HomeMy WebLinkAbout20213 20216 DRC Comments-RESPONSES_FinalPage 1 of 6 FROM: DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE RE: BILLINGS CLINIC MASTER SITE PLAN AND SITE PLAN APPLICATIONS #20213 & 20216 DATE: AUGUST 12, 2020 Project Location: Lot 2-A1, Minor Subdivision 221F, Township 1 South, Range 5 East, PMM, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana. Project Description: Master Site Plan for the Billings Clinic Bozeman Campus. Site Plan is for Phase I which contains an Ambulatory Center on 13 acres. The property is zoned B-2 and is 58 acres. These comments pertain to both the MSP & SP. Recommendation: The DRC review finds that the project does not comply with the requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code and is deeming the application inadequate for further review . Code corrections must be satisfied prior to continued review. All references are to the Bozeman Municipal Code (BMC). However, as the comments are minor, the project will move forward to notice and an ADR review. Administrative Design Review Team: Due to events of COVID-19, all advisory boards have been canceled. An ADR team made up of city staff will review this project and provide a summary memo based on the review. This will be scheduled upon adequacy. Section 2 – RECOMMENDED CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Please note that these conditions are in addition to any required code provisions identified in this report. These conditions are specific to the development. 1. The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed as conditions of approval, does not, in any way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or state law. Section 3 – REQUIRED CODE CORRECTIONS Planning Division, Sarah Rosenberg, srosenberg@bozeman.net, 582-2297 Master Site Plan · Identify the hierarchy of the streets. Although mixed and gateway block frontage is identified, other block frontages should be identified as follows: o Private drives – internal roadway o Trail – park and trail block frontage Responses: The park and trail block frontages have been added to the plan (legend) for the required trails indicated in the PROST Master Plan. Page 2 of 6 For the private drives, as per our discussion, we have designated these as mixed-use block frontages in the legend. If all the requirements of Mixed-Use block frontages cannot be met then departures may be requested with the future PUD. · Identify the pink dashed line on the master site plan. Response: This is to identify the Phase One area. We have added this to the legend · Include what the neighborhood center would consist of, how it would be maintained, and ownership. It is assumed that this park will be a private park that is maintained and owned by the property owner. Per BMC 38.410.020.A.3, a neighborhood center needs to have 100% frontage. The larger of the two meets this standard, however, the smaller one does not. Since the larger neighborhood center appears to meet the 1 acre requirement, it is not necessary to have an additional neighborhood center. The smaller area can be designated open space. Response: We have identified the neighborhood center as intended as park or civic space and removed this designation from the smaller open space area. We have also added a note confirming the maintenance of the neighborhood center by the Owner. · Shared use path and trees need to be on property and not on MDT right-of-way. Response: Revised. · The class II trails in the development should be concrete not soft path as it is seen more as a circulation pathway over a recreational pathway. However, any of the path that is in the watercourse setback should be gravel fines. · Response: Revised. · BMC 38.520.050.D. The local streets are defined as internal roadways which require street trees and sidewalks. Many of these internal roadways don’t need an additional trail adjacent to it as there would be a sidewalk required. Response: Agreed, these redundant trails have been removed. · The DRC recommends extending the trails as seen below: Response: These connections have been added. Page 3 of 6 Phase One Site Plan · There are two departure requests that have a fee of $284 each. o Parking lot along public street along Westlake Road – The DRC is in support of. o Entrance to ambulatory center on East Valley Center – The DRC is in support of this departure. Response: These two departures have been granted for this project and Billings Clinic is coordinating payment this week with Nate · BMC 38.520.040.C.3. The crosswalks that cross the parking lots must contain contrasting material and/or patterns. Response: We have added concrete crosswalks in these areas. · The DRC recommends an additional connection from the parking lot on the north end of the property to the trail along East Valley Center. Response: This connection has been added. · BMC 38.530.050.E. The entrance on the north façade of the building needs more articulation. Consider making it a double door with a more prominent canopy (similar to the urgent care entrance). Response: This entrance is a staff entrance and we have intentionally downplayed its presence so as not to be confused with a main entry for public/visitors. This is to support the important and comprehensive way finding strategies necessary to enhance patient experience and reduce confusion for visitors. (Significant research lead by the center for health design points at the importance of appropriate way finding solutions that enhance patient experience.) However, to help to address this comment, we have enlarged the canopy (making it more prominent) but intend to not enlarge the door itself. The site/landscape features provide at this entry help to enhance the patient Page 4 of 6 experience and better articulate this entry point. See additional building elevations with landscaping illustrated. · BMC 38.530.070. The following elevations have blank walls: o ACC Building: West elevation, north elevation o ASC-1 Building: North elevation, Response: Based on the code, this can be addressed with architectural features and/or landscaping. We have made changes to