HomeMy WebLinkAbout20- Amendment 1 to PSA - Sanderson Stewart - Story Mill Road ImprovementsAmendment No. 1 to Professional Services Agreement for Story Mill Road Improvements THIS AGREEMENT is made as of this A:Nay of t' , 2020, between THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, a Municipal Corporation, Bozeman, Montana, herein referred to as OWNER and Sanderson Stewart , an Engineering Consulting Firm of Bozeman, Montana, herein referred to as ENGINEER. WHEREAS, the parties have entered into a Professional Services Agreement dated 02/24/20, herein referred to as Original Agreement for professional engineering services; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to further amend the provisions of this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL COVENANTS CONTAINED HEREIN, the parties agree as follows: 1. Scope of services, rate schedules, and budget for design services are outlined in Attachment "Exhibit A - Scope of Work." 2. Agreement still valid. All remaining terms and provisions of the Agreement remain valid. Except as specifically amended herein, the original agreement shall remain in full force and effect and the Parties shall be bound by all terms and conditions therein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto do make and execute this Agreement on the day and year first above written. ATTEST: Mike Maas City Clerk City Attorney ATTEST: in �•OW, Mki'v-, �o. M00 ENGINE By: Its: Danielle charf, PEP ncipal 2 SANDE RSON(0--, STEWART FYhihit A Story Mill Road Improvements Scope of Work — Wetland Delineation and Geotechnical Analysis 7/7/20 Sanderson Stewart is pleased to provide this scope of work for the Story Mill Road Reconstruction project. This phase of the project will consist of the wetland delineation and geotechnical analysis that is required prior to the preliminary design and final design phases. Our sub -consultants for this work (Weston Solutions and SK Geotechnical) will complete their field work during the summer months in conjunction with the nearby Griffin Drive project. A detailed scope of services for these tasks is outlined below. Phase 1- Project Initiation This phase of the project will include project initiation and planning tasks, including scoping, contract preparation, and coordination with sub -consultants. All project management tasks and sub -consultant coordination for tasks beyond project initiation will be allocated to the other project phases below. Phase 2 - Wetland Delineation This phase of the project will consist of the field delineation and functional assessment of all potential maters of the U.S., including wetlands, along the Story Mill Road corridor from Bridger Drive to Griffin Drive. The extent of waterways and wetlands within the projected right-of-way will be flagged, surveyed and included in the base drawings. If calculated impacts to any waters of the U.S. require a Section 404 permit, the Sanderson Stewart team will prepare and submit the appropriate permit application as part of the future design phase of the project. A scope of services provided by Weston Solutions is included as an attachment to this scoping document. Phase 3 - Geotechnical Analysis Soils and pavement design evaluations will be conducted and recommendations for the roadway surfacing section will be prepared by SK Geotechnical. This evaluation will consist of seven borings, including three within the existing roadway pavement, two within the future widened areas and two on diagonal corners of the Bridger Drive intersection. Laboratory testing will be conducted, and a geotechnical report will be prepared for inclusion in future bid documents. A scope of services for this task provided by SK Geotechnical is included as an attachment to this scoping document. Project Schedule: Analysis and reporting will be completed within 4-6 weeks from notice to proceed. ® Weston Solutions, Inc. 805 N. Last Chance Gulch Helena, MT 59601 406-646-2401 • • ® www.westonsolutions.com May 22, 2020 Danielle Scharf, P.E. Sanderson Stewart 106 E. Babcock Bozeman, MT 59715 Opportunity No.: 00934.015.172 Re: City of Bozeman Story Mill Road Reconstruction from Bridger to Griffin and Bridger/Story Mill Intersection Improvements Project— Wetland Delineation and Mitigation Alternatives Dear Danielle: Weston Solutions, Inc. (WESTON) is pleased to present this proposed scope of services for the Story Mill Road Reconstruction from Bridger to Griffin and Bridger/Story Mill Intersection Improvements project in Bozeman, Montana. Wetland Delineation and Mitigation Alternatives WESTON assumes one (1) field trip to the site in order to delineate aquatic resources. WESTON will conduct a wetland and waterbody assessment and delineation within 100 feet of the project limits in order to evaluate if potential wetlands and/or "Waters of the United States" are present within the survey area and to identify the approximate boundaries of such features. WESTON will utilize personnel trained and experienced in wetlands identification and related report preparation to perform the following: • Review desktop data prior to conducting the field survey, including U.S. Geological Survey 7.5 - minute topographic quadrangle maps; United States Fish and Wildlife Service National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) maps; aerial photographs (current and historical); U.S. Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service County Soil Surveys; and Federal Emergency Management Agency Flood Hazard Maps. Review of these docu vents will assist in the planning and execution of the field survey and will be docurnented in the report. • Conduct a wetland survey using the methodology contained in the 1987 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' (USACE) Wetland Delineation Manual and the Western Mountains Regional Supplement. The survey will evaluate soils, vegetation, and hydrology with respect to the federal methodology. The appropriate revised USACE Wetland Determination Data Forms will be used to record sample points for presence or absence of hydrophytic vegetation, hydric soil, and wetland hydrology. • Identify the wetland type/classification following HGM and Cowardin classification systems and categorize wetlands according to Montana Wetland Assessment Method (MWAM). Complete the MWAM forms. • Gather applicable data for each wetland or waterbody feature. Observations will be recorded on data sheets. • Utilize a global positioning system (GPS) device with sub -meter accuracy to record (survey) potential wetland or waterbody features with paired data points collected for each feature, and wetland polygons collected along the actual wetland limits. WESTON assumes the following to complete this activity: • Upon authorization, Sanderson Stewart will provide WESTON survey area boundaries that accurately depict the survey area including project area access. Sanderson Stewart will provide written rights -of -entry for identified properties. an employee -owned company 0 1TC1 sownons • WESTON will have safe and timely access to the survey property. WESTON will only survey areas with explicit permission for WESTON access. • It is assumed wetlands identified on site are limited in their extent and complexity so that they can be completely surveyed by the two -person field crew over a one -day period. • It is assumed that the field survey for this project will coincide with the field survey for the separate City of Bozeman Griffin Drive Improvement Project. Therefore, travel costs (i.e., vehicle rental, lodging, per diem etc.) and labor costs associated with the travel for the field survey staff are not included in this proposal. In the event these projects will not be performed in conjunction with one another, an amendment will be required in order to incorporate travel costs into this contract. • The findings and conclusions presented will be based solely on visual observations of the project area and interpretation of information provided or reasonably available to WESTON and will include the likely jurisdictional status of identified features. The official jurisdictional determination of features discussed in the report can only be made by the USACE, Omaha District. • Sanderson Stewart will incorporate collected GPS data into Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD) files. Geospatial data for the site, aquatic resource boundaries, wetland delineation, and data point locations will be provided in an Esri Shapefile format compatible with a Geographic Information System (GIS) system. Each Shapefile will be provided in the site's appropriate coordinate system and datum and attributes describing each feature. WESTON will evaluate and assess the baseline conditions and potential project effects to aquatic resources and document in a report. The report will describe the findings of the wetland delineation and waterbody assessment, including information reviewed, data collection, survey methods, results, conclusions, and recommendations. Maps of wetlands identified on the property, wetland and waterbody data sheets, and photographs will be included. Recommendations to reduce and/or eliminate adverse impacts will be described. If deemed necessary, potential mitigation alternatives will also be identified. If this project results in impacts to wetlands requiring mitigation, it is assumed that mitigation needs can be met through an available mitigation bank within the watershed. If a bank is not available, WESTON will provide an additional proposal to develop a project specific mitigation alternative. WESTON assumes submittal of a draft and final report in electronic format only. The draft report will be supplied in Microsoft Word and Adobe pdf format; the final document will be provided in pdf format only. As detailed in the attached cost estimate, the total cost for this effort is $7,505. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or would like to discuss this scope of services in detail. We look forward to working with you on this project. Very truly yours, Weston Solutions, Inc. Moriah Thunstrom, P.E. Senior Project Engineer Attachment: Cost Estimate m MAW= - SOLUTIONS cc: Mark Bell, P.G. Katie Mittmann Mindy McCarthy PROJECT: Story Mill Road Estimate Prepared By: Weston Solutions, Inc. DATE: 05/05/2020 Activity Tasks Total Hours Project Manager GIS Analyst Wetland Specialist Project Engineer Project Scientist Financial Analyst SURVEY PHASE ACTIVITIES 182 Wetland Delineation and Mitigation Alternatives Field Review, wetland assessment 28 18 10 GIS Wetland Maps 12 12 Mitigation Alternative Research 4 4 Draft Report 24 12 4 8 Final Report 1 4 2 2 QA/OC of Deliverables 2 2 SUBTOTAL (HOURS) 74 2 12 32 10 18 0 Contract Administration Contract Execution 2 2 Invoicing 6 3 3 Project Management 3 3 SUBTOTAL (HOURS) 11 8 0 0 0 3 TOTAL SURVEY PHASE HOURS 1 85 1 10 12 32 10 18 3 Revised 10/10/14 Page 1 of 2 IStoryMill Road Estimate Prepared By: Weston Solutions, Inc. I DATE: 05/05/2020 COST SUMMARY Hours % of total Rate Extension Project Manager - Thunstrom 10 12% 104.48 1,044.80 GIS Analyst-Beckley 12 14% 65.28 783.36 Wetland Specialist - Mittmann 32 38% 85.22 2,727.04 Project Engineer - McCarthy 10 12% 83.04 830.40 Project Scientist - Towarnicki 18 21% 51.97 935.46 Financial Analyst - Lewis 1 3 1 4%1 81.97 1 1 245.91 TOTAL HOURS 85 LABOR SUBTOTAL $6,566.97 GENERAL OVERHEAD @ o OVERHEAD SUBTOTAL $0.00 TOTAL LABOR/OVERHEAD I 1 1 $6,566.97 DIRECT NONLABOR Miscellaneous (Blueline pdnts, Lump Sum 0.00 Computer Hours 0 Per Hour 0.00 Title commitments Parcels 0 Per Parcel 0.00 Vehicle Rental Days 0 Per Day $6o GSA 0.00 Mileage Miles 0 Per Mile $0.580 GSA 0.00 Gasoline 0 Per Trip $60 0.00 Lodging Days 0 Per Day $113 GSA 0.00 Meals Days 0 Per Day $46 GSA 0.00 Meals Days 0 Per Day $61 0.00 Field Supplies (gps, flags, et 1 Per Trip $150 150.00 Airfare Roundtrip 0 1 Per Trip $500 0.00 Airport Parking jDays 1 0 Per Day $20 1 0 TOTAL DIRECT NONLABOR $150.00 OUTSIDE SERVICES AND SUBCONTRACTS RM Appraisals, Negotiation & Acquisition Soils/Geotechnical Survey/Report/Testing Cultural Resource Studies/Report Noise Study Traffic Study/Report Biological Resources Studies/Report Surveys Subsurface Utility Engineering (Phase II) Hazardous Materials (Initial Site Assessment) Landscaping Plans Electrical/Lighting Signalization etc Aerial Photography/Mapping Other MRL Temporary Occupance Permit and Flagger Drilling Contractor TOTAL OUTSIDE SERVICES AND SUBCONTRACTS RECAPITULATION Total Labor/ Overhead 6,566.97 Total Direct NonLabor 150.00 Total Outside Services & Subcontracts 0.00 Profit (12% of Total Labor Costs) 788.04 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $7,505.01 May 22, 2020 Ms. Danielle Scharf, PE Sanderson Stewart Via Email: dscharf@sandersonstewart.com Dear Danielle: 2511 Holman Avenue P. O. Box 80190 Billings, Montana 59108-0190 p: 406.652.3930; f: 406.652.3944 www.skgeotechnical.com Proposal P-20055 Re: Proposal for a Geotechnical Evaluation, Proposed Story Mill Drive Improvements, Bozeman, Montana As you requested, we are pleased to furnish this proposal for a geotechnical evaluation for the proposed Story Mill Drive improvement project. We will furnish the services described for a lump sum of $16,750 in accordance with our attached scope of services. If this proposal is acceptable, we have assumed you will prepare a subcontract agreement for our review and signature. Current scheduling would permit us to begin the fieldwork within about four to six weeks after authorization to proceed. We anticipate the fieldwork will take about three days including mobilization and demobilization. Approximately four to six weeks will then be required for laboratory testing and preparation of the engineering report, unless there are delays due to circumstances beyond our control. We appreciate the opportunity to present this proposal. If you have any questions, please contact us at your convenience. Sincerely, Cory G. Rice, PE Senior Engineer Attachments: Proposed Scope of Services Sanderson Stewart May 22, 2020 Proposal P-20055 Pave 2 Proposed Scope of Services Description of Project The purpose of the geotechnical evaluation will be to characterize and evaluate subsurface soil and groundwater conditions at the selected boring locations for the proposed Story Mill Drive improvement project. The information you provided indicates Story Mill Drive will be reconstructed and widened to a three -lane roadway with a center turn lane. New curb and gutter and sidewalk will be added to the portions south of Bridger Drive and the west leg of the Bridger Drive intersection. As part of the pavement improvements, additional storm drainage will also be installed to collect stormwater in a curb and gutter and subsurface piping system south of Bridger Drive. The portion north of Bridger Drive will be a rural section with a ditch for stormwater collection. The roadway improvements will have a total length of approximately 1,900 feet and will extend from the intersection with East Griffin Drive to Bridger Drive, and then about 700 feet north of Bridger Drive. Bridger Drive will receive a chip seal to provide a uniform surface. Although, consideration is being given to both a signalized intersection and a roundabout intersection at the Bridger Drive and Story Mill Road intersection. We will use the plans provided to establish desired boring locations. We have assumed the boring location swill be accessible to our truck mounted drill rig, and no towing, snow removal, or special site -preparation services will be required. To evaluate the widened areas, it will be necessary for us to access the private property both east and west of Story Mill Road. We have assumed landowner access will be provided for us to access these locations, and landowner access coordination will be completed by others. Access delays due to circumstances beyond our control could result in additional charges. We have also assumed our current insurance amounts are acceptable, and we can provide you with a certificate of insurance. Scope of Services Borehole Staldng and Permits. We propose to have a geotechnical engineer visit the site to perform an engineering reconnaissance of the existing pavement and stake the proposed boring locations. We will set stakes marked with the boring number having pink and blue ribbon tied near the top and use spray paint for borings in pavement. We request Sanderson Stewart survey the final drilled locations and provide the surveyed locations and ground surface elevations to us before preparing our report. We have assumed it will be necessary to obtain a permit from the City of Bozeman to complete the soil borings, and an MDT Sanderson Stewart May 22, 2020 Proposal P-20055 Page 3 encroachment permit for the borings near the intersection. We propose to subcontract Billings Construction Supply to provide traffic control while drilling. Soil Borings. We propose to provide a total of seven penetration test borings along the project. Five of the borings will be performed along Story Mill Road. We anticipate three of the borings will be performed within the existing pavement and two in the future widened areas. These borings will be extended to a depth of 10 feet. We also propose to perform two borings at diagonal corners of the intersection with Bridger Drive to evaluate future signal structures and the roundabout, if planned. These borings will be extended to a depth of 15 feet. These deeper borings will also assist in evaluating the depth to groundwater and anticipated trench subgrade conditions for storm drainage improvements. Penetration tests will be completed in the borings to assist in evaluating bearing capacities of the subsoils and to obtain representative samples for classification. The penetration tests will be conducted at 2 1/2 -foot intervals. Larger composite bag samples of the subgrade soils will also be obtained for California bearing ratio (CBR) testing. If groundwater is encountered, its depth will be recorded. Upon completion, we will backfill the boreholes with auger cuttings to the ground surface and place a cold mix asphalt patch for borings performed in paved areas. Laboratory Testing. The samples will be returned to our laboratory and visually classified and logged by a geotechnical engineer. Some routine laboratory tests may be conducted to assist us in evaluating the strength and compressibility of the soils. Depending on the subsurface conditions, typical tests are penetrometer, moisture content, sieve analysis, Atterberg limits, moisture density (Proctor), and CBR tests. Geotechnical Report. After the field and laboratory tests have been completed, the results will be analyzed and discussed with you. A geotechnical engineering report will then be prepared. The report will address the suitability of the soils to support the proposed storm drainage utilities and recommendations related to Type 2 bedding, if needed. We will also provide recommendations regarding reuse of on-site soils as utility trench backfill and recommendations for compaction. We will also provide recommended pavement sections for the reconstruction of Story Mill Drive. Since full reconstruction is planned, evaluation of rehabilitation alternatives, such as full -depth recycling, have not been included in our current scope of services. We have assumed primarily asphalt pavement surfaces are desired. If a roundabout is to be constructed for the intersection with Bridger Drive, a recommended Portland cement concrete pavement alternative will be provided. For this alternative design traffic data will be needed from Sanderson Stewart or MDT since it will be subjected to the Bridger Drive traffic. The geotechnical report will be prepared on an 8 1/2- by 11 -inch letter format containing details of our recommendations. One electronic copy will be emailed to you followed by a hard copy in the mail. Sanderson Stewart Proposal P-20055 May 22, 2020 Paae 4 Utility Clearance. SK Geotechnical will contact the local utilities one -call number to notify the local telephone, electric, gas, sewer, water, and cable TV companies to determine the location of underground utilities. We request that you or your authorized representative notify the SK Geotechnical project manager immediately of the presence and location of any underground objects on private property which are not the responsibility of public utilities. Our services do not include subcontracting a private utility locator or conducting additional research to identify other utilities. SK Geotechnical will take reasonable precautions to avoid underground objects. In authorizing this contract, you agree to waive any claim against SK Geotechnical and will indemnify and hold SK Geotechnical harmless from any claim of liability, injury, or loss allegedly arising from our damaging of underground objects that were not called to our attention prior to beginning the work. Story Mill Reconstruction - Wetland Delineation and Geotechnical Analysis SANDE RSO N=W T EWART r► Plan Name: Story Mill Reconstruction - Wetland Delineation & Geotechnical Analysis Project Scoping Project Administrator 1.001 75.00 Senior Engineer 1 2.00 290.00 Senior Engineer II for Project Initiation 1.00 4.00 170.00 535.00 WetlanJwneagHJ Task: Project Management and Coordination Senior Engineer 1 6.001 1 870.00 Senior Engineer II 2.00 340.00 Sub -total for Wetland Delineation 8.00 1,210.00 Sub -consultants Direct Fee 7,505.00 Total for Wetland Delineation 8,715.00 Task: Project Management and Coordination Senior Engineer Senior Enoineer 11 Sub -total for Geotechnical Analysis & Report I 8.00 I 1,21 Sub -consultants Direct Fee 16,75 Total for Geotechnical Analysis & Report 17,96 Total for Story Mill Reconstruction - Wetland Delineation & Geotechnical Analysis 27,21