HomeMy WebLinkAboutEx 6 BPC 10820 Greenspace Snow ADD 1EXHIBIT 6: Bozeman Parking Commission, LOl8l2O2OPage 1 of 1DBOZEMAN PARKING COMMISSIONRESOLUTTON 2020-09A RESOLUTION OF THE BOZEMAN PARKING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OFBOZEMAN, MONTANA, AUTHORIZING THE PARKING PROGRAM MANAGER TO SIGN AFIRST ADDENDUM TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH GREENSPACELANDSCAPING.WHEREAS, Montana Code Annotated 7-14-4621 sets out general powers of a parking commission; and,WHEREAS, the Bozeman City Commission created and empowered the Bozeman Parking Commissionpursuant to Resolution Numbers 1676, 1839, 3803, and 4577 ; and,NOW THEREFORE, BE lT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Bozeman Parking Commission authorizes theParking Program Manager to sign a First Addendum to the Professional Services Agreement with GreenspaceLandscaping (Octobèr 21t7l for snow removal services to the Bridger Downtown Parking Garage.PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Parking Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at a session heldon the 8th day of October 2O2O. This resolution shall become effective immediately.Jim Ness, ChairmanBozeman Parking CommissionATTEST:Ed Meece, Parking Program ManagerCity of Bozeman
GO,aFIRST ADDENDUM TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENTTHE FIRST ADDENDUM TO THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT is mAdEand entered into this 8th day of October, 2020, by and between the CITY OF BOZEMAN,MONTANA, a self goveming municipal corporation organized and existing under its Charter andthe laws of the State of Montana, l2l North Rouse Street, Bozeman, Montana, with a mailingaddress of PO Box 1230, Bozeman, MT 59771, hereinafter referred to as "City," arrd GreenspaceLandscaping, 94039 East Frontage Road, Bozeman MT 59715, hereinafter referred to as"Contractor."In consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, the receipt andsufficiency whereof being hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows:1. Term. The Professional Services Agreement between the City and Contractor datedOctober 16,2017 (the Agreement) is extended to September 10, 2021.**** END OF AGREEMENT EXCEPT FOR SIGNATURFI.S ****IN WITNESS \ilHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this instrument the day andyear first above written.CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANAEd Meece, Parking Program ManagerFirst Addendum to Professional Services Agreement for Snow Removal Services2019 -2020Page I of2
CONTRACTOR (Greenspace Landscaping)Print Name: Micheline HalpinTitle:APPROVED AS TO F'ORMGreg Sullivan, Bozeman City AttorneyFirst Addendum to Professional Services Agreement for Snow Removal Services2019 -2020Page2 of2
GREEI{SPACELANDSCAPING, INC.34039 East Frontage Road, Bozeman, MT 597 I 5Tel: (406) 58ó-3750 Frax: (406) 522-5434SERVICE CONTRACT - SNOW REMOVAL - 202Ol2O2l SeasonCllent Name: Clty of Bozeman Parklng Garage Phone: 582-2903 (Ed Meese); 579-2494Address: 26 E Mendenhall StBllllng Address: P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771lf you would like Greenspace to perform snow removal services for your property, please review, sign and return thlscontract no later than Oaober lst, 2020. Thank you for your understanding and your prompt response.Terms and Condltlons:. This contract is based upon a per plow rate. The season shall commence on Oct, l5tt' 2O2O and shall termlnateon April 30.2021. lf a snow event occurs outside this designated season, the client must call Greenspace torequest services.During the season, snow plowing will commence within a reasonable t¡me after accumulation.City of Bozeman clients, please refer to the City of Eozeman Municipal Code for snow removal regulat¡ons - ¡tstates that you are required by law to remove any snow from your sidewalks within 24 hours of snowfall. Clientswho live outside of the City limits, please indicate below at what accumulation you would like us to remove snow(any snow accumulation above 2" will be automatically removed.)Cltent Is responstble for contactlng Creenspace offlce tmmedlately If snow ls removed by cllent. lf Greenspacels not contacted and Greenspace employee drlves to slte to rcmove snow, cllent wlll be bllled for contractedsnow remoual serulces.Creenspace Landscaping is pleased to offer snow removal services on federal holidays during the contracted