the locations and heights of planting materials in front of these blank wall areas and have shared building elevations that also include the planned landscaping to better illustrate this screening. Where landscaping cannot be used to adequately screen these areas we have also made changes to the building and screen wall designs. Please see revised elevation that shows the landscape / screening features provided in accordance with section. · BMC 38.550.050.C.2. The parking lot on the west side requires additional screening as it is adjacent to a residential use. Screening needs to be maintained at a height of four to six feet. Additional trees or taller shrubs should be provided. There must be one canopy or non-canopy tree for each 50 lineal feet. Response: There is an existing Cotoneaster hedge located along this entire property line providing a solid visual buffer at 6’-8’ in height. Billings Clinic has been working in cooperation with the adjacent landowner to protect this hedge in place. We have also provided a continuous shrub buffer with taller species adjacent to the parking lot. We have retained an open area between these two buffers to accommodate the utility easement in this area while still providing significant visual screening. · BMC 38.550.050.E. Two small ornamental trees can take place of a large canopy tree. Each street frontage does not meet the required amount of trees. Response: Trees have been added to meet this requirement · BMC 38.570.040.B. Building entrances must average 5.0 maintained footcandles. Most of the entrances exceed this. Response: Quantities and/or output have been reduced · The ACS floor plans were not provided with this submission. Response: Floor plans are now provided. · Recommend providing more renderings of the ASC building from different angles. Response: Additional views included Engineering Division; Griffin Nielsen, gnielsen@bozeman.net · See attached comments Parks Department; Addi Jadin, ajadin@bozeman.net , 406-582-2908 · The Trout Meadows Park to the south is discussing a potential master plan update and is discussing the concept at the Thursday, August 14 RPAB meeting. Ensure communication with the Parks Department on trails system and connectivity through the area. Response: BHA attended the RPAB meeting. We believe our plans will support the future ideas for this park and would like to remain engaged through the park master plan update. Page 5 of 6 Northwestern Energy; Thomas Stewart, thomas.stewart@northwesternenergy.com · An application needs to be submitted with the calculated electric and gas loads. Plans show one location for a transformer for the proposed ASC Building and proposed ACC Building. Once the NWE engineer receives the calculated electric loads and requested service size they will determine if the service need is within the limits of one transformer. Response: The applications and corresponding load information was previously submitted to Northwestern Energy. · Gas services are not shown on the plans. Will gas be omitted from this design? · Response: The gas service is now shown on the revised drawings. · If the transformer is to be installed within the enclosed structure separation requirements need to be met. The front of the transformer will need a minimum working distance of 10-feet in the front where the transformer doors are located. If this is not possible then a gate should be provided in the fence in front of the access door to the transformer to allow a 10-foot unobstructed working area. A minimum of 2-feet on all other sides are allowed as long as the wall material is non-combustible otherwise 10- foot clearance is required. Since the building is a large building a 3-phase transformer will need to be installed and therefore a crane will most likely be needed to install and remove if need be for maintenance for the transformer, the area shall be clear above the equipment. The NWE engineer will help to determine the needed parameters for the enclosure. Response: Acknowledged. · A 10-foot wide easement will need to be shown on the plat for the underground electric utility from the pole location to the transformer pad and around the transformer location. Response: Acknowledged. Utility easements will be provided as necessary. · If Street A and all the parking lots are to be completed during this phase I would recommend getting power or at least stubbing conduit to the future building location. This would eliminate digging up landscaping, sidewalks or asphalt when the power is needed. Response: Acknowldeged . · If a service application has not been submitted at this time it is my recommendation that they submit one to NWE as soon as possible to get the process started. Then the NWE engineer can help assess the plans for best location for new installation of electric and gas services. Response: The application was previously submitted and we received a response from Northwestern Energy. · As the phases are designed submit an application well in advance to Northwestern Energy and the NWE engineer will work with the applicant to help assist in getting gas mains and electric primary extension designs to proposed building locations and stubs for future phases. Response: Acknowledged. Page 6 of 6 · Any new gas mains and electric primary underground or overhead extensions will require a 10-foot easement or bigger to be shown on the plats. Response: Acknowledged. Utility easements will be provide as necessary. Future Impact Fees - Please note that future building permit applications will require payment of the required transportation, water, sewer and fire impact fees according to the City of Bozeman adopted impact fee schedule in place at the time of building permit issuance. If you desire an estimate of the required impact fees according to current rates please contact the Department of Community Development and/or visit. Response: Acknowledged Note: During preparation of the staff report, additional conditions of approval may be recommended based on comments and recommendations provided by other applicable review agencies involved with the review of the project.