HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-02-18 BABAB Minutes
Bozeman Area Bicycle Advisory Board (BABAB)
Meeting Notes for May 2, 2018
6-8 p.m. City Hall, Commission Room
A.Meeting Calle to Order at 6:04. In attendance: John Vandelinder, Lila Fleishman, Sam Haraldson,
Candace Mastel, Jason Karp, Tawnya Healey, Dillon Warn, Rachel Rockafellow, Christian Black, Linda
Dupriest, James Lusby. Members of the Public: Ralph Zimmer
B.Approve Previous Meeting Minutes: Item postponed until next month. Notes not sent out in time.
C.Public Comment: 5 minutes each speaker
a.Ralph Zimmer: Subject at last Transportation Coordinating Committee meeting, asking whether
there were bike lanes at Valley Center Spur. In the final plan review of project, MDT was
encouraged to complete bicycle infrastructure. The outcome of final review is not known,
review may not be completed until next week. Look ahead for the final review of the project.
D.Transportation Coordinating Committee (TCC) Update – Information Item (15 minutes, Linda DuPriest)
a.Different entities were giving updates on the projects. Craig Woolard gave update on projects,
Linda has bike/ped info about those projects.
b.Galla10 Alliance for Pathways hired Headwaters Economics to work on Gall10 bike path project.
Economic analysis indicated that the Belgrade-Bozeman path would be a great project to do.
Economic value for 20 years is predicted to be 22.8 million, cost is about 10 million. Headwaters
economics purposely used conservative estimates to intentionally underestimate positive
impacts of the project. Headwaters would be glad to present to BABAB in the future. Overall,
the presentation showed that the project has outstanding benefits, and people should support
it. Has been posted to our facebook page.
c.Delmue can’t always attend these meetings and is looking for backup. Lila will take that on.
d. BABAB asked Ralph to ask Headwaters if they might be able to come present at a future
E.Old Business (10 minutes)
a.Lila update - encouragement of Bike Friendly Businesses (BFBs). She met with Dani Hess, and
they thought they could utilize resources of Bozeman Commuter Challenge. It’s a good place to
start, since there are some businesses with many bike commuters already, mostly businesses
trying to define themselves as good places to work. City offices can be BFBs, universities and
bike shops are also common BFBs on the national scene. Simply talking about the program and
that it exists has been helpful. Missy O’Malley sometimes does community announcements,
maybe she’d be into it. Amelia Neptune of LAB, presented about going to Chambers of
Commerce, another avenue Lila is thinking of pursuing. It is a month before spring deadline to
apply to be a BFB, there is another deadline to apply in the Fall. Because LAB is having a
membership drive, there might be discounts coming. Updates will continue to come.
b.There was an Op-Ed by Mark on the Transportation Advisory Board, discussing growth and
planning for peds and cyclists. Well done and thought out Op-Ed.
c.Linda - sign update. Wayfinding project has been put on hold. Trail, parks, other departments
want in on a wayfinding project, so it’s been delayed.
F.New Business (10 minutes)
a.June Commuter Challenge (Sam Haraldson). Commuter Challenge goes through all of June. Sign
up starts May 15th. Bike Walk Montana is the leaders. Tell your friends and neighbors.
b.Rachel - Bike Swap is this weekend. Drop things off Friday, swap is on Saturday. Should BABAB
table at the event? Seek comment and invite people to come to meetings? Logo, signs, tshirts?
Tawnya hasn’t quite gotten to the logos, she has been busy with a new job.
c.Tour De Spud is also this weekend on Sunday.
d.Linda - Wayfinding Subcommittee is good prep work for a new Map. Transportaion Alternatives
funding deadline is in September, so she wants to put together a list of projects that could be
paid for with Transportation Alternatives.
i.Discusison Points: Should we use the Capital Improvement Plan to identify these TA
projects? Maybe a good place to start, since they’ve already been listed and prioritized.
However, some new items have also come to light during wayfinding committee. Send
Linda new ideas, BABAB will review next month. Linda will send out details. GVLT, Parks,
Dept, Linda asking to team up and coordinate for Transportation Alternatives. Tawnya
would like to help with the project.
e.Tawnya - Rialto is having a bike event on Friday, ride around town, end up back at Rialto.
Satuday: 830pm.
i.Discussion points: Rialto has filed no plans with the city, not sure how well organized it
is. Concern about “critical mass” style ride, representation of cyclists to the public.
Should BABAB respond to the event? Sam and Tawnya will contact planner and discuss.
f.Jason Karp - Melinda Barnes of Bike Walk Montana has been shut out of MDT Ped/Bike
i.Discussion points: There is concern that MDT is just checking a box and are not serious
about bike infrastructure. Tom on Bike Walk Montana board has talked to Missoula
bike/ped coordinator (who is on MDT committee), feels that it might be better to rally
support from the outside rather than to be on the inside complaining. Melinda is
drafting a letter, BABAB will likely be asked to support it. MDT has a bike plan survey on
their website, we should take it. Survey closes on 10th of June. People For Bikes sent out
a link to the survey recently, Jason will ask BWM to send out the survey too. Should be
on agenda for next month to formalize support for cyclist, pedestrian needs on MDT Ped
Bike Committee.
g.John Vandelinder - Box was wrapped at Ferguson at Oak - 25th Infantry Regiment’s trip
through Yellowstone.
G.Meeting Adjourned at 7:07