snowseason at an additional 50% of the client's contracted rate. Please indicate below if you would like Greenspace toperform snow duties on these days. lf you decline services on these holidays, we will perform snow removalservices the following day instead atthe regular contracted per plow price. We will not be able to add oraccommodate services for the holidays on the day of the holiday so please ¡ndicate in advance.On a non-snow event day (meaning ¡t d¡dn't snow that day), all snow removal seruices will be charged at an hourlyrate of $ t 25/hr. including drive time for the snow plow driver to and from the Greenspace shop (half hourminimum). This includes but is not limited to snow dr¡ft¡ng events or a client needing additional plowing on anon-snow event day.lce melt application: lce melt product will be charged at $1.75 per pound. Labor to apply ice melt will be chargedat $100/hrlperson with a I S-minute minimum.Customer understands that plowing, sanding or salting of a particular location may not clear the area to "barepavement" and that slippery conditions may continue to prevail even after plowing (or application of salt or sand).Customer understands that contractor assumes no liability for this naturally occurring condition. Customer agreesto defend and hold harmless the contractor for any and all suits that may arise as a result of this naturallyoccurring condition.Once snow falls we are unable to determine what lies under the accumulation. ln order to avoid accidental damageto turf, sprinkler heads, outdoor light¡ng, woody plants, and other landscape items we kindly request clients tostake their driveways prior to Oct l5th. This requirement ¡s in place to protect our clients' property. Greenspace isalso available to do the staking for our clients at an additional cost.Greenspace Landscaplng, Inc. ls not responslble for damage to turf grass, sprlnkler heads, outdoor l¡ght¡ng, orany unknown obJects that have not been marked by a stake. Wlth gravel drlveways or parklng areas lt ls llkelythat gravel may be dlstrlbuted Into the grass durlng snow removal servlces. Greenspace ls not responslble forthe dlstrlbutlon of thls gravel. Gravelcleanup ls avallable atan addltlonalcost. Greenspace ls not responslblefor damage to any form of paver or concrete drlveways or sldewalks lncludlng stamped and colored concrete.aoaoaoo
Rcpotts of damage must be reported to the contractor wtthln 24 hours. Fallure to repoft the damagesconstltutes a walver and the contractor ls released from llablllty.Sanding of parking lots and sidewalks is available; please call Greenspace office for quote. Chipping of sidewalkice buildup is available at an additional cost of $1O0/hrlperson (half hour minimum). Quoted contract rate doesnot include front end loader service. Loader services for removing snow will be charged separately, please calloffice for cost of services.Please check any serv¡ces you would like thls season:-----Sidewalks Only: Under 6" $--l-3-4-- 6'+ $---14.9.------- Roof top snow removal: $.l25/hour/operator. Snowwill be removed to N Black & Mendenhallparking lot. Snow removalto Greenspace yard will be an additional charge.--------lce melt Driveway or lot stakingYes. olease remove snow on these Holidavs (5096 surchargeì:aaPayment Terms:. Failure to make t¡mely payment terminates the contract and relieves the contractor from any further liability toplow the snow.. À lat" charge of 1.5% per month will be imposed upon any paymentwhich is not made within l5 days from thedate of invoice, which charge shall continue to accrue until such payment is made.lnsurance:Greenspace Landscaping, lnc. will ma¡ntain liability insurance and (ii) workers compensation for their employees.--------Than ksg ivi ng Day(11t26t20)---------Ch ristmas Day(12lzsl2O)--------New Years DaY(1t1121)9t9 t2oAttorneys Fees and Costs:. Should I not pay my account as agreed, I agree to pay interest on my account at the rate of I 8% on the unpaidbalance and all costs of enforcing my duty to pay, including without limitation, costs of recording and servingliens or documentation associated with serving liens, attorney fees, title company fees, and court costs' Thisproposal may be withdrawn by Seller if not accepted within (30) thirty days. A $30 charge will be added to anychecks returned by our bank.aCllent Slgnature: -------- ----- Date:Contractor Slgnature: -----MiçheIne-t!êlB!!- -----------Date: