HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-07-05 ----- ....-.---.--......- ...-.-..-.----.-. THE CITY OF B 0 Z E MAN, MONTANA COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA Tuesday, July 5, 2005 A. Call to Order - 7:00 p.m. - Gallatin County Courthouse B. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence C. Minutes - March 21, June 6, June 13, June 20 and June 27, 2005 D. Consent Items- 1. Ordinance No. 1642 - zone map amendment - amend the zone map by amending the zoning designation from "R-2", Residential- Two-household, Medium-density, to "M-1 ", Light Manufacturing, on 0.346 acres lying along the east side of Broadway Avenue, immediately south of vacated Davis Street; finally adopt 2. Ordinance No. 1643 - providing for the appointment of an Assistant City Manager; providing for five administrative departments; authorizing the City Manager to reorganize functions and divisions under the city departments; and eliminating conflicting provisions to said authorizations; provisionally adopt and bring back in two weeks for final adoption 3. Commission Resolution No. 3811 - certifying delinquent semi-annual assessments as of May 31,2005, to the County 4. Commission Resolution No. 3812 - reimbursement resolution for Durston Road project extending westward from North 19th Avenue 5. Commission Resolution No. 3813 - approving application for tax reduction for new and expanding business from LigoCyte Pharmaceuticals 6. Acknowledge receipt of staff report - request for annexation of 3.1 acres described as Tracts 17 and 19, Homesite Addition (A-05003) (Ben Ehreth) 7. Commission Resolution No. 3814 - intent to annex 3.1 acres described as Tracts 17 and 19, Homesite Addition; set public hearing for August 1, 2005 8. Commission Resolution No. 3815 - authorize Acting City Manager to sign Change Order No.3 for remodel of the second floor of the Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building - R&R Taylor Construction, Inc. - deduct $9,156 9. Commission Resolution No. 3816 - authorize Acting City Manager to sign Change Order No.4 for remodel of the second floor of the Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building - R&R Taylor Construction, Inc. - add $879 10. Commission Resolution No. 3817 - authorize Acting City Manager to sign Change Order NO.1 for Valley Center Road/North 19th Avenue project - JTL Group, Inc., Belgrade, Montana - deduct $363,977 11. Request for extension of three-year period for installation of sidewalks for Cattail Creek Subdivision, Phase II, to November 12, 2006, the third anniversary of the plat recordation (Dave Skelton) 12. Acknowledge receipt of request from Tech Ranch for business incubator tax abatement; refer to staff 13. Ratify City Manager's signature on Property Management Agreement for property at 1811 Durston Road - Aspen Properties 14. Authorize Acting City Manager to sign - Agreement with Heart of the Valley, Inc., for operation of the humane society, 2125 North Rouse Avenue 15. Authorize Acting City Manager to sign - Sewer and Water Pipeline and Access Easement and Agreement from Gallatin County - across east side of Law and Justice Center property City Commission meetings are open to all members of the public. If you have a disability that requires assistance, please contact our ADA Coordinator, Ron Brey, at 582-2306 (TOO 582-2301 J- Page 1 of 4 - ---...-----"...----. ------- 16. Authorize Acting City Manager to sign - Release and Reconveyance of Easement(s)- across Law and Justice Center property 17. Acknowledge receipt of third quarterly update on goals for Clerk of Commission's office for FY 2005 18. Claims Motion and vote to approve, and authorize and direct the appropriate persons to complete the necessary actions E. Public comment This is the time for individuals to comment on matters falling within the purview of the Bozeman City Commission. There will also be an opportunity in conjunction with each agenda item for comments pertaining to that item. Please limit your comments to 3 minutes. F. Public Hearings - Please state name and address in an audible tone of voice for the record 1. Conditional Use Permit with Certificate of Appropriateness to allow construction of car wash facility on 0.937 acres located at 1105 Reeves Road West - JJKG & Associates, Inc., for Stiff Cheese, LLC (northeast corner of intersection of Reeves Road West and Enterprise Road) (Z-05063) (Susan Kozub) a. Public hearing Open public hearing; listen to staff presentation; listen to applicant's