HomeMy WebLinkAbout003-Specifications_09-04-2018will be considered additional services. IV. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Quality of Workmanship The contractor shall be responsible for the quality and delivery of all materials and workmanship required for the execution of the contract including the materials and workmanship of any firms or individuals who act as his or her subcontractors. Contractors shall be responsible for providing subcontractors with complete and up-to-date drawings, performance and material requirements, graphic schedule and other information issued by Design Workshop. B. Performance The contractor shall base his or her proposal on the performance of all services, including all items of labor, materials and equipment required for the complete fabrication and installation of the specified work within the time frame agreed to by contractor, Owner and Design Workshop. C. Dimensions Written dimensions on the drawings shall take precedence over scaled dimensions. Contractor shall verify and be responsible for all dimensions and conditions shown by these drawings. D. Sign Package Message Schedule Copy, quantities and references shown on the Message Schedule shall take precedence over drawings. The large scale details shall take precedence over the smaller scale drawings. E. Execution Contractor shall notify the Owner and Design Workshop of any discrepancies in the drawings or Message Schedule, in field dimensions or conditions, and/or changes required in construction details. Problems such as messages being too long to fit into the required formats, difficulty accurately reproducing logo or logotype components, etc., must be brought to the attention of the Owner and Design Workshop prior to execution. It is required that the contractor not resolve any discrepancies without consulting the Owner and Design Workshop. F. Contractor Recommendations The contractor shall carefully study the detailed drawings and make specific recommendations for changes if those changes will improve the quality of any fabrication. Such recommendations and changes including any changes in contract amount shall be approved in writing by the Owner and Design Workshop prior to preparation of shop drawings or fabrication. G. Artwork CD or DVD with electronic artwork as required by the sign contractor for symbols or custom designed graphic components (i.e.: logos, logo types, arrows, or patterns) will be provided in Adobe Illustrator CS format at a scaled percentage of the final size. The appropriate Adobe Photoshop .eps scan will also be provided when necessary. All required copy layouts and text for project signage system is the responsibility of the sign contractor. All enlarging and reducing is the responsibility of the sign contractor. Contractor shall submit an itemized list of all required artwork at time of bid. Note: Any artwork required beyond electronic computer artwork noted above (i.e.: additional custom copy layouts, formatting for other platform(s), linotronic output, or copying to other media, etc.) will be billed to the contractor on a time and materials basis by Design Workshop. Design Workshop cannot provide copies of licensed fonts. Stock Photo Images: Design Workshop will provide placed electronic files for stock photo images indicated on the drawings as digital output on solid vinyl, scrim, mesh or other materials. These files are for composition and final images and any other associated fees or other costs are the responsibility of the fabricator and should be obtained from the specified stock photo vendor by the fabricator and registered in the Owner’s name. Scans or negatives as well as any additional computer file manipulation time required are the responsibility of the fabricator. DESIGN QUALITY STANDARDS FOR FABRICATIONFABRICATOR FULLY UNDERSTANDS AND AGREES TO THE OUTLINED QUALITY ASSURANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR FABRICATION. ALL WORKMANSHIP, MATERIALS, HARDWARE, AND OTHER SPECIFICATION MUST MEET OR EXCEED ALL STANDARDS FOR QUALITY, DURABILITY, AND WARRANTY AS OUTLINED BELOW. SHOULD ANY FINAL PRODUCT NOT MEET THE BELOW, ALL WORKMANSHIP WILL BE DEEMED A VIOLATION OF CONTRACT AND WILL BE REPAIRED/REPLACED/BROUGHT TO CODE AT FABRICATOR’S EXPENSE. SEE BID CONTRACT FOR ALL TERMS AND CONDITIONS. I. These Fabricator Performance and Material Requirements are an integral part of the Design Development documents. The fabricator, subcontractor and the general contractor are responsible for all aspects of fabrication identified in this document. Any exclusions or substitutions to this document or to the Design Development Drawings must be stated in writing to the Owner and to Design Workshop at the time of bid. II. PROPRIETARY INFORMATION NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT All ideas, designs, arrangements and plans indicated or presented by these drawings are owned by and are the property of the Owner, and were created, evolved and developed for use on and in connection with the specified project. None of such ideas, designs, arrangements or plans shall be used by or disclosed to any person, firm, or corporation for any purpose whatsoever without the written permission of Design Workshop and the Owner. Any and all inquiries in this regard by outside parties should be referred to Design Workshop In addition, The Fabricator must request and receive written approvals to use images of any completed element described in these documents in print or promotional materials of any kind including video, from both Design Workshop and the Owner in order to proceed with publication. Permission to use images of the work for promotional or editorial purposes requires that the Fabricator be responsible for ensuring that credit indicating Design Workshop as the designer be adjacent to those images. If an article in a publication accompanies the images, Design Workshop must be identified as the designer in that article as well. The Owner may have additional requirements or restrictions for which the Fabricator is also responsible. All original artwork (including electronic files) furnished by Design Workshop must be returned upon completion of this project. The acceptance of these drawings by vendors, bidders, fabricators, or contractors and their agents constitutes agreement to the following conditions: III. DESIGN DEVELOPMENT DRAWINGS A. Design Development drawings are for the sole purpose of design intent only and not intended for construction purposes. B. Resulting working drawings, shop drawings and contract documents including permit documents are the sole responsibility of the contractor in every respect. C. Design Workshop shall review the shop drawings only for conformance with general design intent, and will in no way be responsible or liable for any results of construction from working drawings, material selection, shop drawings, contract documents or any other agreements other than agreement with the Owner authorizing these documents. D. Any Owner requested changes after this document has been completed I. Large Format Digital Output A 12” by 24” portion of the final full size computer output of each image is required to be submitted to Design Workshop for approval prior to final production.