Buoyancy Factor: Where: Hw = Height of Water Above Top of Pipe, ft. Hc = Height of Cover Above Top of Pipe, ft. 2 1 3 ''23 úû ùêë é ÷ø öçè æ=D IEEBRN Cq LSWt LLEwtPPPq++= 3 2 0011 0011 ÷÷÷÷÷ ø ö ççççç è æ ÷÷ø öççè æ + ÷÷ø öççè æ - = q q C ÷÷ ø öçç è æ-= c W W H HR33.01 Q:\28\12328-01\50Design\Task4 - Rehab Alternatives Eval\CIPP Buckling&Flow_.xlsmPage 1 of 2 Buckling-28.2" City of Bozeman - Downtown Stormwater Rehabilitation 8/10/2020 CIPP Liner Thickness Design PSY Coefficient of Elastic Support: Where: Hc = Height of Cover Above Top of Pipe, ft. Moment of Inertia of CIPP: Where: t = Thickness of CIPP, in For 28.2 in., Diameter Pipe Input Parameters: D = 28.2 in Mean Inside Pipe Diameter N = 2 Safety Factor E's = 700 psi Modulus of Soil Reaction EL = 125000 psi Long-term Modulus of Elasticity for CIPP Hw = 3 ft Height of Water Above Top of Pipe, ft. Hc = 7.9 ft Height of Cover Above Top of Pipe, ft. gs = 110 lb/ft3 Unit Weight of Soil PLL = 175 lb/ft2 Live Load q = 2 % Ovality of Original Pipe Set up the following expression to use Excel "Solver" to determine t, pipe wall thickness. A. Design Thickness Based Upon Buckling: t SDR Rw Pw PE PLL qt C B' I rhs in psi psi psi psi in4/in psi 0.4768 0.87 1.3 5.28 1.2 7.79 0.8358 0.2947 9.0E-03 0.0000 12.1101 mm B. Design Thickness Based Upon Minimum Thickness: Governing Equations, from ASTM F1216: Substitute and solve for t: Where: E = Initial Modulus of Elasticity for CIPP, psi I = Moment of Inertia for CIPP, in4/in. D = Mean Inside Diameter of Original Pipe, in. t = Thickness of CIPP, in Input Parameters: E = 250,000 psi Minimum Initial Modulus of Elasticity for CIPP D = 28.2 in Mean Inside Pipe Diameter tmin = 0.4643 in t = 0.4768 in For 28.2 in., Diameter Pipe, for the Above Stated Assumptions Only. 12.11 mm ( ) CHeB560.0 ' 41 1 -+= 21 3tI= t L SW qD IECEBRNshr -úû ùêë é ÷ø öçè æ==2 1 3 ''2310 390.03³D IE 21 3tI=3 1321390.0 ÷÷ø öççè æ ×׳E Dtnim Q:\28\12328-01\50Design\Task4 - Rehab Alternatives Eval\CIPP Buckling&Flow_.xlsmPage 2 of 2 Buckling-28.2" City of Bozeman - Downtown Stormwater Rehabilitation 8/10/2020 CIPP Liner Thickness Design PSY A. Design Thickness Based Upon Buckling (Fully-deteriorated Pipe:) Governing Equations, from ASTM F1216-08: Where: qt = Total external pressure on pipe, psi. See expression below. C =Ovality Reduction Factor. See expression below. N =Safety Factor Rw = Water Buoyancy Factor. See expression below. B' = Coefficient of Elastic Support. See Expression Below. E's = Modulus of Soil Reaction, psi EL = Long-term Modulus of Elasticity for CIPP, psi I =Moment of Inertia for CIPP, in4/in. See Expression Below. D =Mean Inside Diameter of Original Pipe, in. Total External Pressure: Where: qt = Total external pressure on pipe, psi. Pw = Hydrauilc Pressure, psi = Hw,ft x 0.433 psi/ft PE = Earth Load Pressure, psi = (Rw x gs x Hc)/144 PLL = H20 Highway Loading Height Of Cover (ft) Live Load, psf 1 1800 2 800 3 600 4 400 5 250 6 200 7 175 8 100 over 8 neglect Ovality Reduction Factor: Where: q = Percentage Ovality of Original Pipe Water Buoyancy Factor: Where: Hw = Height of Water Above Top of Pipe, ft. Hc = Height of Cover Above Top of Pipe, ft. 2 1 3 ''23 úû ùêë é ÷ø öçè æ=D IEEBRN Cq LSWt LLEwtPPPq++= 3 2 0011 0011 ÷÷÷÷÷ ø ö ççççç è æ ÷÷ø öççè æ + ÷÷ø öççè æ - = q q C ÷÷ ø öçç è æ-= c W W H HR33.01 Q:\28\12328-01\50Design\Task4 - Rehab Alternatives Eval\CIPP Buckling&Flow_.xlsmPage 1 of 2 Buckling-32.4" City of Bozeman - Downtown Stormwater Rehabilitation 8/10/2020 CIPP Liner Thickness Design PSY Coefficient of Elastic Support: Where: Hc = Height of Cover Above Top of Pipe, ft. Moment of Inertia of CIPP: Where: t = Thickness of CIPP, in For 32.4 in., Diameter Pipe Input Parameters: D = 32.4 in Mean Inside Pipe Diameter N = 2 Safety Factor E's = 700 psi Modulus of Soil Reaction EL = 125000 psi Long-term Modulus of Elasticity for CIPP Hw = 3 ft Height of Water Above Top of Pipe, ft. Hc = 7.3 ft Height of Cover Above Top of Pipe, ft. gs = 110 lb/ft3 Unit Weight of Soil PLL = 175 lb/ft2 Live Load q = 2 % Ovality of Original Pipe Set up the following expression to use Excel "Solver" to determine t, pipe wall thickness. A. Design Thickness Based Upon Buckling: t SDR Rw Pw PE PLL qt C B' I rhs in psi psi psi psi in4/in psi 0.5331 0.86 1.3 4.82 1.2 7.33 0.8358 0.2866 1.3E-02 0.0000 13.5398 mm B. Design Thickness Based Upon Minimum Thickness: Governing Equations, from ASTM F1216: Substitute and solve for t: Where: E = Initial Modulus of Elasticity for CIPP, psi I = Moment of Inertia for CIPP, in4/in. D = Mean Inside Diameter of Original Pipe, in. t = Thickness of CIPP, in Input Parameters: E = 250,000 psi Minimum Initial Modulus of Elasticity for CIPP D = 32.4 in Mean Inside Pipe Diameter tmin = 0.5335 in t = 0.5335 in For 32.4 in., Diameter Pipe, for the Above Stated Assumptions Only. 13.55 mm ( ) CHeB560.0 ' 41 1 -+= 21 3tI= t L SW qD IECEBRNshr -úû ùêë é ÷ø öçè æ==2 1 3 ''2310 390.03³D IE 21 3tI=3 1321390.0 ÷÷ø öççè æ ×׳E Dtnim Q:\28\12328-01\50Design\Task4 - Rehab Alternatives Eval\CIPP Buckling&Flow_.xlsmPage 2 of 2 Buckling-32.4" City of Bozeman - Downtown Stormwater Rehabilitation 8/10/2020 CIPP Liner Thickness Design PSY A. Design Thickness Based Upon Buckling (Fully-deteriorated Pipe:) Governing Equations, from ASTM F1216-08: Where: qt = Total external pressure on pipe, psi. See expression below. C =Ovality Reduction Factor. See expression below. N =Safety Factor Rw = Water Buoyancy Factor. See expression below. B' = Coefficient of Elastic Support. See Expression Below. E's = Modulus of Soil Reaction, psi EL = Long-term Modulus of Elasticity for CIPP, psi I =Moment of Inertia for CIPP, in4/in. See Expression Below. D =Mean Inside Diameter of Original Pipe, in. Total External Pressure: Where: qt = Total external pressure on pipe, psi. Pw = Hydrauilc Pressure, psi = Hw,ft x 0.433 psi/ft PE = Earth Load Pressure, psi = (Rw x gs x Hc)/144 PLL = H20 Highway Loading Height Of Cover (ft) Live Load, psf 1 1800 2 800 3 600 4 400 5 250 6 200 7 175 8 100 over 8 neglect Ovality Reduction Factor: Where: q = Percentage Ovality of Original Pipe Water Buoyancy Factor: Where: Hw = Height of Water Above Top of Pipe, ft. Hc = Height of Cover Above Top of Pipe, ft. 2 1 3 ''23 úû ùêë é ÷ø öçè æ=D IEEBRN Cq LSWt LLEwtPPPq++= 3 2 0011 0011 ÷÷÷÷÷ ø ö ççççç è æ ÷÷ø öççè æ + ÷÷ø öççè æ - = q q C ÷÷ ø öçç è æ-= c W W H HR33.01 Q:\28\12328-01\50Design\Task4 - Rehab Alternatives Eval\CIPP Buckling&Flow_.xlsmPage 1 of 2 Buckling-34.8" City of Bozeman - Downtown Stormwater Rehabilitation 8/10/2020 CIPP Liner Thickness Design PSY Coefficient of Elastic Support: Where: Hc = Height of Cover Above Top of Pipe, ft. Moment of Inertia of CIPP: Where: t = Thickness of CIPP, in For 34.8 in., Diameter Pipe Input Parameters: D = 34.8 in Mean Inside Pipe Diameter N = 2 Safety Factor E's = 700 psi Modulus of Soil Reaction EL = 125000 psi Long-term Modulus of Elasticity for CIPP Hw = 3 ft Height of Water Above Top of Pipe, ft. Hc = 8.8 ft Height of Cover Above Top of Pipe, ft. gs = 110 lb/ft3 Unit Weight of Soil PLL = 0 lb/ft2 Live Load q = 2 % Ovality of Original Pipe Set up the following expression to use Excel "Solver" to determine t, pipe wall thickness. A. Design Thickness Based Upon Buckling: t SDR Rw Pw PE PLL qt C B' I rhs in psi psi psi psi in4/in psi 0.5512 0.89 1.3 5.97 0.0 7.26 0.8358 0.3070 1.4E-02 0.0000 14.0006 mm B. Design Thickness Based Upon Minimum Thickness: Governing Equations, from ASTM F1216: Substitute and solve for t: Where: E = Initial Modulus of Elasticity for CIPP, psi I = Moment of Inertia for CIPP, in4/in. D = Mean Inside Diameter of Original Pipe, in. t = Thickness of CIPP, in Input Parameters: E = 250,000 psi Minimum Initial Modulus of Elasticity for CIPP D = 34.8 in Mean Inside Pipe Diameter tmin = 0.5730 in t = 0.5730 in For 34.8 in., Diameter Pipe, for the Above Stated Assumptions Only. 14.55 mm ( ) CHeB560.0 ' 41 1 -+= 21 3tI= t L SW qD IECEBRNshr -úû ùêë é ÷ø öçè æ==2 1 3 ''2310 390.03³D IE 21 3tI=3 1321390.0 ÷÷ø öççè æ ×׳E Dtnim Q:\28\12328-01\50Design\Task4 - Rehab Alternatives Eval\CIPP Buckling&Flow_.xlsmPage 2 of 2 Buckling-34.8" This structural design check is based on specific input parameters provided to Joseph Dominguez, of Sekisui SPR Americas, LLC.Use of this information is subject to verification and review by others for suitability for any specific application. US Design Data 1.00 Worksheet Contents Hyperlink Section name Section numberGOWorksheet Contents 1.00GOLine Physical Details 2.00GOSoil, Loading and Liner Defaults 3.00GOLiner Selection 4.00GOConstraints5.00GOAdditional Technical Information 6.00GOHydraulic Information (Assumes Full Flow)7.00GOOther Consumables 8.00GOCustomised Liner 9.00 2.00 Line Physical Details Run No.1 2 3 4MFO4.00057 MFO4.00058 MFO4.00059 MFO4.00061totototo MFO4.00058 MFO4.00059 MFO4.00061 MFO4.00062Pipe Length (ft)48.0 347.0 359.0 564.0Existing Pipe Diameter (in)27 28 32 35Annular Gap (in)----Liner External Diameter (in)27.0 28.2 32.4 34.8Liner Internal Diameter (in)25.4 26.6 30.0 32.4Depth to Invert of Host (ft)10.8 10.4 10.0 12.5Cover Height above Crown of Existing (ft)8.6 8.1 7.3 9.6Cover Height above Crown of Liner (ft)8.6 8.1 7.3 9.6Water Table Above Crown of Host (ft)3.8 3.4 3.0 5.5Water Table Above Crown of Liner (ft)3.8 3.4 3.0 5.5 3.00 Soil, Loading and Liner Defaults Soil Density (lb/ft3)110 110 110 110% Ovality of Liner 2 2 2 2Factor of Safety 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0Wheel Load (lb)HS20 HS20 HS20 HS20Modulus of Soil Reaction (psi)700 700 700 700Enhancement Factor 4 4 4 4Poisson's Ratio 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38Long Term Ring Bending Modulus (psi)116,000 116,000 116,000 116,000 4.00 Liner Selection Profile Type 126-20EX 126-20EX 126-30EX 126-30EXWinding Method SPR™ EX SPR™ EX SPR™ EX SPR™ EXSteel Reinforcement ----Profile Height (in)0.79 0.79 1.20 1.20 5.00 Constraints Technical Constraints?NO NO YES YES Fully Deteriorated Factor of Safety 2.62 2.58 3.66 2.69 Partially Deteriorated Factor of Safety 3.07 2.82 5.58 3.02 6.00 Additional Technical Information Profile Length Required (m)(Note: wastage varies by product)252.5 1,909.8 2,235.5 3,786.5 Profile Length Per Spool (m)2,200 2,200 1,800 1,800Profile Length Check(SPR™ EX spools can not be joined)0.12 spools 0.87 spools NOT OK as SPR™ ENOT OK as SPR™ EX Above Minimum Diameter?YES YES YES YESAbove Minimum Stiffness of 2.921 psi?YES (4.6)YES (4.016)YES (7.88)YES (6.288) 7.00 Hydraulic Information (Assumes Full Flow) Host Pipe Manning's Coefficient 0.016 0.016 0.016 0.016Liner Manning's Coefficient (Default 0.009)0.009 0.009 0.009 0.009Slope of Line 0.0039 0.0032 0.0033 0.0029Percentage Reduction in Area 11.33%10.86%14.28%13.33%Percentage Reduction in Diameter 5.83%5.58%7.41%6.90%Original Flow Capacity (ft3/s)15.71 15.98 23.51 26.66Liner Flow Capacity (ft3/s)23.80 24.38 34.03 39.17Percentage Change in Flow 51.45%52.52%44.77%46.91% 8.00 Other Consumables Wire Requirement (m)301 2,257 2,595 4,350 Wire Diameter (mm)1.2mm 1.2mm 1.2mm 1.2mm Sealant Requirement (l) / Weld Bead (kg)3.82 28.88 33.80 57.25 Grout Requirement (yd^3) Manhole Number Page 1 of 1Printed: 12:07 PM, 7/29/2020Version: 1.3.3 (12th June 2019)Project Owner: City of BozemanProject Location: Dwn Twn Stormwater RehabC:\Users\Joseph Dominguez\Documents\SSPRA\SPR\F This structural design check is based on specific input parameters provided to Joseph Dominguez, of Sekisui SPR Americas, LLC.Use of this information is subject to verification and review by others for suitability for any specific application. Fully Deteriorated Design 1 2 3 4 MFO4.00057 MFO4.00058 MFO4.00059 MFO4.00061 to to to to MFO4.00058 MFO4.00059 MFO4.00061 MFO4.00062 Existing Pipe Diameter (in.)27 28 32 35 Annular Gap (in.)---- Liner External Diameter (in.)27 28 32 35 Liner Internal Diameter (in.)25.4 26.6 30.0 32.4 Depth to Invert of Existing (ft.)10.8 10.4 10.0 12.5 Cover Height above Crown of Existing (ft.)8.6 8.1 7.3 9.6 Cover Height above Crown of Liner (ft.)8.6 8.1 7.3 9.6 Water Table above Crown of Existing (ft.)3.8 3.4 3.0 5.5 Water Table above Crown of Liner (ft.)3.8 3.4 3.0 5.5 Soil Density (lb/ft3)110 110 110 110 % Ovality 2 2 2 2 Factor of Safety 2 2 2 2 Modulus of Soil Reaction (psi)700 700 700 700 Profile Type 126-20EX 126-20EX 126-30EX 126-30EX Steel Reinforcement ---- Profile Height (in)0.787 0.787 1.201 1.201 Depth to Neutral Axis (in)0.265 0.265 0.363 0.363 Moment of Inertia (in4/in)0.01291 0.01291 0.03669 0.03669 Long Term Ring Bending Modulus (psi)116,000 116,000 116,000 116,000 Long Term Ring Stiffness (psi)0.09 0.07 0.15 0.12 Long Term Pipe Stiffness (psi)4.60 4.02 7.88 6.29 Water Buoyancy Factor 0.85 0.86 0.86 0.81 Coefficient of Elastic Support 0.30 0.30 0.29 0.32 Ovality Reduction Factor 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 Impact Factor 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 Soil Pressure (psi)5.57 5.31 4.82 5.95 Hydrostatic Pressure (psi)1.65 1.47 1.30 2.38 Live Load on Pipe (psi) [using selected load case]0.57 0.56 1.00 0.51 Total External Pressure on Pipe (psi)7.79 7.34 7.12 8.84 Pipe External Pressure Capacity (psi)10.19 9.46 13.04 11.89 Design Check OK OK OK OK Actual Factor of Safety 2.62 2.58 3.66 2.69 Host Pipe Manning's Coefficient 0.016 0.016 0.016 0.016 Liner Manning's Coefficient 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.009 Slope of Line 0.0039 0.0032 0.0033 0.0029 Percentage Reduction in Area 11.33% 10.86% 14.28% 13.33% Percentage Reduction in Diameter 5.83% 5.58% 7.41% 6.90% Original Flow Capacity (ft3/s)16 16 24 27 Liner Flow Capacity (ft3/s)24 24 34 39 Percentage Change in Flow 51.45% 52.52% 44.77% 46.91% Axle Load (lb)80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 Length of Tie (ft)8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 Tie Spacing (ft)5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 Impact Factor 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 Alpha 0.92 0.97 1.05 0.83 Beta (0.46)(0.48)(0.53)(0.42) Applied Load (psi)11 11 12 10 Surface Dimension 1 (ft)30 29 14 32 Surface Dimension 2 (ft)33 26 24 34 Applied Load (lb)80,000 60,000 48,000 80,000 Impact Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Adjusted Load (psi)0.57 0.56 1.00 0.51 Surface Dimension 1 (ft)30.6 30.0 28.8 32.2 Surface Dimension 2 (ft)18.9 18.2 17.1 20.4 Applied Load (lb)463,572 463,572 463,572 463,572 Impact Factor 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 Adjusted Load (psi)6.12 6.50 7.20 5.40 Surface Dimension 1 (ft)18.7 18.0 16.9 20.3 Surface Dimension 2 (ft)23.8 23.1 21.9 25.3 Applied Load (lb)359,363 359,363 359,363 359,363 Impact Factor 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 Adjusted Load (psi)6.16 6.60 7.39 5.36 Surface Dimension 1 (ft)30 29 14 32 Surface Dimension 2 (ft)33 26 24 34 Applied Load (lb)100,000 75,000 60,000 100,000 Impact Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Adjusted Load (psi)0.71 0.70 1.25 0.64 Surface Dimension 1 (ft)30 29 14 32 Surface Dimension 2 (ft)33 26 24 34 Applied Load (lb)40,000 30,000 24,000 40,000 Impact Factor 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Adjusted Load (psi)0.29 0.28 0.50 0.25 N/A 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 HS10 0.29 0.28 0.50 0.25 HS20 0.57 0.56 1.00 0.51 HS25 0.71 0.70 1.25 0.64 Cooper E80 10.73 11.20 12.01 9.82 B747 6.12 6.50 7.20 5.40 B777 6.16 6.60 7.39 5.36 Custom 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00Wheel Load Summary (psi)Boeing 777 LoadHS10 Wheel LoadHS25 Wheel LoadLoadingDesignHydraulic InformationCooper E80 Rail LoadHS20 Wheel LoadBoeing 747 LoadRun No. Manhole No.Design InformationProfile DetailsCalculated InformationPage 1 of 1Printed: 12:07 PM, 7/29/2020Version: 1.3.3 (12th June 2019)Project Owner: City of BozemanProject Location: Dwn Twn Stormwater RehabC:\Users\Joseph Dominguez\Documents\SSPRA\SPR\F This structural design check is based on specific input parameters provided to Joseph Dominguez, of Sekisui SPR Americas, LLC.Use of this information is subject to verification and review by others for suitability for any specific application. Partially Deteriorated Design 1 2 3 4 MFO4.00057 MFO4.00058 MFO4.00059 MFO4.00061 to to to to MFO4.00058 MFO4.00059 MFO4.00061 MFO4.00062 Existing Pipe Diameter (in.)27 28 32 35 Annular Gap (in.)---- Liner External Diameter (in.)27 28 32 35 Liner Internal Diameter (in.)25.4 26.6 30.0 32.4 Water Table above Crown of Existing (ft.)3.8 3.4 3.0 5.5 Water Table above Crown of Liner (ft.)3.8 3.4 3.0 5.5 % Ovality 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Factor of Safety 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Enhancement Factor 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 Poisson's Ratio 0.38 0.38 0.38 0.38 Profile Type 126-20EX 126-20EX 126-30EX 126-30EX Steel Reinforcement (mm)---- Profile Height (in)0.787 0.787 1.201 1.201 Depth to Neutral Axis (in)0.265 0.265 0.363 0.363 Moment of Inertia (in4/in)0 0 0 0 Long Term Ring Bending Modulus (psi)116,000 116,000 116,000 116,000 Long Term Ring Stiffness (psi)0.09 0.07 0.15 0.12 Long Term Pipe Stiffness (psi)4.600 4.016 7.880 6.288 Ovality Reduction Factor 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 Total External Pressure on Pipe (psi)2.62 2.49 2.47 3.64 Pipe External Pressure Capacity (psi)4.02 3.51 6.88 5.49 Design Check OK OK OK OK Actual Factor of Safety 3.07 2.82 5.58 3.02 Host Pipe Manning's Coefficient 0.016 0.016 0.016 0.016 Liner Manning's Coefficient 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.009 Slope of Line 0.0039 0.0032 0.0033 0.0029 Percentage Reduction in Area 11.33% 10.86% 14.28% 13.33% Percentage Reduction in Diameter 5.83% 5.58% 7.41% 6.90% Original Flow Capacity (ft3/s)15.7 16.0 23.5 26.7 Liner Flow Capacity (ft3/s)23.8 24.4 34.0 39.2 Percentage Change in Flow 51.45% 52.52% 44.77% 46.91% Hydraulic InformationRun No. Manhole No.Design InformationProfile DetailsCalc'd InfoDesignPage 1 of 1 Printed: 12:07 PM, 7/29/2020Version: 1.3.3 (12th June 2019)Project Owner: City of BozemanProject Location: Dwn Twn Stormwater Rehab C:\Users\Joseph Dominguez\Documents\SSPRA\SPR\F This structural design check is based on specific input parameters provided to Joseph Dominguez, of Sekisui SPR Americas, LLC. Use of this information is subject to verification and review by others for suitability for any specific application. Detailed Calcs FD (US) Run Number 1 1. Design Information Existing Pipe Internal Diameter, De =27.00 in Depth to Invert of Existing Pipe, Hi =10.80 ft Cover Height above Crown of Liner, He =8.55 ft Water Table above Crown of Liner, Hwe =3.80 ft Soil Density, w =110.00 pcf Ovality of Existing Pipe, q =2.00 % Minimum Factor of Safety, N =2.00 Modulus of Soil Reaction, E's = 700.00 psi 2. Profile Details Profile Type = 126-20EX Steel Reinforcement thickness, or option = -mm Profile Height, t = 0.79 in Depth to Neutral Axis, tNA =0.26 in Moment of Inertia, I =0.01291 in4/in Long term modulus of Elasticity of Plastic Profile, EL 116000.00 psi Long Term Ring Stiffness of Pipe, RSL = 0.09 psi 3. Calculated Information Water Buoyancy Factor Where: Hwe =3.80 ftHe = 9 ft Rw =0.85 Coefficient of Elastic Support Where: He = 8.55 ft B' =0.30 Ovality Reduction Factor Fully Deteriorated Design Condition (ASTM F1741 Appendix X1.2.2) ()min67.0;33.01    −= e wewH HR eHeB065.041 1'−+= Page 1 of 3Printed: 12:07 PM, 7/29/2020 Version: 1.3.3 (12th June 2019) Project Owner: City of Bozeman Project Location: Dwn Twn Stormwater Rehab C:\Users\Joseph Dominguez\Documents\SSPRA\SPR\F This structural design check is based on specific input parameters provided to Joseph Dominguez, of Sekisui SPR Americas, LLC. Use of this information is subject to verification and review by others for suitability for any specific application. Detailed Calcs FD (US) Where: q =2.0 % C =0.84 Impact Factor (Airport Loadings) Where: He = 8.55 ft 1.10 Impact Factor (HS vehicle loadings, from AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, 12th Edition) If He <= 1ft, α = 1.3. If He < 2ft, a = 1.2. If He <= 3ft, a = 1.1. Otherwise a = 1. α =1.00 4. Loading Soil Pressure Where: He = 8.55 ft Rw =0.85 qs =5.57 psi Hydrostatic Pressure Where: Hwe = 3.80 ft qwe =1.65 psi Vehicular Loading (see HS20 Loading for this line) HS20 Loading Where: 80000.00 lbs L1 =29.80 ft L2 =32.63 ft 1.00 3 2 1001 1001       + −=q q C ()()min1.1;3048.015.04.1 ×−=eHα =α 144/wesRwHq= wewHq433.0= 14421×× Σ=LL Pwqα =ΣP =α Page 2 of 3Printed: 12:07 PM, 7/29/2020 Version: 1.3.3 (12th June 2019) Project Owner: City of Bozeman Project Location: Dwn Twn Stormwater Rehab C:\Users\Joseph Dominguez\Documents\SSPRA\SPR\F This structural design check is based on specific input parameters provided to Joseph Dominguez, of Sekisui SPR Americas, LLC. Use of this information is subject to verification and review by others for suitability for any specific application. Detailed Calcs FD (US) wq =0.57 psi Cooper E80 Rail Load (not applicable for this line) (Model as strip load using Boussinesq distribution Table C-1 COE EM 1110) wq = σP /144 = (q*If/π)*(α+sin(α)*cos(α+2*β)/144 Where: q =80000.00 psf If =1.50 Mandated as per AREMA α =0.92 α = ATan((x+LT/2)/HSC) - β β =-0.46 β = ATan((x-LT/2)/HSC) wq =10.73 psi Total External Pressure on Pipe q't = qs + qw + wq q't = qs + qw + wq q't =7.79 psi 5. Design Pipe External Pressure Capacity Where: C =0.84 N =2.00 Rw =0.85 B' =0.30 E's =700 psi =Long Term Ring Stiffness, RSL =0.086 psi qt =10.19 psi Design Check qt > q't = OK ie. 10.19 >7.79 = OK Actual Factor of Safety Nactual =(qt x N) / q't Nactual =2.6 3D IEL 𝑞𝑞𝑡𝑡=1𝑁𝑁32.𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅.𝐵𝐵′.𝐸𝐸𝐸𝑆𝑆.𝐶𝐶𝐸𝐸𝐿𝐿𝐼𝐼𝐷𝐷3 Page 3 of 3Printed: 12:07 PM, 7/29/2020 Version: 1.3.3 (12th June 2019) Project Owner: City of Bozeman Project Location: Dwn Twn Stormwater Rehab C:\Users\Joseph Dominguez\Documents\SSPRA\SPR\F This structural design check is based on specific input parameters provided to Joseph Dominguez, of Sekisui SPR Americas, LLC. Use of this information is subject to verification and review by others for suitability for any specific application. Detailed Calcs FD (US) Run Number 2 1. Design Information Existing Pipe Internal Diameter, De =28.20 in Depth to Invert of Existing Pipe, Hi =10.42 ft Cover Height above Crown of Liner, He =8.07 ft Water Table above Crown of Liner, Hwe =3.40 ft Soil Density, w =110.00 pcf Ovality of Existing Pipe, q =2.00 % Minimum Factor of Safety, N =2.00 Modulus of Soil Reaction, E's = 700.00 psi 2. Profile Details Profile Type = 126-20EX Steel Reinforcement thickness, or option = -mm Profile Height, t = 0.79 in Depth to Neutral Axis, tNA =0.26 in Moment of Inertia, I =0.01291 in4/in Long term modulus of Elasticity of Plastic Profile, EL 116000.00 psi Long Term Ring Stiffness of Pipe, RSL = 0.07 psi 3. Calculated Information Water Buoyancy Factor Where: Hwe =3.40 ftHe = 8 ft Rw =0.86 Coefficient of Elastic Support Where: He = 8.07 ft B' =0.30 Ovality Reduction Factor Fully Deteriorated Design Condition (ASTM F1741 Appendix X1.2.2) ()min67.0;33.01    −= e wewH HR eHeB065.041 1'−+= Page 1 of 3Printed: 12:09 PM, 7/29/2020 Version: 1.3.3 (12th June 2019) Project Owner: City of Bozeman Project Location: Dwn Twn Stormwater Rehab C:\Users\Joseph Dominguez\Documents\SSPRA\SPR\F This structural design check is based on specific input parameters provided to Joseph Dominguez, of Sekisui SPR Americas, LLC. Use of this information is subject to verification and review by others for suitability for any specific application. Detailed Calcs FD (US) Where: q =2.0 % C =0.84 Impact Factor (Airport Loadings) Where: He = 8.07 ft 1.10 Impact Factor (HS vehicle loadings, from AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, 12th Edition) If He <= 1ft, α = 1.3. If He < 2ft, a = 1.2. If He <= 3ft, a = 1.1. Otherwise a = 1. α =1.00 4. Loading Soil Pressure Where: He = 8.07 ft Rw =0.86 qs =5.31 psi Hydrostatic Pressure Where: Hwe = 3.40 ft qwe =1.47 psi Vehicular Loading (see HS20 Loading for this line) HS20 Loading Where: 60000.00 lbs L1 =28.96 ft L2 =25.79 ft 1.00 3 2 1001 1001       + −=q q C ()()min1.1;3048.015.04.1 ×−=eHα =α 144/wesRwHq= wewHq433.0= 14421×× Σ=LL Pwqα =ΣP =α Page 2 of 3Printed: 12:09 PM, 7/29/2020 Version: 1.3.3 (12th June 2019) Project Owner: City of Bozeman Project Location: Dwn Twn Stormwater Rehab C:\Users\Joseph Dominguez\Documents\SSPRA\SPR\F This structural design check is based on specific input parameters provided to Joseph Dominguez, of Sekisui SPR Americas, LLC. Use of this information is subject to verification and review by others for suitability for any specific application. Detailed Calcs FD (US) wq =0.56 psi Cooper E80 Rail Load (not applicable for this line) (Model as strip load using Boussinesq distribution Table C-1 COE EM 1110) wq = σP /144 = (q*If/π)*(α+sin(α)*cos(α+2*β)/144 Where: q =80000.00 psf If =1.50 Mandated as per AREMA α =0.97 α = ATan((x+LT/2)/HSC) - β β =-0.48 β = ATan((x-LT/2)/HSC) wq =11.20 psi Total External Pressure on Pipe q't = qs + qw + wq q't = qs + qw + wq q't =7.34 psi 5. Design Pipe External Pressure Capacity Where: C =0.84 N =2.00 Rw =0.86 B' =0.30 E's =700 psi =Long Term Ring Stiffness, RSL =0.075 psi qt =9.46 psi Design Check qt > q't = OK ie. 9.46 >7.34 = OK Actual Factor of Safety Nactual =(qt x N) / q't Nactual =2.6 3D IEL 𝑞𝑞𝑡𝑡=1𝑁𝑁32.𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅.𝐵𝐵′.𝐸𝐸𝐸𝑆𝑆.𝐶𝐶𝐸𝐸𝐿𝐿𝐼𝐼𝐷𝐷3 Page 3 of 3Printed: 12:09 PM, 7/29/2020 Version: 1.3.3 (12th June 2019) Project Owner: City of Bozeman Project Location: Dwn Twn Stormwater Rehab C:\Users\Joseph Dominguez\Documents\SSPRA\SPR\F This structural design check is based on specific input parameters provided to Joseph Dominguez, of Sekisui SPR Americas, LLC. Use of this information is subject to verification and review by others for suitability for any specific application. Detailed Calcs FD (US) Run Number 3 1. Design Information Existing Pipe Internal Diameter, De =32.40 in Depth to Invert of Existing Pipe, Hi =10.00 ft Cover Height above Crown of Liner, He =7.30 ft Water Table above Crown of Liner, Hwe =3.00 ft Soil Density, w =110.00 pcf Ovality of Existing Pipe, q =2.00 % Minimum Factor of Safety, N =2.00 Modulus of Soil Reaction, E's = 700.00 psi 2. Profile Details Profile Type = 126-30EX Steel Reinforcement thickness, or option = -mm Profile Height, t = 1.20 in Depth to Neutral Axis, tNA =0.36 in Moment of Inertia, I =0.03669 in4/in Long term modulus of Elasticity of Plastic Profile, EL 116000.00 psi Long Term Ring Stiffness of Pipe, RSL = 0.15 psi 3. Calculated Information Water Buoyancy Factor Where: Hwe =3.00 ftHe = 7 ft Rw =0.86 Coefficient of Elastic Support Where: He = 7.30 ft B' =0.29 Ovality Reduction Factor Fully Deteriorated Design Condition (ASTM F1741 Appendix X1.2.2) ()min67.0;33.01    −= e wewH HR eHeB065.041 1'−+= Page 1 of 3Printed: 12:11 PM, 7/29/2020 Version: 1.3.3 (12th June 2019) Project Owner: City of Bozeman Project Location: Dwn Twn Stormwater Rehab C:\Users\Joseph Dominguez\Documents\SSPRA\SPR\F This structural design check is based on specific input parameters provided to Joseph Dominguez, of Sekisui SPR Americas, LLC. Use of this information is subject to verification and review by others for suitability for any specific application. Detailed Calcs FD (US) Where: q =2.0 % C =0.84 Impact Factor (Airport Loadings) Where: He = 7.30 ft 1.10 Impact Factor (HS vehicle loadings, from AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, 12th Edition) If He <= 1ft, α = 1.3. If He < 2ft, a = 1.2. If He <= 3ft, a = 1.1. Otherwise a = 1. α =1.00 4. Loading Soil Pressure Where: He = 7.30 ft Rw =0.86 qs =4.82 psi Hydrostatic Pressure Where: Hwe = 3.00 ft qwe =1.30 psi Vehicular Loading (see HS20 Loading for this line) HS20 Loading Where: 48000.00 lbs L1 =13.61 ft L2 =24.44 ft 1.00 3 2 1001 1001       + −=q q C ()()min1.1;3048.015.04.1 ×−=eHα =α 144/wesRwHq= wewHq433.0= 14421×× Σ=LL Pwqα =ΣP =α Page 2 of 3Printed: 12:11 PM, 7/29/2020 Version: 1.3.3 (12th June 2019) Project Owner: City of Bozeman Project Location: Dwn Twn Stormwater Rehab C:\Users\Joseph Dominguez\Documents\SSPRA\SPR\F This structural design check is based on specific input parameters provided to Joseph Dominguez, of Sekisui SPR Americas, LLC. Use of this information is subject to verification and review by others for suitability for any specific application. Detailed Calcs FD (US) wq =1.00 psi Cooper E80 Rail Load (not applicable for this line) (Model as strip load using Boussinesq distribution Table C-1 COE EM 1110) wq = σP /144 = (q*If/π)*(α+sin(α)*cos(α+2*β)/144 Where: q =80000.00 psf If =1.50 Mandated as per AREMA α =1.05 α = ATan((x+LT/2)/HSC) - β β =-0.53 β = ATan((x-LT/2)/HSC) wq =12.01 psi Total External Pressure on Pipe q't = qs + qw + wq q't = qs + qw + wq q't =7.12 psi 5. Design Pipe External Pressure Capacity Where: C =0.84 N =2.00 Rw =0.86 B' =0.29 E's =700 psi =Long Term Ring Stiffness, RSL =0.147 psi qt =13.04 psi Design Check qt > q't = OK ie. 13.04 >7.12 = OK Actual Factor of Safety Nactual =(qt x N) / q't Nactual =3.7 3D IEL 𝑞𝑞𝑡𝑡=1𝑁𝑁32.𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅.𝐵𝐵′.𝐸𝐸𝐸𝑆𝑆.𝐶𝐶𝐸𝐸𝐿𝐿𝐼𝐼𝐷𝐷3 Page 3 of 3Printed: 12:11 PM, 7/29/2020 Version: 1.3.3 (12th June 2019) Project Owner: City of Bozeman Project Location: Dwn Twn Stormwater Rehab C:\Users\Joseph Dominguez\Documents\SSPRA\SPR\F This structural design check is based on specific input parameters provided to Joseph Dominguez, of Sekisui SPR Americas, LLC. Use of this information is subject to verification and review by others for suitability for any specific application. Detailed Calcs FD (US) Run Number 4 1. Design Information Existing Pipe Internal Diameter, De =34.80 in Depth to Invert of Existing Pipe, Hi =12.50 ft Cover Height above Crown of Liner, He =9.60 ft Water Table above Crown of Liner, Hwe =5.50 ft Soil Density, w =110.00 pcf Ovality of Existing Pipe, q =2.00 % Minimum Factor of Safety, N =2.00 Modulus of Soil Reaction, E's = 700.00 psi 2. Profile Details Profile Type = 126-30EX Steel Reinforcement thickness, or option = -mm Profile Height, t = 1.20 in Depth to Neutral Axis, tNA =0.36 in Moment of Inertia, I =0.03669 in4/in Long term modulus of Elasticity of Plastic Profile, EL 116000.00 psi Long Term Ring Stiffness of Pipe, RSL = 0.12 psi 3. Calculated Information Water Buoyancy Factor Where: Hwe =5.50 ftHe = 10 ft Rw =0.81 Coefficient of Elastic Support Where: He = 9.60 ft B' =0.32 Ovality Reduction Factor Fully Deteriorated Design Condition (ASTM F1741 Appendix X1.2.2) ()min67.0;33.01    −= e wewH HR eHeB065.041 1'−+= Page 1 of 3Printed: 12:12 PM, 7/29/2020 Version: 1.3.3 (12th June 2019) Project Owner: City of Bozeman Project Location: Dwn Twn Stormwater Rehab C:\Users\Joseph Dominguez\Documents\SSPRA\SPR\F This structural design check is based on specific input parameters provided to Joseph Dominguez, of Sekisui SPR Americas, LLC. Use of this information is subject to verification and review by others for suitability for any specific application. Detailed Calcs FD (US) Where: q =2.0 % C =0.84 Impact Factor (Airport Loadings) Where: He = 9.60 ft 1.10 Impact Factor (HS vehicle loadings, from AASHTO Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges, 12th Edition) If He <= 1ft, α = 1.3. If He < 2ft, a = 1.2. If He <= 3ft, a = 1.1. Otherwise a = 1. α =1.00 4. Loading Soil Pressure Where: He = 9.60 ft Rw =0.81 qs =5.95 psi Hydrostatic Pressure Where: Hwe = 5.50 ft qwe =2.38 psi Vehicular Loading (see HS20 Loading for this line) HS20 Loading Where: 80000.00 lbs L1 =31.63 ft L2 =34.47 ft 1.00 3 2 1001 1001       + −=q q C ()()min1.1;3048.015.04.1 ×−=eHα =α 144/wesRwHq= wewHq433.0= 14421×× Σ=LL Pwqα =ΣP =α Page 2 of 3Printed: 12:12 PM, 7/29/2020 Version: 1.3.3 (12th June 2019) Project Owner: City of Bozeman Project Location: Dwn Twn Stormwater Rehab C:\Users\Joseph Dominguez\Documents\SSPRA\SPR\F This structural design check is based on specific input parameters provided to Joseph Dominguez, of Sekisui SPR Americas, LLC. Use of this information is subject to verification and review by others for suitability for any specific application. Detailed Calcs FD (US) wq =0.51 psi Cooper E80 Rail Load (not applicable for this line) (Model as strip load using Boussinesq distribution Table C-1 COE EM 1110) wq = σP /144 = (q*If/π)*(α+sin(α)*cos(α+2*β)/144 Where: q =80000.00 psf If =1.50 Mandated as per AREMA α =0.83 α = ATan((x+LT/2)/HSC) - β β =-0.42 β = ATan((x-LT/2)/HSC) wq =9.82 psi Total External Pressure on Pipe q't = qs + qw + wq q't = qs + qw + wq q't =8.84 psi 5. Design Pipe External Pressure Capacity Where: C =0.84 N =2.00 Rw =0.81 B' =0.32 E's =700 psi =Long Term Ring Stiffness, RSL =0.117 psi qt =11.89 psi Design Check qt > q't = OK ie. 11.89 >8.84 = OK Actual Factor of Safety Nactual =(qt x N) / q't Nactual =2.7 3D IEL 𝑞𝑞𝑡𝑡=1𝑁𝑁32.𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅.𝐵𝐵′.𝐸𝐸𝐸𝑆𝑆.𝐶𝐶𝐸𝐸𝐿𝐿𝐼𝐼𝐷𝐷3 Page 3 of 3Printed: 12:12 PM, 7/29/2020 Version: 1.3.3 (12th June 2019) Project Owner: City of Bozeman Project Location: Dwn Twn Stormwater Rehab C:\Users\Joseph Dominguez\Documents\SSPRA\SPR\F This structural design check is based on specific input parameters provided to Joseph Dominguez, of Sekisui SPR Americas, LLC. Use of this information is subject to verification and review by others for suitability for any specific application. Detailed Calcs PD (US) Run Number 1 1. Design Information Existing Pipe Internal Diameter, De =27.00 in Water Table above Invert of Liner, Hwe =6.1 ft Ovality of Existing Pipe, q =2.00 % Minimum Factor of Safety, N =2.00 Enhancement Factor, K =4.00 Poisson's Ratio, v =0.38 2. Profile Details Profile Type = 126-20EX Steel Reinforcement thickness, or option = -mm Profile Height, t = 0.79 in Depth to Neutral Axis, tNA =0.26 in Moment of Inertia, I =0.01291 in4/in Long term modulus of Elasticity of Plastic Profile, EL =116000.00 psi Long Term Ring Stiffness of Pipe, RSL = 0.09 psi 3. Calculated Information Ovality Reduction Factor Where: q =2.00 % C =0.84 4. Loading Hydrostatic Pressure Where: Hwe = 6.1 ft qw =2.62 psi 5. Design Pipe External Pressure Capacity Partially Deteriorated Design Condition (ASTM F1741 Appendix X1.2.2) ()min67.0;33.01 −=ewewHHReHeB213.0411'−+= 3 2 1001 1001       + −=q q C ()min1.1;15.04.1 eH−=α wesRwHq= wewHq433.0= ()()[]eeLHHw45. 70 +×+=αLwstwqqq++=' ()32101 24 ×××=N RSCKqLt Page 1 of 2Printed: 12:08 PM, 7/29/2020 Version: 1.3.3 (12th June 2019) Project Owner: City of Bozeman Project Location: Dwn Twn Stormwater Rehab C:\Users\Joseph Dominguez\Documents\SSPRA\SPR\F This structural design check is based on specific input parameters provided to Joseph Dominguez, of Sekisui SPR Americas, LLC. Use of this information is subject to verification and review by others for suitability for any specific application. Detailed Calcs PD (US) Where:K =4.00 C =0.84 N =2.00v =0.38 =Long Term Ring Stiffness, RSL =0.086 psi qt =4.02 psi Design Check qt > q'w = OK ie. 4.02 >2.62 = OK Actual Factor of Safety Nactual =(qt x N) / q'w Nactual =3.1 3D IEL ()32101×−× νNt Page 2 of 2Printed: 12:08 PM, 7/29/2020 Version: 1.3.3 (12th June 2019) Project Owner: City of Bozeman Project Location: Dwn Twn Stormwater Rehab C:\Users\Joseph Dominguez\Documents\SSPRA\SPR\F This structural design check is based on specific input parameters provided to Joseph Dominguez, of Sekisui SPR Americas, LLC. Use of this information is subject to verification and review by others for suitability for any specific application. Detailed Calcs PD (US) Run Number 2 1. Design Information Existing Pipe Internal Diameter, De =28.20 in Water Table above Invert of Liner, Hwe =5.8 ft Ovality of Existing Pipe, q =2.00 % Minimum Factor of Safety, N =2.00 Enhancement Factor, K =4.00 Poisson's Ratio, v =0.38 2. Profile Details Profile Type = 126-20EX Steel Reinforcement thickness, or option = -mm Profile Height, t = 0.79 in Depth to Neutral Axis, tNA =0.26 in Moment of Inertia, I =0.01291 in4/in Long term modulus of Elasticity of Plastic Profile, EL =116000.00 psi Long Term Ring Stiffness of Pipe, RSL = 0.07 psi 3. Calculated Information Ovality Reduction Factor Where: q =2.00 % C =0.84 4. Loading Hydrostatic Pressure Where: Hwe = 5.8 ft qw =2.49 psi 5. Design Pipe External Pressure Capacity Partially Deteriorated Design Condition (ASTM F1741 Appendix X1.2.2) ()min67.0;33.01 −=ewewHHReHeB213.0411'−+= 3 2 1001 1001       + −=q q C ()min1.1;15.04.1 eH−=α wesRwHq= wewHq433.0= ()()[]eeLHHw45. 70 +×+=αLwstwqqq++=' ()32101 24 ×××=N RSCKqLt Page 1 of 2Printed: 12:09 PM, 7/29/2020 Version: 1.3.3 (12th June 2019) Project Owner: City of Bozeman Project Location: Dwn Twn Stormwater Rehab C:\Users\Joseph Dominguez\Documents\SSPRA\SPR\F This structural design check is based on specific input parameters provided to Joseph Dominguez, of Sekisui SPR Americas, LLC. Use of this information is subject to verification and review by others for suitability for any specific application. Detailed Calcs PD (US) Where:K =4.00 C =0.84 N =2.00v =0.38 =Long Term Ring Stiffness, RSL =0.075 psi qt =3.51 psi Design Check qt > q'w = OK ie. 3.51 >2.49 = OK Actual Factor of Safety Nactual =(qt x N) / q'w Nactual =2.8 3D IEL ()32101×−× νNt Page 2 of 2Printed: 12:09 PM, 7/29/2020 Version: 1.3.3 (12th June 2019) Project Owner: City of Bozeman Project Location: Dwn Twn Stormwater Rehab C:\Users\Joseph Dominguez\Documents\SSPRA\SPR\F This structural design check is based on specific input parameters provided to Joseph Dominguez, of Sekisui SPR Americas, LLC. Use of this information is subject to verification and review by others for suitability for any specific application. Detailed Calcs PD (US) Run Number 3 1. Design Information Existing Pipe Internal Diameter, De =32.40 in Water Table above Invert of Liner, Hwe =5.7 ft Ovality of Existing Pipe, q =2.00 % Minimum Factor of Safety, N =2.00 Enhancement Factor, K =4.00 Poisson's Ratio, v =0.38 2. Profile Details Profile Type = 126-30EX Steel Reinforcement thickness, or option = -mm Profile Height, t = 1.20 in Depth to Neutral Axis, tNA =0.36 in Moment of Inertia, I =0.03669 in4/in Long term modulus of Elasticity of Plastic Profile, EL =116000.00 psi Long Term Ring Stiffness of Pipe, RSL = 0.15 psi 3. Calculated Information Ovality Reduction Factor Where: q =2.00 % C =0.84 4. Loading Hydrostatic Pressure Where: Hwe = 5.7 ft qw =2.47 psi 5. Design Pipe External Pressure Capacity Partially Deteriorated Design Condition (ASTM F1741 Appendix X1.2.2) ()min67.0;33.01 −=ewewHHReHeB213.0411'−+= 3 2 1001 1001       + −=q q C ()min1.1;15.04.1 eH−=α wesRwHq= wewHq433.0= ()()[]eeLHHw45. 70 +×+=αLwstwqqq++=' ()32101 24 ×××=N RSCKqLt Page 1 of 2Printed: 12:11 PM, 7/29/2020 Version: 1.3.3 (12th June 2019) Project Owner: City of Bozeman Project Location: Dwn Twn Stormwater Rehab C:\Users\Joseph Dominguez\Documents\SSPRA\SPR\F This structural design check is based on specific input parameters provided to Joseph Dominguez, of Sekisui SPR Americas, LLC. Use of this information is subject to verification and review by others for suitability for any specific application. Detailed Calcs PD (US) Where:K =4.00 C =0.84 N =2.00v =0.38 =Long Term Ring Stiffness, RSL =0.147 psi qt =6.88 psi Design Check qt > q'w = OK ie. 6.88 >2.47 = OK Actual Factor of Safety Nactual =(qt x N) / q'w Nactual =5.6 3D IEL ()32101×−× νNt Page 2 of 2Printed: 12:11 PM, 7/29/2020 Version: 1.3.3 (12th June 2019) Project Owner: City of Bozeman Project Location: Dwn Twn Stormwater Rehab C:\Users\Joseph Dominguez\Documents\SSPRA\SPR\F This structural design check is based on specific input parameters provided to Joseph Dominguez, of Sekisui SPR Americas, LLC. Use of this information is subject to verification and review by others for suitability for any specific application. Detailed Calcs PD (US) Run Number 4 1. Design Information Existing Pipe Internal Diameter, De =34.80 in Water Table above Invert of Liner, Hwe =8.4 ft Ovality of Existing Pipe, q =2.00 % Minimum Factor of Safety, N =2.00 Enhancement Factor, K =4.00 Poisson's Ratio, v =0.38 2. Profile Details Profile Type = 126-30EX Steel Reinforcement thickness, or option = -mm Profile Height, t = 1.20 in Depth to Neutral Axis, tNA =0.36 in Moment of Inertia, I =0.03669 in4/in Long term modulus of Elasticity of Plastic Profile, EL =116000.00 psi Long Term Ring Stiffness of Pipe, RSL = 0.12 psi 3. Calculated Information Ovality Reduction Factor Where: q =2.00 % C =0.84 4. Loading Hydrostatic Pressure Where: Hwe = 8.4 ft qw =3.64 psi 5. Design Pipe External Pressure Capacity Partially Deteriorated Design Condition (ASTM F1741 Appendix X1.2.2) ()min67.0;33.01 −=ewewHHReHeB213.0411'−+= 3 2 1001 1001       + −=q q C ()min1.1;15.04.1 eH−=α wesRwHq= wewHq433.0= ()()[]eeLHHw45. 70 +×+=αLwstwqqq++=' ()32101 24 ×××=N RSCKqLt Page 1 of 2Printed: 12:12 PM, 7/29/2020 Version: 1.3.3 (12th June 2019) Project Owner: City of Bozeman Project Location: Dwn Twn Stormwater Rehab C:\Users\Joseph Dominguez\Documents\SSPRA\SPR\F This structural design check is based on specific input parameters provided to Joseph Dominguez, of Sekisui SPR Americas, LLC. Use of this information is subject to verification and review by others for suitability for any specific application. Detailed Calcs PD (US) Where:K =4.00 C =0.84 N =2.00v =0.38 =Long Term Ring Stiffness, RSL =0.117 psi qt =5.49 psi Design Check qt > q'w = OK ie. 5.49 >3.64 = OK Actual Factor of Safety Nactual =(qt x N) / q'w Nactual =3.0 3D IEL ()32101×−× νNt Page 2 of 2Printed: 12:12 PM, 7/29/2020 Version: 1.3.3 (12th June 2019) Project Owner: City of Bozeman Project Location: Dwn Twn Stormwater Rehab C:\Users\Joseph Dominguez\Documents\SSPRA\SPR\F