HomeMy WebLinkAboutFlood_Hazard_Eval_112116_SC_Signed P:15063_01_Flood_Hazard_Ev_111716_SC 2 (11/17/16) SN/jil which include the main drainage area of Cattail Creek upstream of the model reach, the Sectionline Ditch that discharges into Cattail Creek at the southwest corner of the proposed development, and additional drainage areas within the model reach. Due to the three watersheds within the model and the addition of the Sectionline ditch to Cattail Creek, there are several flow change locations throughout the model. Table 1 outlines the contributing drainage areas and estimated peak flows for the regression equation method. The TR-55 SCS method was the second methodology used for estimating the 100-year peak flows to Cattail Creek. The 100-year peak flows were calculated for the watershed to Cattail Creek at the upstream end of the model using the SCS method as shown on Table 1. Similar to the approach taken with the regression equations, the peak flows at the flow change locations were estimated by updating the watershed area, curve number and time of concentration to represent the total watershed to Cattail Creek at the specific flow change locations. The calculations for the peak flows estimated from the SCS method that are shown in Table 1 are located in Appendix B. The HEC- RAS model reflects the flows estimated using the SCS method, which are more conservative. Table 1. Regression Equation: Q=189*A0.695 *(E 6000 +1) -0.199 Watershed Cattail Sectionline Ditch A B C Area (sq.mi.) 1.119 0.444 0.11 0.012 0.181 Percentage of Area above 6,000-FT 0 0 0 0 0 Mean Basin Elevation divided by 1000 4740 4740 4740 4740 4740 Regression (cfs) 204.4 257.8 270.7 271.6 291.6 SCS (cfs) 375.4 386.0 407.4 408.2 443.0 HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS The base flood elevations and floodplain boundary were estimated by using the USACE HEC-RAS Version 5.0.1 river analysis modeling system. The model was built in AutoCAD and exported to HEC-RAS for analysis. A topographic survey of the proposed development was completed as part of this analysis. The entire Lot 2A was surveyed as well as 44 cross sections. All elevations are referenced to the North American Vertical Datum (NAVD) 88. The surveyed cross sections included the cross sections directly upstream and downstream of structures within the analysis area. The cross sections near the structures included flowline and invert elevation as well as size and material of the structure. The Lot 2A survey and the surveyed cross sections do not cover the estimated floodplain area; therefore, LiDAR data provided by the City of Bozeman was used to supplement the survey data. A topographic surface was created by merging the cross section data, Lot 2A survey data and the LiDAR data in that order of priority. P:15063_01_Flood_Hazard_Ev_111716_SC 3 (11/17/16) SN/jil 1. Cross Sections The Hec-Ras model includes 62 cross sections cut from the topographic surface. The cross sections were cut in order to represent the structures, ground breaks, land cover changes, natural constrictions and meanders. The channel of the cross sections was assumed to have a Manning’s roughness coefficient of 0.05 and the overbanks were assumed to have a Manning’s roughness coefficient of 0.06 to represent the tall grass and shrub conditions of the floodplain. Each cross section crosses the entire floodplain and into the proposed subdivision in order to analyze the impact of the 100-year peak flows on the proposed development. The model begins south of the proposed development, south of Catamount Street in the Cattail Creek Subdivision, East of Blackbird Drive and West of Warbler Way and ends north of Frontage Road as show on Exhibit B. 2. Bridges and Culverts There were 12 bridges and culverts modeled as part of this evaluation, however only 6 bridges were determined to affect the base flood elevations of the proposed development. Figures 3A-F show the cross sections of the bridges and/or culverts with their respective invert elevations and pipe diameter. The contraction and expansion coefficients were changed from 0.1 and 0.3 to 0.3 and 0.5 respectively at the entrances and exits of the culverts to account for the change in flow conditions. Ineffective flow areas were also added to the cross sections, upstream and downstream of the culverts and bridges in order to account for the restricted flow area at these locations. RESULTS The estimated 100-year floodplain extents for Cattail Creek adjacent to the proposed development are shown on Exhibit C in Appendix A. At the upstream end of the model, Cattail Creek flows under Catamount Street through three 36-inch equivalent elliptical culverts. The peak runoff from the 100-year storm event escapes the channel upstream of Catamount Street and overtops the low point of the roadway. The flow re-enters Cattail Creek just north of Catamount Street and is contained in the channel until cross-section 5951.22 where the base flood elevation overtops the channel bank into the adjacent pond through cross section 4984.39. Cattail Creek continues north past the pond located southwest of the property and starts to flow parallel to Davis Lane, and then leaves the property boundary. At the southeast corner of Davis Lane and Westlake Road, Cattail Creek flows through a small pond located on the adjacent property. At this pond, cross section 3493.34 overflows the pond to the west over Davis Lane and overtops Westlake Road. The flow that overtops Westlake Road reenters Cattail Creek after overtopping Westlake Road and flows through an old culvert and then continues north, parallel to Davis Lane. Cattail Creek makes a 90- degree bend on the east side of the intersection of Davis Lane and East Valley Center Road and is culverted under Davis Lane. At this intersection the flow from Cattail Creek leaves the channel and overtops Davis Lane. It appears that the area north of Westlake Road and south of East Valley Center Road experiences flooding as a result of the 36-inch culvert under Davis Lane which restricts P:15063_01_Flood_Hazard_Ev_111716_SC 4 (11/17/16) SN/jil flow and causes backup in this area. After Cattail Creek flows through the culvert under Davis Lane, the HEC-RAS model continues to model Cattail Creek west and parallel to East Valley Center Road and then north under East Valley Center Road, Interstate 90, the railroad and Frontage Road; however this portion of Cattail Creek does not have any backwater effect on Cattail Creek east and south of Davis Lane. It should be noted that where flow overtops Davis Lane or the existing pond west of Cattail Creek, this flow loss was not modeled and the extents of the floodplain on the west side of Cattail Creek and Davis Lane was not mapped. This results in a more conservative analysis of the estimated floodplain boundary adjacent to the proposed development on the east side of Cattail Creek. CONCULSIONS The estimated 100-year floodplain boundary of Cattail Creek remains within the east bank of Cattail Creek adjacent to Lot 2A of Minor Sub 221E as shown on Exhibit C. However, there are four cross sections, 4984.39, 5012.24, 5054.73 and 5067.05 that surround the narrow dirt access drive through the site and constricts flow through Cattail Creek. Sanderson Stewart recommends widening the channel between the cross sections mentioned above to match the channel cross sections upstream and downstream to create a more uniform channel. The widening of the channel would rehabilitate Cattail Creek into a more natural and pre-development condition. This would require obtaining the necessary stream permits. Along the east and northwest boundary of the site there is a depression that appears to act as a conveyance swale towards a 60-inch culvert that runs under East Valley Center Drive. The proposed development should maintain this drainage pattern and provide a replacement conveyance swale if the existing swale is filled in for the development. Flow from Cattail Creek does not appear to enter this swale and it is unclear what watershed