HomeMy WebLinkAboutStatement of Interest and Qualifications_Aaron KnoebelBozeman City Commision Application Aaron Knoebel 406-599-7334 1104 S Pinecrest Bozeman, MT 59715 Aaronknoebel@gmail.com The role of government is to serve all citizens. The current system creates inefficiencies and barriers to citizen participation. The role of local government should be to encourage business and help citizens and the community, not make the system a barrier to growth and productivity. The goal of the local government should be to steer this growth in a direction that is of benefit to all its citizens well being. The success of this growth should not just be measured by broad economic measures of success, but by measures to enhance general mental, physical health, safety and economic well-being of all its citizens. I am the person the city commission needs. My name is Aaron Knoebel. I am a Bozeman resident since 2006, a parent of two, a local business owner and entrepreneur. I graduated from the University of Vermont with a degree in geography focusing on GIS. My I would take a data driven and technology based approach to addressing inefficient city practice. I have experienced the city process of development from a citizen prospective. I represent a demographic not represented in the council currently but is a large portion of the Bozeman population; that of a young community member who chose to move to Bozeman to raise my children and start a business. I experienced the boom of Bozeman in the early 2000’s and witnessed first-hand the economic prosperity for some and the difficulties Bozeman has endured as a result. I represent a vast number of young adults working respectable jobs our community needs and feels left behind by the direction of rapid economic growth. I bring a pragmatic, logistical mind, and compassionate heart with a desire to see Bozeman grow for ALL our citizens well being. I believe there are some fundamental issues needing to be addressed from a city planning and progress prospective not included in the current development plan. Pedestrians and bikers safely navigating the city is important. However, before considering new bike lanes and other features, we need to address uncontrolled intersections. These roads are ideal biker corridors in the busiest bike traffic area of town and are uncontrolled and unsafe. The commission should be commended for taking leadership to shift Bozeman to renewable energy. The goals are ambitious but certainly achievable. The work done with the city to start city composting is a great step towards carbon neutrality. I could help lead the group with ideas on how to grow the programs and monitor the progress in conjunction with the city GIS department. The commission should lead by example and set ambitious goals of converting all city buildings to renewables quickly. I reject the assertion that our ability to convert to renewables relies on NorthWestern Energy to build the infrastructure. City net metering and solar leasing programs should be explored to install solar panels on existing roofs, working with existing local businesses in the renewable space. I would bring a creative voice to the table, helping to clarify the vision of our future, and ensuring we are growing in a way that benefits all citizens. I would use my background in geography and mapping to use data driven decisions to help guide our infrastructure development. I would speak up for the less advantaged in our community and make sure our plan is not creating more economic disparities. I would be a voice for urban non-service based economic growth in our downtown area. I have worked with HDRC and Fork and Spoon and believe they are vital parts of our community. The current affordable housing plan tries to control a free market and offers buyers no opportunity to grow wealth and improve their economic position. The city’s approach should encourage growth that takes pressure off the rental inventory market. The city and University can work together to increase campus housing and development high-density housing in the university district area to take pressure off the rental market across the rest of the city. I believe in developing the downtown district and the North Seventh district more densely by encouraging smart dense development to add volume to the market at a more affordable price. I believe the nurses, teachers and firefighters that take care of our community should be able to afford to live in it. To be a growing city and community, the essential members must be able to live in the community they serve. I want to bring my energy and big ideas to improve our inefficiencies and keep our growing city a place where everyone is welcome, and opportunities exist for all demographics. The cross-roads we are experiencing is exactly why the commission needs a fresh voice with new ideas. I am a strong communicator with a focus on listening to the people and my fellow commission members. I would work tirelessly on making every decision representative of the voices of Bozeman, decisions based on data in the best interest of the greatest number of citizens. I would be a voice for our small business owners, entrepreneurs. I would be a voice for nurses, teachers, first responders and all essential city workers who deserve a seat at the table and a wage allowing them to live in our city. I would be a voice for human centered economics, benefiting all citizens. I am a life-long student, hungry to dig in, learn, grow, and lead. Bozeman can be a leader in Montana as an example of how to modernize, and grow in a beneficial way for all our citizens. Thank you for your consideration, Aaron Knoebel