presentation; accept public testimony; close public hearing b. Decision Any Commissioner discussion/comments; motion and vote (to or not to approve) 2. Preliminary plat for minor subdivision - subdivide 1.66 acres along east side of Bridger Center Drive into four industrial lots - B&K Holdings, LLC (P-05023) (Susan Kozub) a. Public hearing Open public hearing; listen to staff presentation; listen to applicant's presentation; accept public testimony; close pUblic hearing b. Decision Any Commissioner discussion/comments; motion and vote (to or not to approve) 3. Preliminary plat for Oak Springs Subdivision - subdivide 78.05 acres lying along north side of Durston Road at Meagher Avenue extended into 188 single-household lots, 115 townhouse lots and 8 two-household residential lots; with variances from Section, to allow blocks to exceed 400 foot maximum, from Section, to allow full access onto Durston Road an West Oak Street from Yellowstone Avenue and Meagher Avenue, and from Section, to allow construction of cul-de-sac at end of Skylar Avenue; and relocation of 2.195 acres of dedicated parkland approximately 800 feet west from present location and aggregation of parkland - C&H Engineering and Surveying for McDonald Land Company and Douglas L. Smith (P-05019) (Dave Skelton) a. Public hearing Open public hearing; listen to staff presentation; listen to applicant's presentation; accept public testimony; close public hearing b. Decision Any Commissioner discussion/comments; motion and vote (to or not to approve) Page 2 of 4 4. Zone Map Amendment - amend zoning from "R-S", Residential-Suburban, to "R-O", Residential-Office, on 11.53 acres lying along the west side of Haggerty Lane, south of its intersection with Ellis Street - Farmhouse Partners for Bozeman Deaconess Hospital (Z-05080) (Jody Sanford) a. Public hearing Open public hearing; listen to staff presentation; listen to applicant's presentation; accept public testimony; close public hearing b. Decision Any Commissioner discussion/comments; motion and vote (to or not to initially approve and authroize and direct staff to bring back an ordinance enacting the amendment) 5. Conditional Use Permit to amend previously approved Planned Unit Development - amend West Winds Subdivision Planned Unit Development to delete Condition No. 27, pertaining to affordable housing and assisted living, and amend Condition No. 31, pertaining to parkland dedication - HKM Engineering for Cascade Development (161.3 acres generally bounded by West Oak Street, North 27th Avenue, Baxter Lane and Fowler Avenue) (Z-04050) (Jami Morris) a. Public hearing Open public hearing; listen to staff presentation; listen to applicant's presentation; accept public testimony; close public hearing b. Decision Any Commissioner discussion/comments; motion and vote (to or not to approve) 6. Preliminary plat for Creekwood Subdivision - subdivide 37.66 acres located at 2215 Bridger Drive into 53 single-household lots - Gaston Engineering & Surveying for Snowload LLC (P-05016) (Jami Morris) a. Public hearing Open public hearing; listen to staff presentation; listen to applicant's presentation; accept public testimony; close pUblic hearing b. Decision Any Commissioner discussion/comments; motion and vote (to or not to approve) 7. Conditional Use Permit for Creekwood Planned Unit Development - allow development of 37.66 acres located at 2215 Bridger Drive, with relaxations from Section, to allow 30-percent density bonus, from Section 18.42.040.B., to allow block lengths to exceed 400 feet; from Section 18.42.040.C., to allow block widths less than 200 feet; and from Section . 18.50.060 to allow dedicated parkland to have less than 50 percent perimeter street frontage - Gaston Engineering & Surveying for Snowload LLC (Z-05085) (Jami Morris) a. Public hearing Open public hearing; listen to staff presentation; listen to applicant's presentation; accept public testimony; close public hearing b. Decision Any Commissioner discussion/comments; motion and vote (to or not to approve) Page 3 of 4 G. Commission Action Items 1. Review of application for loan from the CDBG Economic Development Revolving Loan Fund - BioScience Laboratories (Tracey Jette) Listen to report from staff; listen to presentation from application; accept public comment; motion and vote (to or not to approve) H. Commission Discussion/Non-Action Items 1. Discussion - FYI Items - Updates from City Manager and other staff members - Updates from Commissioners I. Adjournment Motion and vote to adjourn Page 4 of 4