HomeMy WebLinkAboutHistorical-page2-04-09-19HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE Justify how the pe6ons, imporlant evenls, anllbr histodcal patlerns associated wilh the structure/site and sunoundlng area lend thE propeny slgnificance. Research ln the sourqes consulted,nn tiris survey has nbi stgni.f,leant hlstorleal lnfe-.rmation !.concerning persons or"absoclated with this property. , Ii Thls strucfuro ls an lntruslve alement rtthln a potenflal hlsforlc dlstrlcf, ylelded any e:ents lg8{ IIITEORITY: tusess lha d€9rc6 to whlch tho structutdsltq and sunounding arca accuralely oonvoy tha hlstorical a$oclat,om ot thg property. The hlstorlc lntegrtty of fhls prop€rty has not been refalned due to change ln orlg Inal deslgn and materlals. NfOlSrFPtl VALUE Explaln how tho oxirnt struc-lurgrslts may dsmonltr*s orylsld intomstion about its historlc uso or construe tlon. ' ' FORII PREPARED BIt Nanr -.P. C. EJti 8163 Atlrl D h.*AUO OEOO RAPHICAL IN FORIIIATIOI{: