HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-10-20 City Commission Packet Materials - A2. 1811 W Koch St Zone Map AmendmentPage 1 of 16 20-102 Staff Report for the 1811 West Koch Street Zone Map Amendment Public Hearing Dates: Zoning Commission public hearing will be held on October 26, 2020 City Commission public hearing will be held on November 10, 2020 Project Description: Amendment of the City Zoning Map from R-3 to R-O on 0.69 acre. Project Location: The property is located at the northeast corner of the intersection of South 19th Avenue and West Koch Street and is addressed at 1811 West Koch Street. The Zone Map Amendment would apply to Lot 7 of A Plat of The Le Clair Subdivision, and adjoining portions of Koch Street and South 19th Avenue, being located in the SW ¼ of Section 12, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, P.M.M., City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana. Recommendation: Approval with contingencies. Zoning Commission Motion: Having reviewed and considered the staff report, application materials, public comment, and all information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application 20-102 and move to recommend approval of the 1811 West Koch Street Zone Map Amendment, with contingencies required to complete the application processing. City Commission Recommended Motion: Having reviewed and considered the staff report, application materials, public comment, Zoning Commission recommendation, and all information presented, I hereby adopt the findings presented in the staff report for application 20-102 and move to approve of the 1811 West Koch Street Zone Map Amendment, with contingencies required to complete the application processing and direct staff to bring back an implementing ordinance. Report Date: October 26, 2020 Staff Contact: Chris Saunders, Community Development Manager Agenda Item Type: Action - Legislative EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Unresolved Issues None identified at this time. Project Summary Christian James (applicant), member and owner of 414 Holdings LLC (landowner), represented by Intrinsik Architecture, Inc., requested rezoning of the existing lots and the 211 Staff Report for the 1811 West Koch Street Zone Map Amendment Page 2 of 16 accompanying adjacent rights-of way from R-3 (Residential Medium Density District) to R-O (Residential Office District). The subject property currently contains an office building and associated parking lot. The property is surrounded on three sides by land also zoned residential R-3 to the east, north and west, and Residential Office, R-O, to the south. The application indicates the intent of the zone map amendment to R-O is to obtain a more appropriate and practical zoning designation based on its use, location, and proximity to other, professional offices and businesses as well as medium density residential development. The application also explains that the ‘Residential’ designation of the property on the current Future Land Use Map (FLUM) outlined in the effective Bozeman Community Plan (2009) is a land use designation that allows R-O zoning. No plans for redevelopment or change of use of the site have been submitted. Alternatives 1. Approve the application with contingencies as presented; 2. Approve the application with modifications to the recommended contingencies; 3. Deny the application based on findings of non-compliance with the applicable criteria contained within the staff report; or 4. Open and continue the public hearing, with specific direction to staff or the applicant to supply additional information or to address specific items. Zoning Commission The Zoning Commission unanimously recommended approval, 4-0 at their public hearing on October 26, 2020. There was no public comment. The video recording of the meeting is available for review at: https://www.bozeman.net/services/city-tv-and-streaming-audio. 212 Staff Report for the 1811 West Koch Street Zone Map Amendment Page 3 of 16 TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...................................................................................................... 1 Unresolved Issues ............................................................................................................... 1 Project Summary ................................................................................................................. 1 Zoning Commission ............................................................................................................ 2 SECTION 1 - MAP SERIES .................................................................................................... 4 SECTION 2 - RECOMMENDED CONTINGENCIES OF ZONE MAP AMENDMENT..... 7 SECTION 3 - RECOMMENDATION AND FUTURE ACTIONS ........................................ 7 SECTION 4 - ZONE MAP AMENDMENT STAFF ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS ............. 8 Section 76-2-304, MCA (Zoning) Criteria ......................................................................... 8 Spot Zoning Criteria ......................................................................................................... 11 PROTEST NOTICE FOR ZONING AMENDMENTS ......................................................... 12 APPENDIX A - DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND .............. 13 APPENDIX B - NOTICING AND PUBLIC COMMENT .................................................... 13 APPENDIX C - PROJECT GROWTH POLICY AND PROPOSED ZONING ................... 13 APPENDIX D - OWNER INFORMATION AND REVIEWING STAFF............................ 15 FISCAL EFFECTS ................................................................................................................. 15 ATTACHMENTS ................................................................................................................... 16 213 Staff Report for the 1811 West Koch Street Zone Map Amendment Page 4 of 16 SECTION 1 - MAP SERIES Map 1: Vicinity Map of the project site in the City of Bozeman Map 2: Vicinity Map of the project site in the area of South 19th Ave. and West Koch St. 214 Staff Report for the 1811 West Koch Street Zone Map Amendment Page 5 of 16 Map 3: Current zoning districts in the immediate area Map 4: Map of the proposed ZMA showing the extension of R-O to accommodate the project site and adjacent street rights-of-way of South 19th Ave. and West Koch St. 215 Staff Report for the 1811 West Koch Street Zone Map Amendment Page 6 of 16 Map 5: Excerpt of Site Survey included with the ZMA application showing the area of the subject property and the dimensions of adjacent rights-of-way associated with the zone change 216 Staff Report for the 1811 West Koch Street Zone Map Amendment Page 7 of 16 SECTION 2 - RECOMMENDED CONTINGENCIES OF ZONE MAP AMENDMENT Please note that these contingencies are necessary for the City to complete the process of the proposed amendment. Recommended Contingencies of Approval: 1. That all documents and exhibits necessary to establish the amended municipal zoning designation of R-O shall be identified as the “1811 West Koch Street Zone Map Amendment”. 