area besides that of the site the swale services. Even though the estimated 100-year floodplain boundary of Cattail Creek appears to not impact the proposed development, it is recommended that buildings on Lot 2A of Minor Sub 221E be constructed with a minimum finished floor elevation of two feet above the base flood elevation of Cattail Creek. This flood study is specific to Lot 2A of Minor Sub 221E and the proposed development and should not be used to determine the base flood elevation or floodplain boundary for any of the surrounding lots or subdivision. As part of this development there are offsite improvements in order to serve the future development of this area. The offsite improvements include a proposed lift station, and as a result of this flood hazard study it is recommended to place the lift station outside the floodplain boundary limits. P:15063_01_Flood_Hazard_Ev_111716_SC 5 (11/17/16) SN/jil TABLE OF CONTENTS Appendix A Exhibit A: Watershed Map Exhibit B: Model Layout Map Exhibit C: Estimated Floodplain Boundary Map Figure 3A-F: Bridge Cross Sections Appendix B SCS Method Calculations Appendix C HEC-RAS Files P:15063_01_Flood_Hazard_Ev_111716_SC 6 (11/17/16) SN/jil Appendix A Figure 3A:Upstream Invert: 4656.49'Downstream Invert: 4655.34'Type: 3 Elliptical ConcreteMaterial: ConcreteSize: 36" equivalent Figure 3B:Upstream Invert: 4634.91'Downstream Invert: 4633.99'Type: 1 CircularMaterial: Corrugated MetalSize: 18" Diameter Figure 3C:Upstream Invert: 4629.65'Downstream Invert: 4625.19'Type: 1 CircularMaterial: ConcreteSize: 24" Diameter Figure 3D:Upstream Invert: 4624.55'Downstream Invert: 4623.89'Type: 1 CircularMaterial: Corrugated MetalSize: 42" Diameter Figure 3E:Upstream Invert: 4623.56'Downstream Invert: 4622.71'Type: 1 CircularMaterial: ConcreteSize: 36" Diameter Figure 3F:Upstream Invert: 4614.57'Downstream Invert: 4614.18'Type: 1 CircularMaterial: Corrugated MetalSize: 36" Diameter P:15063_01_Flood_Hazard_Ev_111716_SC 7 (11/17/16) SN/jil Appendix B Project: Cattail Creek Flood Hazard Study Project No.: 15063.01 Date: 11/2016 Watershed Curve Number Land Use Description Soil Group Curve Number Area (acres) C 85 716 Z 0 0 Z 0 0 Z 0 0 Z 0 0 Z 0 0 Composite Curve Number / Total 85.0 716 Direct Runoff Design Storm Post-Developed (inches)Runoff (ft3) P2 = 0 0 P10 = 0 0 P25 = 0 0 P50 = 0 0 P100 = 2.8 3,695,255 Table 2-7 of Storm Water Management Manual Office of the City Engineer City of Billings May 2015 A B C D Lawns, open space, etc. Good Condition 75% or more cover 39 61 74 80 Lawns, open space, etc. Fair Condition 50-75% cover 49 69 79 84 Paved parking lots, roofs, driveways, etc. 98 98 98 98 Streets and roads; paved with curbs and storm sewers 98 98 98 98 Streets and roads; gravel 76 85 89 91 Streets and roads; dirt 72 82 87 89 Streets and roads; paved with open ditches 83 89 92 93 Commercial and business areas (85% impervious) 89 92 94 95 Industrial districts (72% impervious)81 88 91 93 Residential - (65% impervious)77 85 90 92 Residential - (38% impervious)61 75 83 87 Residential - (30% impervious)57 72 81 86 Residential - (25% impervious)54 70 80 85 Newly graded area 77 86 91 94 Herbaceous - mixture of grass, weeds and low growing bursh (30-70% cover) 71 81 89 Herbaceous - mixture of grass, weeds and low growing bursh (>70% cover) 62 74 85 Sagebrush with grass understory 35 47 55 Pasture, grassland or range - continuous forage for grazing 39 61 74 80 Meadow - continuous grass, protected from grazing, mowed for hay 30 58 71 78 Row crops 67 78 85 89 Close-seeded or broadcast legumes or rotation meadow 58 72 81 85 Small grain crops 63 75 83 87 Hydrologic Soil GroupLand Use Description SCS CURVE NUMBER AND DIRECT RUNOFF ANALYSES CATTAIL CREEK WATERSHED Pasture, grassland or range - continuous forage for grazing Residential - (65% impervious) Project: Cattail Creek Flood Hazard Study Project No.: 15063.01 Date: 11/2016 100-Year, 24-Hour Design Storm From Curve Number and Direct Runoff Analyses: Q (in) = 1.42 A (mi2) = 1.11875 Tc (hr) = 1.7 Discharge Rate (cfs) = 0.00 Design Theoretical Cumulative Cumulative Actual Required Time Multiplier Storm Outflow Storm Outflow Outflow Storage (hrs)Qp R*A (cfs)(cfs)(CF)(CF)(cfs)(CF) 0.0 0 1.5906 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 11.0 10 1.5906 15.91 0.00 629873 0 0.00 629873 11.5 18 1.5906 28.63 0.00 681408 0 0.00 681408 11.7 31 1.5906 49.31 0.00 716910 0 0.00 716910 11.8 42 1.5906 66.80 0.00 740960 0 0.00 740960 11.9 57 1.5906 90.66 0.00 773598 0 0.00 773598 12.0 81 1.5906 128.84 0.00 819980 0 0.00 819980 12.1 105 1.5906 167.01 0.00 880104 0 0.00 880104 12.2 133 1.5906 211.55 0.00 956262 0 0.00 956262 12.3 164 1.5906 260.86 0.00 1050170 0 0.00 1050170 12.4 192 1.5906 305.39 0.00 1160111 0 0.00 1160111 12.5 209 1.5906 332.43 0.00 1279787 0 0.00 1279787 12.6 227 1.5906 361.06 0.00 1409770 0 0.00 1409770 12.7 235 1.5906 373.79 0.00 1544334 0 0.00 1544334 12.8 236 1.5906 375.38 0.00 1679470 0 0.00 1679470 12.9 236 1.5906 375.38 0.00 1814607 0 0.00 1814607 13.0 225 1.5906 357.88 0.00 1943444 0 0.00 1943444 13.2 201 1.5906 319.71 0.00 2173634 0 0.00 2173634 13.5 153 1.5906 243.36 0.00 2436463 0 0.00 2436463 14.0 99 1.5906 157.47 0.00 2719906 0 0.00 2719906 14.5 68 1.5906 108.16 0.00 2914594 0 0.00 2914594 15.0 50 1.5906 79.53 0.00 3057747 0 0.00 3057747 16.0 32 1.5906 50.90 0.00 3240983 0 0.00 3240983 18.0 20 1.5906 31.81 0.00 3470027 0 0.00 3470027 20.0 16 1.5906 25.45 0.00 3653263 0 0.00 3653263 Peak Discharge Prior to Routing =375.4 cfs Storage Volume Required = 3,653,263 cf SCS HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS TYPE II UNIT HYDROGRAPH CATTAIL CREEK WATERSHED 0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 350.00 400.00 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 Dis c h a r g e ( c f s ) Time (hrs) Post-Development Hydrograph Design Storm Routing Project: Cattail Creek Flood Hazard Study Project No.: 15063.01 Date: 11/2016 .FLOW FLOW VELOCITY TIME OF FLOW TYPE LENGTH (FT)SLOPE (FT/FT)n (FT/S)CONC. (MIN) SHEET FLOW 300 0.0150 0.15 --28.3 SHALLOW pav 244 0.0150 --2.49 1.63 PIPE 1230 0.0050 1.44 14.26 CREEK 6896 0.0422 1.90 60.49 Total Time of Concentration=104.7 CATTAIL CREEK WATERSHED TIME OF CONCENTRATION WORKSHEET (TR-55) Project: Cattail Creek Flood Hazard Study Project No.: 15063.01 Date: 11/2016 Cumulative Watershed Curve Number Land Use Description Soil Group Curve Number Area (acres) C 85 716 C 78 284 Z 0 0 Z 0 0 Z 0 0 Z 0 0 Composite Curve Number / Total 83.0 1000 Direct Runoff Design Storm Post-Developed (inches)Runoff (ft3) P2 = 0 0 P10 = 0 0 P25 = 0 0 P50 = 0 0 P100 = 2.8 4,675,792 Table 2-7 of Storm Water Management Manual Office of the City Engineer City of Billings May 2015 A B C D Lawns, open space, etc. Good Condition 75% or more cover 39 61 74 80 Lawns, open space, etc. Fair Condition 50-75% cover 49 69 79 84 Paved parking lots, roofs, driveways, etc. 98 98 98 98 Streets and roads; paved with curbs and storm sewers 98 98 98 98 Streets and roads; gravel 76 85 89 91 Streets and roads; dirt 72 82 87 89 Streets and roads; paved with open ditches 83 89 92 93 Commercial and business areas (85% impervious) 89 92 94 95 Industrial districts (72% impervious)81 88 91 93 Residential - (65% impervious)77 85 90 92 Residential - (38% impervious)61 75 83 87 Residential - (30% impervious)57 72 81 86 Residential - (25% impervious)54 70 80 85 Newly graded area 77 86 91 94 Herbaceous - mixture of grass, weeds and low growing bursh (30-70% cover) 71 81 89 Herbaceous - mixture of grass, weeds and low growing bursh (>70% cover) 62 74 85 Sagebrush with grass understory 35 47 55 Pasture, grassland or range - continuous forage for grazing 39 61 74 80 Meadow - continuous grass, protected from grazing, mowed for hay 30 58 71 78 Row crops 67 78 85 89 Close-seeded or broadcast legumes or rotation meadow 58 72 81 85 Small grain crops 63 75 83 87 Hydrologic Soil GroupLand Use Description SCS CURVE NUMBER AND DIRECT RUNOFF ANALYSES CUMULATIVE WATERSHED AFTER SIDELINE DITCH Pasture, grassland or range - continuous forage for grazing Cattail Creek Sideline Ditch Project: Cattail Creek Flood Hazard Study Project No.: 15063.01 Date: 11/2016 100-Year, 24-Hour Design Storm From Curve Number and Direct Runoff Analyses: Q (in) = 1.29 A (mi2) = 1.5625 Tc (hr) = 2.4 Discharge Rate (cfs) = 0.00 Design Theoretical Cumulative Cumulative Actual Required Time Multiplier Storm Outflow Storm Outflow Outflow Storage (hrs)Qp R*A (cfs)(cfs)(CF)(CF)(cfs)(CF) 0.0 0 2.0127 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 11.0 7 2.0127 14.09 0.00 557907 0 0.00 557907 11.5 14 2.0127 28.18 0.00 608626 0 0.00 608626 11.7 22 2.0127 44.28 0.00 640506 0 0.00 640506 11.8 30 2.0127 60.38 0.00 662243 0 0.00 662243 11.9 38 2.0127 76.48 0.00 689776 0 0.00 689776 12.0 49 2.0127 98.62 0.00 725279 0 0.00 725279 12.1 64 2.0127 128.81 0.00 771651 0 0.00 771651 12.2 80 2.0127 161.01 0.00 829615 0 0.00 829615 12.3 95 2.0127 191.20 0.00 898448 0 0.00 898448 12.4 114 2.0127 229.44 0.00 981047 0 0.00 981047 12.5 133 2.0127 267.68 0.00 1077413 0 0.00 1077413 12.6 152 2.0127 305.92 0.00 1187545 0 0.00 1187545 12.7 165 2.0127 332.09 0.00 1307096 0 0.00 1307096 12.8 175 2.0127 352.21 0.00 1433893 0 0.00 1433893 12.9 184 2.0127 370.33 0.00 1567211 0 0.00 1567211 13.0 192 2.0127 386.43 0.00 1706326 0 0.00 1706326 13.2 190 2.0127 382.40 0.00 1981657 0 0.00 1981657 13.5 176 2.0127 354.23 0.00 2364221 0 0.00 2364221 14.0 129 2.0127 259.63 0.00 2831559 0 0.00 2831559 14.5 93 2.0127 187.18 0.00 3168477 0 0.00 3168477 15.0 68 2.0127 136.86 0.00 3414825 0 0.00 3414825 16.0 41 2.0127 82.52 0.00 3711893 0 0.00 3711893 18.0 23 2.0127 46.29 0.00 4045188 0 0.00 4045188 20.0 17 2.0127 34.22 0.00 4291536 0 0.00 4291536 Peak Discharge Prior to Routing =386.4 cfs Storage Volume Required = 4,291,536 cf SCS HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS TYPE II UNIT HYDROGRAPH CUMULATIVE WATERSHED AFTER SIDELINE DITCH 0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 350.00 400.00 450.00 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 Dis c h a r g e ( c f s ) Time (hrs) Post-Development Hydrograph Design Storm Routing Project Name:Project: Cattail Creek Flood Hazard Study Project Number:Project No.: 15063.01 Date:Date: 11/2016 Designer: .FLOW FLOW VELOCITY TIME OF FLOW TYPE LENGTH (FT)SLOPE (FT/FT)n (FT/S)CONC. (MIN) SHEET FLOW 300 0.0150 0.15 --28.3 SHALLOW pav 50 0.0150 --2.49 0.33 PIPE 890 0.0050 1.44 10.32 CREEK 16352 0.0422 3.31 82.23 BEG- DITCH 2157 0.0080 1.44 24.91 Total Time of Concentration=146.1 CUMULATIVE WATERSHED AFTER SIDELINE DITCH TIME OF CONCENTRATION WORKSHEET (TR-55) Project: Cattail Creek Flood Hazard Study Project No.: 15063.01 Date: 11/2016 Cumulative Watershed Curve Number Land Use Description Soil Group Curve Number Area (acres) C 85 716 C 78 284 C 78.1 71 Z 0 0 Z 0 0 Z 0 0 Composite Curve Number / Total 82.7 1071 Direct Runoff Design Storm Post-Developed (inches)Runoff (ft3) P2 = 0 0 P10 = 0 0 P25 = 0 0 P50 = 0 0 P100 = 2.8 4,929,375 Table 2-7 of Storm Water Management Manual Office of the City Engineer City of Billings May 2015 A B C D Lawns, open space, etc. Good Condition 75% or more cover 39 61 74 80 Lawns, open space, etc. Fair Condition 50-75% cover 49 69 79 84 Paved parking lots, roofs, driveways, etc. 98 98 98 98 Streets and roads; paved with curbs and storm sewers 98 98 98 98 Streets and roads; gravel 76 85 89 91 Streets and roads; dirt 72 82 87 89 Streets and roads; paved with open ditches 83 89 92 93 Commercial and business areas (85% impervious) 89 92 94 95 Industrial districts (72% impervious)81 88 91 93 Residential - (65% impervious)77 85 90 92 Residential - (38% impervious)61 75 83 87 Residential - (30% impervious)57 72 81 86 Residential - (25% impervious)54 70 80 85 Newly graded area 77 86 91 94 Herbaceous - mixture of grass, weeds and low growing bursh (30-70% cover) 71 81 89 Herbaceous - mixture of grass, weeds and low growing bursh (>70% cover) 62 74 85 Sagebrush with grass understory 35 47 55 Pasture, grassland or range - continuous forage for grazing 39 61 74 80 Meadow - continuous grass, protected from grazing, mowed for hay 30 58 71 78 Row crops 67 78 85 89 Close-seeded or broadcast legumes or rotation meadow 58 72 81 85 Small grain crops 63 75 83 87 Hydrologic Soil GroupLand Use Description SCS CURVE NUMBER AND DIRECT RUNOFF ANALYSES CUMULATIVE WATERSHED AFTER WATERSHED A Pasture, grassland or range - continuous forage for grazing Cattail Creek Sideiine Ditch Watershed A Project: Cattail Creek Flood Hazard Study Project No.: 15063.01 Date: 11/2016 100-Year, 24-Hour Design Storm From Curve Number and Direct Runoff Analyses: Q (in) = 1.27 A (mi2) = 1.6734375 Tc (hr) = 2.6 Discharge Rate (cfs) = 0.00 Design Theoretical Cumulative Cumulative Actual Required Time Multiplier Storm Outflow Storm Outflow Outflow Storage (hrs)Qp R*A (cfs)(cfs)(CF)(CF)(cfs)(CF) 0.0 0 2.1218 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 11.0 7 2.1218 14.85 0.00 588164 0 0.00 588164 11.5 14 2.1218 29.71 0.00 641634 0 0.00 641634 11.7 22 2.1218 46.68 0.00 675243 0 0.00 675243 11.8 30 2.1218 63.65 0.00 698158 0 0.00 698158 11.9 38 2.1218 80.63 0.00 727185 0 0.00 727185 12.0 49 2.1218 103.97 0.00 764613 0 0.00 764613 12.1 64 2.1218 135.80 0.00 813500 0 0.00 813500 12.2 80 2.1218 169.74 0.00 874608 0 0.00 874608 12.3 95 2.1218 201.57 0.00 947173 0 0.00 947173 12.4 114 2.1218 241.89 0.00 1034252 0 0.00 1034252 12.5 133 2.1218 282.20 0.00 1135844 0 0.00 1135844 12.6 152 2.1218 322.51 0.00 1251949 0 0.00 1251949 12.7 165 2.1218 350.10 0.00 1377984 0 0.00 1377984 12.8 175 2.1218 371.32 0.00 1511658 0 0.00 1511658 12.9 184 2.1218 390.41 0.00 1652206 0 0.00 1652206 13.0 192 2.1218 407.39 0.00 1798866 0 0.00 1798866 13.2 190 2.1218 403.14 0.00 2089128 0 0.00 2089128 13.5 176 2.1218 373.44 0.00 2492441 0 0.00 2492441 14.0 129 2.1218 273.71 0.00 2985124 0 0.00 2985124 14.5 93 2.1218 197.33 0.00 3340314 0 0.00 3340314 15.0 68 2.1218 144.28 0.00 3600023 0 0.00 3600023 16.0 41 2.1218 86.99 0.00 3913201 0 0.00 3913201 18.0 23 2.1218 48.80 0.00 4264572 0 0.00 4264572 20.0 17 2.1218 36.07 0.00 4524280 0 0.00 4524280 Peak Discharge Prior to Routing =407.4 cfs Storage Volume Required = 4,524,280 cf SCS HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS TYPE II UNIT HYDROGRAPH CUMULATIVE WATERSHED AFTER WATERSHED A 0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 350.00 400.00 450.00 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 Dis c h a r g e ( c f s ) Time (hrs) Post-Development Hydrograph Design Storm Routing Project Name:Project: Cattail Creek Flood Hazard Study Project Number:Project No.: 15063.01 Date:Date: 11/2016 .FLOW FLOW VELOCITY TIME OF FLOW TYPE LENGTH (FT)SLOPE (FT/FT)n (FT/S)CONC. (MIN) SHEET FLOW 300 0.0150 0.15 --28.3 SHALLOW pav 50 0.0150 --2.49 0.33 PIPE 890 0.0050 1.44 10.32 CREEK 16352 0.0422 3.31 82.23 BEG-SIDE DITCH 2157 0.0080 1.44 24.91 SIDE DITCH-WAT A 1067 0.0080 1.44 12.32 Total Time of Concentration=158.4 CUMULATIVE WATERSHED AFTER WATERSHED A TIME OF CONCENTRATION WORKSHEET (TR-55) Project: Cattail Creek Flood Hazard Study Project No.: 15063.01 Date: 11/2016 Cumulative Watershed Curve Number Land Use Description Soil Group Curve Number Area (acres) C 85 716 C 78 284 C 78.1 71 C 72.8 7.6 Z 0 0 Z 0 0 Composite Curve Number / Total 82.6 1078.6 Direct Runoff Design Storm Post-Developed (inches)Runoff (ft3) P2 = 0 0 P10 = 0 0 P25 = 0 0 P50 = 0 0 P100 = 2.8 4,943,419 Table 2-7 of Storm Water Management Manual Office of the City Engineer City of Billings May 2015 A B C D Lawns, open space, etc. Good Condition 75% or more cover 39 61 74 80 Lawns, open space, etc. Fair Condition 50-75% cover 49 69 79 84 Paved parking lots, roofs, driveways, etc. 98 98 98 98 Streets and roads; paved with curbs and storm sewers 98 98 98 98 Streets and roads; gravel 76 85 89 91 Streets and roads; dirt 72 82 87 89 Streets and roads; paved with open ditches 83 89 92 93 Commercial and business areas (85% impervious) 89 92 94 95 Industrial districts (72% impervious)81 88 91 93 Residential - (65% impervious)77 85 90 92 Residential - (38% impervious)61 75 83 87 Residential - (30% impervious)57 72 81 86 Residential - (25% impervious)54 70 80 85 Newly graded area 77 86 91 94 Herbaceous - mixture of grass, weeds and low growing bursh (30-70% cover) 71 81 89 Herbaceous - mixture of grass, weeds and low growing bursh (>70% cover) 62 74 85 Sagebrush with grass understory 35 47 55 Pasture, grassland or range - continuous forage for grazing 39 61 74 80 Meadow - continuous grass, protected from grazing, mowed for hay 30 58 71 78 Row crops 67 78 85 89 Close-seeded or broadcast legumes or rotation meadow 58 72 81 85 Small grain crops 63 75 83 87 Hydrologic Soil GroupLand Use Description SCS CURVE NUMBER AND DIRECT RUNOFF ANALYSES CUMULATIVE WATERSHED AFTER WATERSHED B Pasture, grassland or range - continuous forage for grazing Cattail Creek SIdeline Ditch Watershed A Watershed B Project: Cattail Creek Flood Hazard Study Project No.: 15063.01 Date: 11/2016 100-Year, 24-Hour Design Storm From Curve Number and Direct Runoff Analyses: Q (in) = 1.26 A (mi2) = 1.6853125 Tc (hr) = 2.8 Discharge Rate (cfs) = 0.00 Design Theoretical Cumulative Cumulative Actual Required Time Multiplier Storm Outflow Storm Outflow Outflow Storage (hrs)Qp R*A (cfs)(cfs)(CF)(CF)(cfs)(CF) 0.0 0 2.1278 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 11.0 7 2.1278 14.89 0.00 589840 0 0.00 589840 11.5 14 2.1278 29.79 0.00 643462 0 0.00 643462 11.7 22 2.1278 46.81 0.00 677167 0 0.00 677167 11.8 30 2.1278 63.84 0.00 700147 0 0.00 700147 11.9 38 2.1278 80.86 0.00 729256 0 0.00 729256 12.0 49 2.1278 104.26 0.00 766792 0 0.00 766792 12.1 64 2.1278 136.18 0.00 815817 0 0.00 815817 12.2 80 2.1278 170.23 0.00 877099 0 0.00 877099 12.3 95 2.1278 202.15 0.00 949872 0 0.00 949872 12.4 114 2.1278 242.57 0.00 1037199 0 0.00 1037199 12.5 133 2.1278 283.00 0.00 1139080 0 0.00 1139080 12.6 152 2.1278 323.43 0.00 1255516 0 0.00 1255516 12.7 165 2.1278 351.10 0.00 1381910 0 0.00 1381910 12.8 175 2.1278 372.37 0.00 1515965 0 0.00 1515965 12.9 184 2.1278 391.52 0.00 1656913 0 0.00 1656913 13.0 192 2.1278 408.55 0.00 1803990 0 0.00 1803990 13.2 190 2.1278 404.29 0.00 2095080 0 0.00 2095080 13.5 176 2.1278 374.50 0.00 2499542 0 0.00 2499542 14.0 129 2.1278 274.49 0.00 2993628 0 0.00 2993628 14.5 93 2.1278 197.89 0.00 3349830 0 0.00 3349830 15.0 68 2.1278 144.69 0.00 3610279 0 0.00 3610279 16.0 41 2.1278 87.24 0.00 3924349 0 0.00 3924349 18.0 23 2.1278 48.94 0.00 4276721 0 0.00 4276721 20.0 17 2.1278 36.17 0.00 4537170 0 0.00 4537170 Peak Discharge Prior to Routing =408.5 cfs Storage Volume Required = 4,537,170 cf SCS HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS TYPE II UNIT HYDROGRAPH CUMULATIVE WATERSHED AFTER WATERSHED B 0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 350.00 400.00 450.00 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 Dis c h a r g e ( c f s ) Time (hrs) Post-Development Hydrograph Design Storm Routing Project Name:Project: Cattail Creek Flood Hazard Study Project Number:Project No.: 15063.01 Date:Date: 11/2016 Designer: .FLOW FLOW VELOCITY TIME OF FLOW TYPE LENGTH (FT)SLOPE (FT/FT)n (FT/S)CONC. (MIN) SHEET FLOW 300 0.0150 0.15 --28.3 SHALLOW pav 50 0.0150 --2.49 0.33 PIPE 890 0.0050 1.44 10.32 CREEK 16352 0.0422 3.31 82.23 BEG-SIDE DITCH 2157 0.0080 1.44 24.91 SIDE DITCH-WAT A 1067 0.0080 1.44 12.32 WAT A-WAT B 865 0.0080 1.44 9.99 Total Time of Concentration=168.4 CUMULATIVE WATERSHED AFTER WATERSHED B TIME OF CONCENTRATION WORKSHEET (TR-55) Project: Cattail Creek Flood Hazard Study Project No.: 15063.01 Date: 11/2016 Cumulative Watershed Curve Number Land Use Description Soil Group Curve Number Area (acres) C 85 716 C 78 284 C 78.1 71 C 72.8 7.6 C 78.8 116 Z 0 0 Composite Curve Number / Total 82.2 1194.6 Direct Runoff Design Storm Post-Developed (inches)Runoff (ft3) P2 = 0 0 P10 = 0 0 P25 = 0 0 P50 = 0 0 P100 = 2.8 5,360,042 Table 2-7 of Storm Water Management Manual Office of the City Engineer City of Billings May 2015 A B C D Lawns, open space, etc. Good Condition 75% or more cover 39 61 74 80 Lawns, open space, etc. Fair Condition 50-75% cover 49 69 79 84 Paved parking lots, roofs, driveways, etc. 98 98 98 98 Streets and roads; paved with curbs and storm sewers 98 98 98 98 Streets and roads; gravel 76 85 89 91 Streets and roads; dirt 72 82 87 89 Streets and roads; paved with open ditches 83 89 92 93 Commercial and business areas (85% impervious) 89 92 94 95 Industrial districts (72% impervious)81 88 91 93 Residential - (65% impervious)77 85 90 92 Residential - (38% impervious)61 75 83 87 Residential - (30% impervious)57 72 81 86 Residential - (25% impervious)54 70 80 85 Newly graded area 77 86 91 94 Herbaceous - mixture of grass, weeds and low growing bursh (30-70% cover) 71 81 89 Herbaceous - mixture of grass, weeds and low growing bursh (>70% cover) 62 74 85 Sagebrush with grass understory 35 47 55 Pasture, grassland or range - continuous forage for grazing 39 61 74 80 Meadow - continuous grass, protected from grazing, mowed for hay 30 58 71 78 Row crops 67 78 85 89 Close-seeded or broadcast legumes or rotation meadow 58 72 81 85 Small grain crops 63 75 83 87 Hydrologic Soil GroupLand Use Description SCS CURVE NUMBER AND DIRECT RUNOFF ANALYSES CUMULATIVE WATERSHED AFTER WATERSHED C Pasture, grassland or range - continuous forage for grazing Cattail Creek SIdeline Ditch Watershed A Watershed B Watershed C Project: Cattail Creek Flood Hazard Study Project No.: 15063.01 Date: 11/2016 100-Year, 24-Hour Design Storm From Curve Number and Direct Runoff Analyses: Q (in) = 1.24 A (mi2) = 1.8665625 Tc (hr) = 3.0 Discharge Rate (cfs) = 0.00 Design Theoretical Cumulative Cumulative Actual Required Time Multiplier Storm Outflow Storm Outflow Outflow Storage (hrs)Qp R*A (cfs)(cfs)(CF)(CF)(cfs)(CF) 0.0 0 2.3072 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 11.0 7 2.3072 16.15 0.00 639550 0 0.00 639550 11.5 14 2.3072 32.30 0.00 697691 0 0.00 697691 11.7 22 2.3072 50.76 0.00 734237 0 0.00 734237 11.8 30 2.3072 69.22 0.00 759155 0 0.00 759155 11.9 38 2.3072 87.67 0.00 790717 0 0.00 790717 12.0 49 2.3072 113.05 0.00 831416 0 0.00 831416 12.1 64 2.3072 147.66 0.00 884573 0 0.00 884573 12.2 80 2.3072 184.57 0.00 951020 0 0.00 951020 12.3 95 2.3072 219.18 0.00 1029925 0 0.00 1029925 12.4 114 2.3072 263.02 0.00 1124612 0 0.00 1124612 12.5 133 2.3072 306.86 0.00 1235080 0 0.00 1235080 12.6 152 2.3072 350.69 0.00 1361329 0 0.00 1361329 12.7 165 2.3072 380.68 0.00 1498375 0 0.00 1498375 12.8 175 2.3072 403.76 0.00 1643728 0 0.00 1643728 12.9 184 2.3072 424.52 0.00 1796555 0 0.00 1796555 13.0 192 2.3072 442.98 0.00 1956028 0 0.00 1956028 13.2 190 2.3072 438.36 0.00 2271650 0 0.00 2271650 13.5 176 2.3072 406.06 0.00 2710199 0 0.00 2710199 14.0 129 2.3072 297.63 0.00 3245926 0 0.00 3245926 14.5 93 2.3072 214.57 0.00 3632148 0 0.00 3632148 15.0 68 2.3072 156.89 0.00 3914547 0 0.00 3914547 16.0 41 2.3072 94.59 0.00 4255087 0 0.00 4255087 18.0 23 2.3072 53.07 0.00 4637156 0 0.00 4637156 20.0 17 2.3072 39.22 0.00 4919555 0 0.00 4919555 Peak Discharge Prior to Routing =443.0 cfs Storage Volume Required = 4,919,555 cf SCS HYDROGRAPH ANALYSIS TYPE II UNIT HYDROGRAPH CUMULATIVE WATERSHED AFTER WATERSHED C 0.00 50.00 100.00 150.00 200.00 250.00 300.00 350.00 400.00 450.00 500.00 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 Dis c h a r g e ( c f s ) Time (hrs) Post-Development Hydrograph Design Storm Routing Project Name:Project: Cattail Creek Flood Hazard Study Project Number:Project No.: 15063.01 Date:Date: 11/2016 Designer: . FLOW FLOW VELOCITY TIME OF FLOW TYPE LENGTH (FT)SLOPE (FT/FT)n (FT/S)CONC. (MIN) SHEET FLOW 300 0.0150 0.15 --28.3 SHALLOW pav 50 0.0150 --2.49 0.33 PIPE 890 0.0050 1.44 10.32 CREEK 16352 0.0422 3.31 82.23 BEG-SIDE DITCH 2157 0.0080 1.44 24.91 SIDE DITCH-WAT A 1067 0.0080 1.44 12.32 WAT A-WAT B 865 0.0080 1.44 9.99 WAT B-WAT C 1026 0.0080 1.44 11.85 Total Time of Concentration=180.3 CUMULATIVE WATERSHED AFTER WATERSHED C TIME OF CONCENTRATION WORKSHEET (TR-55) P:15063_01_Flood_Hazard_Ev_111716_SC 8 (11/17/16) SN/jil Appendix C See attached flash drive