2. That the applicant must submit a zone amendment map titled “1811 West Koch Street Zone Map Amendment”. The map must be supplied on: 1) a mylar for City records (either 18" by 24" or 24” by 36” size); 2) a reduced 8 ½" x 11" or 8 ½” by 14" exhibit for filing at the County Clerk & Recorder; 3) an editable digital copy for the City Engineer’s Office; and 4) a PDF. This map must be acceptable to the City Engineer’s Office and must be submitted within 60 days of the action to approve the zone map amendment. Said map shall contain a metes and bounds legal description of the perimeter of the subject property including adjacent rights-of-way or street easements, and total acreage of the property to be rezoned; unless the property to be rezoned can be entirely described by reference to existing platted properties or certificates of survey. 3. The Ordinance for the Zone Map Amendment shall not be drafted until the applicant provides an editable metes and bounds legal description prepared by a licensed Montana surveyor. SECTION 3 - RECOMMENDATION AND FUTURE ACTIONS Having considered the criteria established for a zone map amendment, Staff recommends approval of the 1811 West Koch Street Zone Map Amendment (ZMA) as submitted. The Engineering Division provided advisory comments on the project on April 29, 2020. The following are the engineering comments: 1. Upon future development or increased density where a Site Plan application is required, right-of-way along W Koch Street may be required to be dedicated, to ensure that a 90 foot right-of-way exists to match W Koch’s Street collector street classification. 2. Upon future development or increased density where a Site Plan application is required, a ten foot utility easement must be provided along W Koch Street north of the additional required right-of-way. 3. If the site density is increased in the future, capacity of the existing city infrastructure will need to be verified. Downstream sewer capacity constraints are known and may limit sewer flows. The applicant is advised to coordinate with the City Engineering Department prior to increasing density to verify whether downstream upgrades may be required. 217 Staff Report for the 1811 West Koch Street Zone Map Amendment Page 8 of 16 The Development Review Committee (DRC) considered the amendment on April 29, 2020. The DRC did not identify any infrastructure or regulatory constraints that would impede the approval of the application. The Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing on this Zone Map Amendment on Monday, October 26, 2020 and will forward a recommendation to the City Commission on the ZMA. The meeting will begin at 6 p.m. The meeting agenda will describe how to participate in the meeting. The City Commission will hold a public hearing on the ZMA on Tuesday, November 10, 2020. The meeting will begin at 6 p.m. The meeting agenda will describe how to participate in the meeting. SECTION 4 - ZONE MAP AMENDMENT STAFF ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS In considering applications for approval under this title, the advisory boards and City Commission shall consider the following criteria (letters A-K). As an amendment is a legislative action, the Commission has broad latitude to determine a policy direction. The burden of proof that the application should be approved lies with the applicant. In considering the criteria the analysis must show that the amendment accomplishes criteria A-D. Criteria E-K must be considered and may be found to be affirmative, neutral, or negative. A favorable decision on the proposed application must find that the application meets all of criteria A-D and that the positive outcomes of the amendment outweigh negative outcomes for criteria E- K. Section 76-2-304, MCA (Zoning) Criteria A. Be in accordance with a growth policy. Yes. The property is currently zoned R-3 Residential Medium Density District, and the future land use map of the Bozeman Community Plan (Growth Policy) designates the property as “Residential”. The Residential growth policy designation of the Community Plan correlates with the Residential Office, R-O district on the City Zoning Map according to Table C-16, “Zoning Correlation With Land Use Categories” in Appendix C of the Community Plan (and shown in Appendix C of this report). The proposed R-O Residential office district zoning designation would therefore accord with the Community Plan by changing from one correlating zoning district to another correlating district per the future land use map designation. This ZMA would also align the existing use of an office building with a more appropriate zoning district for the use that is currently nonconforming in the R-3 district. Additionally, the proposed zone map amendment advances the following goals and objectives of the growth policy: 218 Staff Report for the 1811 West Koch Street Zone Map Amendment Page 9 of 16 Land Use Goal LU-1: “Create a sense of place that varies throughout the City, efficiently provides public and private basic services and facilities in close proximity to where people live and work, and minimizes sprawl.” Land Use Objective LU-1.1: “The land use map and attendant policies shall be the official guide for the development of the City and shall be implemented through zoning regulations, capital improvements, subdivision regulations, coordination with other governmental entities, and other implementation strategies.” Land Use Objective LU-1.4: “Provide for and support infill development and redevelopment which provides additional density of use while respecting the context of the existing development which surrounds it. Respect for context does not automatically prohibit difference in scale or design.” Land Use Goal LU-3: “Strengthen the Historic Core of Bozeman to preserve the community character, economic resource, and historical connection represented by this area.” Objective LU-3.3: Encourage a traditional mix of diverse commercial and residential uses within the downtown to instill an active atmosphere and twenty-four hour presence. Community Quality Goal C-1: “Human Scale and Compatibility — Create a community composed of neighborhoods designed for the human scale and compatibility in which the streets and buildings are properly sized within their context, services and amenities are convenient, visually pleasing, and properly integrated.” Community Quality Objective C-1.3: “Support compatible infill within the existing area of the City rather than developing land requiring expansion of the City’s area.”’ No conflicts with the Growth Policy have been identified. B. Secure safety from fire and other dangers. Yes. The subject property is currently served by City of Bozeman Fire and Police Departments. Future development of the property will be required to conform to all City of Bozeman public safety, building and land use requirements, which will ensure this criterion is met. The zone change from R-3 to R-O is not likely to adversely impact safety from fire and other dangers. C. Promote public health, public safety, and general welfare. Yes. Potential future development and potential changes of uses of the site will require site plan review and compliance with the City’s Unified Development Code which ensures the promotion of public health, safety and general welfare. The proposed amendment will not put undue burden on municipal services, emergency response capability, or similar existing requirements. 219 Staff Report for the 1811 West Koch Street Zone Map Amendment Page 10 of 16 D. Facilitate the provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public requirements. Yes. Any redevelopment of the property will be required to meet city standards for water, sewer, or transportation system upgrades or restrictions resulting from proposed future development. The adequate provision of public requirements is likely to be addressed as a part of the development review process if the property is proposed for redevelopment. E. Reasonable provision of adequate light and air. Yes. Bozeman’s Unified Development Code includes requirements for providing adequate light and air including maximum building height, lot coverage, and setback requirements. Future redevelopment of the property will be subject to these provisions. F. The effect on motorized and non-motorized transportation systems. Neutral. A change in zoning from R-3 to R-O will not itself change the use of the property from an office building to any other use; therefore, there is no anticipated immediate effect on transportation systems. Redevelopment or significant changes of use of the property would be required to comply with transportation-related standards and may be reviewed for impacts on the surrounding city streets and sidewalks. G. Promotion of compatible urban growth. Yes. The zone change would expand the R-O Residential Office District by one developed lot in a manner that accords to the Community Plan’s future land use map designation of Residential. The property in question is on the edge of the existing R-O Residential office district and in an area of residential, office and other commercial uses. The property’s location lends itself to continued office building use as allowed in the proposed R-O district, which is an existing, nonconforming use in the current R-3 district. H. Character of the district. Yes. The property is used as an office building in a mixed-use area of other office buildings and various residential developments, with other commercial and other uses nearby; the zone change to R-O and the subsequently allowed uses in the proposed R-O district would be consistent with the character of this area of the R-O district. I. Peculiar suitability for particular uses. Yes. The existing use of the property as an office building is a land use compatible with the proposed R-O district and this property’s location and surroundings. The change to R-O would allow continued use as an office building or subsequent new urban redevelopment of the property for other uses that would be required to comply with the allowed land uses and development standards for R-O, at which time site specific conditions would be considered, as the zoning standards dictate. 220 Staff Report for the 1811 West Koch Street Zone Map Amendment Page 11 of 16 J. Conserving the value of buildings. Neutral. The proposed zone change from R-3 to R-O would allow continued use of the office building, which would have no impact on the value of buildings. Future redevelopment of the property in accordance with R-O allows for a wider variety of land uses than the existing R-3. This zone change would not itself impact the value of buildings in a measurable way, especially considering the use of the property as an office building, and future uses are unknown. K. Encourage the most appropriate use of land throughout the jurisdictional area. Yes. The proposed change from R-3 to R-O would expand the R-O District to encompass a property already used consistently with the district, and allow for redevelopment in accordance with the R-O district standards. The R-O district is an implementing district of the Community Plan’s future land use map designation of Residential. The R-O zoning district would therefore be expanded in a manner that would incrementally encourage appropriate land uses throughout the area by implementing the current land use designation and bringing the current and historic office building use in greater conformance with the zoning. By rezoning the property in a manner consistent with the existing use, the City’s coordinated plan for the jurisdictional area will be implemented to encourage the most appropriate use of land throughout the City. Spot Zoning Criteria Rezoning may, in certain factual circumstances, constitute impermissible “spot zoning.” The issue of whether a rezoning constitutes spot zoning was discussed by the Montana Supreme Court in Plains Grains LP v. Board of County Comm’rs of Cascade County and Little v. Bd. Of County Comm’rs, in which the Court determined that the presence of the following three conditions generally will indicate that a given situation constitutes spot zoning, regardless of variations in factual scenarios. 1. Is the proposed use significantly different from the prevailing land uses in the area? No. The subject property is surrounded by a wide variety of residential and non- residential uses. The proposed zoning would allow the existing and other uses that are similar to adjacent development patterns. The property is adjacent to existing R-O zoning and this change will enlarge an area rather than creating a separated portion of R-O within another zoning district. As a result, the proposed R-O zoning designation would not result in any uses of the site which are significantly different from prevailing land uses in the area. 2. Is the area requested for the rezone rather small in terms of the number of separate landowners benefited from the proposed change? Yes. The proposed R-O zoning designation is being requested by one landowner and would apply to one property and the adjacent city street rights-of-way, totaling 0.69 acre. The proposed R-O zoning designation is not anticipated to directly benefit surrounding landowners. However, it is important to consider the fact that the property 221 Staff Report for the 1811 West Koch Street Zone Map Amendment Page 12 of 16 is currently situated on the edge of the R-O district, and this would incrementally expand that district and make the current land use more conforming. For this reason, the zone change does not appear to be an attempt to “spot zone” the property. This zone change would simply amend the zoning map to place the property into the adjacent R-O district, which is a district consistent with the current use of the site and the surrounding area. 3. Would the change be in the nature of “special legislation” designed to benefit only one or a few landowners at the expense of the surrounding landowners or the general public? No. No substantial negative impacts or “expense” to the surrounding landowners or the general public have been identified as potentially attributable to this amendment. As discussed in the various review criteria above, the proposed R-O zoning designation will allow for continued office use and/or redevelopment in an appropriate area as per recent city plans, and will help meet the projected demand for the uses allowed in the R-O district. Based on the above analysis of the spot zoning factors, it does not appear the proposed ZMA would constitute illegal “spot zoning”. PROTEST NOTICE FOR ZONING AMENDMENTS IN THE CASE OF WRITTEN PROTEST AGAINST SUCH CHANGES SIGNED BY THE OWNERS OF 25% OR MORE OF THE AREA OF THE LOTS WITHIN THE AMENDMENT AREA OR THOSE LOTS OR UNITS WITHIN 150 FEET FROM A LOT INCLUDED IN A PROPOSED CHANGE, THE AMENDMENT SHALL NOT BECOME EFFECTIVE EXCEPT BY THE FAVORABLE VOTE OF TWO-THIRDS OF THE PRESENT AND VOTING MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION. The City will accept written protests from property owners against the proposal described in this report until the close of the public hearing before the City Commission. Pursuant to 76-2-305, MCA, a protest may only be submitted by the owner(s) of real property within the area affected by the proposal or by owner(s) of real property that lie within 150 feet of an area affected by the proposal. The protest must be in writing and must be signed by all owners of the real property. In addition, a sufficient protest must: (i) contain a description of the action protested sufficient to identify the action against which the protest is lodged; and (ii) contain a statement of the protestor's qualifications (including listing all owners of the property and the physical address and legal description of the property), to protest the action against which the protest is lodged, including ownership of property affected by the action. Signers are encouraged to print their names after their signatures. A person may in writing withdraw a previously filed protest at any time prior to final action by the City Commission. Protests 222 Staff Report for the 1811 West Koch Street Zone Map Amendment Page 13 of 16 must be delivered to the Bozeman City Clerk, 121 North Rouse Ave., PO Box 1230, Bozeman, MT 59771-1230. APPENDIX A - DETAILED PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND A ZMA application requesting amendment of the City of Bozeman Zoning Map for existing property consisting of approximately 0.402 acres and the accompanying adjacent rights-of way, for a total of 0.691 acres, from R-3 (Residential Medium Density District) to R-O (Residential Office District). No other applications indicating specific plans for modifying or redeveloping the property or for alternate land uses have been submitted to the City of Bozeman. APPENDIX B - NOTICING AND PUBLIC COMMENT Notice was sent via US 1st Class mail on Friday, September 18, 2020 and October 7, 2020 to all owners of property located inside the proposed change and within 200 feet of the perimeter of the change. The 2nd mail notice was required due to the time between the originally scheduled Zoning Commission and the City Commission meeting. The project site was posted on Monday, September 21, 2020. Notice was published in the Legal Ads section of the Bozeman Daily Chronicle on 9/20/2020, 10/4/2020, and 10/18/2020. There have been no comments as of the date this report was written. APPENDIX C - PROJECT GROWTH POLICY AND PROPOSED ZONING Adopted Growth Policy Designation: The property is designated as Residential on the Bozeman Community Plan’s future land use map. The description for the Residential land use category is as follows: Residential. This category designates places where the primary activity is urban density dwellings. Other uses which complement residences are also acceptable such as parks, low intensity home based occupations, fire stations, churches, and schools. High density residential areas should be established in close proximity to commercial centers to facilitate the provision of services and employment opportunities to persons without requiring the use of an automobile. Implementation of this category by residential zoning should provide for and coordinate intensive residential uses in proximity to commercial centers. The residential designation indicates that it is expected that development will occur within municipal boundaries, which may require annexation prior to development. 223 Staff Report for the 1811 West Koch Street Zone Map Amendment Page 14 of 16 The dwelling unit density expected within this classification varies between 6 and 32 dwellings per net acre. A higher density may be considered in some locations and circumstances. A variety of housing types can be blended to achieve the desired density. Large areas of single type housing are discouraged. In limited instances the strong presence of constraints and natural features such as floodplains may cause an area to be designated for development at a lower density than normally expected within this category. All residential housing should be arranged with consideration of compatibility with adjacent development, natural constraints such as watercourses or steep slopes, and in a fashion which advances the overall goals of the Bozeman growth policy. The residential designation is intended to provide the primary locations for additional housing within the planning area. As Table C-16 from the Bozeman Community Plan shows, the proposed zoning of R-O is one of several implementing districts for the future land use designation of “Residential”. Table C-16 Zoning Correlation With Land Use Categories Zoning District Plan Category R-S R-1 R-2 R-3 R-4 R-O REMU* RMH B-1 B-2 B-3 UMU M-1 M-2 BP NEHMU PLI Residential ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Residential Mixed Use Emphasis* ● ● ● ● ● Suburban Residential ● ● ● Regional Commercial and Services ● ● ● Community Core ● ● ● Community Commercial Mixed-Use ● ● ● ● Business Park Mixed Use ● ● ● ● Industrial ● ● ● ● ● Public Institutions ● Parks, Open Space, and Recreational Lands** ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Golf Courses ● ● Present Rural ● *The Residential Emphasis Mixed-Use zoning district has not yet been created. It is presumed at this time. 224 Staff Report for the 1811 West Koch Street Zone Map Amendment Page 15 of 16 **Parks are depicted on Figure 3 in almost all zoning districts. Open spaces for a variety of purposes are created under all zoning districts. Indication in this table does not create an allowance for uses other than parks and open spaces that are not already included in the zoning district. Proposed Zoning Designation and Land Uses: The applicant has requested zoning of R-O, residential-office district. The intent of the R-O residential-office district is to provide for and encourage the development of multi-household and apartment development and compatible professional offices and businesses that would blend well with adjacent land uses. These purposes are accomplished by 1. Providing for a mixture of housing types, including single and multi-household dwellings to serve the varying needs of the community's residents. Use of this zone is appropriate for areas characterized by office or multi-household development; and/or areas along arterial corridors or transitional areas between residential neighborhoods and commercial areas. The subject property is located along the arterial corridor of South 19th Avenue and is at a transitional area between surrounding residential neighborhoods and nearby commercial uses to the west and interspersed in the mixed-use areas in the immediate vicinity. The use tables in Sec. 38.310.030 of the Unified Development Code (pages 146 – 149) list the allowed land uses for the R-O district. APPENDIX D - OWNER INFORMATION AND REVIEWING STAFF Owner: 414 Holdings LLC (Christian James, Member and Owner) Address: 1716 W. Babcock Street, Bozeman, MT 59715 Applicant: Christian James, 1811 West Koch Street, Bozeman, MT 59715 Representative: Intrinsik Architecture, Inc. (Attn: Ryan Krueger), 111 North Tracy Avenue, Bozeman, MT 59715 Report By: Chris Saunders FISCAL EFFECTS No unusual fiscal effects have been identified. No presently budgeted funds will be changed by this Zone Map Amendment. 225 Staff Report for the 1811 West Koch Street Zone Map Amendment Page 16 of 16 ATTACHMENTS Application materials The full application and file of record can be viewed at the Community Development Department at 20 E. Olive Street, Bozeman, MT 59715. 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 Proposal 1811 West Koch Site Address Legal Description Owner Name Owner Address Owner City Owner State Owner ZIP 1 227 S 18TH AVE LECLAIR SUB, S12, T02 S, R05 E, Lot 6, ACRES 0.592, PLAT J-76 ROBINSON CORY M & KENDRA RAE & UND 1/2 I TRIPP KARA F UND 1/2 INT 3575 PARKWAY AVE BOZEMAN MT 59718-6876 2 228 S 18TH AVE LECLAIR SUB, S12, T02 S, R05 E, Lot 11, ACRES 0.589, PLAT J-76 MCDONALD LAND HOLDINGS LLC PO BOX 19 MOLT MT 59057-0019 3 223 S 18TH AVE LECLAIR SUB, S12, T02 S, R05 E, Lot 5, PLAT J- 76 BENT ARTHUR G & RENNA ANN PO BOX 430 GARDINER MT 59030-0430 4 313 S 19TH AVE KIRK SUB, S11, T02 S, R05 E, BLOCK 2, Lot 7 - 8, ACRES 0.537, PLUS 15' X 135' STRIP, PT OF VACANT KOCH ALLIANCE FELLOWSHIP OF THE CHRISTIAN & MISSIONARY 315 S 19TH AVE BOZEMAN MT 59718-4021 5 1807 W KOCH ST LECLAIR SUB, S12, T02 S, R05 E, Lot 8, ACRES 0.414, PLAT J-76 FELLOWS CRAIG C & MARY K 8473 WAGON BOSS RD BOZEMAN MT 59715-9231 6 1902 W KOCH ST KIRK SUB, S11, T02 S, R05 E, BLOCK 3, Lot 1A, ACRES 0.3, LESS HWY RIGHT OF WAY, PLAT F- 1-A SIMONS DEAN H & MARY ANN TRUSTEES PO BOX 901 COLUMBUS MT 59019-0901 7 303 S 19TH AVE KIRK SUB, S11, T02 S, R05 E, BLOCK 2, Lot 6, ACRES 0.2426, LESS HWY RIGHT OF WAY, PLAT F-1-E NGUYEN KHANH 40 KOCH PEAK CT BOZEMAN MT 59718-8815 8 1725 W KOCH ST UNIT 1 AG CONDO, S12, T02 S, R05 E, UNIT 1, LECLAIR SUB LOTS 9 & 10 CONDO MASTER SETTERGREN HANAH & CURTIS & YOUNG MI 2937 MACLEOD ST BILLINGS MT 59106-1260 9 1725 W KOCH ST UNIT 2 AG CONDO, S12, T02 S, R05 E, UNIT 2, LECLAIR SUB LOTS 9 & 10 CONDO MASTER WEBER JENIFER J 1725 W KOCH ST APT 2 BOZEMAN MT 59715-4129 10 1725 W KOCH ST UNIT 3 AG CONDO, S12, T02 S, R05 E, UNIT 3, LECLAIR SUB LOTS 9 & 10 CONDO MASTER JAMIESON GRANT A 1725 W KOCH ST APT 3 BOZEMAN MT 59715-4129 Property Owners 1 233 Proposal 1811 West Koch Site Address Legal Description Owner Name Owner Address Owner City Owner State Owner ZIP Property Owners 11 1725 W KOCH ST UNIT 4 AG CONDO, S12, T02 S, R05 E, UNIT 4, LECLAIR SUB LOTS 9 & 10 CONDO MASTER ROBERTUS BRYAN L & MARGARET E 135 HYALITE VIEW DR BOZEMAN MT 59718-7302 12 1725 W KOCH ST UNIT 5 AG CONDO, S12, T02 S, R05 E, UNIT 5, LECLAIR SUB LOTS 9 & 10 CONDO MASTER ROONEY TIMOTHY 1725 W KOCH ST APT 5 BOZEMAN MT 59715-4129 13 1725 W KOCH ST UNIT 6 AG CONDO, S12, T02 S, R05 E, UNIT 6, LECLAIR SUB LOTS 9 & 10 CONDO MASTER MILLER EDWARD ROBERT 8031 SHENANDOAH LN LANESVILLE IN 47136-9430 14 1725 W KOCH ST UNIT 7 AG CONDO, S12, T02 S, R05 E, UNIT 7, LECLAIR SUB LOTS 9 & 10 CONDO MASTER VANDERSLOOT KRISTENE L 1725 W KOCH ST APT 7 BOZEMAN MT 59715-4129 15 1725 W KOCH ST UNIT 8 AG CONDO, S12, T02 S, R05 E, UNIT 8, LECLAIR SUB LOTS 9 & 10 CONDO MASTER ATWELL BRYAN C 1725 W KOCH ST APT 8 BOZEMAN MT 59715-4129 16 1725 W KOCH ST UNIT 9 AG CONDO, S12, T02 S, R05 E, UNIT 9, LECLAIR SUB LOTS 9 & 10 CONDO MASTER JOHNSTON GREGORY C & DIANE M TRUSTEES JOHNSTON GREGORY C & DIANE M LIV TRT 7996 LINDSAY LN EDMOND OK 73025-2469 17 1725 W KOCH ST UNIT 10 AG CONDO, S12, T02 S, R05 E, UNIT 10, LECLAIR SUB LOTS 9 & 10 CONDO MASTER WILDROSE RENTALS LLC 406 PEACE PIPE DR BOZEMAN MT 59715-1768 18 1725 W KOCH ST UNIT 11 AG CONDO, S12, T02 S, R05 E, UNIT 11, LECLAIR SUB LOTS 9 & 10 CONDO MASTER OSEN KATHLEEN E & 1725 W KOCH ST APT 11 BOZEMAN MT 59715-4129 19 1725 W KOCH ST UNIT 12 AG CONDO, S12, T02 S, R05 E, UNIT 12, LECLAIR SUB LOTS 9 & 10 CONDO MASTER JOECKS MICHAEL L & MELISSA D 14288 COTTONWOOD CANYON RD BOZEMAN MT 59718-8994 2 234 Proposal 1811 West Koch Site Address Legal Description Owner Name Owner Address Owner City Owner State Owner ZIP Property Owners 20 1800 W KOCH ST UNIT 4A BLDG A WESTBROOK CENTER CONDO, S12, T02 S, R05 E, BUILDING A, UNIT 4A, PHASE 1, TRACT 6 COS 386B LESS HWRW CONDO MASTER STRATTON BRADLEY C & VIRGINIA P 915 S 3RD AVE BOZEMAN MT 59715-5260 21 1800 W KOCH ST UNIT 1 BLDG A WESTBROOK CENTER CONDO, S12, T02 S, R05 E, BUILDING A, UNIT 1, PHASE 1, TRACT 6 COS 386B LESS HWRW CONDO MASTER STRATTON BRADLEY C & VIRGINIA P 915 S 3RD AVE BOZEMAN MT 59715-5260 22 1800 W KOCH ST UNIT 2 BLDG A WESTBROOK CENTER CONDO, S12, T02 S, R05 E, BUILDING A, UNIT 2, PHASE 1, TRACT 6 COS 386B LESS HWRW CONDO MASTER STRATTON BRADLEY C & VIRGINIA P 915 S 3RD AVE BOZEMAN MT 59715-5260 23 1800 W KOCH ST UNIT 3 BLDG A WESTBROOK CENTER CONDO, S12, T02 S, R05 E, BUILDING A, UNIT 3, PHASE 1, TRACT 6 COS 386B LESS HWRW CONDO MASTER STRATTON BRADLEY C & VIRGINIA P 915 S 3RD AVE BOZEMAN MT 59715-5260 24 1800 W KOCH ST UNIT 4 BLDG A WESTBROOK CENTER CONDO, S12, T02 S, R05 E, BUILDING A, UNIT 4, PHASE 1, TRACT 6 COS 386B LESS HWRW CONDO MASTER STRATTON BRADLEY C & VIRGINIA P 915 S 3RD AVE BOZEMAN MT 59715-5260 25 1800 W KOCH ST UNIT 5 BLDG B WESTBROOK CENTER CONDO, S12, T02 S, R05 E, BUILDING B, UNIT 5, PHASE 2, TRACT 6 COS 386B LESS HWRW CONDO MASTER NELLEN REAL ESTATE LLC 1800 W KOCH ST STE 7 BOZEMAN MT 59715-1301 26 1800 W KOCH ST UNIT 6 BLDG B WESTBROOK CENTER CONDO, S12, T02 S, R05 E, BUILDING B, UNIT 6, PHASE 2, TRACT 6 COS 386B LESS HWRW CONDO MASTER CADRE ENTERPRISE PARTNERS LLP 8260 WALKER RD BELGRADE MT 59714-8634 3 235 Proposal 1811 West Koch Site Address Legal Description Owner Name Owner Address Owner City Owner State Owner ZIP Property Owners 27 1800 W KOCH ST UNIT 7 BLDG B WESTBROOK CENTER CONDO, S12, T02 S, R05 E, BUILDING B, UNIT 7, PHASE 2, TRACT 6 COS 386B LESS HWRW CONDO MASTER FISH CREEK ENTERPRISES LLC PO BOX 1283 BOZEMAN MT 59771-1283 28 1800 W KOCH ST UNIT 8 BLDG B WESTBROOK CENTER CONDO, S12, T02 S, R05 E, BUILDING B, UNIT 8, PHASE 2, TRACT 6 COS 386B LESS HWRW CONDO MASTER CADRE ENTERPRISE PARTNERS LLP 8260 WALKER RD BELGRADE MT 59714-8634 29 1800 W KOCH ST UNIT 9 BLDG C WESTBROOK CENTER CONDO, S12, T02 S, R05 E, BUILDING C, UNIT 9, PHASE 3, TRACT 6 COS 386B LESS HWRW CONDO MASTER HAMILTON LLC 155 FRANKLIN HILLS DR BOZEMAN MT 59715-1733 30 1800 W KOCH ST UNIT 10 BLDG C WESTBROOK CENTER CONDO, S12, T02 S, R05 E, BUILDING C, UNIT 10, PHASE 3, TRACT 6 COS 386B LESS HWRW CONDO MASTER HAMILTON LLC 155 FRANKLIN HILLS DR BOZEMAN MT 59715-1733 4 236 1811 WEST KOCH STREET Zone Map Amendment March 2020 237 2 March 2020 ZMA: 1811 WEST KOCH STREET Table of Contents 1. Application Forms & Fees…….………………………………………………………..3 (Applications included in Appendix B - ZMA, A1, & N1) 2. Project Team……………………………………………………………………..……...4 3. Narrative I. Project Overview…………………...……………………………………………....5 II. Relevant Project History…………………...……………………………………...6 III. Response to Zone Map Amendment Approval Criteria……...……………...…6 IV. Response to Spot Zoning Criteria………………………………………………12 Appendices Appendix A: Legal Description Appendix B: Application Forms Appendix C: Exhibits Exhibit A.1: Vicinity Map Exhibit A.2: Vicinity Map Zoom Exhibit A.3: Site Survey Exhibit B.1: Current Zoning Map Exhibit C.1: Current Future Land Use Map Exhibit D.1: Proposed Zoning Map Exhibit E.1: Planning Board Public Comment Packet 238 3 March 2020 ZMA: 1811 WEST KOCH STREET Section 1: Application Forms & Fees Attached please find the A1, ZMA, and N1 forms for the 1811 West Koch Street Zone Map Amendment (ZMA) application. The calculated fee totals $2,018.20 as outlined below, and is calculated based upon the gross site area (not inclusive of Rights of Way) impacted by the proposed ZMA application. COMPONENT FEE QUANTITY TOTAL ZMA Base Fee $1,995.00 1 $1,995.00 Scaled Fee per Acre $58 .40 $3.20 TOTAL $ 2,018.20 239 4 March 2020 ZMA: 1811 WEST KOCH STREET Section 2: Project Team APPLICANT 414 Holdings LLC Christian James 1716 W. Babcock Street Bozeman, MT 59715 p. 406-646-6789 PROJECT CONSULTANTS Planning Intrinsik Architecture, Inc. Attn: Ryan Krueger, AICP 111 N. Tracy Avenue Bozeman, MT 59715 p. 406.582.8988 Surveying TD & H Engineering 234 East Babcock Street, Suite 3 Bozeman, MT 59715 p. 406.586.0277 240 5 March 2020 ZMA: 1811 WEST KOCH STREET Section 3: Narrative I. Project Overview The subject property consists of .402 gross acres (not inclusive of Rights of Way impacted by the ZMA), is within the Bozeman city limits, and is located at the northeast corner of the intersection of South 19th Avenue and West Koch Street. The site is currently developed with a one-story office building (3,616 square feet), constructed in 1984, and eighteen parking spaces for the site. The property is currently zoned Residential Medium Density District (R-3), and the current (and original) use of this site as an office space has been determined to be lawful nonconforming use within the R-3 zone. Given its use, location, and proximity to other, professional offices and businesses as well as medium density residential development, this property is a practical location for the proposed zone change to the more appropriate zoning designation of Residential-Office District (R-O) as described through this application. The property is designated as Residential in the current Future Land Use Map (FLUM) outlined in the effective Bozeman Community Plan (2009), which allows R-O zoning districts within this Plan Category. The project site is bordered by both a collector (West Koch Street) and a principal arterial (South 19th Ave), providing the site with a highly visible and accessible location. There are a litany of existing commercial developments adjacent to south and west, across West Koch Street and South 19th Avenue respectively. These developments are predominately offices for a variety of commercial users and are zoned R-O. The intent of R-O Zoning Districts is to provide for and encourage the development of multi-household and apartment development, and compatible professional offices and businesses that would blend well with adjacent land uses. Use of this zone is appropriate for areas characterized by offices along arterial corridors. Due to the existing conditions on and adjacent to this parcel, a change in zoning to R-O is 241 6 March 2020 ZMA: 1811 WEST KOCH STREET therefore an appropriate exercise of the City’s rezoning authority that does not constitute a spot zone. An amendment to R-O zoning in this area will foster the intent and purpose of the proposed zone, as well as allow for the existing development to conform to the use standards elucidated within the UDC. II. Relevant Project History The project site has been occupied as an office since the building was constructed in 1984. The offices have been occupied by for profit and non-profit entities up until recently. New tenants have moved into the site, intending to continue the use of the site as professional offices. These tenants have been seeking to place signage at this site, and have been stymied by the fact that the office use is a legally non -conforming use within the existing residential zoning district, where the placement of signage is highly regulated. Rezoning the property as R-O therefore not only represents a request to reflect what is there and in concert with the character of the surrounding area, but also offers these tenants the opportunity to place signage typical for this use. The project site is currently in significant compliance with the use, and form and intensity standards for the R-O zone, including parking, setbacks, lot size and width, and building height. III. Responses to ZMA Approval Criteria Below are responses to the ZMA approval criteria (Section 76 -2-304, MCA) that address how the project relates to and meets the criteria outlined for the approval of a zone change. 242 7 March 2020 ZMA: 1811 WEST KOCH STREET A. Is the new zoning designed in accordance with the growth policy? This criterion has been met. The zone amendment to R-O zoning is in compliance with the growth policy. The future land use designation for this area is currently Residential. Table C-16 of the Plan shows the implementing zoning districts for the current future land use categories. Both R-3 and R-O zoning districts are implementing districts for the Residential plan category. The site is in a developed area in proximity to existing residential areas and professional office parks, therefore eliminating further sprawl at the city’s edges. While the site has an existing office use, the reclassification of the site as R-O zoning would add additional lawfully conforming area to the adjacent commercial “centers”. This concentration of commercial development and professional offices along an existing arterial roadway offers opportunities for non - motorized transit to and from this “center”. The use of the onsite building for a professional office is compatible City of Bozeman Future Land Use Designation (See also Exhibit B) 243 8 March 2020 ZMA: 1811 WEST KOCH STREET with the existing street network and adjacent uses. Moreover, the single-story building is appropriately sized for the surrounding residential and commercial neighborhood context. The use of the offices will aid an existing business in expanding its ability to contribute to the development of Bozeman as an economic center. The rationale described above for rezoning the parcel to R -O zoning therefore advances numerous Plan policy goals and objectives: Land Use Goal - 1: Create a sense of place that varies throughout the City, efficiently provides public and private basic services and facilities in close proximity to where people live and work, and minimizes sprawl. Land Use Goal - 2: Designate centers for commercial development rather than corridors to encourage cohesive neighborhood development in conjunction with non-motorized transportation options. Community Quality Goal - 1: Human Scale and Compatibility - Create a community composed of neighborhoods designed for the human scale and compatibility in which the streets and buildings are properly sized within their context, services and amenities are convenient, visually pleasing, and properly integrated. Community Quality Objective - 1.3: Support compatible infill within the existing area of the City rather than developing land requiring expansion of the City’s area. Economic Development Goal - 1: Promote and encourage the continued development of Bozeman as a vital economic center. Economic Development Objective - 1.1: Support business creation, retention, and expansion. Emphasize small businesses, ‘green’ businesses, and e-businesses. Economic Development Objective - 2.4: Foster a diverse economy that will protect the economic climate for existing businesses and maintain opportunities for business expansion. Economic Development Objective - 2.6: Maintain a strong financial 244 9 March 2020 ZMA: 1811 WEST KOCH STREET position for the City of Bozeman. B. Will the new zoning secure safety from fire and other dangers? This criterion has been met. The subject property is currently located within the jurisdiction of the City of Bozeman Fire and Police Departments, and the service area of numerous medical response entities. Additionally, the subject site is located a stone ’s throw from the Law & Justice Center and Fire Station #2. The site was previously developed according to the relevant municipal and building standards. The change to R-O zoning will not have an adverse impact on the site’s safety from fire and other dangers. C. Will the new zoning promote public health, public safety, and general welfare? This criterion has been met. This site, due to its proximity to a principal arterial and existing transit corridors (automotive, bike, bus, etc.), a diverse array of adjacent residential densities and professional offices, and the Montana State University campus, has multiple elements conducive to public health, safety, and the general welfare. A designation of R-O zoning will not detract from these elements. Moreover, the proposed amendment will not put an undue burden on municipal services, emergency response, or similar general welfare considerations. D. Will the new zoning facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks, and other public requirements? This criterion has been met. The site has previously developed or contributed to adequate sewer and storm water service, transportation connections, parks, and the provision of other public requirements. Rezoning the site to the R-O zone will not negatively impact this approval requirement. 245 10 March 2020 ZMA: 1811 WEST KOCH STREET E. Will the new zoning provide reasonable provision of adequate light and air? This criterion has been met. The development of this site was reviewed by the City of Bozeman under previous iterations of the City’s Code and building code standards to ensure this location was provided adequate light and air. As no additional construction is proposed with this application, the new zoning will not undermine the City’s previous review or approval. F. Will the new zoning have an effect on motorized and non- motorized transportation systems? This criterion has been met. The site is bounded by sidewalks on the west and south sides of the site, lies adjacent to an arterial (South 19th Ave) and a collector (West Koch Street), and is in proximity to existing bus service lines. As the site is developed and served by the existing transportation systems (motorized and non-motorized), the new zoning will have a negligible impact on the transportation systems. The professional office use will have the same traffic impact as currently exists and no additional development of the site is currently proposed, therefore no additional development mitigation, such as road or pedestrian/bicycle facility improvements, has been identified in concert with the proposed new zoning. G. Does the new zoning promote compatible urban growth? This criterion has been met. The Growth Policy supports professional offices in the vicinity of the project site on West Koch Street. The site is adjacent to existing commercial development and professional offices. Furthermore, R-O zoning of significant size lies to the south of this site. As the existing use of the site as a professional office is considered a legally established non-conforming use. The new zoning classification of R-O for this site, zoning which permits office use, would promote both a compatible and compliant urban 246 11 March 2020 ZMA: 1811 WEST KOCH STREET growth pattern. Moreover, the site is currently significantly compliant with the use, form, and intensity standards for the proposed R-O zone. H. Does the new zoning promote the character of the district? This criterion has been met. The character of the district in proximity to this site is described as office parks, professional offices, and residential units of varying density. The new zoning would therefore promote the existing character of the area. This proposal is to modify the zoning map and not amend the UDC text to alter the character of any zoning district, therefore the character of the district remains consist stent. I. Does the new zoning address the affected area’s peculiar suitability for particular uses? This criterion has been met. The proposed zone change is intended to resolve legal non-conforming use of the site as an office, one that is consistent with adjacent zoning, current and proposed uses in the area, and the Bozeman Community Plan for future land uses. The site is bounded to the south, southwest, and southeast by existing R -O zoning, while residential uses of a variety of densities lie to the west, north and east. The new zoning therefore address the site peculiar suitability for the office use existing at this site. J. Was the new zoning adopted with a view to conserving the values of buildings? This criterion has been met. The new zoning proposed is primarily intended to resolve the legal, existing non -conforming use of the site as a professional office, an action that will decidedly conserve the value of the existing site buildings and preserve values on adjacent sites. The new zoning provides support for the development pattern and surrounding character of the district and does not present a stark deviation from existing adjacent development. 247 12 March 2020 ZMA: 1811 WEST KOCH STREET K. Does the new zoning encourage the most appropriate use of land throughout the jurisdictional area? This criterion has been met. The proposed zone change is consistent with the future land uses outlined in the Bozeman Community Plan, which allows for the R-O implementing zoning within the Residential land use category (the existing Plan Category for this site). Furthermore, a request has been submitted to the City of Bozeman Planning Board to reclassify this parcel as Community Commercial Mixed Use (Exhibit E.1), the Community Plan category that has been applied to the sites immediately adjacent to the south that contain existing commercial development and professional offices. R-O zoning is appropriate under either plan category, and the new zoning therefore furthers the City’s plans for this portion of the jurisdictional area and encourages the most appropriate use of land throughout the City. Section IV: Response to Spot Zoning Criteria (If Necessary) A. Are the requested zoning designation and potential uses significantly different from the prevailing uses in the area? This criterion has been met. The requested zoning and the existing use of the site is not “significantly” different from the prevailing uses in the area. In fact, the current use of the site as a professional office is unmistakably similar to the adjacent uses to the south. Therefore this condition indicates that the proposing Zoning Map Amendment does not constitute illegal spot zoning. B. Does the requested zoning designation benefit a small area and only one or a few landowners, or does the requested zoning benefit the surrounding neighborhood, community and general public? This criterion has been met. The requested zoning designation does benefit only one property owner, however the R-O zoning designation is an implementing zoning district for the Residential land use category and may be utilized by any adjacent property owner with this 248 13 March 2020 ZMA: 1811 WEST KOCH STREET plan category area. The proposed zone change to R -O for this site will not inhibit potential development of adjacent sites. C. Is the requested zoning designation compatible with the zoning district’s plan or is it special legislation designed to benefit only one or a few landowners at the expense of the surrounding land owners? This criterion has been met. This ZMA does not represent special legislation designed to benefit the land owner at the expense of the adjacent property owners. Both the current and proposed zoning are allowed within the Residential Growth Policy land use category, therefore this proposed change to R-O is unlikely to negatively impact the surrounding land owners. The benefit from the proposed change is likely to benefit the property owner of this site, however this will not be at the expense of the nearby property owners. This application has demonstrated that no substantial nor significant negative impacts have been identified due to this zoning amendment. 249 APPENDICES 250 15 March 2020 ZMA: 1811 WEST KOCH STREET APPENDIX A: Legal Description of Subject Site 1811 WEST KOCH STREET ZONE MAP AMENDMENT A tract of land, said tract being Lot 7 of A Plat of The Le Clair Subdivision and adjoining portions of Koch Street and South 19th Avenue, said tract being located in the Southwest Quarter of Section 12 and the Southeast Quarter of Section 11, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, Principal Meridian Montana, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana and being further described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 7 of said plat; thence South 00°37'19" East, on the east line of said lot, a distance of 178.04 feet; thence South 00°37'19" East, on a southerly extension of said east line a distance of 30.00 feet; thence South 89°06'55" West, on the centerline of Koch Street, a distance of 144.44 feet; thence North 00°48'19" West, on the designed centerline of South 19th Ave per Document Number 2294610, a distance of 207.98 feet; thence North 89°05'37" East, on the westerly extension of the north line of said lot, a distance of 43.34 feet; thence North 89°05'37" East, on the north line of said lot, a distance of 101.77 feet to the Point of Beginning. The described tract has an area of 0.69 acres, more or less. The described tract is as shown on the accompanying plat and is along with and subject to any existing easements. 251 EXHIBITS 252 Exhibit A.1 - Vicinity Map South 19th and Koch: ZMA Application Project Site South 19th Ave.West Koch St. West Babcock St.South 20th Ave.West Main St. N 253 Exhibit A.2 - Vicinity Map South 19th and Koch: ZMA Application N Project Site 254 N89°05'37"E101.77'43.34'178.04' S00°37'19"E 30.00' N00°48'19"W 207.98'S89°06'55"W 144.44'REVISIONSHEETDESIGNED BY:QUALITY CHECK:JOB NO.FIELDBOOKDRAWN BY:DATE:20009ZMAX1REV DATE 1811 WEST KOCH STREET ZONE MAP AMENDMENT BOZEMAN, MONTANA B20-0092/25/2020.DWG1 OF 1BSTEngineering 234 E. BABCOCK ST., SUITE 3 • BOZEMAN, MONTANA 59715 406.586.0277 • tdhengineering.com ZONING R-O (PREVIOUSLY ZONED R-3)A TRACT OF LAND BEING LOT 7 OF A PLAT OF THE LE CLAIR SUBDIVISION, & PORTIONS OF SOUTH 19THAVENUE & KOCH STREETLOCATED IN THE SW 1/4 OF SECTION 12 & SE 1/4 SECTION 11, T2S, R5E, PMM, CITY OF BOZEMAN,GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANAAREA: 0.69 ACRES255 Exhibit B.1 - Current Zoning Map South 19th and Koch: ZMA Application PLI R-O R-3 R-3R-O B-2 N Project Site 256 Exhibit C.1 - Current Future Land Use Map South 19th and Koch: ZMA Application Residential Residential Business Park Mixed UseBusiness Park Mixed Use Public Institutions N Project Site Community Commercial Mixed Use 257 Exhibit D.1 - Proposed Zoning Map South 19th and Koch: ZMA Application Extend R-O PLI R-O R-3 R-3R-O B-2 N Project Site 258 259 Exhibit A.1 - Vicinity Map N Subject Site South 19th Ave.West Koch St. West Babcock St.South 20th Ave.West Main St. 260 Exhibit A.2 - Subject Property Vicinity Street Views 261 Exhibit B.1 - Existing Future Land Use Map - Plan Category Map Site Map N Residential Business Park Mixed Use Public Institutions 262 Exhibit B.2 - Draft Future Land Use Map Plan - Plan Category Map N Urban Neighborhood Commercial Emphasis Mixed Use Public Lands 263 Exhibit C - Requested Future Land Use Map Plan - Plan Category Map N Urban Neighborhood Extend Commercial Emphasis Mixed Use Public Lands 264 N89°05'37"E 101.77'43.34'178.04'S00°37'19"E30.00'N00°48'19"W 207.98'S89°06'55"W 144.44' QUALITY CHECK:DRAWN BY: CAD NO.JOB NO.DATE: 20009ZMAX1.dwgB20-0092/24/20 BST FB:--- LAYOUT: Engineering tdhengineering.com 8.5x11 ZONING R-O (PREVIOUSLY ZONED R-3) A TRACT OF LAND BEING LOT 7 OF A PLAT OF THE LE CLAIR SUBDIVISION, &PORTIONS OF SOUTH 19TH AVENUE & KOCH STREET LOCATED IN THE SW 1/4 OF SECTION 12 & SE 1/4 SECTION 11, T2S, R5E, PMM,CITY OF BOZEMAN, GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANAAREA: 0.69 ACRES 265 N89°05'37"E101.77'43.34'178.04' S00°37'19"E 30.00' N00°48'19"W 207.98'S89°06'55"W 144.44'REVISIONSHEETDESIGNED BY:QUALITY CHECK:JOB NO.FIELDBOOKDRAWN BY:DATE:20009ZMAX1REV DATE 1811 WEST KOCH STREET ZONE MAP AMENDMENT BOZEMAN, MONTANA B20-0092/25/2020.DWG1 OF 1BSTEngineering 234 E. BABCOCK ST., SUITE 3 • BOZEMAN, MONTANA 59715 406.586.0277 • tdhengineering.com ZONING R-O (PREVIOUSLY ZONED R-3)A TRACT OF LAND BEING LOT 7 OF A PLAT OF THE LE CLAIR SUBDIVISION, & PORTIONS OF SOUTH 19THAVENUE & KOCH STREETLOCATED IN THE SW 1/4 OF SECTION 12 & SE 1/4 SECTION 11, T2S, R5E, PMM, CITY OF BOZEMAN,GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANAAREA: 0.69 ACRES266 15 March 2020 ZMA: 1811 WEST KOCH STREET APPENDIX A: Legal Description of Subject Site 1811 WEST KOCH STREET ZONE MAP AMENDMENT A tract of land, said tract being Lot 7 of A Plat of The Le Clair Subdivision and adjoining portions of Koch Street and South 19th Avenue, said tract being located in the Southwest Quarter of Section 12 and the Southeast Quarter of Section 11, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, Principal Meridian Montana, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana and being further described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 7 of said plat; thence South 00°37'19" East, on the east line of said lot, a distance of 178.04 feet; thence South 00°37'19" East, on a southerly extension of said east line a distance of 30.00 feet; thence South 89°06'55" West, on the centerline of Koch Street, a distance of 144.44 feet; thence North 00°48'19" West, on the designed centerline of South 19th Ave per Document Number 2294610, a distance of 207.98 feet; thence North 89°05'37" East, on the westerly extension of the north line of said lot, a distance of 43.34 feet; thence North 89°05'37" East, on the north line of said lot, a distance of 101.77 feet to the Point of Beginning. The described tract has an area of 0.69 acres, more or less. The described tract is as shown on the accompanying plat and is along with and subject to any existing easements. 267 268